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Triangle Strategy |OT| Run Past Through the Plain


Resident Cheap Arse
Played some more and up to chapter 9 now

Had one particularily challenging battle where I was determined to avoid "collateral damage" but found myself so hard pressed I eventually had to give in and concede some in order to take the win. Made for a good challenge and tense fight as there were multiple times I really thought I could pull it off only to have enemy reinforcements bugger my plan or the AI actually work around my planned traps.

Also had my first failure to sway the story progression. Thought I'd done enough to sway people into voting the way I wanted the story to progress only for them to go and do the complete opposite. Frustrating but in a good way. It's a nice change of pace having to think through your choices and seeing which ones will produce what results. More and more as the story goes on I seem to see my choices limiting my dialogue options or opening up certain paths. Maybe it's not that clever but on my first playthrough at least it seems all my actions are having consequences further down the line.


Great game, really enjoying the story, and these battles are no joke, even on normal difficulty.

Chapter 7 Spoilers: I went the "Protect Roland" route, and now I have to defend the town from Avlora + many many enemies.

They give us the option to use the traps around the town, but at the cost of burning down the villagers houses. I'm always a goody two shoes first run through a game, so I don't want to use these traps, but holeeeee sheeet, the amount of enemies is no joke.

Was doing well with a turtling strategy, then reinforcements spawned right next to my left flank, the same time as Avlora moved in and absolutely wrecked me, she hits like a truck!

Even though I got wrecked, I can't wait to get stuck back in and give it another go later!


I just reached the point where the first demo began when the game was first shown, and boy did the game really pick up. The first three chapters where very story-heavy, but chapter 5 really brought in some interesting battles and the story became extremely interesting. Will have to continue tonight to see where this is going.

I read that the game seems to be doing quitr well in Japan. The physical run was sold out, so the game sells well on eShop as well. Outside of Japan the sales are more conservative, but reportedly on par with Bravely Default II. Hope this sells well on the long run.


Quick tip for this, it's a system I've not seen before in a game like this. People may already know this but I didn't so just throwing it out there.

If you're in a battle that is going badly, and you've gained a lot of exp during said battle but you know you can't win / about to be wiped out, you can essentially take the loss and retreat.

However you keep the gained exp / levels you got in that battle and it puts you right back to before the battle started.

I'm not sure how I feel about it tbh, but from the perspective of a time saver, after putting close to an hour into a battle only to lose, it's nice to get something out of that time spent.


Even though I got wrecked, I can't wait to get stuck back in and give it another go later!

I've playing SRPGs for over 20 years and that was one of the most desperate battles I've had in a game - not using the traps makes it much, much harder. Reminded me of Wiegraf's boss battle in FFT, which was also extremely hard but for different reasons.


I've playing SRPGs for over 20 years and that was one of the most desperate battles I've had in a game - not using the traps makes it much, much harder. Reminded me of Wiegraf's boss battle in FFT, which was also extremely hard but for different reasons.

Yep, this battle, if you don't want to utilize the trap mechanic, is tough as nails.

Took me quite a few goes to do it, so I'll stick my own tactics in a spoiler so as to not ruin it for anyone giving it a go:
I turtled up in the top left corner of the map, as it has just the 2 tile width stairs to get up there. Erador and Seranoa as my tanks, Roland behind to stab through then with the 2 tile spear attack, healers and buffers in the back.
The key for me was 3 things:
-- I lined the roof on the left with Hughette, Julio, Frederica and Narve, raining down spells on the incoming units before they hit my front line, especially Hughette, who was using Shadowstitching Arrow on the odd unit to limit the incoming volume of units
-- Julio is a godsend here, his TP gain ability with additional magic attack boost kept Frederica fed with TP to just constantly use Binding Chains to almost one shot the tanky Shieldbearer units every time as well. Without him fueling her every time, she wouldn't be firing off anywhere near as many spells.
-- The entire right side of the map, I used Anna, on her own, alternating between stalling units by throwing poison bottles and running away, and then hiding to survive with take cover before popping out to annoy enemies again lol

Honestly, one of the most fun battles I've done in a SRPG in a long time.


