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TV Shows you've watched recently

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I've been watching the first few seasons of Chuck. So far I'm finding it to be a successful mix of Bond/Bourne type films, with some genuinely funny comedy and character moments. Pretty clever nerd culture references as well.:lol


I just started Deep Space 9 recently. I've seen pretty much everything else relevant in the star trek universe (TOS, TNG, Most of Voyager, the movies etc...)

I actually started watching DS9 years ago and got distracted from it for a bunch of different reasons. I decided to start over because I only watched a few episodes last time. So far, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did originally, and I have a feeling it's going to get better as it goes along. I've seen Babylon 5, and I can tell this is going to be very similar, which is a good thing.

This is one of the only shows that frequently ranks high on "best shows ever" lists that I haven't really checked out, so hopefully it lives up to the hype.

I'm also checking out Drawn Together and Peep show, and I just finished watching Freaks and Geeks, which was amazing.


Started to watch Breaking Bad a couple of nights ago and wow, it seems everything touched by AMC in "these days" turns to gold.

Good story, good characters, I like it a lot!


Karud said:
Started to watch Breaking Bad a couple of nights ago and wow, it seems everything touched by AMC in "these days" turns to gold.

Good story, good characters, I like it a lot!

Rubicon says hi :p

But yea, Breaking Bad is amazing.
Krowley said:
I just started Deep Space 9 recently. I've seen pretty much everything else relevant in the star trek universe (TOS, TNG, Most of Voyager, the movies etc...)

I actually started watching DS9 years ago and got distracted from it for a bunch of different reasons. I decided to start over because I only watched a few episodes last time. So far, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did originally, and I have a feeling it's going to get better as it goes along. I've seen Babylon 5, and I can tell this is going to be very similar, which is a good thing.

This is one of the only shows that frequently ranks high on "best shows ever" lists that I haven't really checked out, so hopefully it lives up to the hype.

I'm also checking out Drawn Together and Peep show, and I just finished watching Freaks and Geeks, which was amazing.
I've been re-watching DS9 for the fifth or sixth time. Nearing the end of season 6. One particular episode, "Honor Among Thieves" (another "let's fuck with O'Brien episode) was a lot better than I remembered.


Krowley said:
I just started Deep Space 9 recently. I've seen pretty much everything else relevant in the star trek universe (TOS, TNG, Most of Voyager, the movies etc...)

I actually started watching DS9 years ago and got distracted from it for a bunch of different reasons. I decided to start over because I only watched a few episodes last time. So far, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I did originally, and I have a feeling it's going to get better as it goes along. I've seen Babylon 5, and I can tell this is going to be very similar, which is a good thing.

This is one of the only shows that frequently ranks high on "best shows ever" lists that I haven't really checked out, so hopefully it lives up to the hype.

I'm also checking out Drawn Together and Peep show, and I just finished watching Freaks and Geeks, which was amazing.

DS9 is great show and if you liked B5 you are going to like DS9 too. Only complain I have about DS9 is that it didn't have tighter story structure like B5 did. When ever things get interesting and the story starts really developing the show decides to throw in few poor stand-alone episodes that don't do nothing for the overall story arc. And while DS9 is lot darker then other Trek shows out there it's nowhere near B5 in this aspect and that can be bit disappointing but since you seen other trek shows you probably know what's coming for you ;)


Discotheque said:
Walking Dead obnoxiously waves while screaming hello.

Except Rubicon got canned. Walking Dead's ratings were just fine and the finale's numbers were its highest despite a lot of people here hating the show.
I was talking about quality moreso than popularity. They definitely still have winners with Breaking Bad and Mad Men. Big winners.

Rubicon was pretty uneven and all over the place, but it was a hell of a lot better show than Walking Dead which just dropped big time after the great pilot.


Sons of Anarchy season 3: So good, finale was epic.

Parks and rec, season 2: I have fallen in love with ron swanson.

Dexter season 5: Eh its good as long as I don't follow the thread on here. When I don't follow that thread I don't notice the problems. I enjoy it.

Modern Family: Gloria
Finished TWIN PEAKS.

