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Triangle Strategy |OT| Run Past Through the Plain


The nicest person on this forum
I just finished one of the runs and good lord this was a great experience. Reviews were way too hard on this one. It's the best jrpg I've played in years.
I agree, as someone who enjoyed FE Three Houses, I personally would say Triangle Strategy is better game.


The nicest person on this forum
Oh much better. For one the AI is a lot better in triangle. It doesn't wait for you to enter a certain spot for the enemy to react.
Ohhh yeah, the AI often takes advantage of back attacks and follow up attacks, even their archers go to high place for bigger damage.


Just completed the "golden route " of the game. Overall, this game had a really engrossing story that kept me wanting to play more to see how it all turned out. In addition, I highly enjoyed the gameplay, retro style graphics and music as well. Like I said earlier, this is my early goty.


I beat this game today, and the experience was wonderful. I did not get the true ending, and tried to get Frederica's route, but couldn't sway my comrades, therefore Benedict's route was chosen. The ending was somewhat bittersweet, as Serenoa was clearly just a pawn, altough he understood it completely. Altough I have not time to replay the game right away, I hope they'll make a sequel one day. When that time comes, I will try to unlock the golden route.

And I have to say I find Fredrrica extremely cute, both in her sorite form and also in artwork. One of my MVP's in battle as well.


The nicest person on this forum
I'm in chapter 17, the decision between Fredrrica, Benedict and Roland suggestion.

I haven't decided yet but.....


Switching to normal made me enjoy it more. It's definitely easier now though it still offers a decent challenge and I feel like I'm getting more from the characters. I can now do things like use Anna an assassin outside of very specific circumstances because she doesn't need 3-4 turns of backstabs to kill someone. The archer units also feel more useful now that they actually do damage.
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The nicest person on this forum
Switching to normal made me enjoy it more. It's definitely easier now though it still offers a decent challenge and I feel like I'm getting more from the characters. I can now do things like use Anna an assassin outside of very specific circumstances because she doesn't need 3-4 turns to of backstabs to kill someone. The archer units also feel more useful now that they actually do damage.
Yeah, for your first playthrough I would say Normal is much better choice and still gives you decent challenge because AI is pretty smart compare to other SRPGs.


For any of you that are having trouble with Hard Mode, Jens is going to be your new god.

Any stage with a hill or high ground, climb up the ladder, having 3 character surround the the only opening on top of that hill, enemy that climbs up will be surrounded and killed, if enemy try to find another way up use trap to keep bounce enemy away, fall damage is also no joke, especially in Hard mode, with weapon upgrade, the trap cost only 1 TP. have rest of your unit either rain down arrow or magic.

This works in a lot of stage except for those flat ones, many character have incredible synergy with Jens too. For example use Rudolph trap on that opening space to make any enemy lose its turn when they climb up, he is also a good archer that natural works well with this strategy. Another example is Erador for pushing enemy off cliff if they have multiple entrance of making to the top, he alone could block one entrance. Narve could also create conductive terrain where hey could paralyze enemy in an AOE when they try to find their way up, with Julio to keep the TP up all the time. Also, in this strategy, poison+oil+fire is your best friend as it does not scale down with hard mode and you have plentiful time to wait it out.

This character is extremely broken, he opens up so many possibility with he skillset, and no enemy unit have similar skillset either, making him extremely unique. Imaging if enemy could build ladder and lay traps.

When I first start playing this game, I hate these stage with hills, but now I can't never go back to flat terrain anymore.
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Resident Cheap Arse
So, finally finished my first playthrough of the game. Final play time ~50 hours and that was without doing much in the way of grinding on the mental mock battles.

Excellent game. I really mean that. I had a great time with it and both the story and the combat delivered.

The story is very much inspired by Game of Thrones, there's a hell of a lot of intrigue, revelations, double crosses and twists, but interestingly enough it's all very much driven from your choices and how your conviction score balances out based upon those decisions. There is a lot of talking and story segments in between the battles but in all honesty I grew to enjoy them every bit as much as the battles as the story progressed and I got to see more and more how events branched off and how heavily the story is swayed by my decisions. Credit to the writers, it's almost like a visual novel meets one of those old pick your own adventure books. I also found myself feeling a bit uncomfortable with some of the choices I had to make, particularily towards the end but it was all due to the path I'd taken and the past chocies I'd made leading me to a difficult choice or leaving me lacking the required conviction to sway others to the choice I wanted.

