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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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This is the most fascinating thing I've watched on TV in a long, long time. I have no idea where it's going from scene to scene, and it's a much bigger web than I expected it to be, both in terms of new characters and locations. I love the pocket that Lynch has settled into here.

I agree. I was worried that it wouldn't be as good as the series original iteration, but it is coming along amazingly in my opinion.

It feels fresh and new, but you can still tell it's definitely twin peaks atmospherically. I'd say it is darker, weirder, more surreal, more cryptic, and funnier all at the same time. It's like if Lynch never had to deal with prime time network tv from the getgo, something closer to this would have resulted.

I am a very happy fan to say the least.


you can't put a price on sparks
I just realized that's the creepy brother from Get Out

Edit: lol as did everyone else

i discovered him backwards. i watched him on Twin Peaks first and then watched Get Out right after.

i was like "WTF, this dirty guy from Twin Peaks I've never seen before today and I see him twice?"

as for the episode, i liked it a lot. a lot of random cameos from famous people. Jim Belushi lol
This dude has such fascinating features. He's like a living art deco sculpture... a particularly slimy art deco asshole sculpture.

It only recently struck me how little the original "Falling" theme fits this show. It's weird hearing it open with such a warm and welcoming melody before throwing us into this cold world where even the town of Twin Peaks took on this unmistakably 'Deer Meadow' smell.

the way he acted and his strange features...brehs Lynch found Dennis Hopper's reincarnation.


It feels fresh and new, but you can still tell it's definitely twin peaks atmospherically. I'd say it is darker, weirder, more surreal, more cryptic, and funnier all at the same time. It's like if Lynch never had to deal with prime time network tv from the getgo, something closer to this would have resulted.

Agreed. It feels like Fire Walk With Me in tone. I know a lot of people didn't like that the more wasn't quirky like the first two seasons, but I loved it.
- I fucking loved that redhead dude from Get Out, his performance both in that and now this remind me of a sort of try-hard James Dean rebel type of delivery. Thats exactly the sort of thing Lynch fucks with too so he fits in really well here. btw he has a ponytail. probably abuses her too tbh, Shelly/Leo part 2

mike killed it in the scene with the resume and application I was dying

and then the kid told his girl he aced the interview lmao


I gotta say, I love me some patient shows considering Better Call Saul and the original series of Twin Peaks are my favorite shows ever, but it's kinda losing me. Part of the reason I loved the original Twin Peaks is Coop's friendly and generally positive affable outlook on life in spite of all of the tragedy of Twin Peaks, and with him in senile mode the heart of the show is a bit lost in my opinion.

It's kinda losing me. I like all the parts separately but they aren't coming together much for me because it's constantly all set up with little to no pay off.

I just realized that's the creepy brother from Get Out

Edit: lol as did everyone else

THAT'S where he's from. I was taking forever trying to place him.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I gotta say, I love me some patient shows considering Better Call Saul and the original series of Twin Peaks are my favorite shows ever, but it's kinda losing me. Part of the reason I loved the original Twin Peaks is Coop's friendly and generally positive affable outlook on life in spite of all of the tragedy of Twin Peaks, and with him in senile mode the heart of the show is a bit lost in my opinion.

It's kinda losing me. I like all the parts separately but they aren't coming together much for me because it's constantly all set up with little to no pay off.

THAT'S where he's from. I was taking forever trying to place him.

Yeah I'm kinda getting the feeling this season is only going to appeal to hardcore Lynch fans


Also I just realized the intern for Dougie


Is the asshole film student from Better Call Saul



I'm loving this new season but every episode I get more and more tired of Dougie. Coop was the anchor for me in the franchise I just love him so much. I swear the show starts losing me and I start paying less attention the longer Dougie is on screen then it shoots back to TP and I'm hooked again. If I ever rewatch this I'll most likely skip all non Coop episodes of this season. That or we can hope for a very short abridged version of his "transformation" back with a fan-edit.
oh and the coroner trying to turn an autopsy into a comedy routine lol

some great comedic moments in this revival so far, sheriff's wife and her weird exasperated rant was great too. Robert Forster has been doing a good job with the deadpan reactions to all these absurd people.


Lots of good stuff this episode, it was pretty different than the first 4 because it moved from scene to scene a lot more quickly. There's a lot going on now so the 20 minute segments in one location seem to have stopped. I'm sure they'll come back but it feels like a lot was tied together in terms of how all of these separate storylines relate to each other, while still adding new mysteries and giving us more time in Twin Peaks to see the situation there nowadays and it seems like the same old Twin Peaks to me - a fucked up shithole with good manners.