What an amazingly quirky, weird, mysterious little series that was. I have to say that it never quite reached the crazy high of the whole first season during season 2, and they even veered too far into the wacky aspect of the characters mid season 2, but it was a damn fun ride the whole way. Dale Cooper is amazing. Actually, any scene involving law enforcement was amazing. I got a little tired of the soapy elements in season 2, but when they finally got back to the real mystery elements to end the series, it was firing on all cylinders. Good stuff. The ending pissed me off knowing there's no third season, but I'm thinking that it works when you look at the big picture.

You can also really see the influence the series had on a lot of critically acclaimed dramas to come after it. the direction was constantly top notch even when the quality wasn't up to snuff. The amount of long takes really surprised me.

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going next. I think I'll hold off until some of the current series seasons are done because I'm already keeping up with an insane amount of television.

big ander

Net_Wrecker said:
Finished TWIN PEAKS.

What an amazingly quirky, weird, mysterious little series that was. I have to say that it never quite reached the crazy high of the whole first season during season 2, and they even veered too far into the wacky aspect of the characters mid season 2, but it was a damn fun ride the whole way. Dale Cooper is amazing. Actually, any scene involving law enforcement was amazing. I got a little tired of the soapy elements in season 2, but when they finally got back to the real mystery elements to end the series, it was firing on all cylinders. Good stuff. The ending pissed me off knowing there's no third season, but I'm thinking that it works when you look at the big picture.

You can also really see the influence the series had on a lot of critically acclaimed dramas to come after it. the direction was constantly top notch even when the quality wasn't up to snuff. The amount of long takes really surprised me.

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going next. I think I'll hold off until some of the current series seasons are done because I'm already keeping up with an insane amount of television.
The direction truly is magnificent in Twin Peaks. Better than the majority of movies.
Season 2 definitely wears on you, but by the end I was loving it. Coming off of that rough patch into
a super tense and mystical and well-established yet mysterious good vs evil battle
is awesome, and I wish it could have gone on.

Midway through Mad Men season 3, definitely the best season so far. Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency was a spectacular episode. Hilarious, horrifying, and moving.
I've had Twin Peaks Season 1: Disc 1 at the top of my Netflix queue for almost a year and it has been in "Very Long Wait" status since then. I swear they must have one copy for the entire US. I want too watch it so badly too :-(

big ander

Spent basically all day watching Mad Men season 3. I feel like this is what the entire first two seasons were leading to.
The events in "Shut The Door. Have A Seat" are a combination of the culmination of a season and a half of plot progression and the converging character themes that we've seen for three seasons. Inevitably, all of our character are tied together in what they want and how they want to move forward, and it's truly amazing to watch.
Going by what others had to say, I thought I would come out of season three hating certain characters. But all of these people have such depth that I love them all. Sure, I think some are in the wrong (
Betty seems almost too simple-minded and unwilling to feel when she learns of Don's past. It's awful that she decided before learning why he's done the things he's done that she would be leaving Don. But that doesn't mean she's not justified in leaving, the guy sleeps EVERYWHERE. And still, you understand Don's side too
) but they're wonderful characters, and that's all that really matters.
I've talked about my expectations with the show over the course of watching it, and in season 3 they really changed. I was expecting a fairly hardcore drama, to be honest. But even in the sadder moments of this season, I never felt like crying like I have with Lost or The Shield or Fringe. And I've figured out that it's because even (well, especially) in times of stress and heartbreak for the characters, this show is a goddamn blast. You're infected with a fascination for the era and the people in it, all thanks to the perfect perfect perfect characters.
And the themes are such easy ones to ponder, yet have so much to them. In my mind, the show comes down to dreams and expectations. It's easy to relate to, but that can mean different things for every character, so you're getting all kinds of stories that are still united under a common theme.

In short: you were all right, and in season 3 I went to full-on loving the show.

EDIT: Random stuff to follow.
-Kind of odd to
have no mention of Duck. But he wouldn't have fit in this episode.
-Aww, I like
Paul and Ken! Cosgrove. Accounts. Hope they catch up with SCDP in season 4. I'd also be cool with Smitty but I don't care too much either way.
-But even more I like
Sal to return. Good character.
-I'm wondering how long the in-show gap between seasons 3 and 4 is. I'm betting on a long one, so we'll open with
a more well-established SCDP.
-So I thought the name of the person who
ran over Guy's foot with a lawnmower and crashed through a wall was Lois, the girl who went from switchboard to secretary then back to switchboard. Is that correct? And how the fuck did she not get fired after the lawnmower? I thought I saw her still in there.
Can't sleep after working out so I'm watching the "remake" of American Gladiators right now on MTV2.

