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TV Shows You've Watched Lately |OT| - 2021

I keep going back to Mad Men, wanting to like it. Just can't. Probably just not for me.
Same, I've watched the first season twice and stopped. I'm guessing it gets good, but the characters are pretty unlikable. Then again, I binge-watched Succession, so maybe it's not that.


Same, I've watched the first season twice and stopped. I'm guessing it gets good, but the characters are pretty unlikable. Then again, I binge-watched Succession, so maybe it's not that.
No, I think you're right, I think it is the characters. I haven't checked out Succession yet, but I don't think I can identify with these characters. Now, the father and son of the firm, I like their characters (not like 'em, but you know what I mean -- they're interesting). The rest of the characters are just so loathsome, but at the same time seem so meaningless, including the main character. It's perhaps too soap-opera-ish for me.
No, I think you're right, I think it is the characters. I haven't checked out Succession yet, but I don't think I can identify with these characters. Now, the father and son of the firm, I like their characters (not like 'em, but you know what I mean -- they're interesting). The rest of the characters are just so loathsome, but at the same time seem so meaningless, including the main character. It's perhaps too soap-opera-ish for me.
Yeah! Now that you mention it, I think its that I can't relate to the Mad Men folks like I could to the Succession folks (even though they're despicable). With Mad Men, they feel like aliens to me.

I remember them being cheaters, backstabbers, holier-than-thou-ers who didn't care about each other. At least in Succesion, a lot of the terrible-ness is done in a backwards attempt at approval-seeking.


Yeah! Now that you mention it, I think its that I can't relate to the Mad Men folks like I could to the Succession folks (even though they're despicable). With Mad Men, they feel like aliens to me.

I remember them being cheaters, backstabbers, holier-than-thou-ers who didn't care about each other. At least in Succesion, a lot of the terrible-ness is done in a backwards attempt at approval-seeking.
Will have peek in on Succession, see what that's all about.


With how you've reacted to Better Call Saul and Mad Men with their unlikable characters, I think you will absolutely despise Succession lol. Or not!
Yeah, Better Call Saul, man, that one really was a doozie. The sad part about that one was, there were some very likeable characters. Heck even Jimmy had his likeable traits...at first, anyway. And his brother's behavior was understandable, though sad and tragic. His partner was believable and not unlikable (and his story was just the icing on the tragedy poopcake). But the thing that ultimately made me absolutely loath the show was its meaninglessness. Mike had reasons. Saul's brother had reasons. His girlfriend had reasons. Saul, he was given every possible opportunity to build true success, and borked his own self at every turn.

Now, truly, I can understand his personality, based on the history the shows provides us with. But it was just horrible at every turn -- the story, that is. Written extremely well (better than Breaking Bad), acted great, the whole shabang. But just a tragic train-farkin'-wreck.
Yeah, Better Call Saul, man, that one really was a doozie. The sad part about that one was, there were some very likeable characters. Heck even Jimmy had his likeable traits...at first, anyway. And his brother's behavior was understandable, though sad and tragic. His partner was believable and not unlikable (and his story was just the icing on the tragedy poopcake). But the thing that ultimately made me absolutely loath the show was its meaninglessness. Mike had reasons. Saul's brother had reasons. His girlfriend had reasons. Saul, he was given every possible opportunity to build true success, and borked his own self at every turn.

Now, truly, I can understand his personality, based on the history the shows provides us with. But it was just horrible at every turn -- the story, that is. Written extremely well (better than Breaking Bad), acted great, the whole shabang. But just a tragic train-farkin'-wreck.
A true tragedy indeed. The Greeks ain't got shit on the tragedy the best modern-day writers can come up with.


Pausing The Lincoln Lawyer really quick, so I can post this before I forget...

I'm less than halfway through the first episode. Diggin' it. After you get through the nonsense of the character/situation introduction, it becomes interesting fast. Plus, I think I like this (main) actor. I remember him as the scary (as f***), evil dude from Season 2 of Goliath.

Anyway, his character is interviewing, casually, the first client he took over for the dead guy, and holy f***, what is up with the orange make-up they put on this poor chick!? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

She's so pretty. Why make her look so moronic. Unless, she sat in a tanning bed for days, that's make-up. And it looks really bad.


