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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN

No no... they have to continue to behave impartial and give right-wing distraction nonsense equal billing and not call them lies and bring KellyAnne Conway on to their network to peddle nonsense while paying Jeffrey Lord to rationalize Donny tweeting wrestling gifs.

CNN will never learn their lesson. They helped to create this monster and take no accountability for their role in it.

pretty much, CNN has not learned anything and will never learn.

Monday night they will be back to this again:


CNN is going to enjoy a big ratings bump. That's really all that will come of this. Maybe a Trump surrogate with tackle Anderson Cooper on live TV.


I had CNN on all morning since I entered this thread. Lots of people are not undesrtand my posts but man CNN handed Trump a morning victory.

Trump is smiling, is laughing this morning and so are his insane supporters, They illicted a reaction and they got it. They will continue down this path even deepr and darker.

Mika and Joe on Morning Joe did a way superior job at responding to Trump's hateful tweets this last Thursday and Friday on MSNBC. Mika and Joe are handling Trump way way way better than how CNN is handling Trump.

CNN goes: "how, let's have a multi-person panel, oh-eyuh"

CNN failed this morning
CNN fails every morning. Democrats ought to be protesting outside of that dumpster fire's HQ in Atlanta.
All they want is ratings.


Anna Navarro just lost her shit on This Week. She is PISSED about this. Even more than usual. Also, she called the director of Homeland Security, who they had just finished interviewing, a wuss because he refused to condemn the president over his .gif tweet. Some interesting fallout from this.


Pure CNN Theater. Stop giving this useless talking head attention.
i can't stop laughing

what the fuck is going on

I kinda can't believe that people think it's funny. Context is everything, and in this case ITS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA TWEETING THIS. It's so, SO embarrassing.

That's like, why its funny though. Do you not get that fucked up shit is funny to some people
CNN is going to enjoy a big ratings bump. That's really all that will come of this. Maybe a Trump surrogate with tackle Anderson Cooper on live TV.

no they won't, they handled this morning rather poorly.

Morning Joe on MSNBC however, they are taking the right approach and the right reaction when it comes to dealing with Trump. And they deserve their raitings boost


every day that man sits in that chair is another day Russia and Putin have made American Democracy their bitch.


Unconfirmed Member
Just having fun with some good old authoritarianism!
The government may be trying to get personal information about every voter in the country, but hey, at least the president is shitposting about it. Let's all have a laugh!


He's getting worse in case anyone hasnt aquired something called 'common sense' btw. People thinking this is funny are laughing at the slow destruction of democracy. This is how dictators role. Gotta eliminate the understanding of 'truth' so that people's reactions to news like CNN is 'fake trash'. When there is no truth then Trump is truly free to do whatever he pleases. No way this doesnt end bad, which is what ive been saying for a while now. Keep laughing though you fucking idiots, half of you probably just earning rubles in a factory somewhere.


I stopped watching CNN months ago when it became clear to me that their leadership is working hand-in-hand with Trump to boost ratings for their network. it's all just a big show at this point.

Yeah. I hated how some people mentioned that one CNN guy that said he doesn't believe in a Russia-Trump connection as some defining person as to whether it's legit or not.

This fucking generation, man. Everything is a fucking lul to them.
I remember having a conversation with my dad about us becoming a more entertainment-focused society. It's a shame that's happened to politics as well.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I don't take it as a serious thread of violence but it is fucking embarsssing that our leader is acting like a junior member of a message board.

Let's not normalize this crap.

It already is though.

There's no way you actually believe this. Were you upset with what Kathy Griffin did too? That was fake.

I didn't give a shit at all, didn't offend me or upset me at all. It wasn't real, she a comedian. It was poor taste, and I get why people didn't like the image.. but let's be honest.. the people who got the most upset were upset because it was Kathy Griffin.. not because of the actual picture.


