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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


If he hadn't spent the last year trying to convince the entire nation that any news that does not agree with him is fake and should not be paid attention to (CNN being the biggest target), you might have a point. Good job at ignoring the context. He's just trying to make light of his fascist ways. It's truly hilarious I tell you.

But yes, it would just be a stupid meme otherwise and hardly anything to get upset over.



The more serious question is why GOP leadership is just taking this? Paul Ryan should resign immediately. They all should to be honest.
I hate the administration but this is hilarious.

Exactly my thoughts, and I doubt anyone hates Trump more than me.

So the president advocates violence and people find it hilarious

Saying this is an example of him advocating violence is a stretch. It really is. Those speeches and statements he made calling the press the enemy of the people is many, many times worse than a stupid video/gif of him punching CNN taken from an old WWE broadcast. Jesus folks.


Gold Member
I have to admit I think the video is kind of funny but I also cannot believe this is real life anymore.
Imagine hiring an employee and you find out all he's been doing for 6 months is taking days off for golfing trips and waging a social media war against the dude working in the next cubicle for telling everybody how bad the new guy at his job.

Seems like things have gotten too stupid too fast.

That's because there's a good chance that the GOP leaders like Ryan and McConnell are deep in this Russia election fiasco too.

Good chance based on what? You can't just make statements like this based on nothing.


The more serious question is why GOP leadership is just taking this? Paul Ryan should resign immediately. They all should to be honest.

As long as Trump signs everything they put in front of him and he takes all the focus and blame, it's best time ever for them.


I agree with you entirely that being a journalist isn't always the safest job. Often it's the most dangerous possible job because you're rarely given the kind of protection that other representatives of a country are given while doing work abroad, or even while just doing work in their country of origin.

That said, I have to strongly disagree with this honestly being treated as anything other than a silly attempt at humor by someone who we already know sets new lows for acceptable behavior for a President of the United States, for which this is just one more example of. However, Trump has done and said far worse things that are worthy of heavy condemnation and criticism, and this, I really don't believe, is one of them. In light of previous statements and actions, it's certainly something that should lead to a discussion on the implications coming from a person who has, on countless occasions, advocated for violence against the media.

However, there is such a thing as overreacting and overreaching to such a degree to the smaller things that the big things end up not having the weight of consequence they should because it always seems like people are crying wolf over everything all the time. Pick your battles. This isn't a battle that is worth it. If President Obama, a President I really respect and support, did the same thing, I wouldn't criticize him at all for doing it. He's known for his sense of humor, but we also know he thinks more deeply about things before he goes out and does/says them. So when I refuse to take this as anything other than Trump, in a rare instance, learning to take himself a little less serious and being in on the joke, I'm doing so with, in my view, a level of consistency that I would apply to even a politician whom I don't absolutely despise.

And for the record, CNN is in fact a joke and something of a fraud, and has more or less been precisely that ever since President Obama was elected, and they decided that the smart thing to do was to start trying to appeal to the Fox News/Racist viewer in an attempt to boost their viewership. I still remember how disgusted I was that they effectively elevated Rush Limbaugh to the same level of deference as the new President of the United States by giving his disgusting and shameless speech so much push and uninterrupted airtime. They were drawing equivalence to then President or President Elect Obama and Rush Limbaugh, and there were heavy racial undertones and dog whistles utilized by CNN in the process of doing so, and they knew what they were doing. So while, sure, I'll be the first to cheer them on when they go after Trump, but they are a trash news organization, and have been now for years. Donald Trump is certainly not incorrect about that. He's just woefully inaccurate in his reasons for calling them what he does. There's a reason that even President Obama politely poked fun at them at the Correspondents Dinners. So, yea, I don't really care and won't lose my shit over CNN being the tail end of a dumb video/gif using a fake wrestling match where donald trump laughingly tackles and starts punching vince mcmahon.
Just going to point out if Obama were to do this, he'd be vilified to hell and back more so than he already was, but you could find it funny. Why? Because Obama didn't make it a habit of shitting on the news every day and calling them fake and enemy of the people. The context is not the same let alone the implication.


And you know, it is not like this is even hypothetical. Has everyone just forgotten that in December a man showed up with a gun at Comet Ping Pong to "self-investigate" everything he had been hearing and reading about Pizzagate? Thankfully no one died, but how long will it be before someone reading and hearing about CNN as "fake news", reporters being "the enemy", and seeing Trump GIFS attacking the media (I doubt this will be the last one of these) will decide to go after a reporter?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So the president advocates violence and people find it hilarious

Not just violence but deliberately undermining the last obstacle he faces which is the fourth estate and answerability to the public.