The battles are solid and can really test you. Your units never really feel overpowered and can be easily overwhelmed by a couple of enemy grunts if you aren't careful. The tide can turn against you surprisingly quickly and you need to be careful positioning even the best of your forces lest they go down in a single turn before you have a chance to get them out of danger or get support to them. There's also a definite Fire Emblem inspiration going on here - not a lot, the FFT core is still there but the characters in this feel very unique both in character and utility in the way FE tends to work it's characters. It's a good thing they adopted this and it adds to the strategy and function of the units. I did find a couple of strategies towards the end which allowed me to wreck the last 3 battles taking out and/or severely weakening half a dozen or more enemy units before they could even move but I imagine this will be less effective on hard.

Resources are tricky. You don't get enough to fully upgrade everyone, nor even enough to fully upgrade the core units you do have so tough choices have to be made. I had the misfortune of focussing resources on one character who ended up leaving my forces due to my story choices and that was a bitter pill to swallow, but it did nonetheless add to the game and drove home the gravity of your moral choices.

The ending I got was... not so happy, despite my efforts to do the right thing, but that just makes me want to go back and try some different choices and some different paths. This game really does feel old school in that it's clearly designed to be replayed. There are just so many options and different paths, so many characters I wasn't able to recruit, some I never met and god knows how many other maps and battles I missed on the route I took. It's a game that wants you to replay it again and again and which wants to offer a multitude of different things for you to discover which will make each playthrough different. In the current age of one and done single player experiences it's a refreshing hark back to when games were made to be replayed.

Voice acting improved greatly. Soundtrack is great.

One of my favorite tracks:

Inevitably I have to compare it to my personal favorite SRPG of this generation, Fire Emblem Three Houses. At this time I say FE3H is the better game, but I've yet to do a second playthrough of Triangle Strategy as I did with FE3H so my opinion may yet change. Triangle Strategy is an absolutely brilliant game though. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.


The nicest person on this forum
nevitably I have to compare it to my personal favorite SRPG of this generation, Fire Emblem Three Houses.
I highly enjoyed 3 Houses but I definitely say I personally enjoyed Triangle Strategy more, from the combat, to map design, and how the story told.


Currently on the final chapter
Frederica Route
and will hopefully finish it tonight. I can't wait to start up a new game+ and try to recruit all the secret characters and go for the true ending.
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Finished off a boss with Frederica's melee attack (book attack) while Serenoa was asleep.

"Gomen nasai!" *bonk*


My favorite track

And this

Triangle Strategy きみの 価値観 をはかる Tactics Triangle Strategy まさに試され る正義とは Moral Benefit and Freedom 3 つの信念が てらすそれは運命定める天秤の 示す正義 Triangle Strategy それは生きざ まをかけた Tactics (戦い) Triangle Strategy いまも試され る正義とは Triangle Strategy みなで選び取 る明日の Tactics (明日への) Triangle Strategy それは運命の 選択だ こんな展開は思いもしないから 違う気持ち どうして動かし道を 拓けば良いの? Moral Benefit and Freedom 3 つの選択を 計るそれは運命 定める天秤の示 す正義 思い強く持ち切り拓け (拓け) 君 の道 心に空かける一羽の鷹の様な (心に孤独な戦い) 誇りと揺るがぬ情熱を秘めて 歩き続けよう貫いて(貫け) 君の 夢 心を動かして一つの気持ちでいざ! (心を一つになって 戦乱の大地ノゼリア 奇跡も味方に Triangle Strategy きみの 価値観 をはかる Tactics Triangle Strategy きみの価値観 をはかる Tactics Triangle Strategy まさに試され る正義とは Triangle Strategy みなの信念を のせた Tactics Triangle Strategy それは天秤に 託す正義
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Finished it yesterday going with the Benedict route. Seemed like the most logical choice to me, though I still made save before because I want to see how the Frederica route plays out
Really enjoyed this game. The gameplay, story and decisions were all really well made, it made we wish we'd get more JRPG's with more grounded and a bit more mature stories like this.

Really liked the ending I got too, it was somewhat bleak but realistic. (Also Roland is an idiot)


The nicest person on this forum
Really liked the ending I got too, it was somewhat bleak but realistic. (Also Roland is an idiot)
I liked his very flawed character, this guy IS NOT fit to be king, he was much more interested getting revenge than governing a country, so much so that he was willing to just give all the power to Hyzante.


I liked his very flawed character, this guy IS NOT fit to be king, he was much more interested getting revenge than governing a country, so much so that he was willing to just give all the power to Hyzante.

Yeah I liked the character too in how he was flawed, wish we'd get more characters like him instead of generic anime stereotypes on other JRPG's.

