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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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big ander

Why wouldn't it be, isn't missing pieces just extra footage of FWWM that got tangled up in legal issues or something?

Pretty much. Lynch's original cut was something about 3 hours 40 minutes, which was vetoed, so a bunch of scenes were cut or shortened. In the years after those scenes couldn't come out because of something to do with the original French financiers. Not only did they finally come out with The Entire Mystery, but Lynch's reediting of them makes them a whole lot more interesting to watch than a simple deleted scenes reel.

I know there are fan edits that fold the missing pieces into FWWM but I don't trust anybody but Lynch to do that--I would though highly recommend anybody who hasn't seen the Missing Pieces to do so soon after watching/rewatching FWWM
Tammy is literally the one and only character I do not like.

Bell is a terrible actress--not even capable of convincingly studying sets of fingerprints, let alone delivering lines--and entirely unequipped to pull off the kind of seductive nature that used to be embodied by characters like Audrey Horne. On top of that her character has zero function. We're told she's a special kind of agent, that she's got it the way Dale had it, but all she's done is a small amount of meaningless footwork. I hope she trips into a deep ditch.

I took Diane's "what's your name again?" part as a wink to the audience about Tammy.


I think one line by Philip Jeffries conflicts with FWWM. He says 1988 in FWWM and '89 in TMP. But that is easy enough to ignore.

Oh, right. I don't think Jeffries ever SAYS "1988" in the theatrical cut, but they decided in editing to have that scene take place one year prior to the events in Twin Peaks, making it 1988.
And to think there's even more characters we haven't seen yet from the original series and new cast members yet to turn up also, this cast is truly massive.

Soot Hobo/Charcoal Man is my dude.

Lynch definitely has a thing for putting creepy looking hobos in his work (thinking of Mulholland Dr. again).


Is The Missing Pieces canon? I've never bothered with it because I assumed it to not be.

I mean, it being canon doesn't even matter that much (but I don't see why it wouldn't be myself, and season 3 HAS referenced it already...), you should watch it because it's more Twin Peaks and it's great.

Soot Hobo/Charcoal Man is my dude.

I love him so much, such a good spooking fellow. Where's my charcoal man fandom out there? He deserves one.
Idk peeps, flirty insurance lady is pretty hot herself.

Elena Satine? Oh hell yeah.

Not that it's a contest, but there are at least half a dozen women on the new Peaks that wipe the floor with Chrysta Bell. She's trying too hard, even a ditzy Audrey Horne came off more natural than her, come on now.
plane is def flickering some kind of code.

love the pacing of this. masterful control over time. the spraypainting of shovels, the sweeping of cigarette butts. it makes it all the more impactful when something crazy does happen, like Cooper fending off Ike "The Spike".

damn the arm was there telling him SQUEEZE HIS HAND OFF and there was that piece of flesh left over later on! weird. is this the real world?



I love him so much, such a good spooking fellow. Where's my charcoal man fandom out there? He deserves one.
Which one?
The inaction figure with floating head action is amazing.
The one who walks around the station while looking like one of the seven dwarfs in blackface really isn't my type. I wish the camera never focused on him because he was a nice blurry shape... and then the hat happened.


More thoughts on Diane:

Initially I wrote here that I was pretty sure Diane had not encountered Evil Coop before seeing him in prison. Upon rewatching I'm starting to reconsider my position. To be fair, there's a lot we don't know about Diane's history at this stage and most of what we do know has been delivered through vague hints. But yes, she definitely holds a grudge against Cooper (and the FBI in general), and she starts trembling even before setting eyes on Evil Coop in the prison. She's "upset" with him, as Evil Coop says, because of their last meeting.

I still don't think he raped her. Mostly because rape is a pretty lazy way to make someone appear villainous, but also because I'd like to believe Lynch & Frost would have something much weirder up their sleeves.