Also, I'm just gonna say this now, but if you don't like the tone of the show so far, just stop watching it. I kind of figured this was going to happen because a lot of people watching the first few eps were like 'but we're gonna get to twin peaks, the show i liked, right?' Nah. It ain't happening, at all. It is what you see. If you aren't on board, I don't think it's worth sticking around just to be pissed off for 90% of the show. I think the audience will whittle down a bit anyway and the 'ugh so slow!' 'what's going on' and 'this is just pointless and bad' kind of comments will subside naturally as people get bored. Then again, do what you like.

As for me, this is what I wanted. Sure there are bits and pieces which aren't my favourite, but overall I'm fascinated by the 5 hours of stuff I've seen so far. I don't give a damn is Cooper ever wakes up, really. I just wanna see what happens next in this strange dark story.
Also was anyone kind of creeped out when this scene popped up?


There was a few unsettling scenes in this episode, but for some reason this one kind of creeped me out. Not fully, but it reminded me of something out of Inland Empire and the sudden shift to that out of the blue caught me off-guard.

EDIT: sorry for the double post.
I thought it was going to end in a car crash or something, thankfully it didn't.


Just borrowed Lynch's entire legacy minus Elephant Man and Straight Story. Seems like I should watch those ASAP considering all the references/homage people are pointing out from these 5 episodes we've had so far. Only seen Mulholland Drive of his non Twin Peaks stuff.
btw I imagine him pointing out Tom Sizemore's lies will be important to Dougie's future well being in some way. last time Dougie was granted supernatural insight he won 400K to pay off some shady ppl (i assume who are threatening his life)
btw I imagine him pointing out Tom Sizemore's lies will be important to Dougie's future well being in some way. last time Dougie was granted supernatural insight he won 400K to pay off some shady ppl (i assume who are threatening his life)

For some reason it made me think about Coop interrogating Bobby in the PIlot and being able to tell he wasn't the killer. Like some innate lie detection skills coming back alongside Damn Fine Joe, Agent, Case Files, the statue/gun, etc.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This episode was the most Twin Peaks the series has been so far, a growing trend. There's a few factors that play into it this episode:

-Many different scenes with different characters. I was thinking about this with the first four parts, but they had longer focuses on scenes and didn't drift often away from Cooper or Doppelganger Cooper for long, and stay more focused on a continuous storyline pretty consistently more than the original series ever did. This was the first episode that went more in on the original series direction of following a lot of developing storylines with different characters and switching up between them scene by scene.

-Increased focus on quirkier characters; there was a much more focused view on the characters in this part and how they relate to a slowly interweaving story, which was always really how Twin Peaks handled itself. Developing relationships between characters we learn about, the characters mannerisms on display and interacting with each other, and learning about what sort of shit each character has found themselves into slowly but surely. This episode brought a lot more of that, helped this is the first episode that went back to a lot of characters seen in previous parts as well.

-Overall lighter tone with some tense scenes sprinkled in. Love it or hate it, this was pretty much how the original series worked, a lighter tone most of the time with delves into darkness, the weirder, and the seediness underlying it all.

There's a few other bits, and obviously the whole original run feeling isn't there, nor do I think it'll ever be completely there (and that's fine for me). In fact, I'd even bet somewhere in the future there's gonna' be a huge curveball which shifts it away from becoming too familiar, but I can say that Part 5 is the closest I think the series has been to feeling like the original Twin Peaks series. Given it does so while also showing some stronger tones to Lynch's other works, particularly strong traces of Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet in this episode if you asked me.

I've loved every episode so far, though.


Boy, Shelly's daughter doesn't have the highest standards.

At least Bobby was good looking instead of creepy like this brother from Get Out is!
Lots of good stuff this episode, it was pretty different than the first 4 because it moved from scene to scene a lot more quickly. There's a lot going on now so the 20 minute segments in one location seem to have stopped. I'm sure they'll come back but it feels like a lot was tied together in terms of how all of these separate storylines relate to each other, while still adding new mysteries and giving us more time in Twin Peaks to see the situation there nowadays and it seems like the same old Twin Peaks to me - a fucked up shithole with good manners.

