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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
You've got to have a pretty low bar for comedy to find this funny, even ignoring the disgusting context.

So, naturally, this is something American conservatives will find funny.


No-one else thinks this is funny, not even a little bit?

If he wasn't the POTUS and continuously trying to discredit the media by labeling them fake news while also promoting propaganda like Fox News and Info Wars, then sure, yea. I actually chuckled a bit when I first saw it then realized this is the fucken POTUS tweeting a gif about beating up news agencies
Can't believe there are people defending this.

Holy fuck. We're doomed.

They are the same shit people who'd say that someone shouldn't fight back against bullies, because that's what they want, or fight back against harassers online, because that's what they want.

Instead people should be fighting back against this bullying & harassing president, especially since that's what the same shit people do not want.
In any decent civilized country, a President posting a gif of him beating up the free press would have that President out of office by the end of the week.

I don't think any decent civilized country would have the President making off the cuff tweets when they're a narcissistic billionaire manchild, tbf.


I kinda can't believe that people think it's funny. Context is everything, and in this case ITS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA TWEETING THIS. It's so, SO embarrassing.
No-one else thinks this is funny, not even a little bit?

By itself, it's just a hacky wrestling gif.

But when considering whether something is funny, consider the joke teller in question. In this situation, it's a person:

a) of power
b) is known for a complete lack of humility or self-deprication
c) casts himself as the righteous and the victor in his own argument

And the context. A reporter was recently attacked by a congressional candidate just weeks ago. Donald Trump has been increasingly building a narrative to delegitimize the media. And now he posts an image casting him as a victorious champion physically dominating the media.
CNN spent 30 minutes this hour talking about this; now just this minute they are back on in it.

CNN giving this GIF way too much attention is a Trump victory.

the battle lines are drawn between Trump vs them (the media) and this will actually fuel the Trump camp and supporters to continue and add on to top it due to the news reaction and time spent covering this GIF.

Yes, violance towards the Free Press and jouirnalist is wrong. But man, the reaction coverage on CNN Live this past hour handed this morning's win to Trump.

Cable news has lost it on what to cover on importance scale while eh Trump slashes elecritciy-heating subsidies to the poor

CNN under Zucker cares first and foremost about chasing ratings, forget about Trump proposing eliminating policy that could result in low-income families and the elderly freezing to death. That's not sexy.
Oh btw defence line in press conference" He was kidding. I along with many others found it funny. Fox news said this was funniest stuff ever. Paul ryan said president is new to this. Why are you guys angry."


No-one else thinks this is funny, not even a little bit?
No, in context it's disgusting and exhausting. I'm tired of this carnival of idiocy. He's a national embarrassment.

Perhaps the sole upside of all this is that the orange muffin and his supporters will be memorialized by historians of later decades and possibly centuries as some of the dopiest shitclowns in our species' collective memory.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
i really need to stop thinking we have reached max level absurdity

our president ladies and gents.

the quality of this is terrible. or maybe i'm just used to our GIF god SunhiLegend.


How many right hooks and body blows will the GOP take before they realize they need to be rid of this embarrassment? He's dragging their entire party lower than it's ever been, which is saying something. Independents are abandoning support of the GOP in droves.

Pence is sexist, racist, homophobic, and all around piece of garbage human but at least he's not a batshit insane egotist. I do not trust Trump with any power over our military forces - and certainly not our nuclear arsenal - because he'd just as soon start a bullshit war for his own profit and ego just to stay relevant.

This man who is clearly on the borderline of dementia needs to be removed before we're too far down the rabbit hole.

And the context. A reporter was recently attacked by a congressional candidate just weeks ago. Donald Trump has been increasingly building a narrative to delegitimize the media. And now he posts an image casting him as a victorious champion physically dominating the media.

