Rockin' Ranger
They don't need coca cola, they'll just drink sprite instead.
And their boycott of Budweiser can let them try beers from small craft breweries like Goose Island.
They don't need coca cola, they'll just drink sprite instead.
I saw the 84 Lumber ad and thought "uhh am I the only who thinks this is pro-wall?". It was weird because I saw my liberal friends share it, and even a liberal news outlet share it. I'm glad this thread confirmed it is indeed a pro Trump/wall ad
Ok, you're going to have to explain this to me like I'm five. How in the world is that commercial pro-wall?!?
That document, which was reviewed by The New York Times, said the commercial would show a mother and daughter on an arduous journey north, as American workers built a large structure. Their journey appeared doomed once they reached the wall until a patriotic symbol inspired them to find a massive doorway which is what the workers were creating all along. The final line: The will to succeed will always be welcome here.
???I saw the 84 Lumber ad and thought "uhh am I the only who thinks this is pro-wall?". It was weird because I saw my liberal friends share it, and even a liberal news outlet share it. I'm glad this thread confirmed it is indeed a pro Trump/wall ad
Coke, Pepsi, Bud AND Starbucks?
So basically they'll never drink anything but tap water?
And the 84 Lumber ad was supposed to be pro-wall lol
These people only know what they're supposed to boycott because they were watching an NFL gameairbnb is a really fucked up 'business', i would never use it knowing about it.
and the NFL has been trash for the last decade
Good lord, that's an expensive ring.
These people only know what they're supposed to boycott because they were watching an NFL game
Trump supporters are too economically anxious to spend money on all that anyway
And the 84 Lumber ad was supposed to be pro-wall lol
[Ms. Magerko, who said she voted for Mr. Trump, said the ad was meant to recruit employees in their 20s who really believe in American dreams. She expressed concern about the labor shortage her company is facing. She said she had a welcoming attitude toward certain immigrants, while providing the caveat that she had faith in elected officials to make the decisions to make us safe.
I am all about those people who are willing to fight and go that extra yard to make a difference and then if they have to, you know, climb higher, go under, do whatever it takes to become a citizen. I am all for that 110 percent, she said. But do I want cartels? Hell, no.
Coca Cola AND Pepsi? Nah, they need their sugar drink to wash the salt.
Exactly.*ad shows inclusivity and promotes unity as Americans*
When you like it you usually put a ring on it.
Price is secondary.
Trump supporters are too economically anxious to spend money on all that anyway
And the 84 Lumber ad was supposed to be pro-wall lol
Spend enough time searching Twitter and you'll find enough tweets to write a news story about any group's reaction to anything. Such lazy journalism. Do these outlets have interns whose sole job is just to search Twitter for these remarks?
What did Lady Gaga do that was controversial last night?
This is treason jaceIt's time for the third piller of cola to stand tall!!
Am I an idiot? How is it pro-wall? I thought the whole point of it was the big ass door at the end
And their boycott of Budweiser can let them try beers from small craft breweries like Goose Island.
Guys, the starbucks boycott is really working. Heres a video with PROOF:
These other companies better watch out!
Are they going to boycott Pepsi and Coke as drinks or Pepsi and Coke as companies?
Cause I have a feeling most of them probably don't know all the different brands that those companies actually own.
Ok. So is this an actual thing, or is it, as it has been every other time we've seen this article, like four or five idiots on twitter making noise?
Maybe not.dr. pepper only i guess?
Wikipedia article on the creator of Dr. Pepper said:It was first sold on 1 December 1885, and was ordered by asking the soda attendant to "shoot a Waco".