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True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO


He measures in centimeters
Good episode for the most part. The action was great.

What a bullshit ending. So the guy was there waiting on the surface behind the door that entire time. lolol.

Yeah accepting that Burris was randomly waiting at some random exit from the sewers after we are told the tunnels extend underneath the whole city and they spent 10-15 minutes walking and running through those tunnels...can't really suspend disbelief there.
Interview with Ronnie Gene Blevins aka STAN is interesting.

I don’t want to overstate this or anything, but why would you take on a character with only a couple of split-second scenes? Was it just to be able to work on True Detective? Or were you led to believe that there was more to the character?

I believed there was more to the character. I was offered (and paid) to be a re-occurring character. I was told I would play Vince Vaughn’s right hand man and that I’d be in at least three episodes. Coming off the heels of what many consider to be some of the best television ever … It was a no-brainer. I caught word of my own demise probably days before I shot the scene. Was I a little surprised? Sure! However, Nobody was out to mislead me. These casting directors are some of the best in the industry. I love them and they’ve always had my back. I honestly think information was at a premium. When communicating about parts, information was left murky to avoid leaking plot details. First, I auditioned for Teague. Then, I auditioned for Blake. Then, I auditioned for Stan. Although all [of] Vince’s goons auditioned from the same set of sides. From what I hear, my involvement in the show stemmed from a few people on the True Detective team saying “We love Ronnie. Let’s just put him somewhere.” It’s hard to begrudge anybody who offers you that kind of support regardless of the outcome.

The widow and son of your character have had as much screen time as you. It almost seems like there might have been more to your character. Did you have any scenes that were cut?

No scenes were cut.

Sounds like maybe there were bigger plans for Stan, but they just didn't fit them in.


Some of the dialogue here though..

'Here's a thought. Maybe you're put on this earth for more than just fucking.

Reply: 'Everything is fucking'.


I guess the last ep was kinda okay but at this point we've only got one episode left and not only do I not know what's going on, the universe is so boring I don't even care. Just watching the show as a comedy at this point and waiting for HBO to get back into the game with Westworld.


maybe burris had a walkie and told him he was headed up from the sewers or somethin

All they really had to do was have Holloway get up from being knocked out and clip him from behind on the way out. People don't actually get knocked out for more than a few minutes at a time and it would've been much better than teleporting Nightcrawler Burris, which was really only a scene so that people knew who Burris was again.

Which wouldn't have been a problem if the show realized that it was more important to establish him as a character than to devote time to garbage people.
Yeah read that Slate article. I get whats going on for the most part, but holy hell there are too many parts to even follow here. Some of these important characters make like a 2 min appearance and you don't know who the hell is who, meanwhile we get stupid ass scenes like between ConfusedCops wife/creepyMom. I appreciate complexity and not having to baby viewers into what is going on, but this is so sloppy and all over the place.

Yeah accepting that Burris was randomly waiting at some random exit from the sewers after we are told the tunnels extend underneath the whole city and they spent 10-15 minutes walking and running through those tunnels...can't really suspend disbelief there.

Exactly. "People don't know these tunnels go all over the city" lololol

I mean logically maybe he was waiting by his car, but even then ConfusedCop seemed like a badass smart action hero. Surely he would know "We've got eyes all around you" would make him ditch the car after pulling all those crazy action moves.


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It was a decent episode. There's definitely a good story in there, but the writing really needed another 6 months of polish. I've been generally okay with the dialogue (less so with the delivery), but the story structure itself is just twisted and mangled.

Half the secondary characters aren't necessary, and the other half that are suffer completely from it. We don't need the missing persons case of the person that isn't missing, Pitlor, Ani's dad, 'sexually harassed' police officer, the Mexicans, and the rest of garbage collage of throwaways. We did need more time with Burris, Tony Chessani, Osip, the Catalyst dude, and the rest of the people that are suddenly important but people seem to have a hard time remembering. Like, oh yeah, Stan. We got Stan's son to provide direct contrast to Velcoro's fatherhood, but there wasn't room for a single scene to actually officially establish Stan? That perfectly encapsulates what's wrong with the show this season. 'Stan' is going to become a pop culture touchstone.

I am sort of finding some smug satisfaction in connections being made between things that people were calling out as stupid or a waste of time when they happened.

I'm really enjoying this season, but you're right on the money.
Regarding the characters:

Pajiba said:
The ancillary cast has been underwhelming, to say the least, and through no fault of their own. They should teach the Chessani character in film schools everywhere as the very definition of a one-note caricature. That seems to be a malady of Pizzolatto’s approach. In attempting to fashion characters with Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson type depth and intrigue, he seems to expend all of his creative energy, leaving nothing for the rest of the cast. You want a list of one-note characters?