Still an idiot though. My ending basically ends with a scene of him being all "I'm so hurt by the pain of the people!!. Serenoa you have failed the weak!" and it's like "dude....you wanted to hand over the country to the only nation that literally employs slave labor"
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The nicest person on this forum
I went with Frederica's route and overwrite all my save for all decision I made in the game because I want to face all the consequences of my choice I made

At that time I thought I made noble decision trying to save Rosellans because they suffered enough but in the end Serenoa dies and Rosellans might have been saved but entire Norzelia got fucked.
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Just finished the game, Frederica route. I was genuinely impressed all the way through. I almost passed on it because of the plodding demo but it picks up dramatically after those initial hours, the story is fantastic and I never got tired of the battles. I rarely replay games nowadays but If I had the time and patience I would definitely play through this one again. It seems that it would be a very different experience story wise if you went in different directions at all the branching paths.


The nicest person on this forum
Loving this game. It's like Square from Tactics days had a baby with Bioware before they fell off. But damnit

Why did my team vote to surrender Roland? Fucking cowards
I like how people will have different experience depending on their team’s decisions. Usually in games with decision making you are the only one who get to decide but in this game your team members also make decisions and sometimes may not agree with you.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Finally beat the game, Benedict path. Man ... the ending was really good. I thought I could take a break to move onto other stuff but I think I'll be playing this again almost immediately.

The game is a masterpiece.


Resident Cheap Arse
Okay, just finished a NG+ playthrough of the game so going to revive this thread like my favorite self-resurrecting character from Triangle Strategy

Without giving too much away, NG+ in this game has you restart the game with all of your characters from your last playthrough at the level they were and with all the items and upgrades you had. Right from the off enemies start at roughly equivalent levels and going through the game will more often than not be a slightly higher level that you unless you're grinding mock battles. You also are able to see how your choices will sway your morality/liberty/utility scores and how many points you need to unlock certain characters.

I said I wanted to better judge the game after a second playthrough as I feel with these types of games it's a metter of how well they hold up on repeat plays. A good SRPG should remain fun and the tactical hook should keep you motivated to play the game again.

That said, Triangle Strategy has some pros and cons that come out on the subsequent playthrough. On the positive side, it's a lot of fun having characters with unlocked skills from the outset and makes the battles and story events more believable. It also opens up a greater range of strategies for utilizing skills and characters together. There's a few fun synergies and it's great seeing some characters really start to shine while others admittedly just don't keep up and start to fall off. Enemies likewise get more skills and abilities which makes some of the bosses (and even some grunts) much more taxing. The branching story REALLY shines in regards to repeat playthroughs and I ended up playing a lot of maps I didn't previously get to see and watching a different path unfold. I ended up going down the Golden Route and in comparison to my first playthrough the story and maps were much more interesting. I really think I would have missed out had I just done the one run. Final boss on the GR is a blast on NG+.

There are however some downsides. Unfortunately there are a couple of characters with whom you can completely break the game. And I mean totally screw up the core mechanics to the point that no difficulty setting would pose a challenge. So great is the issue that it started to really impact my enjoyment of the game and I was forced to deliberately avoid using certain characters / character combinations as it just wasn't fun being able to so effortlessly cheese every map. A couple of the broken characters can be fun if used in isolation and I did keep one or two on my team, but even then I still chose to leave one out now and again just to make things a bit more challanging. That leads me to the other issue - challenge. The game becomes much easier once your characters are rolling with their skill trees unlocked and that loss of challenge is a bit of a let down. There were still some levels where the enemies pressed me, but I never felt that critical risk of losing or had any maps where it literally came down to a desperate slog between the last 1-2 members of my team versus whatever was left of theirs. It's not a deal breaker, but I did miss the challenge and unfortunately the fun gained from utilizing the character skills comes at the expense of challenge.

So, it's a damned good game. Don't let the negatives listed above give you the impression it's not, it's just my views on how the game holds up on a second playthrough via NG+. I really do wish more people would give it a try, it deserves a much larger audience and more attention than it has had and should be considered among the best in the genre. I'm blown away by how much content there is - I could play it again and I'd likely see a fair few character interactions and story reveals I've yet to see, and as I said in my post after finishing it for the first time, it's refreshing to see a game that is clearly designed to provide replayability and that kind of value.
I'm on chapter 7 and I need a bit of help please.
For starters, I chose to defend Roland. Then I learned that I must not use the traps in the city if I want to get the golden ending. The battle is already hard enough when I use the traps, I think it's harder than in the demo. Avlora is OP as hell. I'll confess I'm not the most gifted player so I've lost a few times already. But how the hell am I supposed to win this battle without using the traps?? Can anyone provide some tips for this?