Increasingly? Nothing increasingly about it. He outright said he was planning to blow up the First Amendment's freedom of the press during the GOP primaries where he said he was going to limit coverage to government offices and officials while also making it easier to sue the press for libel/slander.
I kinda can't believe that people think it's funny. Context is everything, and in this case ITS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA TWEETING THIS. It's so, SO embarrassing.

the normalization of the new normal.

IMO, cable news has no idea how to react they got played and they continue to get played.

The mere fact that parisan shills get invited on 3v3 partian panels nightly is further proof that cable news has no idea on how to cunduct news reporting.

I compare American cable news with Canadian cable news,

in Canadian news,( CBC or CTV); there is still importance on FACT BASED news reporting. Even on politic segments when elected representiaive are invited on, they are not invited cut a promo, they are invited to anwser quetions and explain themselves with reported scrutiny.


No-one else thinks this is funny, not even a little bit?
What's funny about a 70 year old man (baby) TWEETING memes? This 70 man (baby) is also the President of the United States.

Not only is this video portraying violence against the media, he's basically condoning it. A group of senators were almost murdered a couple of weeks ago and the President is posting videos of violence against members of society.

So again, is this funny? No.

Anna Navarro just lost her shit on This Week. She is PISSED about this. Even more than usual. Also, she called the director of Homeland Security, who they had just finished interviewing, a wuss because he refused to condemn the president over his .gif tweet. Some interesting fallout from this.


She is totally right.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This is perfectly fine and the last administration created the precedent. Remember when President Obama wore that tan suit?


It would actually be amusing, if he wasn't president, and he wasn't serious proven by his history on this issue, and if he didn't have a cult following that might actually take this clip to heart.
If this was after 1 or 2 completely false stories, and a calm, stable, measured presidency I'd probably find this funny. after his endless waves of shit over the last year and a half, nah


Could you imagine if Obama did this?

I remember during the election when the Hillary folks tried to get cute on twitter, so many people would complain about how it's unprofessional and complaining about how "this is how pathetic politics in America have become". It would be interesting to go back to those topics and see if any of those complainers are suddenly fine with this.

I have a sense of humor and actually would appreciate this meme if he wasn't making a joke out of the most powerful seat in the world and if he wasn't actually serious. Dude wants to kill CNN and any news org that says anything negative about him.

Oh yeah and if it was FOX and Obama. It would forever be a black mark on his presidency. For Trump, it's just another Sunday.

I had CNN on all morning since I entered this thread. Lots of people are not undesrtand my posts but man CNN handed Trump a morning victory.

Trump is smiling, is laughing this morning and so are his insane supporters, They illicted a reaction and they got it. They will continue down this path even deepr and darker.

Mika and Joe on Morning Joe did a way superior job at responding to Trump's hateful tweets this last Thursday and Friday on MSNBC. Mika and Joe are handling Trump way way way better than how CNN is handling Trump.

CNN goes: "how, let's have a multi-person panel, oh-eyuh"

CNN failed this morning


It's delicious watching Trump shit on CNN nonstop despite their efforts to suck up to trump cultists. They really hired that coke fiend Corey Lewandowski lmao.

I hope their ratings continue to go down and they become even more irrelevant


i wonder what point we got to where most of the country isn't embarrassed by this stuff. feels like a fell through the slipstream at some point


Now now let's not let a dumbass tweet distract from dumb policy he keeps [trying] to instate.

But really CNN, use this to fight against him, he's clearly not on your side you shouldn't be on his.
No no... they have to continue to behave impartial and give right-wing distraction nonsense equal billing and not call them lies and bring KellyAnne Conway on to their network to peddle nonsense while paying Jeffrey Lord to rationalize Donny tweeting wrestling gifs.

CNN will never learn their lesson. They helped to create this monster and take no accountability for their role in it. They will continue to seek out favor from the Trump cult while being scapegoated by it.


A 71-year old man is tweeting badly made gifs that he found on r/The_Donald.

If it was your grandfather it would just be embarrassing, but I guess we hold random relatives to higher standards than the POTUS.
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