They made Season 8 of Endeavor free on Prime. Long first episode, but the typical stuff I enjoy. Not as enjoyable as the first couple of seasons, of course, but I still like the quaint feel of the series. Strange lost a good bit of weight.

Tried watching The Rig before that, only lasted 20 minutes. Was disappointed too, as it makes a good first impression, but then they started saying things that were ridiculous considering the types of engineers they were supposed to portray. And the main character drops his communication device on the bridge because the obvious strap attached to it wasn't attached to his wrist. That shit is just plain silly. It's a good story that should be told, and it's compelling. But there's too much disparity between the writers.


I tried to watch Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, but bailed after a few episodes. It should be fun and France should be a fresh setting, but the story is full of dumb scenes and uninteresting characters. Also the show seems to focus more and more on the female character and I just don't care about her or anyone else other than Dixon.
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Walking Daryl:
A piece of shit, basically as bad as the last few Walking Dead seasons.

Drops of God:
Pretty good. Loved the somewhat original story and the characters. Recommended.

The Bear:
Season 1 was ok-ish, watchable, forgettae
Season 2 is pure trash. Some of the most pretentious piece of shit i've seen recently. All the characters are painfully predictable, that black chick's script is absolutelly retared all around, and also the God damn zooming on every single character face in every single fucking scene makes it almost unwatchable.
Was planning on watching this. What was your issue with the show? Feel free to spoil it pls
Unlikable characters doing despicable things. I can't exactly put my finger on why this one put me off when I like Cronenberg movies and other anti-hero TV shows. Maybe it's because the story didn't pull me in on top of that.


Biggest Trails Stan
Unlikable characters doing despicable things. I can't exactly put my finger on why this one put me off when I like Cronenberg movies and other anti-hero TV shows. Maybe it's because the story didn't pull me in on top of that.

Thought they made the show have feminazi politics. As for Cronenberg, huge fan of his. Loved the OG Dead Ringers. Might check this out


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Lessons in Chemistry

As a reader I've of course heard of the novel it's based on - having been bombarded with suggestions for it from various marketing vehicles. So I was vaguely aware of the premise going in: an ambitious young woman in 1960's US obtains a bachelor's in chemistry and goes to work as a lab tech in a prestigious institution full of PhD's. At some point she's finds a career as a television cooking show host that uses her skills as a chemist to produce precisely crafted meals. Romance ensues someplace - providing the double entendre title.

The role seems well suited for Brie Larson. A quirky, I even say written to appear to be on the spectrum, confident yet guarded woman with brief glimpses of vulnerability. There's a few moments where I was reminded why she won an Oscar and Golden Globe for best actress.

Unfortunately the show is boring. Furthermore, all of its subtext is surface level. For example, it routinely depicts the discrimination and sexism women faced back in those days in a very heavy-handed way that lacks any nuance and feels unnatural. As a viewer I've seen these kinds of social ills of the past dealt with in far more deft and impactful ways in film, literature, and television for decades. Beyond that, the romantic build up is hampered by an opposing male lead who I think is plainly a poor actor that lacks any resonance of charisma when it's needed.

I made it two episodes before dropping it. I am sure there's an audience out there for this show, but it doesn't include me.


I freakin' love Brooklyn Nine-Nine. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

I've watched little clip features on YT for a long time, but I don't think I ever dedicated myself to the series. I'm all the way back at the beginning. S1E10 was just damn-neared perfect. Such great comedy! :messenger_heart:
Well, i have been pretty down on most comedies for a long time. I did just watch Super Store. I can not recommend this highly enough. Very good. It is 100% a throwback to older comedies.

Little Mac

Gold Member
4 episodes into Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix. It’s very very good imo. Definitely not for kids. For an animated series with this level of artistic design, there is alot of violence and sex. Might sound woke af from the synopsis but it’s not (or at least I'm not sure at this point). Hard to go into details since spoilers. It also takes place in feudal Japan which I'm not exactly an expert of in regards to culture, but it looks absolutely beautiful and is very interesting. Hope the second half of the season is as good as the first.

Edit: 6 episodes in … it’s basically an animated Kill Bill meets Crouching Tiger meets GoT in Feudal Japan.

