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TV Shows you've watched recently

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big ander

Friday Night Lights is one of the best dramas on television and I've only seen two seasons.
Season 1 is one of those rare perfect entries of television. I can't even articulate specific things I loved because I literally loved EVERYTHING. Every character, every moment...the town of Dillon felt so real, the characters seemed so amazing, and the writing is fantastic. The first season takes Dillon, an ordinary town with ordinary people and lives, and manufactures such a priceless aura around it. I've seen the show described this way before: it brings the extraordinary out of the ordinary. It's a beautiful thing to watch.
Season 2 is a misstep, but I can't help feeling it's necessary. It's so up and down that it feels bad overall, but the good is still there. And the awkward construction of the season and it's bad plots (Carlotta, nearly everything with Julie [which is too bad because I LOVED her in season 1], the boring Lyla-Rig-Christian Guy triangle, not to mention the fact that some characters show up so sporadically) make it feel like one of those hard-to-define rocky points in life. It makes me cherish season 1 all the more, and from what I've heard it'll make me enjoy season 3 even more.
Then again, maybe I just enjoyed it more because I watched all 15 episodes over 13 hours of being sick. One of my biggest marathons ever.
Jay Sosa said:
Watching the Community Chicken Fingers episode right now, sooo good :D
My favorite episode of the series, I think.

big ander

I've been told that, and I'm sure it'll be true, but right now I just can't believe it. I mean...sure I cry at TV. I can admit that. But normally it's at huge moments in finales or something. In season 1 of fnl, I was probably full-on weeping once every 4 episodes. It got to the point that I needed to watch in the dark when my roommate was gone.


I should have said S3 AND S5 are much better. S4 is my least favorite season of the show. The new characters take quite a while to endear to you like the OG cast, and being the only season in the whole series where cancellation wasn't a very real possibility, the stakes don't feel quite as high. I also felt it had the highest amount of merely decent episodes in the series.

3 and 5 are godly though, and I fully endorse them. Best show.


Solo said:
S3 is even better.

I marathoned through these right before I started Deep Space 9, and I've now seen everything from Friday Night Lights except for season 5. Personally, I still think that season 1 was the strongest season. 3 was a close second for me, followed by 4 and then 2. I'll have to see what i think about 5 when I get around to watching it.

I don't think the show has ever captured the lighting in a bottle that they found with season 1, but it's still an amazing show. I think the show had trouble in season 4 dealing with the departure of some characters. It was natural for them to depart, but the show didn't really find its footing. Season 2 was a little more screwy because they went into full-on desperate housewives craziness and that doesn't work for this show, but they got back on track by the end of the season.


Krowley said:
I marathoned through these right before I started Deep Space 9, and I've now seen everything from Friday Night Lights except for season 5. Personally, I still think that season 1 was the strongest season. 3 was a close second for me, followed by 4 and then 2. I'll have to see what i think about 5 when I get around to watching it.

S5 is very S1-esque.


Yeah, S3 is GOAT.

It's probably my favorite season of TV, period.

God I love that show, can't wait to rewatch the final season. I think I'm gonna rewatch The Son tomorrow...

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
big ander said:
Friday Night Lights is one of the best dramas on television and I've only seen two seasons.

I've only seen one season so far but I'd say its about as good as a drama can be on network television.
Watched all seasons of Breaking Bad in a 4 day period. I just couldn't wait to see what happened next. I have never been so captivated with a show. Brilliant show. Can't wait for Season 4 to start.


Brian Fellows said:
I've only seen one season so far but I'd say its about as good as a drama can be on network television.

I can't see how the show would have benefitted at all from being on HBO/FX/et al, so I think you can drop the "network" qualifier.


I'm excited to watch Season 5 of FNL. I guess I'll just pick up the DVD when it's out. It's good to hear that it's really good from you guys. Season 4 was pretty good and I loved The Son, but I just didn't like it as much as S1 and S3.


