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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Ray Down

They did say that a fourth season is a possibility if this is received well. So we could either take that as Coop living or his fate is ambiguous.

This is what scares me about series revivals, they come back and open the idea up of more to come only for it to never happen.
This is what scares me about series revivals, they come back and open the idea up of more to come only for it to never happen.

Yeah I totally get what you're saying but even The X-Files is coming back for another season and by no means did that light the world on fire. Twin Peaks is probably doing really good numbers for Showtime.

Ray Down

Yeah I totally get what you're saying but even The X-Files is coming back for another season and by no means did that light the world on fire. Twin Peaks is probably doing really good numbers for Showtime.

True though I rather shit come back and have a definite ending.

Though Twin Peaks will more so have a "definite" ending.


First of all if you go to IMDB this show has been noted as Twin Peaks (TV Series 2017) and you also have Twin Peaks (1990) which has season 1 and 2. So basically you can and must say this is not season 3 as an sequel to the former season 1 and 2 from the 90's. And then on IMDB this Twin Peaks 2017 is called ''Season 1'' And all the episodes are called Season 1 Part 1,2,3,4,5 etc untill 18. So that most definitely justify this being a 18 hour movie or tv show being just one thing.
Second even if this were just a regular TV show people are still expecting way too much. I keep friends, family and people online about shows in general saying 'its too slow'' ''not enough action'' Even if this wasn't something from Lynch speaking purely theoretically you can't expect an tv show at not even 1/3 yet aired to actually have happened a lot of stuff. I can't even think of a single tv show that has tons of developments , hours of actions and fast pacing in basically 5/18 during the first season. Because this a new season 1. And this is Lynch. I will be doing rewatching for the first time the episodes but there is already in my mind still a lot of things going on. And yes I am a Twin Peaks fan but even more so I am a huge David Lynch fan. I love Elephant Man and I think Mullholland Drive, Wild at Heart and especially Lost Highway are fantastic.
Everyone should do what they want wait to september and binge the whole thing or watch 1 episode per week. But even the whole Dougie thing its clear to me he is making a lot of progress he was drinking and enjoying the coffee or coffeve like he was fucking a drop dead gorgeous woman and he called Tom Sizemore out as an liar. And I can't wait to see what whill happen in New York, Twin Peaks itself and with Evil Coop now he is clearly escaping.
Thoughts I have about the show being written/filmed as one long movie and edited into episodes after the fact:

There are a lot of reasons why TV shows (even ones with heavily serialised storytelling) are written as separate episodes, but one of them is that this benefits the TV show format. It ensures that every episode feels like a worthwhile piece in and of itself. The viewer doesn't feel suddenly dropped at the end, having to wait a week without having achieved anything - rather, conscious thought was put into what that episode meant and how it contributed to the whole, right from the writing stage.

The reason that movies aren't 18 hours long is that an 18-hour movie would be unbearable. Time commitment aside, the movie structure isn't designed to hold up over such long periods of time. You'd end up with a first act, second act and third act that were all absurdly ponderous, lasting hours longer than they really needed to be in order to make their point.

What I'm getting at is: In producing Twin Peaks this way, Lynch and Frost aren't really playing to the strengths of either medium. The lack of a clear episode structure is a handicap to being able to watch and enjoy the show comfortably... which may itself be intentional, who knows. Either way, it's inevitable that it'll put some people off.


If you remember from the leaked shoot footage from last year:


Cooper walks Laura up the steps to her house.

i think we'll at the very least see somewhat "normal Cooper" at some point.
Wow, I never heard of this before and looked it up. Just gave me a jolt of excitement.
Though it's obviously just a dream sequence, but I'd assume Cooper is also normal at this point in real life as well.
Wow, I never heard of this before and looked it up. Just gave me a jolt of excitement.
Though it's obviously just a dream sequence, but I'd assume Cooper is also normal at this point in real life as well.

Spoilers for that night shoot (I was there):
How is it obviously a dream sequence? We have almost no context for the scene currently beyond Leland's "find Laura", and nothing was seen beyond Cooper and "Laura" arriving in a black Lincoln (which makes me wonder if its Mr C), walking up to the house, plus one bloodcurdling scream that was inside.