What would ring truer to me is if he corrupted her somehow, getting her to act on her darker impulses. Something like how Laura Palmer was enticed towards embodying her doppelganger. I'm thinking of the scene at Harold's in FWWM where Laura recites "fire walk with me" and terrifies herself. I wouldn't be surprised if Diane and Evil Coop had a night where they dove into some truly weird occult shit and Diane was scared at how easily she took to it. Or he simply showed her something that destroyed her faith.

To what purpose? I'm not sure, but I do think that there is a purpose to Evil Coop's actions beyond causing pain and suffering, and that's another reason I don't believe he simply assaulted her.

Anyway, I'm guessing we'll get more information in due time.


Wow Lynch Wow

Of course, it was stock footage. No way they're going to spring for the rental of a Lear and fly it over some mountains. That would be crazy money.

Also, People need to ease up on the Tammy hate. Lynch has always gone for unusual with his casting.


Of course, it was stock footage. No way they're going to spring for the rental of a Lear and fly it over some mountains. That would be crazy money.

No, but this confirms that the flicker was intentionally added in post production and thus a code for... something.


Which one?
The inaction figure with floating head action is amazing.
The one who walks around the station while looking like one of the seven dwarfs in blackface really isn't my type. I wish the camera never focused on him because he was a nice blurry shape... and then the hat happened.

I very much liked both. The sound when he appears in the station, the blurry shape in the background and him walking past the doorway with the camera following him behind the wall where all very creepy effective moments I thought, while it's the expression that does it in the first appearance.

I noticed he looked somewhat different the second time around, and I'm sure not as scary as he did in his first appearance because I've got his face in that one etched into my mind, but I really didn't focus on stuff like his hat as much as you did there, lol. I think he resembled the FWWM woodsman more in episode 7? I'll have to compare them all, the charcoal guys could be two different uh, things.

Anyway, I don't feel like his look is as important in that scene as his actual presence is, the way Lieutenant Knox sort of glances at him, clearly unsettled but not actually seeing something is very wrong, is what's important there. I'm sorry he didn't work for you though.

edit: that beanie that's bothering you definitely looks like a different one in episode 7, and yeah, it looks like it's red like the Woodsman's. Hmmm.


Anyway, I don't feel like his look is as important in that scene as his actual presence is, the way Lieutenant Knox sort of glances at him, clearly unsettled but not actually seeing something is very wrong, is what's important there. I'm sorry he didn't work for you though.

edit: that beanie that's bothering you definitely looks like a different one in episode 7, and yeah, it looks like it's red like the Woodsman's. Hmmm.
Yeah, well, what can you do... maybe there's only room for one Ghost Of Blackface Past in my heart.

Honestly, both Woodsman and The Electrician wore is better, I'd just hate to think that some of my lodge boys lost all sense of style.
But it's not just the beanie, I'm pretty sure that's a whole different dude.

This is Stewart Strauss, the uncredited man who plays the motionless hunk:
sneakydave posted this on Dugpa in response to a question about Part 7's apparition possibly being played by a different actor:
"True. I've seen screengrabs of a conversation that the actor from the opening episodes had with a friend on Facebook. He said he can't take credit for someone else's work and that no, that wasn't him."


Yeah, well, what can you do... maybe there's only room for one Ghost Of Blackface Past in my heart.

Honestly, both Woodsman and The Electrician wore is better, I'd just hate to think that some of my lodge boys lost all sense of style.
But it's not just the beanie, I'm pretty sure that's a whole different dude.

This is Stewart Strauss, the uncredited man who plays the motionless hunk:

sneakydave posted this on Dugpa in response to a question about Part 7's apparition possibly being played by a different actor:
"True. I've seen screengrabs of a conversation that the actor from the opening episodes had with a friend on Facebook. He said he can't take credit for someone else's work and that no, that wasn't him."

Oh yeah, I figured it might be a different actor. It wouldn't make much sense in the same season, but for now I'm going to leave open the possibility that they're supposed to be the same critter though?

But I do find the thought of there being multiple of these guys roaming around the world of Twin Peaks quite intriguing. Either way I'm sure we haven't seen the last of their kind, so I guess we'll figure out what's up with that.