Edit: Finished it. Solid 9/10 imo. The action scenes were pretty dope. I enjoyed myself and I hope there is a season 2 down the line that reaches the same highs as season 1. Also I hope videogame graphics hit this level of quality and design within the next console generation or two.

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Goosebumps - the new one on Hulu

It endeavors to appeal to all ages teen and beyond, and I think it succeeds. It's fun, a casual-horror watch knowing it's all PG-13 no-stakes horror. You know none of these kids are going to get maimed or killed.

I was expecting a series of vignettes, but it turned out to be a proper serial. Justin Long is back to doing his entertaining shtick from the 2000's, now as the gen X adult in the room, and it totally works. All of the "kids" can act. It must have a good budget because some of the effects and monsters that appear are well crafted and animated, movie tier.


Regarding the Mad Men talk a bit further back:

I remember watching the first, and maybe into the second season couple of years ago and thinking "i dont get it...". Then somewhere along it clicked, its not really a plot/cliffhanger driven show, more of a character show. Plus Don Draper is a chad

Probably in my top 3 shows now, watched it a few times. COSY
Regarding the Mad Men talk a bit further back:

I remember watching the first, and maybe into the second season couple of years ago and thinking "i dont get it...". Then somewhere along it clicked, its not really a plot/cliffhanger driven show, more of a character show. Plus Don Draper is a chad

Probably in my top 3 shows now, watched it a few times. COSY
That’s funny. I think if Dom Draper as an along the lines of Tony Soprano or Vic Mackey.

Not in a violent way. But he is a likable antagonist. Antihero, maybe. But we know it will never exactly go his way and we want to watch the “fall”.
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Goosebumps - the new one on Hulu

It endeavors to appeal to all ages teen and beyond, and I think it succeeds. It's fun, a casual-horror watch knowing it's all PG-13 no-stakes horror. You know none of these kids are going to get maimed or killed.

I was expecting a series of vignettes, but it turned out to be a proper serial. Justin Long is back to doing his entertaining shtick from the 2000's, now as the gen X adult in the room, and it totally works. All of the "kids" can act. It must have a good budget because some of the effects and monsters that appear are well crafted and animated, movie tier.

I watched the first episode and thought it was decent. Definitely going to watch the whole thing.

Very late to the party, but I recently watched the first season of Twin Peaks. Thought it was pretty good on the whole, though someone told me it was a 'horror' show, and I didn't quite see it that way. Going to watch the second season over the next few days. Also have an oldie called Kolchak on my list. Supposed to be the inspiration for The X-Files.



Awesome. 8 hours tv show based on the testimony of the Fukushima's Plant manager plus interviews with the workers, politicians, etc.
It's feels like Chernobyl but way more like a documentary and not as dramatic as the HBO series.
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Has anyone seen Turn: Washington Spies, Outlander, Mayans or the Closer?

My wife is looking for something new, and I was curious about these. Any recommendations?
Re-watching season one of True Detective.

Can't say anything about this great show that hasn't already been said. Except that I find myself appreciating Woody Harrelson's Marty way more than I did ~10 years ago. I thought Marty was milquetoast, a shithead adulterer, and one-dimensional, but he's as fully-realized and human as Cohle.

Such a good series. Are the other seasons worth watching? Never seen them.
Re-watching season one of True Detective.

Can't say anything about this great show that hasn't already been said. Except that I find myself appreciating Woody Harrelson's Marty way more than I did ~10 years ago. I thought Marty was milquetoast, a shithead adulterer, and one-dimensional, but he's as fully-realized and human as Cohle.

Such a good series. Are the other seasons worth watching? Never seen them.
Season 3 is ok. 2 is complete garbage. And then there is this coming soon:


Biggest Trails Stan

Silo Season 1: A

This was a surprise. Especially since the female lead is actual likable and is not invincible. Not to mention, extremely attractive. She gets overpowered by men but she escapes her situation by using her quick thinking.

I found the plot twists to be predictable but the script is just so good that I can overlook that flaw. Especially that scene at the end.

This is a fantastic show and I highly recommend anyone who has Apple TV Plus to check it out.