You know, on the list of things Trump has done that are embarrassing, this barely registers. I take more issue with people that are amused by this. It is not a good sign for the future of our country. Never mind the context of Trump wanting to shut down the press for real (this isn't a joke), it's completely unprofessional. Save that shit for after you get voted out or have served your terms.
I can admit it was funny. The left needs to lighten up. The more outrage over insignificant stuff (like his typo) like this the more it plays in his favor.


I can admit it was funny. The left needs to lighten up.
So tell what's funny about the President who has n the past invited violence, who spends his days labeling, literally, the press as the enemy of the American people, posting a gif of him attacking someone with CNN imposed on the person face implying he's physically attacking CNN. I'll wait.
You know, on the list of things Trump has done that are embarrassing, this barely registers. I take more issue with people that are amused by this. It is not a good sign for the future of our country. Never mind the context of Trump wanting to shut down the press for real (this isn't a joke), it's completely unprofessional. Save that shit for after you get voted out or have served your terms.
I'm a Hillary supporter and a former WWE fan,
It was funny.

That said, CNN deserves nothing but scorn for their handling of the 2016 Election. They got played and continue to get played. But they only care about ratings first


I can admit it was funny. The left needs to lighten up. The more outrage over insignificant stuff (like his typo) like this the more it plays in his favor.

If he hadn't spent the last year trying to convince the entire nation that any news that does not agree with him is fake and should not be paid attention to (CNN being the biggest target), you might have a point. Good job at ignoring the context. He's just trying to make light of his fascist ways. It's truly hilarious I tell you.

But yes, it would just be a stupid meme otherwise and hardly anything to get upset over.


C'mon guys. No matter what your politics, that's hilarious.
Right, but what if it was a video made by a democrat regarding Trump failing? Hmmm.. you just know that he'll scream like a small baby about the tone of the discord. Bill Maher and Ted "Ride my machinegun!" Nugent will join and and agree.


I can admit it was funny. The left needs to lighten up. The more outrage over insignificant stuff (like his typo) like this the more it plays in his favor.

You guys already have Republicans bodyslamming journalists and still getting ellected. And you want to demonize even further?


I'm a Hillary supporter and a former WWE fan,
It was funny.

That said, CNN deserves nothing but scorn for their handling of the 2016 Election. They got played and continue to get played. But they only care about ratings first

Yeah I don't care if in your mind CNN deserves this. What Trump is doing with the press is fucking scary and this is just an extension of that.


You all know that they tracked down the Reddit poster who made the GIF, right? Some dude from the_donald who has also posted memes making fun of the Holocaust, Pizzagate stuff, etc. And the POTUS re-Tweeted it.

But sure, the "outraged Left" need to "lighten up".


I stopped watching CNN months ago when it became clear to me that their leadership is working hand-in-hand with Trump to boost ratings for their network. it's all just a big show at this point.

Yes thats clearly why Trump loves CNN so much, so obvious, just connect the dots, pyramids , the eye


There's a weird over-representation of WWE fans on NeoGAF; not all that surprised so many people here find this funny.

Also most people here think nothing is funnier than expressing their original thoughts with a reaction GIF that has been posted on the internet 2 million times, so there's that. (or "came to post this" quoting the same reaction gif they came to post).


So Kathy Griffin holding up Trump's head was also hilarious(
It wasn't

You're equating kathy griffin holding up a severed head and other talking heads advocating assassination versus Trump tweeting a .gif of him body slamming a CNN logo.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
There's a weird over-representation of WWE fans on NeoGAF; not all that surprised so many people here find this funny.

Also most people here think nothing is funnier than expressing their original thoughts with a reaction GIF that has been posted on the internet 2 million times, so there's that. (or "came to post this" quoting the same reaction gif they came to post).

No kidding, it's a weird phenomenon.
It's rare to go a single reaction thread without several WWE gifs.


There's a weird over-representation of WWE fans on NeoGAF; not all that surprised so many people here find this funny.

