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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN

Ignorant question coming in, what was the fake news spread by CNN that all this is about?

Anything critical of Trump.

Jesus Christ - I can't believe people are arguing here. He's the president of the United States.

This is embarrassing and terrifying! Get him out already! He's at best a juvenile idiot and are worst unstable and dangerous.


This is a dumb thing to waste energy on. Just laugh at the stupidity and save it for another day when it really matters.

A distraction from his failing administration, nothing more.


Did he make that gif himself or did he get an aid to do it. I'd love to see that conversation if he did.

This is like Twilight Zone shit. This should not be happening in the real world.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This is way scarier than him lambasting reporters or defaming someone. This is him condoning violence against the press.

Banana. Republic.


So youre saying that we are purposely bombing the middle east in order to kill civilians?

Is that whats "really happening"?

I think he's trying to say that they take civilian casualties for granted as long as they succeed in their mission.


This is a dumb thing to waste energy on. Just laugh at the stupidity and save it for another day when it really matters.

A distraction from his failing administration, nothing more.

I don't think it's a "distraction" from anything, per se. It's just Trump being Trump: juvenile, inappropriate and brash.

If this is a "distraction," he has been distracting ever since he started running.

This is who he is and this is always who he will be.


Did he make that gif himself or did he get an aid to do it. I'd love to see that conversation if he did.

This is like Twilight Zone shit. This should not be happening in the real world.

I'm sure he had a cabinet meeting where after thanking him for being able to be in the same room as him, the cabinet presented a series of pleasing gifs and a few webms to please his grace.

The CNN was just too good to stay in the cabinet room so he tweeted the gif just after rubbing one out


Did he make that gif himself or did he get an aid to do it. I'd love to see that conversation if he did.

This is like Twilight Zone shit. This should not be happening in the real world.
He probably got it from his early morning look at 4chan.


I'm not defending his administration, I also don't think what she did can fuel any kind of real violence. It was also inappropriate, that's it.

I'm too lazy to the job but I'm pretty sure plenty of people here laughed at the "beheaded Trump" and are now finding this video the worst thing ever.

I personally just don't care very much. I laughed at the video because it's wrestling, it's supposed to be entertainment and also fake.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
This is a dumb thing to waste energy on. Just laugh at the stupidity and save it for another day when it really matters.

A distraction from his failing administration, nothing more.

The distraction narrative is getting old. There's no plan, this is a shithead flailing like he's drowning and instead of wanting to be rescued he pushes everyone away and screams obscenities.

Especially by Trump and his Minions despite claiming countless times they don't watch CNN while commenting on CNN' FB pages.

Yeah that's been weird. These people hate CNN yet they have to constantly spam anger and memes at them.
I hate Fox News but I just ignore them.

I mean it's super poor taste, it's unbecoming of a President.. but to his base it's a joke. The left getting in a tizzy about it just furthers the whole stupid "snowflake" meme garbage about how the left get's upset about everything and overreacts.

It's a wrestling gif. Wrestling is fake. Pretending like it's a real threat of violence takes quite a leap.
There's no way you actually believe this. Were you upset with what Kathy Griffin did too? That was fake.
CNN statement:


on point.
This is who is representing you Americans. Every awful thing that the rest of the world has thought about you has been given flesh and a mouth and fingers to constantly confirm every stereotype the world has of you. Every rude tourist, every whiny celebrity, every entitled and immature commenter and visitor. As a non American I can only imagine how painful it must be to be associated with this man if you don't share his views. How painful it must be to watch this man speak for you every single day. The anger that one must feel--a burning rage that turns to pain as you helplessly watch him debase the dignity of a once prestigious office, to humiliate all that are associated with him and to watch as he sets your public image back several years with each passing day.

Some good could come out of this though. The same media that helped him get elected is the same one that he now mocks. Maybe this will be a time for them to do some soul searching and recognize that for the sake of ratings and profits, they're sacrificing any integrity their position has in the public eye and are killing the interest of those who would want to he journalists. Maybe they will start to recognize that food journalism can also put good on the table and clothes on their backs. Maybe a disaster like this can be averted in the future as they do their jobs and focus on educating the public rather than angering them with shouting matches. Rather than titillating them with silly non-stories, maybe they will encourage participation and active engagement.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
The morning joe/mika one was bad. I actually have no problem with this one.
Democracies cannot function without a free press that is able to criticise people in power. What Trump just did is tell its supporters that punching people who work in news organisations is ok with him.

You are advocating for violence against the press. You should feel bad about it.


Limbaugh Parrot
This is 100% Scavino. Gif is from Reddit, there's no way Trump knows how to download and post video to Twitter.

Scavino did it with full approval from his boss, however.

I've never been so embarrased
He is easily amused and you are easily trolled.

Seriously though this is why trolling works. Make light of something serious to you, focus in on one flaw of the competition and rub it in while ignoring any talk of flaws against them self, laugh at the responses. This is like trolling 101.

And I won't lie, all talk about this trolling actually being serious and advocating violence makes liberals look weak since you guys are posting the same damn gifs. The only difference here is that people think they can keep musing that the president should be above such acts, but clearly he is not, doesn't pretend that he is, and this is KILLING liberals. They legit don't know how to respond. And that's when the troll claims victory

I've never said this was him advocating for violence, but it's not amusing either. This dude has always been in a perpetual state of an insecure child lashing out, going right on back to the primaries, where people allowed him to gain a foot-hold because they thought he was "funny" and the rest of the nonsense.

He's not funny or amusing, he's a problem.


Oh my fucking god.

You're supposed to hold your nose and see if you can still breathe through it to check if you're dreaming, right?