Also, I'm just gonna say this now, but if you don't like the tone of the show so far, just stop watching it. I kind of figured this was going to happen because a lot of people watching the first few eps were like 'but we're gonna get to twin peaks, the show i liked, right?' Nah. It ain't happening, at all. It is what you see. If you aren't on board, I don't think it's worth sticking around just to be pissed off for 90% of the show. I think the audience will whittle down a bit anyway and the 'ugh so slow!' 'what's going on' and 'this is just pointless and bad' kind of comments will subside naturally as people get bored. Then again, do what you like.

As for me, this is what I wanted. Sure there are bits and pieces which aren't my favourite, but overall I'm fascinated by the 5 hours of stuff I've seen so far. I don't give a damn is Cooper ever wakes up, really. I just wanna see what happens next in this strange dark story.

I think Lynch and everyone knew those first four parts might be a bit too crazy and methodical in its set up for some audiences, which is why they aired them in chunks. Now that we're getting into the real meat of the show, it's gonna be more TV friendly in that there will be a lot more momentum in each episode.

I think asking for Cooper to recover so quickly is a bit misguided. In 90's Twin Peaks, the big mystery is Laura Palmer. And Lynch and Frost were forced to reveal who the killer was way before they wanted to. There is no "Who killed Laura Palmer?" in S3, so Cooper serving as an anchor to hold everything together isn't really necessary. In fact, "when is Agent Cooper coming back?" is the new "Who killed Laura Palmer?" Episode 5 introduced so many new characters and story threads that I'm fine if we're not getting more Cooper right away. Dirty cop working with creepy rapy drug dealer already has me intrigued with where that might go. Is Bobby involved or will he be the one to shut it down? Is Shelly's daughter's boyfriend in on it or is he just a deadbeat addict? Fucking assassins and carbombs. And general creepy occult shit. I'm loving all of it.

Boy, Shelly's daughter doesn't have the highest standards.

At least Bobby was good looking instead of creepy like this brother from Get Out is!
That guy always looks like he just awoke from the Matrix. Even in Xmen First Class.


Didn't it seem like the prison warden was pretty shaken when Cooper's Doppleganger mentioned the name Mr Strawberry? I mean he was shaken after the electrical storm of darkness that he caused as well, but even before that, as soon as he says Mr Strawberry, the warden starts to freak out.


Can't wait to watch episode 5 when I get home. Heard tons of praise for it from a friend, it seems like the season just keeps getting better and better!
On my mind since viewing ep 5...

At what point does the Dougie stuff stop being Lynchian-weird and become straight-up trolling?

Also (and let me know if we're spoiler tagging Ep 5 or not)

Did anyone notice the
Lynchian Strobe Light in the roadhouse just before Dick Horne (lol) started acting all nasty?
The green face thing is, I believe, just Coops already established ability to read people starting to come back.

And I wouldn't presume Richard is the same one mentioned by the giant yet due to all the duplicate names we've had so far. Could well be though.

Maybe Richard is Hepa's.

I dreamt about the show all night.

Edit: also no way Wendy Robie was limited to a short scene because of a lack of acting chops. Wendy is great.
On my mind since viewing ep 5...

At what point does the Dougie stuff stop being Lynchian-weird and become straight-up trolling?

Also (and let me know if we're spoiler tagging Ep 5 or not)

Did anyone notice the
Lynchian Strobe Light in the roadhouse just before Dick Horne (lol) started acting all nasty?

I'm not sure there is a difference between Lynch-weird and straight-up trolling. He's doing whatever the hell he likes. That's why I like him.

As for the comments from others about scenes being pointless or dragged out. Lynch isn't a guy that will move a story along at your pace. He cares just as much, if not more, about what his characters are doing and the atmosphere of the world they live in. If you are watching the show to find out plot points, you are better off reading a plot summary when it's all said and done.
Hmm, feeling a bit disappointed by the season so far. There are just too many characters up to the point where most feel like cameos.
People were saying this about characters we have now seen multiple times now, so I am pretty confident at this point that these people are going to show up multiple times.
People were saying this about characters we have now seen multiple times now, so I am pretty confident at this point that these people are going to show up multiple times.

Maybe, but we're nearly 30 percent through the season already and I feel like it's barely finding its footing.
I'm not sure there is a difference between Lynch-weird and straight-up trolling. He's doing whatever the hell he likes. That's why I like him.

As for the comments from others about scenes being pointless or dragged out. Lynch isn't a guy that will move a story along at your pace. He cares just as much, if not more, about what his characters are doing and the atmosphere of the world they live in. If you are watching the show to find out plot points, you are better off reading a plot summary when it's all said and done.