Also interesting to note and something cast have backed up in interviews, is when filming on location/exterior scenes actors often had to adorn robes covering them head to toe to mask their identity to onlookers. We saw one such hooded figure that night but nobody at the time could parse if that was a character that was part of a scene. Now we know it was likely an actor being shrouded, but who? They appeared short in stature iirc so who knows. Only thing I can guess is Sarah but not sure if she's that short.

I think it's pretty up in the air whether that's a dream or Coop taking Laura back home. Question becomes what does she see that elicits the scream? Mr C gotcha moment?

To add one more thing they got back in the vehicle and drove away after whatever occurred in the Palmer home concluded, though knowing some of the shooting hijinks Lynch did during the original run a lot of this could be a smokescreen for something else that makes the final cut.


Spoilers for that night shoot (I was there):
I hate you
(nah, I love you...
even though I hate you

How is it obviously a dream sequence? We have almost no context for the scene currently beyond Leland's "find Laura", and nothing was seen beyond Cooper and "Laura" arriving in a black Lincoln (which makes me wonder if its Mr C), walking up to the house, plus one bloodcurdling scream that was inside.
It's not him, unless Doop loses his black demon eyes by the time he sets foot in Twin Peaks. You can see Coop's purdy brown eyes in the teasers.
I mean, yeah, they COULD do a fake out, but that would be a pretty dumb gimmick to introduce after spending 6+ hours with a not-quite-identical doppelganger.
I hate you
(nah, I love you...
even though I hate you

It's not him, unless Doop loses his black demon eyes by the time he sets foot in Twin Peaks. You can see Coop's purdy brown eyes in the teasers.
I mean, yeah, they COULD do a fake out, but that would be a pretty dumb gimmick to introduce after spending 6+ hours with a not-quite-identical doppelganger.


No I agree, plus I doubt even with all the dollarydoos in the world Mr C could muster the style needed to master that Cooper coif :p


Spoilers for that night shoot (I was there):
How is it obviously a dream sequence? We have almost no context for the scene currently beyond Leland's "find Laura", and nothing was seen beyond Cooper and "Laura" arriving in a black Lincoln (which makes me wonder if its Mr C), walking up to the house, plus one bloodcurdling scream that was inside.
Sorry, I guess I should've said I hope it is part of a dream sequence.
Laura actually being alive is something I wouldn't be down with, even if it turns out the theory that the Laura that died was her doppelganger and the real one has been in the lodge is right.
Sorry, I guess I should've said I hope it is part of a dream sequence.
Laura actually being alive is something I wouldn't be down with, even if it turns out the theory that the Laura that died was her doppelganger and the real one has been in the lodge is right.

I hear ya, not sure how I feel if they go that route either. Depends on how they handle it, but also hope it isn't a Maddy mk II situation either.


Sorry, I guess I should've said I hope it is part of a dream sequence.
Laura actually being alive is something I wouldn't be down with, even if it turns out the theory that the Laura that died was her doppelganger and the real one has been in the lodge is right.

But ... we know Laura is in the Lodge "now", after her death. If Cooper can leave, why can't she? Maybe her doing so would cause some reality-warping problems, but those could be part of the plot.


But ... we know Laura is in the Lodge "now", after her death. If Cooper can leave, why can't she? Maybe her doing so would cause some reality-warping problems, but those could be part of the plot.
I don't want to create a wall of spoiler tags on this page lol, so I'm going to change gears a bit while also replying to this.

I originally thought that Laura is in the Black Lodge after her death because of her wearing of the Owl Cave Ring, but we've now seen that Leland is also there. I haven't rewatched that scene since first viewing it, so I don't remember if it was implied that was a doppelganger Leland or not.

I feel that we still don't know enough about the Owl Cave Ring to really know the state of anyone who wore it and ended up in the Red Room/disappeared. I'm hoping this series will go more into that.


I don't want to create a wall of spoiler tags on this page lol, so I'm going to change gears a bit while also replying to this.

I originally thought that Laura is in the Black Lodge after her death because of her wearing of the Owl Cave Ring, but we've now seen that Leland is also there. I haven't rewatched that scene since first viewing it, so I don't remember if it was implied that was a doppelganger Leland or not.

I feel that we still don't know enough about the Owl Cave Ring to really know the state of anyone who wore it and ended up in the Red Room/disappeared. I'm hoping this series will go more into that.

In part 2 Leland's eyes seem maybe a little lighter than usual, but it's not the obvious doppelganger eye effect like in the S2 finale. Hard to say which one he's meant to be.