I have to wonder whether charcoal senpai is uncredited for a reason. Not so much because of the actors, but for his nature.


I have to wonder whether charcoal senpai is uncredited for a reason. Not so much because of the actors, but for his nature.
The credits are very strange in general. I don't know why we're even being told some of these creatures' names when The Artist Formerly Known As Giant appeared as ???????.
I'd welcome more naming gimmicks like that. It would turn any attempt at discussing this show into the most confusing nightmare (but also the best).


The credits are very strange in general. I don't know why we're even being told some of these creatures' names when The Artist Formerly Known As Giant appeared as ???????.
I'd welcome more naming gimmicks like that. It would turn any attempt at discussing this show into the most confusing nightmare (but also the best).

Yeah, they have been weird. I rather liked the Giant being named a bunch of question marks, yeah. More gimmicks like that would make for some great discussion, heh.

Speaking of the credits, I'm surprised the voice of our new Arm hasn't been credited so far. I really want to know who's screaming at us! Do we know anything about that?

There has been some fun stuff too, the detective Fusco gag in the credits (and in general) got a laugh out of me.


Speaking of the credits, I'm surprised the voice of our new Arm hasn't been credited so far. I really want to know who's screaming at us! Do we know anything about that?

There has been some fun stuff too, the detective Fusco gag in the credits (and in general) got a laugh out of me.
I don't think the Arm's voice has been identified yet. All I know is that it doesn't sound as good a Michael J. Anderson, so maybe it's for the best if I don't associate it with a human being for a little while longer.

Heh, I missed the Fuscoes, those guys sure sound like Lynch/Frost characters.
LARRY CLARKE Detective T. Fusco
ERIC EDELSTEIN Detective "Smiley" Fusco
DAVID KOECHNER Detective D. Fusco


I don't think the Arm's voice has been identified yet. All I know is that it doesn't sound as good a Michael J. Anderson, so maybe it's for the best if I don't associate it with a human being for a little while longer.

Heh, I missed the Fuscoes, those guys sure sound like Lynch/Frost characters.

You're right about that, it's a better replacement than I ever dared to hope for but the new MJA it ain't. Still, I do hope it gets identified sometime. It's a big enough role that it shouldn't go and remain unknown.

Haha, I just love their names. Those 3 guys all being a detective Fusco is pretty great.
I'm' behind an episode, but I think episode 6 was the first episode I wasn't really in love with. It felt almost too on the nose and almost felt like a cheap Twin Peaks knock off more than Twin Peaks. The little person assassin, the whole magic drug dealer scene, they just felt like someone trying to copy twin peaks on a small budget more than anything.


just got done watching FWWM, season 1-2 and rewatching all of season 3, which surprisingly didn't take long. i guess i just have no life lol

have to say i'm surprised how well season 3 integrates into everything. it's obviously a different beast but i think all these individual breakdowns of each and every episode kind of misses the point... this is definitely geared toward the binge era, it just so happened to land on Showtime so obvs not everything is available at once.

only concern is even at 18 hrs there seems to be a lot of moving pieces to wrap up in that timeframe. reaching the halfway mark i'm kind of sweating another "how's annie" ending but that's probably PTSD from 25 years ago on my part


Oh my god.

Is "Diane" actually Annie??

The Secret History book goes to great lengths to deny Annie's existence, as if someone has altered the documents to protect her... we haven't heard anyone mention her in the new season other than Hawk... what if the FBI gave her a new identity to keep her safe? And what if Lynch & Frost recast her to keep her identity secret even from us, the audience?

Her experience with the Lodge and whatever happened with Evil Coop after would explain her current attitude...

I'm not ready to commit to this theory since it's pretty off-the-wall, but it came to me in a flash and I had to share.


Edit: Eh, but Cole refers to Cooper as Diane's boss ... and Evil Coop addresses her as Diane instead of Annie ... it's probably too crazy to be true. Something's gotta be up with Annie, though.