Technically Twitter could be fined up to 50m € if they fail to delete his posts from october here in germany.

This seems like a pretty clear case of incitement of violence


I disagree that the media helped to create this beast. If he was giving rallies, the media should have covered it. It's not the fault of the media that a lot of people voted for him, which was completely unexpected gives the polls.
Technically Twitter could be fined up to 50m € if they fail to delete his posts from october here in germany.

This seems like a pretty clear case of incitement of hatred

I'm no Trump fan but that Germany law is way too vague and rediculous, who decides what is hate? it can be flipped around where government officials deem dissent as hate


Disrupting dumb momentum with dumb is actually very effective when dealing with someone so dumb

Jon Stewart warned CNN over a decade ago on Crossfire. CNN didn't listen, CNN then expanded their Crossfire partisan panel motif into muli pundit 3v3 and even 4v4 shit shows.

CNN brought this on themselves and now they are complaining? LOL

CNN is partly respoisnbile for Trump being in the Whitehouse
Hate or like the CNN format, I don't see what that has to do with Trump insinuating violence against the network?


So Trump's either advocating violence against CNN or admitting he's in cahoots with CNN and "working" the country.


In all seriousness this has gone way past the point of absurdity. This is an incredibly dangerous man trying to completely undermine the integrity of the press with a video of him at wrestlemania. What the fuck happened?


If my Prime Minister was behaving normally except for Trump-style tweeting, he'd probably lose his leadership position. Trump tweeting as he does, and being a grossly incompetent and ineffective leader is remarkable to me. I'm glad my country has a mechanism to remove the Prime Minister that doesn't cause a constitutional crisis.
The sad part here is while I would love for this to do some kind of damage to him - me personally finding it funny aside - it will end up playing right into his hands. I fear many will look at CNN's overly serious response to something that more deserves to be mocked for how small it makes the office of the President, and Trump himself, look rather than it being treated like a five alarm fire or massive call for violence against reporters.

I hate Trump to my core, but this is a major overreaction by CNN that will be mostly treated as a joke.


First tragedy, then farce.
Anyone taking this as a serious threat of violence is feeding right into how his base views the opposition.

It's a poor joke, and the POTUS posting memes is pretty stupid and juvenile.

This is pretty much not important, though CNN took the bait with their response and Trump's base will eat it up.

This is a man who calls all press fake news, who has pointed to the media at rallies and called them the enemy, who for years was peddling a conspiracy that Obama was not legally President and not even American. Just this week it came out that he and his family were threatening two journalists with personally damaging stories if they didn't apologize and start covering the president more positively.

Whether or not it is an actual threat of violence against the media is irrelevant, it is the most outrageous example in a long line of attempting to silence the 4th pillar of government.
some of you are really going overboard on the "violence" claim over a pro-wrestling clip of two non-wrestlers play fighting

It's this knee jerk reaction of outrage that encourages Trump supporters to push the envelope even further next time on their re-tweets and re-posts.

Best keep the outrage for real bad shit like cutting funding that helps poor people, cutting Meals on Wheels, cutting Medicaid and stuff like that. And his attempts to repeal Obamacare.

Keep the outrage on the real evil stuff he is doing
WWE has a huge opportunity next week to bring out a guy wearing an actual CNN block headpiece on Raw or something to kick a Donald doppleganger's ass.


You know some crazy Trump supporter will probably attack a CNN journalist now. It's gonna happen sooner or later.
some of you are really going overboard on the "violence" claim over a pro-wrestling clip of two non-wrestlers play fighting

It's this knee jerk reaction of outrage that encourages Trump supporters to push the envelope even further next time on their re-tweets and re-posts.

I agree. This is one of those overreactions.


aka andydumi
The reason he switched to #FraudNewsCNN is that some of the #FakeNews tweets are anti-Trump, and it's harder to co-opt a hashtag that explicitly targets CNN.
Anything can be coopted ironically.

Start tagging every CNN article that lists it's sources.


WWE has a huge opportunity next week to bring out a guy wearing an actual CNN block headpiece on Raw or something to kick a Donald doppleganger's ass.

The McMahons and Trump are friends. Vince & Linda gave millions to his foundation and Linda got appointed his Small Business Administrator.


First tragedy, then farce.
The sad part here is while I would love for this to do some kind of damage to him - me personally finding it funny aside - it will end up playing right into his hands. I fear many will look at CNN's overly serious response to something that more deserves to be mocked for how small it makes the office of the President, and Trump himself, look rather than it being treated like a five alarm fire or massive call for violence against reporters.

I hate Trump to my core, but this is a major overreaction by CNN that will be mostly treated as a joke.

Ever been to the Newseum? I'm not saying that Trump was actually threatening violence, but lets not pretend that being a reporter is always the safest job or that it would be considered acceptable if Trump were posting a GIF of him slamming any other organization.

What's an acceptable joke? Planned Parenthood up there? Hillary? Black Lives Matter? This isn't fucking console wars where Nintendo just outsold Sony and it's hilarious to post a GIF of three consoles hitting each other. This is the fucking president of the god damned united states and the supposed leader of the free world getting his rocks off posting GIFs of him symbolically attacking a news organization because they don't give him preferential coverage and calling their reporting fraudulent.

It's not a joke. If you think this is a funny joke Trump has already won by moving our expectation level of our leadership so low that his continual attacks on the 4th pillar of government can now be memed in ways that are merely stupid and not indicative of a course of much more sinister behavior.




"Teacher, are you trolling us? There's no way that the 45th POTUS made something like that."
(Teacher silently weeps)
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