Why did they cancel this shit? =(

Gina Carano is smoking hot and watching people go through obstacle courses is fun as hell.

Maybe I'm just simple but I could watch this for hours.


I just finished up Breaking Bad Season 1 and started up 2. I kind of stopped watching a bit ago during Season 1 (I've been recording the reairs on AMC), but now that I started up again, I'm liking it more than i remember.

Also, just started up Firefly too, but only got part way through the first episode which is like a two-parter I guess. I finished up about 40 minutes or so, but had to get some sleep. I'm going to try and watch more tonight. Seems cool so far.


Started watching Supernatural season 4, one of the best shows ever IMO.

Also started watching Smallville, pretty good so far!

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Eaten By A Grue said:
I've had Twin Peaks Season 1: Disc 1 at the top of my Netflix queue for almost a year and it has been in "Very Long Wait" status since then. I swear they must have one copy for the entire US. I want too watch it so badly too :-(

This is the sort of scenario where I have no qualms about watching a movie or show on an unlicensed/illegal streaming site like Stagevu or whatever. Netflix still gets my money, and I get to see what I was paying for in the first place.


all good things
Just watched episode 3 of Spartacus. Damn I hate that Crixus!

Trying to get through the rest of the season before Friday.


Finished Dollhouse Season 2 .. I thought Season 2 DEFINITELY could've been split into an extra season as the second half seemed rushed, but Epitaph Two was a very good ending I feel.

Okay, onto FIREFLY.

<3 Netflix


Watching Harry's Law now. This is weird.

X-Frame said:
Finished Dollhouse Season 2 .. I thought Season 2 DEFINITELY could've been split into an extra season as the second half seemed rushed, but Epitaph Two was a very good ending I feel.

Okay, onto FIREFLY.

<3 Netflix

That's what happens when you get a gift of 13 episodes and need to truncate 2-3 seasons worth of material into a half-season, terribly under-budgeted Friday night show.


ivysaur12 said:
Kath Bates literally flies across a green screen in slow-motion for five seconds. I wish there was a gif...
Atleast its not a remake of that scene from About Schmidt. Brb going to vomit.


TheOddOne said:
Atleast its not a remake of that scene from About Schmidt. Brb going to vomit.

The IMDb parental advisory line for the movie always kills me:

"The Kathy Bates hot tub scene is definitely among the scariest of all film scenes, and will undoubtedly cause mental trauma."

God I miss the smileys

Hey You

I finished Watching Rescue Me in December at Season 4 on Netflix (Canada). Waiting for the rest of the Seasons to appear.

I really enjoyed the Show.


BeeDog said:
The IMDb parental advisory line for the movie always kills me:

"The Kathy Bates hot tub scene is definitely among the scariest of all film scenes, and will undoubtedly cause mental trauma."

God I miss the smileys
Even reading about it makes me want to barf. I can't get that image out of my mind, well there goes my appetite for today.

big ander

About to finish Cougar Town season 1. Love it. Bill Lawrence is a master of creating dependably funny and heartfelt comedies. It hasn't had a "holy shit this is spectacular" episode yet, but it's consistently hilarious. The way I feel about the cast of characters is so Scrubs-like: I probably don't have a favorite, but I also don't have one I dislike. They're all awesome.

I'm also watching Freaks and Geeks. Loving it. I already love Segel and Franco and Rogen and Starr. Seeing something so early in their career is really cool. And GOD DAMN at Linda Cardellini in this. She's so hot.

Drewsky said:
Told you, son.
Hell yes you did.


big ander said:
About to finish Cougar Town season 1. Love it. Bill Lawrence is a master of creating dependably funny and heartfelt comedies. It hasn't had a "holy shit this is spectacular" episode yet, but it's consistently hilarious. The way I feel about the cast of characters is so Scrubs-like: I probably don't have a favorite, but I also don't have one I dislike. They're all awesome.
I really want to try this. Scrubs is one of my all-time favorite shows, so I'm going to give this a shot when I get the chance.

big ander

So I did catch up to Cougar Town. Great stuff. Pissed it goes on a break after next week, figures that would happen right when I caught up.