Lt. Burris

The red haired Seymon enforcer
The male black cop that works for Vinci
The female state D.A.
Any Mexican
Any woman
Mrs. Seymon
Ani’s ex partner
Woodrugh’s mom
Ray’s kid
Ray’s ex wife
Ray’s ex wife’s new guy
Ray’s dad
The lounge singer
The scar waitress
Ani’s dad
The actress with the ankle bracelet
Chessani’s daughter
Whoever this guy is:

The Hispanic gardener
The kids that were playing soccer in the toxic waste
The Russian hookers at the orgy
The farting fat cop who got killed
Paul’s girlfriend Emma
The corporate rail guy

Any of the thugs when Frank called the meeting
The “fuck you do” bodyguard Ani slashed to death
Chessani’s drugged out wife
I mean, this guy…

…is the only guy who wasn’t exactly what we thought he was when he had the brilliance to say the line “I’m Chinese.” That’s all it takes to play against type a little! How hard is that?

To be fair, I kinda like Chains/Coins/Clinks (what is his name? I legit forgot), just because the actor looks kinda weird and plays the character that way.


Junior Member
Regarding the characters:

To be fair, I kinda like Chains/Coins/Clinks (what is his name? I legit forgot), just because the actor looks kinda weird and plays the character that way.

Jacob McCandless (Catalyst guy):

The last guy is Mayor Chessani's assistant whose name I don't know at all. Ben, maybe?


Just when you know you're down and out, people, know that...Everything is fucking.

Know that, understand that, and all will be alright in the world.


Just when you know you're down and out, people, know that...Everything is fucking.

Know that, understand that, and all will be alright in the world.

time is flat circle so things won't be ever alright, we will always repeat our mistakes, always trusting pizzaman to deliever


This show would've gone down a much more interesting part if:

1.- Farrell had actually died there.
2.- The Birdman Conspiracy had played a larger role in the show.

But nope, it has just been shit since.

funny episode, "who the fuck is this guy", "who the fuck killed him?" Who the fuck is doing things in this show. who the fuck is STAN. and yes, Woodrough getting killed at the end totally made sense, that guy clearly has superpowers.

the "let's sex" scene between Velcoro and Bezzerides, that was really painful to watch. it was like two 16 years old kids trying to start some sex. "you're not a bad man <33" "yes I am :(((" "b-but do you miss it?" "what?" "ANYTHING" *let me touch your hand then*
after that we only needed to see Velcoro taking his dick out followed by a close-up on some drilling fluid.


I'm waiting for someone to change the lyrics to "everything is awesome" from the Lego movie to everything is fucking.

Everything is fucking
Everything is cool when your part of a team
Everything is fucking
When you're living out a dream

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I
Are gonna win forever
Let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you
You're like me, we're a working harmony

Everything is fucking
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is fucking
When you're living out a dream

3, 2, 1, go

Have you heard the news? Everyone's talking
Life is good 'cause everything is fucking
Lost my job, it's a new opportunity
More freaked out from an all-star community
Feel more fucking than a fucking
Kick my body in chocolate frosting
Three years later, washed out the frosting
Smelled like a blossom, everything is fucking

Everything is better when we stick together
Side by side, you and I
Are gonna win forever
Let's party forever
We're the same, I'm like you
You're like me, we're a working harmony

Everything is fucking
Everything is cool when you're part of a team
Everything is fucking
When you're living out a dream

Blue skies, downtown springs
We just named some fucking things
A Nobel prize, a piece of string
You know what's fucking? Everything

Everything is fucking
Everything is cool when your part of a team
Everything is fucking
When you're living out a dream

you're welcome someone else sing it I lack the talent


"Everything is fucking" was my favorite Pizzaman moment this week.

This show went from "i'm interested" to "up his own butt" for me which makes it even more fun to read here that people are NOW getting into this season.

It's at a point where reading reviews after an episode is more enjoyable then the episode itself.

It's a variation of an Oscar Wilde quote. And when looking it up, I found this fantastic pic to go with it:


Juxtaposing the romance scene between Ray and Ani with Paul fighting for his life was a weird move. That the police guy also knew where exactly Paul would exit was also rather weird.
Juxtaposing the romance scene between Ray and Ani with Paul fighting for his life was a weird move. That the police guy also knew where exactly Paul would exit was also rather weird.

Music was great tho

Antigone got a hot load on her back, Paul got some hot lead in his back.
Staaaaaan! ... Staaaaaaan!