So which early bonus party members have you guys liked?
Narve is pretty good with his mix of magic and healing, just got Hossabara and I'm thinking about leveling her up too as she seems like a useful frontline healer.

How is the game? As akin to FFT and Ogre Battle LUCT? Battle system as deep? Story?

I'm really enjoying the game.
The battle system is pretty straightforward (I'm still only like 4 hours in) but offers up a good challenge thanks to pretty good enemy AI that can punish you quickly if you screw up.
One thing that has been fun and has added depth is that at least so far every character is unique, so for example you'll have multiple characters that can heal but they all work differently. One has a single target heal with a long range, another one has an AoE heal on a shorter range, one can only heal adjacent units and works more like healing warrior, etc.

The story so far (like 4-5 hours in) has been enjoyable. The opening is pretty slow as the game takes its time to set up the world, characters and current state of things. But now I'm at the point where it's really starting to pick up.
Be aware though that there's A LOT of story so if you don't like to sit through lengthy and frequent scenes of characters talking the game might not be for you.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'm going through the game slow. Basically play it in bed for about 30 min before passing out.

Beat the chapter 3 final battle. Honestly pretty challenging. I think the game is great. Might try to put in a bigger session this weekend.


So which early bonus party members have you guys liked?

Narve is great yeah, having aoe healing and aoe damage on one character I think will be invaluable when you can only bring so many units and he can fill 2 roles.

Julio is in every team I field, his ability to restore TP to people is fantastic.

I definitely recommend searching every exploration area thoroughly as well, I've picked up some fantastic accessories on the ground a few times now. Well worth searching out those sparkles!


I know Serenoa is already spoken for and all but I'm making all my choices to try and get closer to Avlora. Still early on. Let's see if he can befriend her.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
My copy got delayed, now arriving Friday. :( Sometimes living in the middle of nowhere sucks.

Hope everyone is having fun though!
Scheduled delivery: today. 4 states away.

I feel like I should give up on owning physical copies of games sometimes.
Playing this. I mostly like it, but it feels like 80% of the game us cutscenes. I'm only 4 or 5 hours in, so we'll see if it picks up.


The nicest person on this forum
Playing this. I mostly like it, but it feels like 80% of the game us cutscenes. I'm only 4 or 5 hours in, so we'll see if it picks up.
It’s story heavy game but the battles are really good and I’m currently in ch 10 and I’m really liking the story.
Around 6 hours in and it is excellent. The story is pretty interesting so far, I love the art direction and the UI design (Octopath also had a really good one). There might be a little too much story going on as of now but the battles so far have been worth it and fun.


Resident Cheap Arse
So, up to chapter 13 but the number of branches I've gone through means that there is quite a lot of potential variation for the game and battles on replay. Or at last that is how it looks and feels based upon how the game has moved with my decisions.

Battles actually keep getting better. Resources are a lot scarcer than I expected so you have to really think about where you're going to spend them, which characters you'll invest in and what added utility you want to go for. I'm getting to a point where money is getting low and available materials so tight that each upgrade really has to count. Characters are also starting to really come into their own as they are upgraded and promoted. I have a small few standouts who always come into battle whereas others tend to go on rotation and a small few simply don't see any use as I couldn't afford to spread the xp and cost that thin.

Anna is a champ. Straight out the gate I send her out to hunt healers/mages/archers (in that order) and thanks to her conceal and surmount abilities she can move quickly to the back of the enemy lines to start her murder spree. Strongly recommend upgrading her attack and evasion as well as promoting her as soon as possible.

And then there's Erador... that magnificent meatshield who I initially thought was a bit shit. His attack is poor and he's slow, but once you start putting the resources into him you get one of the most useful fighters in the team. The guy is a tank, pure and simple. I popped a defence boost ring on him and immediately he became capable of tying up multiple enemies at once. Get him promoted and he gains a passive that reduces damage from the rear and learns another passive that allows him to counter attack physical attacks.

