Rebel Leader
Depending where you are coca cola or pepsi still gets moneydr. pepper only i guess?
Depending where you are coca cola or pepsi still gets moneydr. pepper only i guess?
As someone who works in a newspaper (outside the US)...yes, editors actually want us interns to look for that stuff.Spend enough time searching Twitter and you'll find enough tweets to write a news story about any group's reaction to anything. Such lazy journalism. Do these outlets have interns whose sole job is just to search Twitter for these remarks?
84 Lumber's ad is obviously not pro-wall.
They show the journey of a mexican woman and her daughter. Nothing more obvious to try to humanize illegal immigrants. If it was pro-wall they would show some shady guys with guns and drugs.
The US builder uses the lumber to build a door, which is left unlocked, so the illegal immigrants can enter the US.
We see the little mexican girl made a US flag with scraps.
We see them entering the US.
How can anyone think that is pro-wall is beyond me.
How though? It's placed in the future where the wall is already built. 84 Lumber makes it possible for Mexicans to enter the States through the giant door.
Nothing says "stay out" like an open door
One interesting thing about the 84 Lumber boycott is that the company's owner, Maggie Hardy Magerko, said she voted for Trump. In fact, having a huge door in the wall is something Trump himself mentioned repeatedly in campaign speeches.
Trump supporters acting like they will stop drinking bud is hilarious