Just been dicing through first two Seasons of the wire (Haven't rewatched the series in about a year). The rewatch just confirmed Season 2 is criminally under-rated and at times could be considered my favourite season.

God it's so good.


Just started watching through Dexter for the first time about a week ago. I'm a few episodes into the second season - I must say, season one was fantastic,
in hindsight the surprise of the ice truck killer being his brother was to some extent obvious as the season progressed, but I didn't figure it out until just before it was revealed in the final episode - very nice episode

Looking forward to the next few seasons


Solo said:
I can't see how the show would have benefitted at all from being on HBO/FX/et al, so I think you can drop the "network" qualifier.
Haha, you'd probably see certain characters throw "f-bombs' and they might be some sex scenes between some of the characters. None of these would benefit the show at all though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Solo said:
I can't see how the show would have benefitted at all from being on HBO/FX/et al, so I think you can drop the "network" qualifier.

There was plenty of fat that could have been trimmed from season 1 had they gone with a 12 or 13 episode season.


Brian Fellows said:
There was plenty of fat that could have been trimmed from season 1 had they gone with a 12 or 13 episode season.

S2 is 15 eps, S3-S5 are 13 eps. And I wouldn't change S1 for anything.

big ander

Brian Fellows said:
There was plenty of fat that could have been trimmed from season 1 had they gone with a 12 or 13 episode season.
I've seen a lot of people say this, even people whose opinions I normally trust. But personally, I so enjoyed every second of season 1 that I couldn't imagine cutting anything.


big ander said:
I've seen a lot of people say this, even people whose opinions I normally trust. But personally, I so enjoyed every second of season 1 that I couldn't imagine cutting anything.

If anything, S2, the 7 episode SHORTER season, has a lot of fat that could have been trimmed. S1, S3, S4 and S5 though? Just great as they are.


Our Friends in the North.

I love Christopher Ecclestone, Daniel Craig, Mark Strong, and Gina McKee.

Oh boy, I love Gina McKee. Superb bloody show.


big ander said:
I've seen a lot of people say this, even people whose opinions I normally trust. But personally, I so enjoyed every second of season 1 that I couldn't imagine cutting anything.

Yeah, I agree with this. Season 1 was 20+ episodes of awesome content. The length just made it richer and more detailed. The 20 episode thing sometimes leads to filler content, but it certainly doesn't have to. Stories can simply be told without so much compression.


I've been going through The Outer Limits for the last month or so, I just started season 6 (of 7) today. There are some really shitty episodes scattered throughout, but overall it has been a good watch so far, since most episodes aren't bad.


Just finished Twin Peaks. Besides that, I watch Fringe and Parks and Recreations weekly. Please start watching Fringe, people. It's been so good this season.


BrokenBox said:
Please start watching Fringe, people. It's been so good this season.

I've been hearing this a lot lately. I didn't enjoy the first half of season one, so I bailed, but I saw some real potential. I've been thinking of giving it another shot.

big ander

Krowley said:
I've been hearing this a lot lately. I didn't enjoy the first half of season one, so I bailed, but I saw some real potential. I've been thinking of giving it another shot.
Season 1 got better as it went on until the show was up and down, but great at the peaks. Season 2 got even better and more consistent. Season 3 improved upon everything and is consistently excellent for about 11 episodes before dropping a small bit, but I'm thinking it's just midseason fatigue.


Subconscious Brolonging
Solo said:
I can't see how the show would have benefitted at all from being on HBO/FX/et al, so I think you can drop the "network" qualifier.

You can't see how a show starring Minka Kelly and Adrianne Palicki would benefit from being on HBO?

Eric Hall

Right now, watching Episodes and Shameless for new shows and catching up with Archer and the final season of Friday Night Lights

After those, Spartacus
Krowley said:
I've been hearing this a lot lately. I didn't enjoy the first half of season one, so I bailed, but I saw some real potential. I've been thinking of giving it another shot.

