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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Here's my worthless speculation.

What if the events that were depicted last night past the NiN concert are never referenced in the rest of the series in any capacity?

I'm of the opinion that these events will never be "Referenced" on the show again. This was basically an information dump in Lynch's style. No dialogue, no explanation-just imagery and we are left to fill in the blanks and interpret. They might tell who the girl is though.


Also confusing: Why does the Lodge place so much importance on BOB?

If you think about it, everyone in the original show was effected by Laura in some big way. Several characters were in love with her, she was the apple of the communities eye. Maybe that's because she wasn't just any old girl, but a White/Black Lodge entity, or their creation anyways.

In FWIW we learn Bob's plan was to deliberately possess Laura. He seemed to go out of his way to possess Lelland, then torment Laura through her father for years. Maybe Bob has the potential to be something much much worse but Laura prevented that from happening? We haven't seen the full picture yet.

Laura's death is what brings Coop to Twin Peaks, and by that extension to the red room. etc


Here's my worthless speculation.

What if the events that were depicted last night past the NiN concert are never referenced in the rest of the series in any capacity?
You know it's really hilarious that the announcer showed up to say The Nine Inch Nails. Why no intro for for the other bands?
I will admit that as someone who has been thoroughly enjoying the show thus far, this is the first episode to test my patience. But I'm someone who finds 2001 a bit too meandering as well. The first and last 10 minutes were great though.
Here's my worthless speculation.

What if the events that were depicted last night past the NiN concert are never referenced in the rest of the series in any capacity?
Given that most episodes have carried on pretty much exactly where the last left off, I’m expecting the next one to start in 1956.


You know it's really hilarious that the announcer showed up to say The Nine Inch Nails. Why no intro for for the other bands?

So I might be ignorant here but aren't NIN like.. a lot more famous than any other band in the series thus far? Maybe they felt the need to point it out. lol

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Fucking loved the episode. This all I wanted from a Lynch return. And I feel like we can't take everything at face value in here. We still don't know what Mr. C is looking for and wants and it could have to do with the bug in the desert. But we'll see. I also don't like NIN very much, and was kind of bored through the song, but it did fit pretty nicely with the tone of this part.

It sucks you guys aren't enjoying it as much as me and I'd hate to feel the same way. But I'm not going to pretend I'm reading compelling augments as to why I should feel otherwise.

I have to say these are my feelings. At this point, and I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way because I'm saying it with the best wishes, I think you guys who are not enjoying it should wait until all the episodes are available and just binge watch them. And then decide if you liked the entire package or not.

Honestly this "episode" made me wish I could watch the whole thing at once like it was intended. Because part 8 wasn't an episode of a tv show. It was a scene from an 18 hour movie.

Binge watching was not how Lynch or Frost intended this series to be watched though, they want people to watch it and let people think of them.

I think this show would have gotten a lot more slack from "old fans" or the mass audience or whatever you want to call them if they had simply given it a different title and not promoted it as a straight up third season of Twin Peaks. It could still be a show that takes place in the same world, or even a direct follow up in a *wink wink* sort of way, but billing it as a new, original work from David Lynch would have changed expectations dramatically.

That's not really on Lynch/Frost though, they do not consider "The Return" part of their denomination of this new Twin Peaks. Season 3 is not what they're calling it either, just 'Twin Peaks'.

Lynch has always almost exclusively casted white people and made his stuff about white people. He's obsessed with mid-Century suburban America and Hollywood. It's just what he does. He's got a bit of a pathology, he's intensely focused on a set of ideas and just ruminates on them in everything he does. It's part of the reason why people love him so much, but it's completely fair to point this out.

Yeah, I remember that the only African-American character in the original series was Nadine's coach. But as another member said, I don't think Lynch would have a lot to say about minorities.

It's kind of strange still, considering how liberal Lynch appears to be (considering his tweets supporting Bernie Sanders).

Generally I love what we're getting. But at the same time I realise the clock on this show isn't infinite, and that in ten weeks or so it will conclude. The ticking clock is on my mind whenever Dougie is on screen, or whenever Lynch decides he's going to do an almost-entirely surrealist arthouse movie for an episode that repaints Laura Palmer (who is now a golden egg instead of the goose the lays them) in a religious context that I'm not sure is a good idea.

But we shall see.

Wouldn't be the first time the series has had a religious subtext:


I'm going also with what Dusk Golem said. Don't take it at face value. Lets see how it fits first with the rest of the season.

Plus whatever happens, we got the amount of episodes Lynch needed. We were originally going to get only 9 episodes. It's incredible we got 18 freaking hours of Twin Peaks.


If the show was just about plot, I could maybe agree with you. But I trust that the Dougie material is essential to the underlying meaning of the season.
It could have been tightened up a bit better than, let's have Dougie say/do one random thing that is abnormal and then nothing else. It should have been a slowly but also progression of Dougie becoming Coop more and Doop losing his strength. Instead, Doop seemed unaffected by Dougie's return and vice versa.


A couple of pages back somebody mentioned a clock ticking on this show, which is pretty much how I feel. I really like watching these episodes, yet I feel like time is getting wasted. It's time subtracted from the time we have left with this show. Is it REALLY necessary to have Dougie do the same shit for what must now total around two hours? Are all the subplots important, especially as it now seems there is no way all of them will be brought to conclusions?

The show is great - but the fact that it's made by geniuses doesn't mean it has no flaws.