I'm still wondering if Dougie exists in the original 9 hour plan for this run.


I am loving it this far. It seems that Dougie is progressing
calling Sizemore a liar. And him drinking the shit out of the Coffee like it was the greatest thing in the world. So I dont think it will be long anymore before he is all normal again


Any theories why Janey-E's ring was inside the stiff?
Dougie also had gold inside him, so I'm guessing that the element is somehow used in the manufacturing process. All those Briggsies ain't free.

So what did that receiver transform into at the end of the episode?
I don't think it transformed, it looked like it got crushed, like it collapsed upon itself.


Also Dougie is totally going to get fired, or otherwise some miracle is going to happen because he didn't do jackshit about those case files. Just stared at a statue all day.
The way his eyes lit up when he was handed those CASE FILES made it seem like his Cooper Vision was about to activate again. Given the way his story has been going, he'll be promoted in no time and the office Faxudrey will fall madly in love with him.
Don't underestimate the DUGE.

Holy hell, I think Lynch did the most obscure reference to himself and I almost didn't even notice!

Sailing with Bushnell Keeler was David Lynch's first ever movie, he called it a 'home movie'. He released it in 1967. you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ETYtxttJI

There's no doubt to me at this point Lynch did do a delve through his whole history for this season of Twin Peaks.
I think it's more of a homage to his friend. Bushnell Keeler was his mentor. A large part of the Art Life documentary is dedicated to him and all the ways in which he helped Lynch get started. We probably would never have heard about Lynch if it weren't for that man.

Edit: also no way Wendy Robie was limited to a short scene because of a lack of acting chops. Wendy is great.
And she looked fantastic. She eye-acted the shit out of that scene.


That episode was okay. The Dougie stuff is starting to drag on a bit as there's no clear direction for it. I imagine it would be a lot better if all the episodes were availabile but watching week to week you're just waiting for old Cooper to come back.
One of the case files is going to be an insurance claim in Twin Peaks, right?

I look forward to Dougie dealing with airport security.
That episode was okay. The Dougie stuff is starting to drag on a bit as there's no clear direction for it. I imagine it would be a lot better if all the episodes were availabile but watching week to week you're just waiting for old Cooper to come back.

There is a clear direction. Progress! I cheer every time another penny drops. You've got to remember here that Coop has come back to a life that has almost nothing that is familiar to him. Had he swapped back with Mr C, he'd already have seen Albert and Gordon and would presumably be well on his way to a full recovery.

Every time he sees or hears something familiar he gets a tiny bit better. It's like, he knew he wanted to get home... but when he got to Dougie's home, and it doesn't trigger anything... he has no idea what to do next. So he's just in a holding pattern waiting for something, anything, to either shake him awake or give him another goal.

Everyone is treating him as if he is where he is meant to be, too, which doesn't help.

But inevitably, even in a life as separate from his own as Dougie's, he's still stumbling on little triggers. I think we'll see a competent, but still amnesiac Coop soon, but that until he either gets back to the FBI or Twin Peaks, it isn't going to all come flooding back.

I'm strapped in for the ride now, as hard as it was to first watch Part 3. His progress was so slow at first that I couldn't see it, but now that I do see it, I'm enjoying the journey very much, and it's easier to laugh at the comedy of all these moments when he's evidently recovering.

Also nothing in this episode looked like cheap video, which really helped. I'm beginning to think the cheap video look was a choice for a couple of reasons (and I know no one else cares about this).

In the purple room, it would go back and forth, literally repeating the same shot. One time, processed to look like film. Next time processed to look like really bad video. Only after this do scenes look like video for the rest of Part 3 and a good chunk of Part 4.

Just as music seems to be slowly coming back into the world, (a theory which I'm on board with now after episode 5 being packed with music), I think the richness of the picture coming back into the world was also a choice. Like the whole world is sick, but recovering as Coop recovers.

Goddamn this series so far is better than I dared dream.

Edit: Also, more and more things are tying together.

The wedding band tying the Jones's to Buckhorn. The body being Major Briggs (maybe one of many dead Major Briggs that have turned up too) and the military saying they'll have to bring in the FBI if it turns out to be anything. Which is going to tie three major pieces together. Plus Jade posting the key, could well get traced back to Jade, as the guy who works at the carwash by that mail box knows her.
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