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Trump Fires James Comey

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Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Still trying to brag about the electoral outcome right after admitting to obstructing and trying to end an investigation into him and his campaign ... lol. That popular vote has consumed his tiny brain, he will never let it go. Dumb motherfucker.


Democrats never won the presidency without the popular vote, just 4 republicans and a federalist, though it's very hard treat the parties of the 1800's as the same ones we have today.

Yeah, I mean, just look at the change from 1956 to 1964:




So, that excerpt is incredibly stupid, to be sure, but is it actually actionable obstruction of justice?

If "this guy was investigating me so I fired him so that the investigation would stop" is not actionable obstruction of justice it's hard to imagine what could possibly be actionable obstruction of justice.



There are arguments to be made for and against the EC, I happen to really appreciate that it allowed Lincoln to be elected despite the mob rule being pro-slavery. Just a very important and interesting piece of history to take into account when talking about the system

Wikipedia says Lincoln won the popular vote.

So I guess it didnt matter in hindsight, huh. He still won under the EC system though


Still trying to brag about the electoral outcome right after admitting to obstructing and trying to end an investigation into him and his campaign ... lol. That popular vote has consumed his tiny brain, he will never let it go. Dumb motherfucker.

He's got a really fragile ego, but I really do expect that it's because he figured he'd win the popular vote, and lose the electoral vote. It would re-energize his brand greatly without having to actually be president.


Still. Why even report that? Its just really dumb and doesn't help. All its doing is normalizing Trump, when he is nothing but normal.

I think it does the opposite of normalizing. The leader of the free world is being catered to like an only child. The dissonance of these little advantages compared to everyone else paints a very bad picture of trump


Yeah, I mean, just look at the change from 1956 to 1964:



I'm not sure when that "sports team polarizing" thing started between democrats and republicans, but I feel like it was the 90s? Obviously all these elections are long before my time but it seems like people used to just vote for whichever candidate they thought was better, not "the one with an R" if you're in the South/Mid-West or "The one with a D" if you'r on the west coast.


remember me
Still. Why even report that? Its just really dumb and doesn't help. All its doing is normalizing Trump, when he is nothing but normal. Who cares what he eats?

Read the article. It's in no way a positive depiction.


The waiters know well Trump’s personal preferences. As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else. The tastes of Pence are also tended to. Instead of the pie, he gets a fruit plate.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I watched the interview and didn't really catch him admitting to obstruction. Can someone post the transcript so I can see this? I'm sure it's not an outright, "Yes Lester, I fired Comey to impede the investigation." Right?

It's more the way he said something and people taking that to mean obstruction correct? I mean I know Trump is dumb as a box of rock and is in a very fragile mental state right now but surely he would bluntly say his goal in all of this is to impede the investigation.


I'm not sure when that "sports team polarizing" thing started between democrats and republicans, but I feel like it was the 90s?

Many say it started with the Civil Rights Movement and everything we've seen since then is a result of the restructuring caused by that movement, but yeah it's gotten exponentially worse since the 90's.

Somehow, I think having our first black POTUS had something to do with it becoming as bad as it is today....
He isn't a career politician, he doesn't talk like them. Let me explain what he meant by this, blah blah blah. Okay all done. That is exactly what will come of this.

You cannot hold his comments and words against him, that is damned clear.

This much is true. He is not held to any standard much less the standard that everyone else in the country is.


He isn't a career politician, he doesn't talk like them. Let me explain what he meant by this, blah blah blah. Okay all done. That is exactly what will come of this.

You cannot hold his comments and words against him, that is damned clear.

Lawyers holding his comments and words against him is exactly what blocked the fucking Muslim ban.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Also I'm getting very tired of our media allowing Trump to outright lie and not be called out for it. When he says something that is not true Lester or whomever is interviewing him has the moral responsibly to immediately correct him and make sure their audience knows that what he said is an outright falsehood.

Will our media ever grow the balls to call him on his shit?


I watched the interview and didn't really catch him admitting to obstruction. Can someone post the transcript so I can see this? I'm sure it's not an outright, "Yes Lester, I fired Comey to impede the investigation." Right?

It's more the way he said something and people taking that to mean obstruction correct? I mean I know Trump is dumb as a box of rock and is in a very fragile mental state right now but surely he would bluntly say his goal in all of this is to impede the investigation.

It's more the way he said something and people taking that to mean obstruction correct? I mean I know Trump is dumb as a box of rock and is in a very fragile mental state right now but surely he would bluntly say his goal in all of this is to impede the investigation.

That is exactly what it is. He isn't admitting to it per say, you just don't understand his common man dumb as a box of rocks way of talking.


I always crack up when he re-enacts conversations. He's always all "golly jeez" and the other person is the one begging for attention. Also, he's not mentally ill he's just an asshole.

This thread should be closed because it's all just an excuse because hilary lost you guys. /s


... Why aren't people making a bigger deal of the fact that the President just admitted to obstruction of justice? Seriously? You guys are talking about ice cream?


Beat EviLore at pool.
... Why aren't people making a bigger deal of the fact that the President just admitted to obstruction of justice? Seriously? You guys are talking about ice cream?

What can we do about it honestly and it is being talked about. The guy gives out one fucking scoop what kind of nonsense is that? Plus he gets TWO.
He isn't a career politician, he doesn't talk like them. Let me explain what he meant by this, blah blah blah. Okay all done. That is exactly what will come of this.

You cannot hold his comments and words against him, that is damned clear.

Personally or legally? Because his own words WERE held against him when the Muslin ban was upheld.


Beat EviLore at pool.
He isn't a career politician, he doesn't talk like them. Let me explain what he meant by this, blah blah blah. Okay all done. That is exactly what will come of this.

You cannot hold his comments and words against him, that is damned clear.

He is the President of the United States. His words are golden and should be held against him. Trump signed up for the job.
Alan Dershowitz on why this isn't obstruction of justice:

An absurd argument is now being put forward by some Democratic ideologues: namely that President Trump engaged in the crime of obstructing justice by firing FBI Director James Comey. Whatever one may think of the president's decision to fire Comey as a matter of policy, there is absolutely no basis for concluding that the president engaged in a crime by exercising his statutory and constitutional authority to fire Comey. As Comey himself wrote in his letter to the FBI, no one should doubt the authority of the president to fire the director for any reason or no reason.

It simply cannot be a crime for a public official, whether the president or anyone else, to exercise his or her statutory and constitutional authority to hire or fire another public official. For something to be a crime there must be both an actus reus and mens rea – that is, a criminal act accompanied by a criminal state of mind. Even assuming that Trump was improperly motivated in firing Comey, motive alone can never constitute a crime. There must be an unlawful act. And exercising constitutional and statutory power cannot be the actus reus of a crime.


Why is he wrong?

Personally, I feel what he did was wrong and should get his ass in trouble. I'm just talking legally here.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I mean, just look at the change from 1956 to 1964:

Basically FDR solidified democrats as the economically progressive party, while leaving southern racism up in the air until Reagan solidified them as Republicans.

Before that, parties were defined by dumb boring tariff policy that apparently didn't lock in any state.
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