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Trump calls for ban on Muslim immigration

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Real Hero

Trump is the perfect opposition plant. He did donate to the Clinton foundation in the past I believe and discussed running with Bill prior to announcing his candidacy this time around. I truly believe his whole campaign is an elaborate ruse to ensure the country does not fall to pieces with the GOP securing both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. He is just making the not-so-latent bigotry of much of the conservative base of this country viewable to the point of absurdity in order for the general public to witness in practice just how ridiculous the GOP and the conservative side of the country has become.

It is actually a brilliant plan, and if actually true, Trump might actually be one of the biggest heroes on the planet in retrospect. He would elevate the phrase "taking one for the team" to another level.

Except he's riling up and contributing to pure hatred, he's no hero. He won't suffer from what he says but others will.


I'm shocked anyone here is surprised. Trump may be the one saying it in public, but the environment for this has been festering, unabated for several years. You'll find as much vitroil and genocidal comments from the far right as you will any Jihadist message board.
Pretty much. This is why "PC culture is destroying America" is basically code for "I hate the fact that I can't say racist, hateful stuff in public anymore without being called out for it".
Why should we be upset? We knew that there are a lot of stupid/xenophobic people in this country that have always been thinking what he's selling right now.

It's more of a 'I can't believe someone is actually saying this and running for the Presidency' that has us laughing.

Because he's gone from being a window into that side of our country on to actively empowering them and stoking their hatred.

Trump would lose worse than McCain. Dems would reclaim the Senate, and come close to retaking the House. Texas would be as competitive as it has been in a decade. Trump is an absolute disaster for the GOP in the making.

Trump currently polls worse against Clinton than any other GOP candidate (52-41). Cruz does marginally better (44%). Take that with a grain of salt because we're still 11 months out, but it really shows you how far removed the GOP base is from the country's political center right now. This drives a stake into the heart of an argument which is taken as gospel in certain corners of the Right: "if we pick a True Conservative, he'll beat Hillary handily!"


Trump is really turning the mirror onto the Republican base. This is what they want. This is what they are.
which candidates?

Cruz agrees with him, I'm sure. Rubio might even too.

Jeb! is the only one that criticizes, but he's so afraid of stepping on toes too much that it comes off as weak an ineffectual.

Kasich has put out a good ad against trump in the past week. Sadly his #'s are low, so no one probably noticed.


So how long before Trump's numbers go higher because of this? What's the usual lag time on these things?


They "created" him by frothing up the base with fear mongering bullshit via their marketing arm, Fox News. Not specifically Trump, but the idea that someone should be this fucking crazy, out of touch with reality, and have no real experience in the job he wants.

I am not a fan for megalomaniacs like Trump and Hillary so I agree with you he would be bad. The "experience" thing is overblown but his statements imo are just him seeing what his base likes and running with it like Bernie does. I mean seriously Bernie is like the kid running for class president that that promises recess all day. He can't do any of what he is saying but his statements are like a warm hug to young people that want stuff for free. Trump is speaking to a very different group and adjusts accordingly. Hillary is a chameleon and changes week to week. I just think it's tough talk to boost polling and nothing more tbh.


I hope he gets grilled at the next debate on the 15th. Though the mods might be GOP voters, so the questions will be tame.


Looks like Trump is going to deliberately invoke Japanese internment tonight.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump confirmed the authenticity of the statement. Asked what prompted it, Mr. Trump said, “death,” according to the spokeswoman.

Mr. Trump made his remarks a day after President Obama delivered a national address from the Oval Office urging Americans not to turn against Muslims in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Mr. Trump is expected to say more at a rally at the USS Yorktown in South Carolina on Monday evening to mark the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Yeah, I think I agree. We're not that close.

However, I still think we're a little too close for comfort.

True. The sooner he gets off the airwaves the better, as his bullshit spewing is going to continue to poison the well for years to come.

I don't care that this is probably ensuring the GOP doesn't win the presidency. This is fucking toxic, and it's enabling and encouraging a dangerous cancer. This shit doesn't disappear once Clinton wins. It'll still be very present, festering in all kinds of communities and state/local governments.

A thousand times this. Nothing worse than giving his groupies a megaphone, as it grows like a cancer across communities and poisons their mentality. You rile people enough and they commit hate crimes. Hell, they commit hate crimes literally in front of Trump's face and he encourages it with his putrid rhetoric.