They also seemed to change how the doppelgangers were presented in FWWM, or at least that was my interpretation. We see both Laura and Leland with pale skin and black lips like this:

I took this scene to show that when Laura says the "fire walk with me" incantation, her doppelganger briefly manifests (and completely freaks her out). Maybe BOB can only possess doppelgangers...


In part 2 Leland's eyes seem maybe a little lighter than usual, but it's not the obvious doppelganger eye effect like in the S2 finale. Hard to say which one he's meant to be.

They also seemed to change how the doppelgangers were presented in FWWM, or at least that was my interpretation. We see both Laura and Leland with pale skin and black lips like this:

I took this scene to show that when Laura says the "fire walk with me" incantation, her doppelganger briefly manifests (and completely freaks her out). Maybe BOB can only possess doppelgangers...

Leland's appearance like that at the end is probably my favorite moment in the film.


The imagery, music, and his scream.


Junior Member
Have we considered the nursery rhyme in full:

Hey, diddle, diddle, 

The cat and the fiddle, 

The cow jumped over the moon; 

The little dog laughed 

To see such sport, 

And the dish ran away with the spoon
Have we considered the nursery rhyme in full:

Hey, diddle, diddle, 

The cat and the fiddle, 

The cow jumped over the moon; 

The little dog laughed 

To see such sport, 

And the dish ran away with the spoon

Maybe it just means that Cooper is out of the Black Lodge.


My guess on the "Cow jumped over the moon" thing is it was just a code phrase for a self destruct on whatever that box was, I don't think it actually connects to anything. I assume the box was how BOB Cooper was staying in contact with Jeffries (or who he believed to be him). Though if that's true, I'm not sure why the girl in charge of the hitmen contacted it as well.

Chitown B

My guess on the "Cow jumped over the moon" thing is it was just a code phrase for a self destruct on whatever that box was, I don't think it actually connects to anything. I assume the box was how BOB Cooper was staying in contact with Jeffries (or who he believed to be him). Though if that's true, I'm not sure why the girl in charge of the hitmen contacted it as well.

didn't the call from the other lady go to that box too?
saw episode 5 last night. pretty good! maybe my least favorite of the new season kinda in that season 2 groove of moving pieces around and stuff but still highly enjoyable and w way more cool parts than the standard filler episode from the old show.

i bet catatonic Cooper is pissing off so many people right now but i love it. parts of this show have turned into an uber-cheesy workplace sitcom, only with a very surreal bent. Cooper standing the opposite direction of everyone in the elevator was gold, and them rushing out and being pissed off that he is just standing there is so great. i love how him simply not knowing to sit when everyone else sits is throwing a wrench into the system. between this and his gambling career he is a one-man anti-capitalism machine. also really feeling his (lol) quieter moments. studying the statue. tearfully looking at Sonny Jim in the car.

Evil Cooper is hella fun to watch though. him phreaking the police station was so sick. as always, brilliant sound design here, when he hangs up the phone and the cacophony instantly stops. i also enjoy the Bob flashback. the new sound design does wonders here. also lol at Evil Cooper remembering the "good times", just laughing maniacally along with Bob, both inches from one another's face. yes, the good old times. lol.

what else? i need to rewatch this. i want to rewatch everything tbh. Dr. Jacoby as viral youtube crackpot makes perfect sense, and i love the gold shovel thing, i love it so much. to see Nadine laughing at it was wonderful.

No one rushing to aid John McCain today as he spoke at Comey's open hearing, just makes the reaction of Dougie's family and coworkers more plausible to me.

He wasn't brain dead Coop bad, but he was worryingly bad all that same.
I feel like my parents will stop watching it before getting to that episode unfortunately.

After the episode 3, I thought there is no way mine would stick with it because of how insane it is.

I'm impressed they're still willing to give it a chance. They loved the original (like me, they didn't see it until a few years ago), but thought this would be too out there for them.

I absolutely love it so far.
lol yes. Cooper is split in two. or three? still confused about the Dougie mystery. was there somebody who looked like Cooper living this normal double life in Las Vegas? or is everybody who knows him secretly a plant (even Naomi Watts and the kid?), and the Black Lodge has been infiltrating the crime underworld irl?

maybe not, Jade seems pretty chill/un-attached to the schemes. her putting that Twin Peaks key in the mailbox is probably going to massively crank up their search.

i re-read the synopsis for the Season 3 episodes on wikipedia last night to refresh my memory. every one has been hilariously insane. episode 4 starts with "Cooper wins 28 consecutive megajackpots at the casino, totaling $425,000, then is driven to Dougie's home." lol
After the episode 3, I thought there is no way mine would stick with it because of how insane it is.