As for me, I'm going to be reading the Silo Trilogy pretty soon
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Silo Season 1: A

This was a surprise. Especially since the female lead is actual likable and is not invincible. Not to mention, extremely attractive. She gets overpowered by men but she escapes her situation by using her quick thinking.

I found the plot twists to be predictable but the script is just so good that I can overlook that flaw. Especially that scene at the end.

This is a fantastic show and I highly recommend anyone who has Apple TV Plus to check it out.

As for me, I'm going to be reading the Silo Trilogy pretty soon

I tried Silo but couldn't gel with it. I'm told the novel is better, maybe I will give that a shot, but the show felt like hours of wheel spinning to me. Shades of Lost with its endless mystery box stuff.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I just discovered a show which truly fell under my radar, "Banshee".

I'm in the middle of season 1 and it's surprisingly brutal & violent at times.
Hey Antony Starr did other stuff besides Homelander 😁

He's just great, if I was gay I'd have a huge crush on him.


I saw an synopsis AND amalysis from a certain POV regarding æon flux the animated show and the movie that came later (which was totally different and really pisses of the creator of the animated show; which when looked at in it's entirely totally makes sense)

Skip to 34:40 for a whole season analysis regarding the cartoon.

Otherwise press play


Gold Member
just finished 8th episode of season 3 right now kinda running through the episodes probably on season 4 by next week. the dude that died on the toilet looked like the construction wall paper guy that tony's wife kissed in earlier episodes wonder if they were the same guy. jackie apriles son kinda annoying i guess hes meadows love romance now . surprising to see the judas guy from the matrix in this i imagine hes gonna get clipped sooner or later but maybe not since he just got made captain. wonder what's that dude from new york up to hes gotta be up to something being in jersey. tony's uncle junior has been funny as sh!t complaining and whining lol been making the episodes more entertaining
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4 episodes into Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix. It’s very very good imo. Definitely not for kids. For an animated series with this level of artistic design, there is alot of violence and sex. Might sound woke af from the synopsis but it’s not (or at least I'm not sure at this point). Hard to go into details since spoilers. It also takes place in feudal Japan which I'm not exactly an expert of in regards to culture, but it looks absolutely beautiful and is very interesting. Hope the second half of the season is as good as the first.

Edit: 6 episodes in … it’s basically an animated Kill Bill meets Crouching Tiger meets GoT in Feudal Japan.

Edit: Finished it. Solid 9/10 imo. The action scenes were pretty dope. I enjoyed myself and I hope there is a season 2 down the line that reaches the same highs as season 1. Also I hope videogame graphics hit this level of quality and design within the next console generation or two.

This is possibly the best thing to watch on netflix currently.

I was recently complaining to my friends about how there were no spectacle great shows to watch and finish in one sitting this year and then i guess i heard this anime mentioned in a youtube shorts or something and gave it shot.

Watched the whole series in one sitting.

Watched the episode 5 multiple times seperately. Insane episode. An art piece. A masterclass in story telling. (Kabuki puppets episode)

Silo Season 1: A

This was a surprise. Especially since the female lead is actual likable and is not invincible. Not to mention, extremely attractive. She gets overpowered by men but she escapes her situation by using her quick thinking.

I found the plot twists to be predictable but the script is just so good that I can overlook that flaw. Especially that scene at the end.

This is a fantastic show and I highly recommend anyone who has Apple TV Plus to check it out.

As for me, I'm going to be reading the Silo Trilogy pretty soon
I'm about to start episode 4. Kind of weird structure so far, where what seems like the true main character of the show isn't really in episode 1 until the very end. It's aight though, because Rebecca Ferguson is great.

Do hope the overarching mystery gets more play soon. I was interested in what they set up in episode 1, but it seems like wheel-spinning since then.


Biggest Trails Stan
I'm about to start episode 4. Kind of weird structure so far, where what seems like the true main character of the show isn't really in episode 1 until the very end. It's aight though, because Rebecca Ferguson is great.

Do hope the overarching mystery gets more play soon. I was interested in what they set up in episode 1, but it seems like wheel-spinning since then.

I understand if it seems wheel spinning to you. For me, there's lot of obvious plot twists. But despite that, I love the show due to how strong the writing is.
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