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Trump Leads By Only 6 in Texas

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i've been begging for over 5 years.
Are there any states out there that have been trending from blue to red in the past few election cycles? It seems like almost all of the states are trending the opposite direction which is great!

Jay Sosa

Only? What the fuck do you mean by only?

In almost no other civilized country on this planet would he be even close to becoming the next president. He fucked up like no one fucked up before and he still leads in some states? What in the world?

But hell what do you expect from a country that basically has only two parties and calls that democracy.
Texas won't turn blue with Gomer and like still amassing plenty of support in the rural areas. They'll maintain they're conservative leaning idealogies far beyond the election.


First tragedy, then farce.
The data supporting a possible eventual flip to blue doesn't really clash with what you've said though. Texas suburbs are probably older which would jive with the PPP generational divide.

I don't see it flipping blue now, but the polling data seems positive for future races.

I think the suburban college educated white voters are also helping Hillary out here. The suburbs probably tend to be college educated whites and a bit younger honestly. Lots of families in the burbs of the large cities.

I would think the older cities that don't have much happening (Waco, Georgetown, abilene, Alpine (well, I guess Marfa fucked that :p), Waxahachi, Lockhart, etc. are going to trend far older as young people have largely moved into the larger cities.

Texas is just a very conservative state. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and almost everyone I know including Democratic voters are just far more conservative than what you run into in the North East.

And I'm talking small government, don't like change, family values, god-fearing conservatives.

Texas has large super metropolitan cities, and large expanses of reasonably well population mid-sized and smaller cities that are extremely Red. Throw in the suburbs being very red as well and you wind up with a state that honestly is going to have a hard time ever flipping Blue.

If Republicans ever get their act together with immigration reform, they'll lock down the hispanic vote with Dubya like numbers and Texas will go back to being the California of the Republican party.

When I was younger I thought it was a matter of time, but as I get older I realize that Texas just is what it is, and it's largely a conservative state once you leave the bubbles of the large cities (especially Austin where I live).

Once the Southern Democrats moved to the Republican party in the late 80s/early 90s that was pretty much all she wrote for Democrats in Texas. Hard to believe we are the state of Anne Richards, LBJ and Barbara Jordan at times. But then again, Texas conservatism is not the strawman a lot of people outside the state want to make it out to be. There are real problems with this state, but most people just want the government small and not doing very much.
Only? What the fuck do you mean by only?

In almost no other civilized country on this planet would he be even close to becoming the next president. He fucked up like no one fucked up before and he still leads in some states? What in the world?

But hell what do you expect from a country that basically has only two parties and calls that democracy.

Er...you could certainly find sections in many countries that would vote for him.


Genuinely curious. Is there any state left that Trump has a double digit lead in?

Also, does anyone believe a terrorist attack happening between today and Nov will push Trump's numbers back to ahead of Hillary?


First tragedy, then farce.
Then why did those assholes throw all that money at sending people to the border to do nothing? Who is that posturing for if not the state voters who want that?

That was Rick Perry trying to become president.

That was a move at Republicans outside the state.


It's neat that it's close but it's probably not worth investing much money in for the Dems. I'd love to see my state turn blue, but on election night I'd rather safely win the senate and maybe the house (I don't think it will happen) than see a chance at an electoral blowout that includes Texas.


Genuinely curious. Is there any state left that Trump has a double digit lead in?

Also, does anyone believe a terrorist attack happening between today and Nov will push Trump's numbers back to ahead of Hillary?

Going by 538's nowcast





No. It's a deep red state that might be transitioning because of a large Hispanic population.

It's not just the Hispanic population. It's the massive influx if liberals pouring in from the coasts due to the massive amount of jobs down here. I've been here four years and to say house prices have skyrocketed in the Dallas area suburbs is an under statement. My wife and I basically moved to the other side of the metroplex to avoid having to pay what people are paying for houses on the Dallas side.

It's definitely a deep red state, but the gerrymandering has helped keep it that way. Most of the people I know who are voting Trump just hate Clinton. Some of them are very well educated, some of them are just people who toe the party line.
Texas will eventually turn blue due to the growing hispanic population. It will be just like California. I also think that the GOP days are numbered and at some point their white base will become a small minority.


Going by 538's nowcast




If you only count those states listed above where Hillary is at least 9 points ahead of Trump, she is already at 273 electoral votes.

Trump could win every other state (including FL, OH, IA, NC, and NV) and he would still lose.


My guess (hope?) is that someday the current Democratic party becomes the 'right' and the Bernie Sanders platform becomes the new left.


Texas going to Hillary is somewhat likely, imo. The past two cycles (especially McCain), I could count on seeing several cars a day with McCain/Palin stickers on them. I haven't seen a single Trump sticker on a car. Cruz was far more popular here than Trump, and Trump hasn't converted many of those people. Didn't help that Cruz pretty much did the opposite of endorsing Trump.

I've talked with a lot of Conservatives here who said they can't bring themselves to vote for Hillary, but they're not going to vote for Trump either. They share the belief that he's an idiot, too egotistical, or both.