I'm impressed they're still willing to give it a chance. They loved the original (like me, they didn't see it until a few years ago), but thought this would be too out there for them.

I absolutely love it so far.
Yeah, my parents enjoyed the first part, but didn't like the ending much nor the movie, so I doubt they'll enjoy this one. They didn't really enjoy the supernatural and "dark" elements. And they keep postponing watching it, so that's not a good sign to begin with D:

big ander

lol yes. Cooper is split in two. or three? still confused about the Dougie mystery. was there somebody who looked like Cooper living this normal double life in Las Vegas? or is everybody who knows him secretly a plant (even Naomi Watts and the kid?), and the Black Lodge has been infiltrating the crime underworld irl?
Mr C created another Cooper doppelgänger while Cooper was trapped in the lodge. (We don't quite know how or when, though it appears it would have to have been at least 11ish years ago because Dougie is presumed to be Sonny Jim's father. [I suppose it's possible Mr C's lodge powers allowed him to take over an existing life too, but the whole dissolving into a gold ball thing leads me to believe he manufactured him wholesale, as One armed man says.]) After the 25 years Cooper was supposed to switch places with Mr C, but instead swapped with/took the place of Dougie.

Dunno that there's any indication Dougie was a knowing agent of the lodge--same for Janey-E, Dougie's other associates like Jade, the Shakers, etc. I think they simply have their own noir-ish soapy lives going on, involving money owed to shady characters and extramarital affairs.


so it seems he might have wanted to kill Dougie so DoppleCoop couldn't use him.

More like he wanted the lodge to take Dougie, rather than himself, when Cooper escapes, and then have the hitmen posted outside to kill Cooper once he left the house/neighborhood. That way Mr. C remains the only one left.


I was reading Cooper's autobiography when I stumbled on this:


It's just a coincidence.

So I just got around to reading some of this, and while I already knew about the entry with his grandmother's death, this line at the end stood out:

I read in a science book that electricity is what keeps us alive. I do not understand where it comes from and where it goes when we are dead. Dad said that was the big question, and that he did not know the answer. Neither do I.

Plays in a lot with the recurring electricity theme.


I just realized that Janey-E tells Cooper to remember to call the people they owe money to while he's at work, like it's highly important that he call them THAT DAY so that they can pay off the debt. Naturally Cooper doesn't call them. Now it's night time and Janey-E is nowhere in sight. Do the debt collectors have her? If so, what will Cooper do about it?


i love how, if it was indeed Mr. C who ordered the hitmen on Cooper initially, that it was just dumb luck that Cooper dropped his Great Northern Hotel room key that saved his life.


Mr C created another Cooper doppelgänger while Cooper was trapped in the lodge. (We don't quite know how or when, though it appears it would have to have been at least 11ish years ago because Dougie is presumed to be Sonny Jim's father. [I suppose it's possible Mr C's lodge powers allowed him to take over an existing life too, but the whole dissolving into a gold ball thing leads me to believe he manufactured him wholesale, as One armed man says.]) After the 25 years Cooper was supposed to switch places with Mr C, but instead swapped with/took the place of Dougie.

Dunno that there's any indication Dougie was a knowing agent of the lodge--same for Janey-E, Dougie's other associates like Jade, the Shakers, etc. I think they simply have their own noir-ish soapy lives going on, involving money owed to shady characters and extramarital affairs.
I don't think Mr.C has powers. I could be wrong though maybe he has powers because he came from the Lodge. I think it's all BOB. I was also thinking about the Lodge members and their relationship with electricity. I wonder if Mr.C sends BOB into the phone lines when he makes his call in prison. I've also been thinking about BOB and his connection to fire. Briggs was killed in a fire. I believe Margaret's husband was killed in a fire as well.
So I just got around to reading some of this, and while I already knew about the entry with his grandmother's death, this line at the end stood out:

Plays in a lot with the recurring electricity theme.
Makes me think of Laura saying, "I am dead yet I live" in the Lodge.
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