And I just finished the finale of Freaks and Geeks. Fantastic series. Easily top 10 of all time for me. Maybe top 5. It is, of course, not a new idea. But it's done so goddamn well. The characterization is so subtle and well done. Each one of the Freaks and Geeks is endearing, as is about 95% of the supporting cast. The only people you end up hating are the ones you're SUPPOSED to hate (
Kelly parents, Cindy
). The plots are fantastic. Again, it's stuff we've seen before, but always with a twist. It's one of those series that feels so perfectly imperfect. Plots simmer for a while before coming to fruition, but the characters follow a logical progression at the same time. It's a perfect picture of what high school is like and the impact it has on our lives.

Dunno what's next...maybe Mad Men Season 4.

EDIT: Dammit I want to talk about Freaks and Geeks more. It's so amazingly sad and hilarious at the same time. Stuff like
Neal dealing with his fathers affair, Alan not having the courage to hang with the geeks, Lindsey and Kim being with Millie
is beautifully melancholy. And then at the same time you have
Daniel and the geeks playing D&D, Ken making up with Amy, Nick and the Weirs listening to jazz, Kim being happy to be at the Weirs, Ken knowing the beer is non-alcoholic and talking to Sam, Bill making out with Vicki, Lindsey asking Bush a good question, Bill cozying up to Hendricks, and Sam in the disco jumpsuit
all making you grin from ear to ear. It's perfect. Such an apt description of finding your identity in high school.


Neo Member
Been watching lots of The Shield. Literally felt sick about what happened at the end of Season 5. Hit me so hard, I don't know if I want to keep watching.

big ander

Idesofmarch said:
Been watching lots of The Shield. Literally felt sick about what happened at the end of Season 5. Hit me so hard, I don't know if I want to keep watching.
Oh you do. It only gets more hard-hitting.
Alright, finally finished season 1 of Babylon 5. I went to this series blind (and didn't bother to watch the pilot movie). The first half was a complete chore to get through. It wasn't until the second half that I actually wanted to see the rest of the episodes. The acting was also pretty suspect, but I got used to it (and I do like watching Londo and G'Kar hamming it up). But seeing the
fuck you Shadow ship
lighting things up and parts of the second half looks like it may be worth continuing to watch. I'm also in it for the HOLY SHIT moments that I've been told that occurs.

Onwards to Season 2.
big ander said:
So I did catch up to Cougar Town. Great stuff. Pissed it goes on a break after next week, figures that would happen right when I caught up.

And I just finished the finale of Freaks and Geeks. Fantastic series. Easily top 10 of all time for me. Maybe top 5. It is, of course, not a new idea. But it's done so goddamn well. The characterization is so subtle and well done. Each one of the Freaks and Geeks is endearing, as is about 95% of the supporting cast. The only people you end up hating are the ones you're SUPPOSED to hate (
Kelly parents, Cindy
). The plots are fantastic. Again, it's stuff we've seen before, but always with a twist. It's one of those series that feels so perfectly imperfect. Plots simmer for a while before coming to fruition, but the characters follow a logical progression at the same time. It's a perfect picture of what high school is like and the impact it has on our lives.

Dunno what's next...maybe Mad Men Season 4.

EDIT: Dammit I want to talk about Freaks and Geeks more. It's so amazingly sad and hilarious at the same time. Stuff like
Neal dealing with his fathers affair, Alan not having the courage to hang with the geeks, Lindsey and Kim being with Millie
is beautifully melancholy. And then at the same time you have
Daniel and the geeks playing D&D, Ken making up with Amy, Nick and the Weirs listening to jazz, Kim being happy to be at the Weirs, Ken knowing the beer is non-alcoholic and talking to Sam, Bill making out with Vicki, Lindsey asking Bush a good question, Bill cozying up to Hendricks, and Sam in the disco jumpsuit
all making you grin from ear to ear. It's perfect. Such an apt description of finding your identity in high school.

So much yes! I adore Freaks & Geeks so much, like you said it's been done before but it's just perfectly executed in so many ways in that show. So sad it barely got a season worth of eps.

Been watching Lie to me with my lady lately, she loves it but I've mostly had my fill of procedurals so I tend to avoid them. Glad she got me into this (and The Mentalis) though, it's a great little show. The microexpression stuff is fascinating, even if it is exagerrated a bit for the sake of the show/because they're actors.