I did the exact same thing. My girlfriend (who I hadn't met when I stopped watching) who had kept watching of course called me an idiot and forced me to finish Season 1. It gets much better, Season 2 especially is leaps and bounds better than the first. And Season 3 has managed to be better still.


Spire said:
You can't see how a show starring Minka Kelly and Adrianne Palicki would benefit from being on HBO?

Neither would have done topless scenes, so yeah, I don't see how it would benefit from being on HBO.


The Vampire Diaries. It's a great show! I really wasn't expecting that but a gaffer recommended it and I figured I would give it a try.

Now you all must give in as well...


dbztrk said:
The Vampire Diaries. It's a great show! I really wasn't expecting that but a gaffer recommended it and I figured I would give it a try.

Now you all must give in as well...

Most of gaf will never give it a chance. Great show though


Finished Twin Peaks a couple of weeks ago. Brilliant! easily makes my top 3.

Currently going through Party Down season 2 on netflix. Man what a great show, shame it got canned. :(
Just finished up The Larry Sanders show. Took about a month in all from start to finish. What a brilliant show. Gonna miss Larry, Hank, Artie and the gang. Anyone find that the last season was very different in tone to the rest of the show? It seemed to veer more towards the drama than comedy. But still great, though. Hank greeting the Wu Tang Clan in one of the final episodes was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And Jim Carrey in the finale was WOW. lol. People talk about Hank being the standout character, but I think Rip Torn is probably the unsung hero of the show. He was just incredible. His mannerisms, his two-faced attitude to the guests, his crazy temper, the shaking of his rolled up notes as he gets the audience worked up......gonna miss him :(

Watching it in retrospect like this, you can clearly see how many other shows since have been influenced by it, or completely ripped it off, even.

The final scene with Larry, Hank & Artie in the empty studio was very touching. I almost cried......almost.

You may now flip :(


Just Started a Re-watch of "Weeds" with my brother. Forgot how funny that show is.
anyone know when season 6 will be available on blu-ray?


dantehemi said:
Just Started a Re-watch of "Weeds" with my brother. Forgot how funny that show is.
anyone know when season 6 will be available on blu-ray?
It was released today. $24.99 on amazon
dbztrk said:
The Vampire Diaries. It's a great show! I really wasn't expecting that but a gaffer recommended it and I figured I would give it a try.

Now you all must give in as well...

I wasn't expecting it to be good at all, but it turned out to be surprisingly deep. It seemed to start as an OC/OTH with vampires but it soon lead to more mythology and action and is genuinely a good show. So +1 to gaf must give it a try.
Finished all 6 Season of The Larry Sanders Show.

Unbelievable how good this show is. Hank Kingsly is up there with George Costanza.

Henry Winkler: I just heard that you were coming out with some kind of a tape... an exercise tape. Congratulations.
Hank Kingsley: What is that, a joke? What, are you trying to be funny? You know, you can't just bang a jukebox and go, "ayyyyy" and all your problems disappear, Fonzie.
Henry Winkler: [pause] It worked for me.
Hank Kingsley: Go fuck yourself.

The David Ducovney story arc - Holy Crap its priceless - LOL!

Last episode was a tear jerker.


Misanthropy said:
Watching Big Love. I'm starting to hate Bill. He's such a jerk to his family and pretentious and believes he's so self-righteous.

That show (through season 4) isn't exactly bad, but it is full of missed opportunities, and it never really lives up to its potential. You'll get some enjoyment out of it, and it is worth watching, but it still pisses me off. It has the potential to be a truly great show, but never really reaches that level.


Just recently finished the latest season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David's so freaking hilarious! I can't wait until the 8th season this year

Jay Sosa

watching community se2, are there different writers working on each episode? how in the world do you go from group hugs to fat Neil? the show is like jekyll and hyde....every series has ups and downs but not from awful to genius and back.
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