I'm avoiding spoilers, so sorry if this has been asked and answered. Is it recommended to always stick to one answer selection (always A, or always B or always C etc) during conversations that use the Conviction System? Would I be somehow gimping myself by just choosing whatever pleases me in the miment?


Resident Cheap Arse
I'm on chapter 7 and I need a bit of help please.
For starters, I chose to defend Roland. Then I learned that I must not use the traps in the city if I want to get the golden ending. The battle is already hard enough when I use the traps, I think it's harder than in the demo. Avlora is OP as hell. I'll confess I'm not the most gifted player so I've lost a few times already. But how the hell am I supposed to win this battle without using the traps?? Can anyone provide some tips for this?

Anna, Hughette and Corentin tend to be MVP here, however you may not have Corentin if you went to Aesfrost rather than Hyzante in chapter 3. It will also make things much easier if you managed to recruit Julio before the battle but that will very much depend upon your story choices up to that point (I didn't have him first time).

So, stay on the top platform and focus on holding the two walkways at either side - most troops should be located on the left where most enemies will come with Erador holding the right with mage/archer support. Have Anna head out to the rooftop on the far left and have her sit up there invisible for most of the battle. She'll serve as bait to draw enemies away later on if you need her to. Hughette is basically going to flit between rooftops (out of range of archers and mages) and pick away at the enemy troops (shadowstitch arrow is great for delaying units). Corentin will be using frosty breath on the stairs and enemies approaching you - why? because frozen ground slows unit movement which will in turn buy you more time to chip down the enemies before you fighters can move in to finish them off. Frederica kinda messes this up as her attacks will melt frozen ground so focus on using blazing chains on individual enemies and flame shield on your fighters. Also try to keep a couple of TP for her in reserve for when the 3rd wave turns up on the top tier next to you so you can hit them with scortch and kill them quickly. Don't let yourself get backed into the far right of the top platform or Avlora will murder you. Later in the battle you can have Anna hop down off her rooftop behind the enemies and come out of cover - some should chase her which will take the pressure off and then you just use surmount to get away or take cover in a pinch.

As for Avlora, she should be slowed by the ice you're putting down and that's where Frederica can hit her with Blazing chains while Hughette chips her heath (don't use specials, Avlora is immune). If she managed to get up top, keep erador just out of range and then if you can use his ram ability to knocker over the endge and to the lower level which will buy you more time to chip her down.

If you managed to recruit Julio before the fight then have him sitting by your mages acting as a TP battery for them. Primary focus on Corentin if you have him.
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Anna, Hughette and Corentin tend to be MVP here, however you may not have Corentin if you went to Aesfrost rather than Hyzante in chapter 3. It will also make things much easier if you managed to recruit Julio before the battle but that will very much depend upon your story choices up to that point (I didn't have him first time).

So, stay on the top platform and focus on holding the two walkways at either side - most troops should be located on the left where most enemies will come with Erador holding the right with mage/archer support. Have Anna head out to the rooftop on the far left and have her sit up there invisible for most of the battle. She'll serve as bait to draw enemies away later on if you need her to. Hughette is basically going to flit between rooftops (out of range of archers and mages) and pick away at the enemy troops (shadowstitch arrow is great for delaying units). Corentin will be using frosty breath on the stairs and enemies approaching you - why? because frozen ground slows unit movement which will in turn buy you more time to chip down the enemies before you fighters can move in to finish them off. Frederica kinda messes this up as her attacks will melt frozen ground so focus on using blazing chains on individual enemies and flame shield on your fighters. Also try to keep a couple of TP for her in reserve for when the 3rd wave turns up on the top tier next to you so you can hit them with scortch and kill them quickly. Don't let yourself get backed into the far right of the top platform or Avlora will murder you. Later in the battle you can have Anna hop down off her rooftop behind the enemies and come out of cover - some should chase her which will take the pressure off and then you just use surmount to get away or take cover in a pinch.

As for Avlora, she should be slowed by the ice you're putting down and that's where Frederica can hit her with Blazing chains while Hughette chips her heath (don't use specials, Avlora is immune). If she managed to get up top, keep erador just out of range and then if you can use his ram ability to knocker over the endge and to the lower level which will buy you more time to chip her down.

If you managed to recruit Julio before the fight then have him sitting by your mages acting as a TP battery for them. Primary focus on Corentin if you have him.
Thanks for the tips! I do have Corentin and Julio. I'll try this strategy.


Resident Cheap Arse
Thanks for the tips! I do have Corentin and Julio. I'll try this strategy.

Ice wall can be a VERY useful spell for disrupting enemy movement and buying time. It was key in a lot of my strategies on my first playthrough.