It's not funny. It's mortifying.

Meanwhile this is all just "Lulz" for some folks.
So when a Trump supporter hurts or kills a CNN (or any) reporter in his name will you find it funny?

Yup, and really, the video isn't that funny. Its not clever AT ALL. It's the kinda lame ass joke I would expect my gramps to make if he knew how to and what memes are. All trump did was slap a CNN logo on an old ass video. Lame as fuck.

But yea, his dumb as rocks supporters are dumb as rocks. Someone will take it literally and get hurt or worse. This is part of a constant attack against CNN. He's incited violence in the past and this is no different. But whatever I guess the left can't take a "joke".?


Just going to point out if Obama were to do this, he'd be vilified to hell and back more so than he already was, but you could find it funny. Why? Because Obama didn't make it a habit of shitting on the news every day and calling them fake and enemy of the people. The context is not the same let alone the implication.

I know, Obama is many times more the class act and the genuinely decent human being than Donald Trump could only ever hope to be, so that implication isn't entirely the same, and I don't believe the feelings would be the same around it either. And, yes, Obama would probably get impeached by the Republican House, and they would pass a staged vote in support of the US media in Congress to condemn the President. And the cowards in the Democratic party would feel the pressure and vote in favor knowing the purpose was only to embarrass Obama. You know, cause that's what weak people do.
Yes thats clearly why Trump loves CNN so much, so obvious, just connect the dots, pyramids , the eye


And Trump isn't just friends with Zucker, he's friendly with most of the heads of the TV/Cable companies. He's spent the majority of his life self-promoting so the fact that he's in deep with the media shouldn't be a shock to anyone. It's probable that Trump really is feeling betrayed by a lot of the coverage he's gotten as President but don't think for a second that there isn't a game going on that's serving all of their interests by providing fresh red meat to their prospective bases.


Black Canada Mafia
There's something fucking surreal about this being a thing the president of the United States posts, and the country seemingly having no idea of how to deal with it.

Like... How do you deal with this being your president? What's the right answer? Remember that classy as fuck dude you had a few months ago as your president? Like, politics aside, talking strictly decorum - that last dude was so fucking classy the people who hated him had to reach and call out the colour of his suit as un-presidential. In 8 years that was the least classy thing he did.

It hasn't even been 8 months and the current U.S. president's twitter will have motherfuckers scratching their heads in political science classes for goddamm generations. I feel awkward just being -near- the U.S. right now, such hard vicarious embarrassment.


comon' guize itz just joxe!

I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?
I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on.
So the way to move on is normalizing it by dismissing how dangerous it is and calling it hilarious?


I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?

Your suggestion is effectively accepting and normalizing his behavior.
I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?

I don't think it will ever get old calling really stupid behavior stupid.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
What I love is because he retweeted it from his POTUS account it will be nationally archived for all time.

I cant not laugh, its genuinely hilarious.


So the way to move on is normalizing it by dismissing how dangerous it is and calling it hilarious?

Your suggestion is effectively accepting and normalizing his behavior.

Not at all. But sometimes you need to think of things strategically, not just tactically. Another Trump shocker tweet another headline grabber, all the while his agenda moves forward.

Again, there are plenty of critics of this juvenile nonsense from Trump. It's just not that effective from a power perspective. Didn't work in the GE and it's not working now.

You must be easily amused.

It's a funny GIF. The absurdity of it all. I mean, we did elect a reality show star after all.


I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?
If you follow your logic, by 2018 and 2020 Trump will be untouchable because all his bullshit behavior and antics will be normal and just Trump being Trump.


I mean it is.

There are a gazillion things to really hit Trump hard on politically, such as Trumpcare, but we're going nuts about tweets. This is were the prevalence of outrage actually hurts the liberal cause. It's majoring in the minors. Moreover, we only have limited attention. Why focus on this silliness?

We're done with the expectation that Trump will respect the office from a dignity of the office perspective. He's not. He's classless. Time to move on. How many times are we gonna clutch our pearls at the latest Trump tweet?
I refuse to normalize this.

Its important to keep highlighting it because these sort of childish activities and threats he keeps making need to remain a source of embarrassment at how far things have sunk. The President of the United Stats is shit posting on twitter.

Its insane and I hope it stays embedded in everybody's mind that this is the sort of insane country we're living with now.
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