Also most people here think nothing is funnier than expressing their original thoughts with a reaction GIF that has been posted on the internet 2 million times, so there's that. (or "came to post this" quoting the same reaction gif they came to post).
If you go over the WrassleGAF OT at least, we very clearly find this shit not hilarious.

Although we do absolutely love gifs otherwise.


I can admit it was funny. The left needs to lighten up. The more outrage over insignificant stuff (like his typo) like this the more it plays in his favor.

What the hell even is this line of thinking. Trump is disliked by vast swaths of this country. None of this plays in his favor.

This and the whining about GAF (or now, youTube) being all Trump and thus boring is really some amazing shit to me.

Whenever more Russia shit drops, and it will, the outrage will all be there.
Ever been to the Newseum? I'm not saying that Trump was actually threatening violence, but lets not pretend that being a reporter is always the safest job or that it would be considered acceptable if Trump were posting a GIF of him slamming any other organization.

What's an acceptable joke? Planned Parenthood up there? Hillary? Black Lives Matter? This isn't fucking console wars where Nintendo just outsold Sony and it's hilarious to post a GIF of three consoles hitting each other. This is the fucking president of the god damned united states and the supposed leader of the free world getting his rocks off posting GIFs of him symbolically attacking a news organization because they don't give him preferential coverage and calling their reporting fraudulent.

It's not a joke. If you think this is a funny joke Trump has already won by moving our expectation level of our leadership so low that his continual attacks on the 4th pillar of government can now be memed in ways that are merely stupid and not indicative of a course of much more sinister behavior.


I agree with you entirely that being a journalist isn't always the safest job. Often it's the most dangerous possible job because you're rarely given the kind of protection that other representatives of a country are given while doing work abroad, or even while just doing work in their country of origin.

That said, I have to strongly disagree with this honestly being treated as anything other than a silly attempt at humor by someone who we already know sets new lows for acceptable behavior for a President of the United States, for which this is just one more example of. However, Trump has done and said far worse things that are worthy of heavy condemnation and criticism, and this, I really don't believe, is one of them. In light of previous statements and actions, it's certainly something that should lead to a discussion on the implications coming from a person who has, on countless occasions, advocated for violence against the media.

However, there is such a thing as overreacting and overreaching to such a degree to the smaller things that the big things end up not having the weight of consequence they should because it always seems like people are crying wolf over everything all the time. Pick your battles. This isn't a battle that is worth it. If President Obama, a President I really respect and support, did the same thing, I wouldn't criticize him at all for doing it. He's known for his sense of humor, but we also know he thinks more deeply about things before he goes out and does/says them. So when I refuse to take this as anything other than Trump, in a rare instance, learning to take himself a little less serious and being in on the joke, I'm doing so with, in my view, a level of consistency that I would apply to even a politician whom I don't absolutely despise.

And for the record, CNN is in fact a joke and something of a fraud, and has more or less been precisely that ever since President Obama was elected, and they decided that the smart thing to do was to start trying to appeal to the Fox News/Racist viewer in an attempt to boost their viewership. I still remember how disgusted I was that they effectively elevated Rush Limbaugh to the same level of deference as the new President of the United States by giving his disgusting and shameless speech so much push and uninterrupted airtime. They were drawing equivalence to then President or President Elect Obama and Rush Limbaugh, and there were heavy racial undertones and dog whistles utilized by CNN in the process of doing so, and they knew what they were doing. So while, sure, I'll be the first to cheer them on when they go after Trump, but they are a trash news organization, and have been now for years. Donald Trump is certainly not incorrect about that. He's just woefully inaccurate in his reasons for calling them what he does. There's a reason that even President Obama politely poked fun at them at the Correspondents Dinners. So, yea, I don't really care and won't lose my shit over CNN being the tail end of a dumb video/gif using a fake wrestling match where donald trump laughingly tackles and starts punching vince mcmahon.
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