Is it feeyoutour or is it past?
Oof, don't remind me. I still can't believe how badly they've managed to screw up the reverse speech, and especially the recycled lines. I mean, really, you guys... you have the original audio, you didn't even need to figure out how reverse all the syllables, how to get the cadence and rhythm right.
And yet, we got that and "Hallo, ankyekht Cooper." and "But some Tims me arhyms bend back," and none of the dialogue flows like it used to.

have to say i'm surprised how well season 3 integrates into everything. it's obviously a different beast but i think all these individual breakdowns of each and every episode kind of misses the point... this is definitely geared toward the binge era, it just so happened to land on Showtime so obvs not everything is available at once.
Not according to Mark Frost.

"And then we said, okay, where are we gonna take this? We're not gonna go back to broadcast networks, the premium cable world is the home for this. We don't wanna do Netflix because we don't want people binging. You know, that would be irresponsible. The show is better in measured doses... and probably safer."


Someone before said that she acts like she's in a twin peaks porn parody which is perfect.
That's the perfect way to describe her bizarre bad acting.
Oof, don't remind me. I still can't believe how badly they've managed to screw up the reverse speech, and especially the recycled lines. I mean, really, you guys... you have the original audio, you didn't even need to figure out how reverse all the syllables, how to get the cadence and rhythm right.
And yet, we got that and "Hallo, ankyekht Cooper." and "But some Tims me arhyms bend back," and none of the dialogue flows like it used to.
Besides Chrysta Bell's acting this stuff bothers me the most. The scene with Sheryl Lee repeating her old lines was just bad. And the red room doesn't look right at all.


you can't put a price on sparks
Oh my god.

Is "Diane" actually Annie??

The Secret History book goes to great lengths to deny Annie's existence, as if someone has altered the documents to protect her... we haven't heard anyone mention her in the new season other than Hawk... what if the FBI gave her a new identity to keep her safe? And what if Lynch & Frost recast her to keep her identity secret even from us, the audience?

Her experience with the Lodge and whatever happened with Evil Coop after would explain her current attitude...

I'm not ready to commit to this theory since it's pretty off-the-wall, but it came to me in a flash and I had to share.


Edit: Eh, but Cole refers to Cooper as Diane's boss ... and Evil Coop addresses her as Diane instead of Annie ... it's probably too crazy to be true. Something's gotta be up with Annie, though.

Maybe a doppelgänger thing is going on between Diane and Annie.
Oof, don't remind me. I still can't believe how badly they've managed to screw up the reverse speech, and especially the recycled lines. I mean, really, you guys... you have the original audio, you didn't even need to figure out how reverse all the syllables, how to get the cadence and rhythm right.
And yet, we got that and "Hallo, ankyekht Cooper." and "But some Tims me arhyms bend back," and none of the dialogue flows like it used to.

Not according to Mark Frost.

"And then we said, okay, where are we gonna take this? We're not gonna go back to broadcast networks, the premium cable world is the home for this. We don't wanna do Netflix because we don't want people binging. You know, that would be irresponsible. The show is better in measured doses... and probably safer."
While I think the show will probably work better as a single piece, I wouldn't trade the current release schedule for the show dropping all at once.

We'd lose months of interesting speculation and discussion if that had happened. It would have just been powered through, and we'd all just be talking about the completed series, something we'd been doing for the longest time.

I will enjoy talking about the show once this series wraps up, no doubt, but what we have right now in getting an hour at a time and then being made to wait a week (or two) is incredibly special.

The speculation over who the killer was when the series first aired made it special. If it had dropped all at once, we'd never have had that.

I'm glad it's airing over a few months, even if it doesn't perfectly fit that broadcast schedule, because what we gain is far greater than the temporary negative effect airing the show like this has.


