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Trump plans to focus on infrastructure, starting with privatizing air traffic control


Roughly the size of a baaaaaarge
Selling roads, just ask Ontarians how well that went when the PCs sold off the 407.

I saw a Skyguide mention in here. In 2002, that company, due to mismanagement, had only two controllers working at an air traffic control center (one of whom decided to take a break against policy), forcing the other to work at two workstations at the same time while maintenance work was being done on the radar image processing system. This contributed to the mid-air collision of two jetliners over Germany.
Privatizing roads and turning them into toll roads is a fairly good policy, as long as it's done right. Pay per use roads encourage less car traffic and more use of public transportation or long distance buses, which is a great way to fight climate change.

A lot of toll roads even allow free use for HOV which encourages carpooling. For example, https://www.expresslanes.com/partners for the 495 and 95 express lanes in VA.

While public transportation is important, this move will most likely enforce class-ism to separate roads off and blocking access to parts of the country unless you are approved by a corporation to be there.

what is a "nonprofit corporation"?

I have felt like a lot of hospitals fall under this. They operate as a non-profit, but all that means is that there investments are kept under a separate branch.


DFS, the "Deutsche Flugsicherung" is our "private" nonprofit air traffic control company here in Germany.

It's is 100% owned by the government. Always kinda wondered about that. I mean, what's the point to make it a private company and then completely lock it down under the control of the government. Choose one or the other, dammit. Probably something about liability and all that jazz.

They occasionally threaten to go on, and rarely actually go on strike due to their wages or working conditions... which is always a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Otherwise, no complaints. They do their job.

So yeah. It can work. Most of the time.

Provided you have the correct powerful watchdogs breathing down their necks and enough laws and regulations to keep them at a short leash so that they don't skimp on security, features and whatnot. Fat government style.
So basically, it's nigh impossible for the US with their approach to laws and regulations. You guys just don't roll that way.

And that's long before even considering Trump and GOP.

But that's just this here little pessimist navel gazing. One thing's for sure though, I'm not volunteering to test the long term reliability and viability of this. Far from it.
The GOP's hard on to privatize everything is so ridiculous. Just prevents people from getting government jobs. So essentially they want to leave everyone who has a government job, jobless, as they believe that a private business will pay more and hire more people with more benefits.....lmfao. Utterly insane.
Every road named after MLK will be renamed after Trump (as toll roads with orange barrels) and there will be a ban on naming ANYTHING after Obama.
I could see roads maybe, but air traffic control and airports? Wouldn't that almost essentially set up a monopoly? It's not like you can just build a bunch of airports next to each other, and see which ones offer the best price.
As someone who's seen (in Ontario Canada) what selling roads to private corporations does, every month in my bills, avoid it and protest it.

As someone who watches a lot of Mayday on the discovery channel, do NOT allow the privatization of ATC at all costs. A for-profit model will only harm air travel in every conceivable way. Get to the streets and call all of your senators and congressmen. Immediately!!

PS our airports are expensive to fly out for a lot of reasons, and I'm pretty sure privatized ATC is one of them.

Wait, Canadian Air Traffic Control is privatized?
Oh god privatized roads, highways, freeways. The worst idea fucking ever.

Can't wait to $5 to merge from Facebook east onto Pizzahut 277 west, but the road is still shit. Too bad the roads are owned by corporations so we can't actually vote any of them out or do anything really lol.

If this comes to pass, we might as well let companies buy out neighborhoods and go full remedial with the dystopia future novel cliche setting.
Privatizing roads and turning them into toll roads is a fairly good policy, as long as it's done right. Pay per use roads encourage less car traffic and more use of public transportation or long distance buses, which is a great way to fight climate change.

A lot of toll roads even allow free use for HOV which encourages carpooling. For example, https://www.expresslanes.com/partners for the 495 and 95 express lanes in VA.

Tolls are not bad but there would need to be contractual protections to prevent Price Gouging and total lack of public access. Because otherwise you're creating an environment ripe for Classism. As pricing too high and blocking access to the most direct routes inherently affects those that make the least amount of money. They would be forced to pay a higher percentage of their income for access or have to travel longer distances. This could also increase street traffic in major metropolitan areas (if highways/freeways are privatized) and would discourage those who make less from commuting for better opportunities. Moving is already out of reach for many due to inflating housing costs.

The question is, do you believe that a Republican led Gov't would institute regulations to protect Lower and Middle class citizens? I'm not confident they would as they tend to side with Corporate Profits over Citizens everywhere they can as is. I.E. Internet Neutrality and the absolute refusal to classify Internet access as a Utility.
Canada's airports are government owned but management is leased out to non profit corporations and they pay rent to the Feds. Mulroney wanted to privatize them as well as I recall but they did this hybrid approach.

