Jealous Bastard
if you don't mind the pace of MAD MEN, you're pretty likely to dig THE WIRE, koam.
koam said:I even made a thread about it not even a week before I finished it :lol
Things I've seen recently or in the past 4-5 years
- 24 (seen it all, can't wait for new season)
- Weeds (i'm two seasons behind)
- Arrested Development (possibly my
- Nip/Tuck (ugh this show sucks so much but i can't stop watching)
- Dexter (Only saw the first season, will give it a second chance eventually)
- Always Sunny in Philadelphia (funniest show on TV right now)
- Mad Men (awesome show)
- Californication (my must watch show right now, can't get enough of it)
- Entourage (it's entertaining)
- Office, Community, 30 rock and all those NBC shows (they're alright)
- Sopranos (stopped at season 3, worth continuing?)
- Curb Your Enthusiasm (awesome, getting better with time)
- Lost (great though it would have been way better had the writers thought out the story ahead of time instead of winging it)
- Heroes (gave up at the end of season 3, don't watch this pile of crap)
So what should I watch next? I'm thinking of giving The Wire a shot, or maybe finish Sopranos. Rome is another. What do you guys suggest giving what I like and don't like from above?
beelzebozo said:if you don't mind the pace of MAD MEN, you're pretty likely to dig THE WIRE, koam.
beelzebozo said:is english your primary language? if so, you shouldn't have much problem.
Yeah but you hooked off after season 1koam said:I even made a thread about it not even a week before I finished it :lol
I had no problem with it but watched it with subs anyway!koam said:Yeah.. but I heard the gangster talk is a bit much![]()
Really? Hmm, guess I'll watch the premiere and see how it is.gdt5016 said:Archer was soooooooo unfunny.
If you made it through Alma Mater and didn't like it, then it's probably best that you stop there. That's when it all started to come together for me. S2 >>> S1, but sounds like you're just not digging it.Blader5489 said:Chuck - Stopped watching this halfway through season 1 (last episode I saw was "Chuck vs. the Alma Mater). It just didn't do it me.
LabouredSubterfuge said:Holy shit. Just watched the beginning miniseries and the entire first season of Battlestar Galactica. I'm so fucking hooked it's not even funny. I love it when I latch on to shows like this.
More like after the first six episodes of S3.gdt5016 said:Just wait till S4...
LabouredSubterfuge said:Holy shit. Just watched the beginning miniseries and the entire first season of Battlestar Galactica. I'm so fucking hooked it's not even funny. I love it when I latch on to shows like this.
Haha, funny. I compared it to Bebop, too (watched the whole series last year). It's really the closest thing I can think of although it's anime. I tried to get into Farscape but it didn't click. I simply didn't like the characters...icarus-daedelus said:Cowboy Bebop has a very similar premise and, if you can tolerate Japanese animation (teh animu), it's pretty awesome in its own right. Farscape is sort of similar, too, though without the bounty hunter aspect, and although it takes some time to warm up to, there are four full seasons and a miniseries, so it won't go by as quickly as Firefly or Bebop.
GrumpyAlien said:Rome- I just started season 2, and boy is this show getting fucked up and awesome. This is some serious drama and I am loving it. And one scene near the end of S1 that was so badass I am a loss for words...The gladiator scene with Tidus Pullo was amazing. Goriest thing I have seen on an HBO show thats for sure.
Teetris said:Yeah but you hooked off after season 1
I had no problem with it but watched it with subs anyway!It's a great show, but you have to invest time in it and might not even get into it until the end of season one. You'll appreciate it even more then though. I can type up many words on this but you just have to experience it yourself.
Decado said:I loved parts of season 4.0 (the string of battle episodes). Once season 4.5 came 'round, though, it turned to crap.
icarus-daedelus said:What battle episodes? I don't remember that much of the "pew pew lazers" in S4.0 other than maybe one episode near the end. Are you thinking of the (S4 spoilaz)? Because those were in season 4.5...mutiny episodes
Me too. They're so much more efficient with the storytelling when they only have 12-13 episodes per season.icarus-daedelus said:I'm definitely glad that cable TV has started a trend of 12-13 episode seasons in the past few years, and I hope it bleeds down to the networks so we no longer have to tolerate 20-24 ep. seasons.
Coop said:The first three episodes of 4.5 were good but after that it's boring. It feels like they had 1 episode worth of stories span out to 5 episodes. Plus they really should have done the. If sci fi kept the seasons to 13 episodes the show would be so much of the final five cylons better. Not all that exploitation
QFTicarus-daedelus said:Yeah. On one end, you have the classic network model of 24 or (back in the day) even 26 episodes, which invariably leads to a flabby season with, in the case of serialized shows, lots of filler. On the other hand, you have the British model of 6 or 7 episodes per season, which I personally think is a bit too short. I think the premium cable model strikes a nice balance between the two.
Salazar said:Wow. I thought the Ghostfacers episode was some of the worst tv I'd ever seen.
Jay Sosa said:Need some comedy show recommendations, please
Jay Sosa said:Need some comedy show recommendations, please
What I've seen and love(d):
Trailer Park
IT Crowd
Curb your
Office US
Arrested Development
Always Sunny
30 Rock
Flight of the Conchords
Parks and..
Modern Family (started out great but got meh pretty quick)
Better of Ted