Oof, don't remind me. I still can't believe how badly they've managed to screw up the reverse speech, and especially the recycled lines. I mean, really, you guys... you have the original audio, you didn't even need to figure out how reverse all the syllables, how to get the cadence and rhythm right.
And yet, we got that and "Hallo, ankyekht Cooper." and "But some Tims me arhyms bend back," and none of the dialogue flows like it used to.

The only reason I miss Michael J. Anderson.
I always thought everyone doing the backwards acting was struggling pretty hard. Except MJA. And still there words that he couldn't nail ("style" was always more "sty"). I'd say Heather Graham and Kenneth Walsh were the worst of anyone, new or old. But it's hard to fault them. Conceptualizing it is difficult.


The only reason I miss Michael J. Anderson.
I also miss his good looks and sweet dance moves. He's an ironically huge asshole, but the man had amazing presence.

I always thought everyone doing the backwards acting was struggling pretty hard. Except MJA. And still there words that he couldn't nail ("style" was always more "sty"). I'd say Heather Graham and Kenneth Walsh were the worst of anyone, new or old. But it's hard to fault them. Conceptualizing it is difficult.
Sheryl Lee stumbled slightly on a few words, but she also did some incredible backwards acting in the original. The way she first said "but sometimes my arms bend back" is breathtaking. There's so much emotion she and the little man go through in reverse, it makes me wonder if Michael J. Anderson didn't help Lynch direct those scenes (at least to figure out the reverse order of motions) because that's completely absent from the new show.
The Lodge really just isn't as good without MJA. It's tough taking the one-two punch of not having MJA and then learning that it's because he is a hateful nutjob.

At least TMFAP was always a character of dubious morality, so it doesn't retroactively ruin his performance.
MJA was great. the old stuff was great. let it be what it was tho. we are getting plenty of nostalgia and reunion scenes, they do not need to do the same thing over and over. David Lynch has always worked against this very instinct.

the Man From Another Place was cool. i think the Evolution of the Arm is even cooler. and we have a doppleganger for that. and it is invading the real world unlike season 1. unless this isn't the real world and Dougie/Cooper is still trapped in a Black Lodge void sidequest (see Ep 3).

the Evil Evolution tricked the real Cooper as he was leaving the Black Lodge. he looked out the window and saw Evil Cooper driving down the highway. then Evil Evolution screams NON EXISTENT! and the floor gives away and he is sucked into the NYC glass box that previously summoned a murderous TV Ghost before getting sucked into the Eraserhead-style Dr. Who floating box of monochromatic industrial minimal horror. what did he do? that wasn't the exit the real Evolution told Cooper about. is this a copy of the Black Lodge? maybe the Evil Cooper worked w Evil Evolution...

the Eyeless Woman was cool and the return of Ronette Pulaski was spooky as was Cooper standing on an iron box floating in space. if MJA was here he wouldn't even be in those scenes. or would he be dancing? then they would have to change the music. the industrial noise ambient soundtrack would be compromised. eh, i'm glad they are changing things up.


MJA was great. the old stuff was great. let it be what it was tho. we are getting plenty of nostalgia and reunion scenes, they do not need to do the same thing over and over. David Lynch has always worked against this very instinct.
... that's literally what he did, though.

We're talking about the scenes he chose to recreate word-for-word with the same actors (where possible, because being forced to recast key roles had nothing to do with instinct). A better execution of that same idea wouldn't take the new stuff away from us. New stuff is great, I wish we got new stuff instead of inferior versions of timeless classic scenes.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I know this is just PR, but Showtime's email made me happy.


I will say this again, I just get the sneaking suspicion that however this season ends it's probably going to have an insane last few episodes.
I know this is just PR, but Showtime's email made me happy.


I will say this again, I just get the sneaking suspicion that however this season ends it's probably going to have an insane last few episodes.

It's not just the end of the season, it's almost certainly the end of the whole show.


Not Wario
Alright, so I finished binging my first watch of the first and second seasons, FWWM, and caught up with the third season all this week and I just want to say....

Did anyone else always find Leo Johnson unintentionally laughable because they couldn't stop seeing Spaghett?


Show is pretty good too....
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