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Trump plans to focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control


Dude, WTF? This is even more of a disaster than I ever could have imagined coming into this thread.

On an equally dark note, I've been sitting on the couch today imagining what a unprecedented disaster the 2020 elections are going to be. Trump is going to get attacked even harder than before from all sides and we've seen that he reacts to this with rage.
Saw the title and figured our infrastructure is in desperate need of attention, he can't possibly screw this up. I should know better.

You thought Republicans would considering fixing infrastructure the right way? Obama tried and there wasn't a chance in hell of it getting funded.

It's not gonna change now they're completely running the government. Like with education, they have other plans.


National Air Traffic Controllers Association President NATCA President Paul Rinaldi, in Feb. 10 testimony to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, outlined his organization’s support for the air traffic control reform proposal, which is contained in a pending FAA reauthorization bill (H.R. 4441). The measure would shift responsibility for air traffic control out of the federal space and move it over a three-year period into a nonprofit entity created for that purpose.

The gut instinct reaction in this thread is disappointing.

There are some things that have to be controlled by government. Like healthcare and in this case ATC. The government answers to the people, who do private corporations answer to?
So that politicians can get more opportunities to be bought off when everything becomes for sale. Does this x company wants this airport? How much are they willing to pay? Sold. No regard to the consequences or the safety of the people. It's just a money making machine. It's how the GOP in general operate. Drain down the government for their own benefits. Where do you think "Fuck you I get my own" came from?
Some people talk of neofeudalism... And damn right this is. Go and sell all public property to small lords.


Doesn't the article itself say this plan was introduced last year and Republican legislators refused to touch it? Another scary Trump idea DOA.


And here I was thinking infrastructure was the one place he had bi-partisan support, but no, he just has to go and fuck that up too.


If a reasonable administration proposed this I'd have a hope that it could work if handled responsibly but I have zero faith in the current leadership

I'd be concerned that road lobbists would get out of repairing roads or doing safty checks and shit.
The country desperately needs increased infrastructure spending and improvements if it's going to remain competitive in the 21st century economy. It's ridiculous how the feds have been dragging their feet on this for so long. Thankfully, we now have a party in power that understands the positive role that public sector investments can play in promoting economic growth.

Oh, wait.

Well, at least we have a president with detailed knowledge of the policy specifics and enough focus, stamina, and popular support to wage a long-term lobbying effort to persuade skeptics to adopt his position.

Oh, wait.


Well, at least the bridge I drive over on my morning and evening commute hasn't collapsed yet.


Yes I'm sure Republicans will use Canada and Switzerland as models for an effective organization.

Most people are bashing the idea itself which I am responding to. How well it'll be implemented is another matter. Though even with the current administration I think it's worth a shot.


Not really. Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, and Luxembourg have air traffic control that are run as independent companies and not government agencies. They seem to be working fine.

From the websites you quoted:

Canada's is not-for-profit. Germany's is owned by the Federal Republic of Deutschland. The UK Government does NOT fully own NATS Holdings, only 49%, but has a golden share. Switzerland's Skyguide is 99.9% owned by the Swiss Confederation. The Italian Ministry of Economy owns ENAV. Norway's Avinov is fully state owned.

Sure, maybe you could make a quick buck selling a minority share in air traffic control? But what's the point? I can see how private ownership of utilities, for instance, can be a good thing, in the sense that the privately-run owners can better manage the companies, but if the government retains majority control, or has a golden share, then nothing really changes.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Trump's infrastructure plan: Everything was a toll!


Well that's a critical part of the process. They're inherently tied together.

When someone says something like "There are some things that have to be controlled by government. Like healthcare and in this case ATC." that implies that putting such matters under private administartion is a bad idea regardless of who is implementing it and that they should always remain under government control. They aren't inherently tied together in regards to such.

From the websites you quoted:

Canada's is not-for-profit. Germany's is owned by the Federal Republic of Deutschland. The UK Government does NOT fully own NATS Holdings, only 49%, but has a golden share. Switzerland's Skyguide is 99.9% owned by the Swiss Confederation. The Italian Ministry of Economy owns ENAV. Norway's Avinov is fully state owned.

Sure, maybe you could make a quick buck selling a minor share in air traffic control? But what's the point?

The proposal for the US is also not-for-profit. I'm not sure how much of a share the government would or should keep but the key idea is removing it from being run by the government. Our current system is evolving woefully slowly and since this seems to work for other countries, it's worth a shot here too. The main ATC union backs it as well for the same reasons it seems based on link in OP.


He wants to make lots of toll roads. So basically you will have to pay to drive on roads
Will the wealthy be given a free pass that allows them to drive on toll roads at no charge?
After all, they can use that savings to create more jobs and the wealth will trickle down just as it does when they pay no tax.


Bingo. The incentives for private investment are tax credits and leases on the properties to charge tolls and whatnot.
That's the kicker as well. He's going to give handouts to private companies (tax credits) all while everyday citizens will now have to pay to drive on roads.

I despise toll roads and I would mush rather be paying increased gas taxes verses being price gauged by toll roads
It's been over eight years since the last fatal commercial airline accident in the United States. Seems like the FAA is doing a pretty good job.


So he's basically trying to keep the government out so that businesses can come in make bank? Is this what he meant buy running the government like a business? Seems like the end game is a robocop style future where businesses run the country.


I don't really have an opinion on privatizing the ATC since like someone else said other countries run it like that, but this administration is pure trash so I don't expect anything good.

Selling off roads though? Fuck that shit. I can already see the pain and headaches that shit will cause.


This fucker is redlining Republican policies. He's an absolute dream president for billionaires, which shouldn't have been surprising for anyone with half a brain.


It's the thing a few governments want to do or at least the one we have currently have in Germany. Our treasury secretary wants parts of our Autobahn privatized and Germany plays a huge role in privatizing a lot of Greeces infrastructure.
Privatizing roads and turning them into toll roads is a fairly good policy, as long as it's done right. Pay per use roads encourage less car traffic and more use of public transportation or long distance buses, which is a great way to fight climate change.

A lot of toll roads even allow free use for HOV which encourages carpooling. For example, https://www.expresslanes.com/partners for the 495 and 95 express lanes in VA.
I am so sick of the extreme idolatry of the free market from the right. Is it too nuanced for people to understand that some industries (education, healthcare, transportation) are too important to the public interest to leave to the whims of profit motivations?
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