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Turkish Referendum |OT| ...With a Thunderous Applause

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Only three days left for the most important day for Turks. Turks will be deciding if we want to change their regime or not. Turkish Republic, since it's inception, has been a democratic, secular, unitary and parliamentary republic. On Sunday they'll either scrub the division of powers and give one man an absolute power or not.

"Voters are being asked to decide whether to shift Turkey from a parliamentary to a presidential republic. A Yes vote would institutionalize a de facto one-man rule with Turkey's powerful yet divisive premier at the helm while a No vote would reject Erdogan's enduring wish for drastic reform. Turkey's president has argued the reforms would streamline policy implementation and bypass the unnecessarily arduous parliamentary processes that have historically restricted progress. Whereas, a No vote would reject the chance for Turkey to become a presidential republic and block Erdogan's attempt to wield greater powers."

"This vote represents a radical transformation that consolidates the power to a centrally executive president rather than a parliamentary system... that's why it matters," Fadi Hakura, an associated fellow and manager of the Turkey Project at Chatham House, told CNBC in a phone interview. "If it's a Yes vote, it will codify the vast influence in Turkish politics and Erdogan's already vast influence in policy making. If No, it will shake and undermine the prestige and dent the aura of invincibility that has so far defined his tenure in politics," Hakura added.

There are four players and two sides to this.


Turkish general election, November 2015

Galactic Empire
AKP (Justice and Development Party): Developed from the tradition of moderate Islamism, the party is the largest in Turkey. Erdogan's former party. The party pushes for EVET (Yes).
MHP (Nationalist Movement Party): Far-right political party that adheres to Turkish ultranationalism and Euroscepticism. Once the great enemy of AKP. The party pushes for EVET (Yes).

Rebel Alliance
CHP (Republican People's Party): Social-democratic political party. It is the oldest political party of the Republic of Turkey and is currently the main opposition in the Grand National Assembly. The Republican People's Party describes itself as "a modern social-democratic party, which is faithful to the founding principles and values of the Republic of Turkey". Also, the party is cited as "the founding party of modern Turkey". The party pushes for HAYIR (No).
HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party): Pro-minority political party in Turkey. Generally left-wing, the party places a strong emphasis on participatory democracy, feminism, minority rights, and egalitarianism. The party pushes for HAYIR (No).

Now, if you look at the latest election percentages, on paper Yes should win by a large margin. But there is friction even in the AKP and MHP ranks. Some of the polls show Yes winning by a small margin, some of them show No. We will see what happens on Sunday.



So would he get the power to set the length of his terms at the end of this? Because then you'd essentially be voting for a dictatorship or not being in a dictatorship.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Best of luck to all of the secular Turks; my thoughts are with you.

This referendum, for me, will more or less answer the question of whether political Islam can coexist with democracy and freedom. I'm expecting a bad result here, but maybe I'll be surprised and Turkish democracy will live to fight another day.


So would he get the power to set the length of his terms at the end of this? Because then you'd essentially be voting for a dictatorship or not being in a dictatorship.

As far as I know, he can legally go for two more terms. But who knows what happens to our legal system in 8 years.


Erdogan will get what he wants either by democratic means or by foul play I fear. There isn't nearly enough opposition.

I'm really not confident in an unfavorable democratic outcome for Erdogan. It seems close enough that a little rigging here and intimidation there will make all the difference.


No bald cap? Lies!
I really want there to be some good news for once, especially from Turkey. But after the failed coup I'm afraid what remains of any kind of real opposition to Erdogan. Both in organizing to get people out to vote and ensuring that the vote is legit.

It's frightening to see the whole world slowly(but not exactly that slowly) devolving back into tyranny and demagoguery.


The only chance the No camp has relies on Turkey being a functioning democracy, which it hasn't been for years. Erdogan will become Sultan, with or without constituents.
But I hope everyone votes so that Erdogan at least knows he didn't win legally.


How transparent are the elections in Turkey ? With the amount of power Erdogan has, who's stopping him from filling ballots with yes votes and declaring himself the winner ? How corrupt is the election process ?