Other than that just don't be too eager to have your units take action if they don't need to. move them out of range when needed so you are then one initiating attacks, but otherwise don't move or take action if you don't need to so that your units get the full 20% speed bonus which in turn brings their next turn around faster so you can get the jump on enemies once they are in range / softened up enough.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I am about halfway through according to online talk, and man, these decades-long cutscenes are wearing on me.


Finished my 3rd replay yesterday and finally got the true ending. One normal playthrough & 2 NG+ and clocking in at 145 hours... I can't remember ever replaying through a game twice immediately after finishing it! And three times, I had a blast (with a lot of cutscene skipping of course). According to the war chronicle I still have some routes to go, and I still need to get the Frederica ending so I'll probably replay this one more time in the future.
On the whole, I had the most fun with my first playthrough I think, but the NG+ were fun to unlock all the extra characters, to try out all the mock battles and see the different routes. Some routes seemed to have a better story background than others.
The mock battles were also a good diversion from the abundant cutscenes in my first playthrough! And that's what gave me so much fun: the gameplay. Challenging battles, great use of height differences, excellent character variation & skills.

Can't wait for another game like this! Or dare I say it, DLC


The more I progress, the more I feel that it is a great tactical game (even if there are few people who will play it...)

Reached chapter XIII, and I don't regret my choice concerning
the capture of the castle with Frederica's plan
, because we can hear this music :

The whole soundtrack is stellar by the way.
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Rodent Whores
I bought this game when it first came out on Switch, but for some reason, I just never got around to playing it until now. It's a great game to play when traveling, and the time just flies by. The story is compelling, and the battle system is deep. I did change the voices to Japanese, though.

Currently playing through on hard difficulty.

I'm on chapter 7 and I need a bit of help please.
For starters, I chose to defend Roland. Then I learned that I must not use the traps in the city if I want to get the golden ending. The battle is already hard enough when I use the traps, I think it's harder than in the demo. Avlora is OP as hell. I'll confess I'm not the most gifted player so I've lost a few times already. But how the hell am I supposed to win this battle without using the traps?? Can anyone provide some tips for this?

Anna, Hughette and Corentin tend to be MVP here, however you may not have Corentin if you went to Aesfrost rather than Hyzante in chapter 3. It will also make things much easier if you managed to recruit Julio before the battle but that will very much depend upon your story choices up to that point (I didn't have him first time).

So, stay on the top platform and focus on holding the two walkways at either side - most troops should be located on the left where most enemies will come with Erador holding the right with mage/archer support. Have Anna head out to the rooftop on the far left and have her sit up there invisible for most of the battle. She'll serve as bait to draw enemies away later on if you need her to. Hughette is basically going to flit between rooftops (out of range of archers and mages) and pick away at the enemy troops (shadowstitch arrow is great for delaying units). Corentin will be using frosty breath on the stairs and enemies approaching you - why? because frozen ground slows unit movement which will in turn buy you more time to chip down the enemies before you fighters can move in to finish them off. Frederica kinda messes this up as her attacks will melt frozen ground so focus on using blazing chains on individual enemies and flame shield on your fighters. Also try to keep a couple of TP for her in reserve for when the 3rd wave turns up on the top tier next to you so you can hit them with scortch and kill them quickly. Don't let yourself get backed into the far right of the top platform or Avlora will murder you. Later in the battle you can have Anna hop down off her rooftop behind the enemies and come out of cover - some should chase her which will take the pressure off and then you just use surmount to get away or take cover in a pinch.

As for Avlora, she should be slowed by the ice you're putting down and that's where Frederica can hit her with Blazing chains while Hughette chips her heath (don't use specials, Avlora is immune). If she managed to get up top, keep erador just out of range and then if you can use his ram ability to knocker over the endge and to the lower level which will buy you more time to chip her down.

If you managed to recruit Julio before the fight then have him sitting by your mages acting as a TP battery for them. Primary focus on Corentin if you have him.

I just finished this battle (without using the fire traps) and I'm kind of proud of how I cheesed it. I was seriously considering dropping the difficulty to normal because of this battle, but I eventually won.

I used the traps and ladder guy, Jens, I think his name is? At the very beginning of the battle, I had my entire team go up on the roofs of the three houses in the back of the stage. My entire team was safe, and I used my mages and archers to pick the enemies off one by one.

I also left one open tile on the rooftop so that the enemy AI could go up onto the roof, and I laid a trap on there, so they'd always get knocked back down. It was hilarious. The circus girl also helped a lot because I kept summoning her decoy at the bottom, so the enemy archers were preoccupied with hitting that instead of my team on the roof.
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