That ending was unbelievable. Did they really assume Paul would be able to hat-trick his way out of the situation like that? Literally the only reason he was there was to wait at the door and kill Paul. To know the exact exit he was going to take? To know he would go Rambo? If you think the semi-afro guy was getting up after getting the butt of a gun several times to his cranium...

Horse poop.
I'm waiting for someone to change the lyrics to "everything is awesome" from the Lego movie to everything is fucking.

My beer's gone cold I'm wondering why I
Got out of bed at all
My five million's gone out the window
And I can't act at all
And even if I could I would still be gay,
With my picture on your phone
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
It's not so bad

Dear Casp', I wrote you but still ain't callin'
I left my cell, that money, and my eyeballs at the bottom
I sent two diamonds back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the cop's office or somethin'
Sometimes I scribble dupped shopping lists when I jot 'em
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up? Man how's your son been?

My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm a call her?
I'm a name her "Hope I don't die a martyr!"

I read about your Uncle Birdman too I'm sorry
I heard he killed a man over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground tunnel shit that you did with Black Mountain
I got a room full of your hard drives and your pictures man
I like the shit you did with Rust too, that shit was fat
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan

Since someone else did your request, I did this in about five minutes on a lark.
While reading Pajiba earlier, they made a good point: Athena Bezzerides is probably the best written woman to appear on TD. Shame she's a secondary character.


contribute something
Regarding the characters:

To be fair, I kinda like Chains/Coins/Clinks (what is his name? I legit forgot), just because the actor looks kinda weird and plays the character that way.

I see what Pajiba is going for, but I think it's a bit too cruel. The problem isn't that the secondary characters are not developed enough, but that they're developed in a shallow way. Many shows are filled with quirky minor characters (the Wire, Breaking Bad, even Game of Thrones), but nobody really complains. If anything, the problem is that the weirdness can be a red herring. The implied incest with Woodrugh's mother, the waitress' scar and longing for Mexico, and the mayor of Vinci's children were all probably meant to be color. Pizzolatto probably thought it was clever to make those characters somewhat memorable, but because their quirkiness has no bearing on the story, it detracts from the plot and confuses the audience.


While reading Pajiba earlier, they made a good point: Athena Bezzerides is probably the best written woman to appear on TD. Shame she's a secondary character.
I wonder if it was supposed to be Velcoro/Gangster as the two leads and the other two got shoehorned in late in the game.


i knew something like that was gonna happen but I really hate setups like that... how did that guy know where he was gonna come out of that building...
really like this ep thought the best in like 4 episodes... Rachel McAdams..so beautiful GODDAMN.... really like the scene with her and Collen even though they didnt say much of anything... it was good.



LOL what? Come on pizzaman. At least I actually enjoyed the Vince Vaughn scenes for once.

I agree with Vince fucker finally had it with everyones bullshit...

and in a sense the girl is right life is fucking one way or another your fucking someone over and getting fucked over, or just plan fucking someone :p
I see what Pajiba is going for, but I think it's a bit too cruel. The problem isn't that the secondary characters are not developed enough, but that they're developed in a shallow way. Many shows are filled with quirky minor characters (the Wire, Breaking Bad, even Game of Thrones), but nobody really complains. If anything, the problem is that the weirdness can be a red herring. The implied incest with Woodrugh's mother, the waitress' scar and longing for Mexico, and the mayor of Vinci's children were all probably meant to be color. Pizzolatto probably thought it was clever to make those characters somewhat memorable, but because their quirkiness has no bearing on the story, it detracts from the plot and confuses the audience.

I really like Pajiba--they're kinda like a more erudite Cracked--but you do bring up a good point. I actually think Pizzolatto mistakenly that color characters=developed characters...but most of the time, a character like Disgusting Sexual Mommy would be improved by not JUST being Disgusting Sexual Mommy but having some nuance, like a real human being would.

So many characters are just one THING. It's flat and boring

I wonder if it was supposed to be Velcoro/Gangster as the two leads and the other two got shoehorned in late in the game.

I am curious about that. I recall Pizzolatto doing a "be patient, that's in next season" in response to the limited perspective and male gazey-ness of Season 1. Ani certainly feels like a half-baked character.


I'm only 40 minutes into episode 1 and what the fuck is happening. I feel like no plot has really been established like In Season 1.

And what the hell is Colin Farrell's problem? He's just tweaking out on his kid for no reason. "Oh, you're being bullied? Let me help them!"
I'm only 40 minutes into episode 1 and what the fuck is happening. I feel like no plot has really been established like In Season 1.

And what the hell is Colin Farrell's problem? He's just tweaking out on his kid for no reason. "Oh, you're being bullied? Let me help them!"

His character is a SCREW UP

You can tell by how much he SCREWS UP
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