I fly out of the US every time as the fees are ridiculous. The only time I fly out of a Canadian airport is if work is paying for it.

And yeah the 407 is ridiculous. Might as well require a credit check before you get on it.

Chris R

Any infrastructure spending is good in my books. If he isn't going to be impeached this year, why the hell not.

Granted, it should be more federal spending but whatever.


How the fuck can you make money off Air Traffic Control?

President fucking Idiot

The article said "non-profit corporation", whatever the fuck that entails.

Why would such an entity modernise/invest in anything if they don't have a profit incentive?

So dumb


Sounds predictably horrible though I can't say I am all that worried about this coming to fruition given that lack of skill shown in this administration thus far.


Infrastructure sure; fix up some roads, update some public transportation.

Privatization of roads; WTF are you thinking


Oh god privatized roads, highways, freeways. The worst idea fucking ever.

Can't wait to $5 to merge from Facebook east onto Pizzahut 277 west, but the road is still shit. Too bad the roads are owned by corporations so we can't actually vote any of them out or do anything really lol.

Just wait until Pornhub South.

and if several other attempts are any indication, the roads will be in worse shape since the companies don't have to answer to anyone. Until that brief moment where we get competing interstates, until the point where they work together to price fix their rates to sustain them both and then let the road quality deteriorate again.


As some one whose husband owns and flies a small plane (and I get to enjoy the benefits of that), fuck you trump. Though I wish that was the only thing I want to throw a fuck you trump at


This will lead to at least 57 more speeches and tweets talking about "deals" he's supposedly (not) making.


Just wait until Pornhub South.

and if several other attempts are any indication, the roads will be in worse shape since the companies don't have to answer to anyone. Until that brief moment where we get competing interstates, until the point where they work together to price fix their rates to sustain them both and then let the road quality deteriorate again.

Here in Colorado, the Dept of Transportation is severely underfunded, so in recent years they've experimented with using private companies to fund expansion projects (adding toll lanes on US 36 between Denver/Boulder for example). The state gave the company ownership for 50 years and guarantees a certain minimum revenue per year which means the company that owns the toll lanes has no incentive to keep rates reasonable, since they get paid whether or not people are using the lanes.

Unsurprisingly, adding the toll lanes hasn't helped ease congestion at all since they're too expensive for people to use. To make things shittier, CDOT was pressured into increasing the minimum number of people required to use HOV lanes for free, in an attempt to get people to use toll lanes.

Can't wait to have every highway like this, whee


Can’t stump the diablos
It's one way to save money.
So long as the safety standards are met, we could save some money here.
From the websites you quoted:

Canada's is not-for-profit. Germany's is owned by the Federal Republic of Deutschland. The UK Government does NOT fully own NATS Holdings, only 49%, but has a golden share. Switzerland's Skyguide is 99.9% owned by the Swiss Confederation. The Italian Ministry of Economy owns ENAV. Norway's Avinov is fully state owned.

Sure, maybe you could make a quick buck selling a minority share in air traffic control? But what's the point? I can see how private ownership of utilities, for instance, can be a good thing, in the sense that the privately-run owners can better manage the companies, but if the government retains majority control, or has a golden share, then nothing really changes.

As someone else pointed out, NFL is also not for profit.


I wonder if such a move would allow these private companies to skirt their employees medical coverage. I used to do transcribing for a psychopathologist who's main clientele were air traffic controllers. The rate new ones show up with the same symptoms after just one thing goes wrong on the job was really high.
Take a drive around the Chicagoland to see why pay to drive roads sucks. I pay for the privilege to sit in bumper to bumper traffic everyday.
Which they will apparently obtain from the airlines? IDK.

Airlines would pay fees and either pass that cost down to the consumers via higher prices or cut their costs in other ways (less staff, lower production costs by dropping quality as much as legally allowed, etc..).

The only boon is Gov't gets to claim "less taxes!" to fool some people into thinking they will save money.
ah yeah, the incompetent businessman suggesting you turn the airways into incompetent business too! And those roads you drive on too!

oh, the magic of massive accidents in the making. Too bad it will force companies to move up the time scale on self-driving trucks to avoid that and save time on toll transactions. I wonder who that would affect the most?

Trump sure seems to love fucking over the people who voted for him. Maybe you should take that as a sign that 'your man' is really not yours at all.


Why is it a wet dream to privatize everything?

"Well I can take north ave to work and pay $10 or I can take the side roads for $8".

Because you can make more money on it while decreasing government spending.....usually at the cost of service.
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