I have a hard time believing that he won't try to cheat his way to a victory. Who can stop him ?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
How transparent are the elections in Turkey ? With the amount of power Erdogan has, who's stopping him from filling ballots with yes votes and declaring himself the winner ? How corrupt is the election process ?

I have a hard time believing that he won't try to cheat his way to a victory. Who can stop him ?
I doubt he'll need to stuff ballot boxes (and doing that might draw unwanted international attention and weaken his legitimacy). His real power lies in his effective control of media and mass harassment/firing/jailing of opponents.


the final nail in the coffin if Turks don't stand against this. I predict a yes. I don't have confidence in the intelligence of the majority of Turks.


Really sad to see just how much Turkey has changed over the past several years. :( This will just be another nail in the coffin that was a dream for a secular democratic Muslim state.
the final nail in the coffin if Turks don't stand against this. I predict a yes. I don't have confidence in the intelligence of the majority of Turks.
religious people get more kids, this is valid everywhere.
Secular city Turks will be fucked over by the countryside sheepfuckers
My dad is doing his part. I cannot vote since I do not have the nationality but I feel really sad about the very probable outcome...


religious people get more kids, this is valid everywhere.
Secular city Turks will be fucked over by the countryside sheepfuckers
My dad is doing his part. I cannot vote since I do not have the nationality but I feel really sad about the very probable outcome...

i can't vote either since i have German nationality. But I'm happy with where i am. Nothing feels better than to lose all emotional connection to Turkey in this current condition. In the past i used to get upset and emotionally involved. Now i just look at it from the outside and shake my head over how fucked up this country is. They had the gift of having the first secular majority muslim country in the world, and the fucked it up.

Also, can we actually say that "secular" cities are still a thing in Turkey? Izmir is the only one left standing. Big cities like Istanbul and Ankara vote AKP. It's only the coastal provinces in the very west ofTurkey that vote CHP and Kurds in the east that vote HDP


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Erdogan is going to win either because people are dumb or because he'll cheat.

Sorry Turk GAF. Except Stereogarati who's been cheering this on and can eat a doner.

But good luck anyway.


Erdogan is going to win either because people are dumb or because he'll cheat.

Sorry Turk GAF. Except Stereogarati who's been cheering this on and can eat a doner.

But good luck anyway.

Who doesn't want to eat a Doner though

Fuck I'm hungry now.


Erdogan is going to win either because people are dumb or because he'll cheat.

Sorry Turk GAF. Except Stereogarati who's been cheering this on and can eat a doner.

But good luck anyway.
My thoughts too.

I'm sorry your wonderful country is being ruined by this madman, Turks. You've been a lone tolerant voice amongst some of your craziest neighbours for decades.
The fact that it polls close makes me hope it will fail even if that seems unlikely. I hope for the best for all of you and that this doesn't become another in a long line of mistakes made in the past year :/


The fact that it polls close makes me hope it will fail even if that seems unlikely. I hope for the best for all of you and that this doesn't become another in a long line of mistakes made in the past year :/

I guarantee you that Erdogan will have his sultanate, one way or another.
Let's see what happens. I don't like Ataturk nor his legacy, but i hope Turkey will remain the diverse society even in a strong presidential system.
It's funny that so many people are shouting against the authoritarianism of Erdogan while praising Ataturk, when Ataturk was more like a God-figure with absolute power and a one-party system who was heavily suppressing the kurds and the religious turks. Until this day, it's an offense to insult Ataturk and every shop must have a portrait of Ataturk.

It's a no-brainer that role of the military should be changed, they were practically ruling the country before the AKP victory.


Erdogan is going to win either because people are dumb or because he'll cheat.

Sorry Turk GAF. Except Stereogarati who's been cheering this on and can eat a doner.

But good luck anyway.

I just want to see his reaction if he loses.Like we know he's going to call for another referendum if he loses this one.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Man, what in the world happened to Turkey over the last few years...
A 'moderate' loss of secularism and an egomaniac for a president. It's rather by the textbook.