The result:


And then you add in his provoke:


And that's a whole bunch of enemies tied up beating on him while your mages bring down AOE fire, ice and lightning to clear the crowds.

Still got my arse kicked on one of the camp missions though. Ai can be damn sneaky when it wants to be.

Great game so far. I'm genuinely enjoying it. It is very narrative heavy so expect to spend as much time in the story, exploration and decision segments as the battles. I don't mind because the story branching and impact of decisions is proving quite compelling, but it may turn some off.
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How is the game? As akin to FFT and Ogre Battle LUCT? Battle system as deep? Story?
As a diehard FFT and Tactics Ogre fan, I do recommend this game.

But its different from the aforementioned games.

Story wise: Unlike FFT and TO, the story segment is very heavy, it was clearly inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire, the pace is a bit of slow, but very grounded.

Gameplay wise: Very different, more like Fire Emblem than FFT/TO, you don't have generic recruit where you can build the class from ground up and customize their abilities. Each character is preset with their specialties.

So far I'm enjoying this game a lot.

You will like it too if you set your expectation correct, its more like a Game of Throne Story + Fire Emblem Progression + Tactics Ogre Art style and Camera
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Can confirm that the game just gets better and better as you play, I think I'm around chapter 12 or 13, and the last mission I played was just incredible.

I used to groan and roll my eyes when people uttered the phrase "emergent storytelling", but I don't know how else to describe some of the things that happen in these battles.

My spy turned assassin uses her surmount ability to leap onto the crow's nest of an enemy warship and then her act twice ability allows her to slash at the lone archer hidden up there, who has been sniping off my army one by one up until now. Wounded, the archer runs to the other side of the perch and frantically nocks and fires an arrow, only to miss my spy. His death is swift.

Meanwhile, the enemy general charges to the rear of the ship, where my fragile healer was avoiding the brunt of the fighting. The enemy general kills my healer with one swing from her giant longsword and turns to Serenoa, who gave chase after her. After trading blows, the general gives a final mighty slash, connecting with Serenoa and sending his body crumpling onto the floor. However, no sooner did Serenoa's body hit the ground did the revival earring on his ear sparkle. Revived and completely healed of wounds, Serenoa lept back to his feet and delivered a fierce counterattack, killing the general and ending the battle.

Also, I don't think the game mentions this outside of the terrain info box but lightning magic travels through metal just like it does water. Can't wait to play more tomorrow!


Gameplay wise: Very different, more like Fire Emblem than FFT/TO, you don't have generic recruit where you can build the class from ground up and customize their abilities. Each character is preset with their specialties.

I respectfully disagree. Fire Emblem, like Langrisser, is a “all friendly units at once” type of SRPG, whereas Triangle Strategy follows the FFT/TO model where every unit moves in its own tempo, based on its speed stat.

There is no job/class system like in FFT but this is a SRPG firmly in the Square/Quest tradition.


I respectfully disagree. Fire Emblem, like Langrisser, is a “all friendly units at once” type of SRPG, whereas Triangle Strategy follows the FFT/TO model where every unit moves in its own tempo, based on its speed stat.

There is no job/class system like in FFT but this is a SRPG firmly in the Square/Quest tradition.
Fire Emblem Progression
You should quote my entire message, each character comes with preset attribute and skillset, class is promoted in a linear fashion, you have no generic character, but special character to fulfill the utility of the typical role such as archer, warriors, mages.

Yes on the battle field they do behave more like Tactics Ogre with both speed factor and elevation. but that's about it gameplay wise

Even the Equipment system is like Fire Emblem, where your unit comes with preset weapon, you can't change it like in Tactics Ogre
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I'm a decent way through ch 10 now. I had to spend a bunch of time grinding in order to level up my convictions so I could get a vote to go the way I wanted, but I finally got it. The upside was the battle I had to do later was fairly easy since by that point I was slightly overleveled.