People who keep "laughing at him" either don't know or don't care what effect the shit he says will have on these kinds of conversations moving forward. This isn't just about the election or the GOP or how much "damage" you can do to that party.


How would a ban on Muslim immigrants even work in practice? Religious testing? Background checks? What if they're ex-Muslims? Oh, the stupidity...


"In accordance with our great nation's history, and with special deference to its colonial origins, let us close our borders to the filthy foreign rabble."


Commstock = Trump confirmed

This is already Hitler levels, letting this man get into power would be a grave mistake.
There aren't always two equal and opposite sides to every argument. Sometimes one person is just very, very wrong. And it's damaging as hell to act like they're not.

Well, this has been true for a while; this is just a particularly extreme manifestation of it.

The media has been a huge enabler of the GOP's lurch to the right that brought us here, not just because of outright conservative outlets like Fox but because so many "centrist," "objective" pundits and journalists have proven pathologically unable to abandon the frame that both sides must be equally responsible for the political status quo.


Wow. Just wow.

This is the kind of shit you don't even hear from the European far-right except neo-nazis. Ok they're anti-immigration but not even allowing tourists to visit ? That's fucking insane.

I get that some of the 9/11 hijackers had tourist visas but since when did a tourist present a threat to the country ?

And what about the one billion muslims who're not from arab countries ? What about the European muslims who don't need a visa to visit the United States. Are they gonna get asked their religion and get banned from entering the country if their answer is Islam ? What if they just lied ?

Honestly I didn't think Trump would go that far. This is madness.


Trump is really turning the mirror onto the Republican base. This is what they want. This is what they are.

Yep. This is what the people who support Trump, and others on the right, want. It's ugly, and it's bad, but it's their perfect reflection. And the other great thing about this, is that if someone more "moderate" (not a word you can use to describe anyone in the GOP field this time) criticizes him, he can accuse them of being un-American/not caring about the safety of Americans/being in bed with terrorists/etc. And their poll numbers will sink.
I came back from seeing Bridge of Spies tonight and found it poignant and relevant to this discussion. I'll share a few quotes I can remember with you.

Donovan: What's your name again?
CIA Agent: ...
Donovan: It's German, right? I'm Irish. On both sides. And yet, what makes us both American? The Constitution. (referring to the Soviet spy) He's served them well, and acted with dignity. He's refused to serve his captor. Refused to flee his cause. Shouldn't we - by giving him the full benefit of our system - show this man who we are? Will we stand by our cause less resolutely than he does his?"


It's hard to believe that someone who is running to be President is actually saying things like this. It's frankly unbelievable.

If you have enough money and make the right promises to the right people pretty much anyone can run, the right people in this case being the paranoid population
is Huffington Post still filing this in "entertainment"?
Its under World news currently, but not in Politics or Entertainment as far as I've seen.

For those wondering, here is the context, from July:

After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump's campaign is a sideshow. We won't take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you'll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.


I'd love to hear the potential positive spin on Japanese internment, seeing as it's widely recognized as one of the most embarrassing moments in this country's history.
no way

noooooooo waaaaay
"It was a terrible thing; Terrible thing. The Japanese? Good people, they're mostly good people. I love the Japanese. But we had to be tough and say that this was for the safety of America, even if we didn't want to do it. We had to do it."

Think of how normal a Trump statement that would sound like.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I do wonder, though, why people are seeing this as some sort of escalation on Trump's part. I mean, this is not really different from wanting to build a wall to keep Mexican rapists out of the country. This guy has been a xenophobic lunatic from the very start.


Gold Member
Of course this takes us back to our fears of Communism and how we questioned everyone's affiliation.

Who is gonna answer for this if he wins? What does it mean if he wins? I'd say he's had more of a say because he's filthy rich. He is what, the richest person who has ever run for president?

I'd say money means more than allegations, but he won't get anywhere offending people.


The line to see Trump in Yorktown.


The Republican base.

If I were a conservative intellectual, I'd be rather disturbed at the folks who've hijacked my party.
I do wonder, though, why people are seeing this as some sort of escalation on Trump's part. I mean, this is not really different from wanting to build a wall to keep Mexican rapists out of the country. This guy has been a xenophobic lunatic from the very start.
Can't his base be summed up as ignorant xenophobic lunatics?
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