Let's see what happens. I don't like Ataturk nor his legacy, but i hope Turkey will remain the diverse society even in a strong presidential system.

It's a no-brainer that role of the military should be changed, they were practically ruling the country before the AKP victory.

It's pretty plainly a power-grab move - the fact that he'll have control over judicial appointments neuters one independent branch, and the parliament is unable to vet his cabinet picks, which they can in the US; he'll be far more powerful than the US president.

Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors is renamed to "Board of Judges and Prosecutors", members are reduced to 13 from 22, departments are reduced to 2 from 3. 4 members are appointed by President, 7 will be appointed by the Grand Assembly. Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) candidates will need to get 2/3 (400) votes to pass first round and will need 3/5 (360) votes in second round to be a member of HSYK.(Other 2 members are Justice Minister and Ministry of Justice Undersecretary, which is unchanged).

Plus he gets to remain head of AKP so he'll stuff his party with shills.
Let's see what happens. I don't like Ataturk nor his legacy, but i hope Turkey will remain the diverse society even in a strong presidential system.
It's funny that so many people are shouting against the authoritarianism of Erdogan while praising Ataturk, when Ataturk was more like a God-figure with absolute power and a one-party system who was heavily suppressing the kurds and the religious turks. Until this day, it's an offense to insult Ataturk and every shop must have a portrait of Ataturk.

It's a no-brainer that role of the military should be changed, they were practically ruling the country before the AKP victory.
It's another funny thing to change the system in a hard way to be more democratic while the AKP ruled in a democratic way despite the military.
It's pretty plainly a power-grab move - the fact that he'll have control over judicial appointments neuters one independent branch, and the parliament is unable to vet his cabinet picks, which they can in the US; he'll be far more powerful than the US president.

No doubt is a power-grab. It's hardly the instauration of a dictatorship or the end of the Republic of Turkey for the instauration of another system. It's more similar to the transformation of the french third republic to the fifth. A lot of changes, but not a change in nature.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
In what way the proposed constitution is a dictatorship ?

Ask me again in a month. I have my fingers crossed. I shouldn't have to recite what erdogan has already done.

It's a disgusting naked power grab by an egomaniacal and destructive scumbag.

Also- why do you support ANY power increase?


No doubt is a power-grab. It's hardly the instauration of a dictatorship or the end of the Republic of Turkey for the instauration of another system. It's more similar to the transformation of the french third republic to the fifth. A lot of changes, but not a change in nature.

Err, he has total control of the media, and is cracking down on dissent. This is how it starts. He'll still be in power in 2029 and change the term limits then.

He's literally rigging the courts, and cementing all power in him. He will have complete control of government. It will be a dictatorship. He's changing the constitution to exclusively benefit him. This isn't equivalent to France or the US. The populace is losing control of the government that is supposed to represent the people. I assume you're Turkish, aren't you concerned that your government can essentially no longer be held accountable?
It's another funny thing to change the system in a hard way to be more democratic while the AKP ruled in a democratic way despite the military.

The military was largely purged in 2016. It will be far more concerning for me if the new constitution were to reinforce the power of the military.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The military was largely purged in 2016. It will be far more concerning for me if the new constitution were to reinforce the power of the military.

The newly and illegally and outrageously purged military is designed by erdogan to rubber stamp erdogan.

I had forgotten about your deal.
Ask me again in a month. I have my fingers crossed. I shouldn't have to recite what erdogan has already done.

Also- why do you support ANY power increase?

I am interested in the actual constitution proposition, and calling it a dictatorship is just nonsense. Yes it's a centralization of power and a great shift toward a presidential system.People is saying that Erdogan would establish a sultanat next week since 2010, i don't buy that and i really don't think that the Turkish people would accept that.

I am not interested in a power grab, and i don't support it. I support however the limitation of the role of the military in Turkey and erasing the Ataturk legacy (authoritarian secularism, ethnic nationalism and military rule). I used to think that AKP will bring that, and it was very close to do that before the Syrian crisis, but now i see that they are going toward others dynamics. However i recognize that some discriminatory laws against women wearing the hijab were removed and i am glad.
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