Chapter VII battle Spoilers
A little overleveled but did not take the best composition and did not want to burn any buildings.

Getting nearly overrun here. Some dead and some with low HP. Backs literally against the walls.
Jens the blacksmith set launcher traps and used nets to delay the enemy as long as he could until he fell.
Narve the sage did some aoe ice damage and heals for a while but got one shot pretty early on leaving me with no healer. The ice and water helped with the stair defense.
Anna the spy was all over the battlefield getting hits in and going back into stealth.
Hughette was super helpful blinding the soldiers but would have been much better with haste.
Julio was MVP he was the first to engage Avlora in melee combat and it must have pissed her off because she kept attacking him but he could survive a few hits thanks to healing items and defensive buffs.
Rudolph at low hp got the most kills while falling back. Hughette came down from the house to get in range for a shot and was quickly cut down by Avlora. Julio too fell to Avlora and soldiers.
So many enemies were surviving with 1-4 hp it made things troublesome.
Anna was lucky to dodge one attack from Avlora and got some back attacks in but the next attack did not miss.

Benedict had enough points to use the ability to let Roland take a turn right after and he ended up getting the killing blow. Justice served.

Close battle. This game is cool!


The nicest person on this forum
That story decision in in Ch XI was rough(in good way), I can’t wait to see we’re the story takes me.



This is great news, as I hoped the game would be success for the developers. For context, Octopath Traveler sold 1 million in 3 weeks, while Bravely Default II only reached it after the PC version released. Triangle Strategy should easily sell 1 million worldwide this year. And the next game from Team Asano is just around the corner.

I'm currently in chapter XIV and the game has been surprisingly good. Both story and gameplay.


I've finished the game yesterday, I've chosen the Hyzante Route, the last few battle are very challenging (normal difficulty), be prepared.

Overall a very nice touch on the SRPG genre.

Three strong point of the game:

1. Very grounded story that align with the reality, no more Hero save the world from monster nonsense, accompanied by amazing voice acting.

2. The game is very challenging in a good way, unlike most JRPG where difficulty are introduced by cheap enemy stats, this game's difficulty is by powerful A.I. the enemy will try to out position you everyway they can by utilizing movement, terrain, heights etc.

3. Choice actually matters, there are no perfect decision in the game, every choice have its merit and a price to pay, and player could actually feel the burden that was placed upon the protagonist..

I gave this game a 9.5/10 from a SRPG standard

Play time is around 50 hours with some grinding involved

Highly recommend to Fire Emblem and Tactics Ogre lovers.
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14 hours in and I'm not sure if I'll keep it on hard.

I'm enjoying the challenge but it does feel a bit cheap. Enemies do SO much more damage than my units, like a random enemy soldier will take away 80% of the health from my casters or archers in a single attack. Meanwhile my guys do like 30% to them. Boss (or unique) enemies are also a bit annoying in how they seem to be immune to all debufs.

Other than that still really enjoying it.
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The nicest person on this forum
Just finished ch 17. I was able to unlock the "true" ending path. Still really enjoying the game. As of right now, it's my frontrunner for goty.
Same here even tho I enjoyed the crap out of Elden Ring I think Triangle Strategy is my GOTY year so far because I’m much more invested to its character and its world in TS than I ever was with Elden Ring.
I bought it yesterday and the first chapter was every bit as enjoyable as I expected it to be. I like the dialogue choices a lot. This game is very text-heavy as everyone pointed out but I appreciate the care that went into introducing characters properly and showing the dynamics between them.

Can someone tell me how many chapters are in total and what the requirements for the true ending are?


I bought it yesterday and the first chapter was every bit as enjoyable as I expected it to be. I like the dialogue choices a lot. This game is very text-heavy as everyone pointed out but I appreciate the care that went into introducing characters properly and showing the dynamics between them.

Can someone tell me how many chapters are in total and what the requirements for the true ending are?
About 18 chapters, give or take. There is some variation based on the route you take.
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