Texas will probably be red in November, but it really wouldn't shock me to see it blue. That's how bad of a candidate they have with Trump.


People need to remember that young people are always more left leaning and become more conservative as they grow up. Texas may go slightly bluer, but the demographics paint a skewed and overly optimistic picture.


Texas going to Hillary is somewhat likely, imo. The past two cycles (especially McCain), I could count on seeing several cars a day with McCain/Palin stickers on them. I haven't seen a single Trump sticker on a car. Cruz was far more popular here than Trump, and Trump hasn't converted many of those people. Didn't help that Cruz pretty much did the opposite of endorsing Trump.

I've talked with a lot of Conservatives here who said they can't bring themselves to vote for Hillary, but they're not going to vote for Trump either. They share the belief that he's an idiot, too egotistical, or both.

Texas will probably be red in November, but it really wouldn't shock me to see it blue. That's how bad of a candidate they have with Trump.
It's not likely... but it's also possible.

That's insane.

C'mon, Texas. Go blue!
My gf moved here from WA and everyone she knows has been telling her to prepare for the great purple-ing of the state. Part of me would love to see it. Maybe we'll get lucky and Ann Richards will have a reason to smile from the great hereafter. I doubt it, but wouldn't it be nice?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
My guess (hope?) is that someday the current Democratic party becomes the 'right' and the Bernie Sanders platform becomes the new left.

Highly unlikely. I think the current path looks more like the Republicans will be increasingly libertarian.
People need to remember that young people are always more left leaning and become more conservative as they grow up. Texas may go slightly bluer, but the demographics paint a skewed and overly optimistic picture.

I think that piece of conventional wisdom is actually pretty contested.
Highly unlikely. I think the current path looks more like the Republicans will be increasingly libertarian.

I don't really see how. Libertarian economic ideas are some of the least popular parts of the GOP ideology, you can't build a national conservative party without social conservatives.


To be honest, given the national voting trends, I'm far more interested in our awful state legislature turning left than how we vote in the presidential race.

Our governor (and lt governor) are like some of the worst people ever.
Thats a pretty big chunk of hispanic support..why? Any texan here? Why would they vote Trump?

Why would anyone
South Americans i would assume. Many that come down here are conservative in nature due to how much of a grip religion/Christianity has down there.

Couple that with the 'got mine' mentality where some are living the dream in suburbs surrounded by upper middle class America, and you have people who don't value democratic social issues plus enjoy keeping as much of their hard earned money as possible. It's no surprise they'd go republican.

I have friends who are trump supporters on policies alone and don't really worry about the racism aspect as they think it's all an act.


Are there any states out there that have been trending from blue to red in the past few election cycles? It seems like almost all of the states are trending the opposite direction which is great!

The whole Appalachian region had been getting redder and redder. Bill Clinton won West Virginia both times, but now it looks like it may be Trump's most solid state. Missouri used to be considered the bellweather state, but it wasn't even really treated as a swing state anymore in 2012, and it looks like Hillry may only just claw it back thanks to Trump's complete implosion.

I don't really see how. Libertarian economic ideas are some of the least popular parts of the GOP ideology, you can't build a national conservative party without social conservatives.

People keep predicting the Libertarian rise, but it never happens. People thought Ron Paul was some harbinger of it, but looking at this election, it looks like most of his supporters cared more about supporting the weirdest candidate and have defected to Trump, and never actually cared about libertarianism at all. Trumpism seems like it has a much better future than libertarianism, because it at least has some enthusiastic supporters among downscale whites.
Highly unlikely. I think the current path looks more like the Republicans will be increasingly libertarian.

I'd have thought that up until this election. Now, I'm not so sure. Turns out that the base of the GOP doesn't care about a lot of the things we used to think they did. Turns out their okay with an authoritarian. Not sure how the voters who voted for Trump eventually become Libertarian voters. I could see the other part of the party leaning that way. The Kasich-Romney-Jeb kind of axis. But if we've learned one thing in the last year, we've learned that they don't run the party anymore.
Only? What the fuck do you mean by only?

In almost no other civilized country on this planet would he be even close to becoming the next president. He fucked up like no one fucked up before and he still leads in some states? What in the world?

But hell what do you expect from a country that basically has only two parties and calls that democracy.

Firstly, I think you're vastly underestimating other countries' capacity of electing corrupt and/or stupid leaders.

Secondly, many democracies have two parties. While it certainly may be a symptom of a Winner Takes All election system, it'd be incorrecr to say this makes it undemocratic.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Old people die eventually.

Only to be replaced by a newer generation of bigots.
Evidence Trump campaign events. If you've ever watched any of his rallies there are plenty of 30-40 year old white people.

The whole Appalachian region had been getting redder and redder. Bill Clinton won West Virginia both times, but now it looks like it may be Trump's most solid state. Missouri used to be considered the bellweather state, but it wasn't even really treated as a swing state anymore in 2012, and it looks like Hillry may only just claw it back thanks to Trump's complete implosion.
That's interesting. I wonder why Appalachian region is trending that direction. I'm going to try to look into the reasons unless someone here already has some evidence as to why.
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