I do find that some of the more actiony episodes seem a bit contrived, in that they have to kind of shoehorn this detecting lies stuff into the middle of a situation with explosions and gunfire and the like.

That being said I'm thoroughly enjoying it, great cast of characters. Lightman has been getting progressively more English as the shows gone on which I find greatly amusing. I imagine there are tons of Americans who struggle to understand what he's saying at times.
br0ken_shad0w said:
Alright, finally finished season 1 of Babylon 5. I went to this series blind (and didn't bother to watch the pilot movie). The first half was a complete chore to get through. It wasn't until the second half that I actually wanted to see the rest of the episodes. The acting was also pretty suspect, but I got used to it (and I do like watching Londo and G'Kar hamming it up). But seeing the
fuck you Shadow ship
lighting things up and parts of the second half looks like it may be worth continuing to watch. I'm also in it for the HOLY SHIT moments that I've been told that occurs.

Onwards to Season 2.
Great, great show. Prepare for awesome.

I've been meaning to re-watch it pretty soon.


br0ken_shad0w said:
Alright, finally finished season 1 of Babylon 5. I went to this series blind (and didn't bother to watch the pilot movie). The first half was a complete chore to get through. It wasn't until the second half that I actually wanted to see the rest of the episodes. The acting was also pretty suspect, but I got used to it (and I do like watching Londo and G'Kar hamming it up). But seeing the
fuck you Shadow ship
lighting things up and parts of the second half looks like it may be worth continuing to watch. I'm also in it for the HOLY SHIT moments that I've been told that occurs.

Onwards to Season 2.

You are in for lots of awesome.
Watched Life on Mars (BBC) for the second time recently, love it. I watched the first 2 episodes of Ashes to Ashes when they where first one, and thought they sucked. Watched them again and had the same opinion... does it get better?

Jay Sosa

Watching OZ right now (started the second season today and already watched 3 episodes) and loving it. It's a bit distracting that so many actors I know from different, newer shows are in it (like Dexters boss, she looks stunning in this) but the characters are so fucking deep and interesting that it doesn't matter that it all takes place in the same place basically.

Pretty quickly became on of my favorite shows ever. Pretty surprising it doesn't get mention as often as "The Wire" or other critically acclaimed shows.


Net_Wrecker said:
Finished TWIN PEAKS.

What an amazingly quirky, weird, mysterious little series that was. I have to say that it never quite reached the crazy high of the whole first season during season 2, and they even veered too far into the wacky aspect of the characters mid season 2, but it was a damn fun ride the whole way. Dale Cooper is amazing. Actually, any scene involving law enforcement was amazing. I got a little tired of the soapy elements in season 2, but when they finally got back to the real mystery elements to end the series, it was firing on all cylinders. Good stuff. The ending pissed me off knowing there's no third season, but I'm thinking that it works when you look at the big picture.

You can also really see the influence the series had on a lot of critically acclaimed dramas to come after it. the direction was constantly top notch even when the quality wasn't up to snuff. The amount of long takes really surprised me.

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going next. I think I'll hold off until some of the current series seasons are done because I'm already keeping up with an insane amount of television.

If only Lynch and Frost could reveal the killer on their terms and take the show where they wanted :(

You should check out the Psych tribute episode that was made for Peaks' 20th anniversary, it features some TP cast members and is worth watching if you enjoyed the show. Also, have you watched Fire Walk With Me yet?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Jay Sosa said:
Pretty quickly became on of my favorite shows ever. Pretty surprising it doesn't get mention as often as "The Wire" or other critically acclaimed shows.

A lot of OZ fans didn't like the direction the show took in its final seasons. There were some noticeably silly elements.

I just started watching Season 1 of Friday Night Lights. Blazed through the first 6 episodes, and I can safely admit I am completely addicted now.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
EliCash said:
If only Lynch and Frost could reveal the killer on their terms and take the show where they wanted :(

You should check out the Psych tribute episode that was made for Peaks' 20th anniversary, it features some TP cast members and is worth watching if you enjoyed the show. Also, have you watched Fire Walk With Me yet?

Does Fire Walk With Me take place after season 2 or between seasons. I watch season 1 and have both season 2 and Fire Walk With Me to watch. How should i go about it.
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