Yeah, but the time spent on these things are being spent on exactly what Lynch & Frost wanted the story to be. It's not like there is untold story that they have that they are choosing to show the other slower stuff instead. You could speed up these episodes and slower scenes and all it would do is end in less than 18 episodes.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
If Lynch and Frost "tightened" the Dougie stuff, we'd probably get less episodes all in all. I mean I doubt he'd use the time for other stuff. After all, we got more episodes all in all. EDIT: Ah geez, Narte said the same thing I did hahaha.
Yeah, but the time spent on these things are being spent on exactly what Lynch & Frost wanted the story to be. It's not like there is untold story that they have that they are choosing to show the other slower stuff instead. You could speed up these episodes and slower scenes and all it would do is end in less than 18 episodes.

Which is what we would have gotten under the original deal (9 episodes).
Given that most episodes have carried on pretty much exactly where the last left off, I'm expecting the next one to start in 1956.

I'm not sure we can trust any established precedent for this series, especially after they showed that every episode doesn't end with a concert.

Hell, I can't think of anytime when Twin Peaks ever went back in time, except for one flashback between James and Laura in the second episode.


There's something about the ultimate evil of this world being a guy that hasn't shaved in a couple days wearing denim that's hilarious.
Here's my worthless speculation.

What if the events that were depicted last night past the NiN concert are never referenced in the rest of the series in any capacity?

Way more likely that we're going to get the history of BOB until around episode 10.

Part of the whole "Lynch is stringing every scene out for too long" complaint has always been the speculation that he didn't really have 18 episodes worth of good ideas. We might see 2+ episodes of flashbacks/"filler" before getting back to the main plot.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Way more likely that we're going to get the history of BOB until around episode 10.

Part of the whole "Lynch is stringing every scene out for too long" complaint has always been the speculation that he didn't really have 18 episodes worth of good ideas. We might see 2+ episodes of flashbacks/"filler" before getting back to the main plot.

That speculation doesn't seem to be based on anything solid considering we got an episode expansion after they started editing the parts and noticed they needed more time.
A couple of pages back somebody mentioned a clock ticking on this show, which is pretty much how I feel. I really like watching these episodes, yet I feel like time is getting wasted. It's time subtracted from the time we have left with this show. Is it REALLY necessary to have Dougie do the same shit for what must now total around two hours? Are all the subplots important, especially as it now seems there is no way all of them will be brought to conclusions?

The show is great - but the fact that it's made by geniuses doesn't mean it has no flaws.

Not everything is about plot. Visual mediums are also about establishing mood and atmosphere. It's hard to tell how much would be affected by cuting down scenes. I understand pacing issues, but sometimes it's not as simple as cutting minutes off of these long sequences. Asking what is the point of a long shot slowly leading to a reveal of a structure in the middle of a vast ocean is a great question. But it's only the start of why. How do you make that shorter? Do you start it closer? Speed it up? What are those 2 minutes causing the audience to do? Do you want them to relax or get frustrated or feel tense? Do you want them to use that time to think about the scene before or prepare them for what is about to be shown?

It might not seem like it, but a lot of thought was put into the length of any one of these sequences and that they had gone through a few different versions before arriving at what we see.

I like long shots because they put me in a meditative state. I'll get lost in the visuals and the sound and hey actually increase my focus on what I'm watching. Some of it is anticipation. Some of it is just simply breathing.

But I understand others not liking it at all. Some people get that right right away and don't need much time held in a spot. They are ready to move on and see the next thing. They are not being stimulated any more.
Until stated otherwise, I'm choosing to believe that the "Laura orb" is more to draw out/reveal BOP, mostly because I hate the idea of Laura being some kind of messiah. That could also potentially explain why Maddie looks exactly like Laura and the Laura in the waiting room who simply says "I feel like I know her" when asked by Cooper.
You know it's really hilarious that the announcer showed up to say The Nine Inch Nails. Why no intro for for the other bands?

I think the intro made it seem more important thematically with the tone of what preceded it (Mr C getting shot), the song in general in addition to the lighting dovetailed the creepy feel of the prior scene well. Reminded me a lot of Rebekah del Rio's intro from Mulholland Drive, another performance that seemed to amplify the atmosphere of the narrative.


The most boring thing this season could've been was just a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.


I'm still not sure about the bug being Bob or Laura. I'm thinking neither as well.

Yeah I've settled towards it being someone or something else rather than Bob. I mean sure it could be Bob but it seemed like the eggs and his orb thing were distinct, like that was the point of the whole thing. It could be Mike, or it could be something we haven't seen before.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The most boring thing this season could've been was just the a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.

This was my biggest concern as well. Just a lot of "remember how cool this stuff was?". I'm glad they went forward with this.
The most boring thing this season could've been was just the a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.

I feel the exact same way. Well put.


you "kinda don't get" why fans of Lynch & Twin Peaks would be let down that the new season of the show bears hardly even a passing resemblance to the tone of the first two seasons?

man, don't delude yourself.

this can't be reduced to what Lynch was doing over a decade ago with IE. with Frost's credit, as well as the returning cast and the way showtime marketed the new season, anyone would be wholly justified in expecting the soap opera satire, the jovial tone, the mystery.
_none_ of it is here.

i genuinely enjoyed this episode and look forward to tearing through theories and can't wait for the next ep. but don't kid yourself.

At what point did they ever market it as a return to soap opera satire?


Unconfirmed Member
The most boring thing this season could've been was just the a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.



I wonder if we'll ever get an explanation of how Ray was able to switch the bullets from the gun in the glove box with blanks and get his own gun. Probably with the help of "Phillip"? Who knows right now...
Anyway - I hope Mr. C isn't really "dead". He's such a good character and all of his scenes are amazing.
At what point did they ever market it as a return to soap opera satire?

*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*
I hope we get more origins stuff in two weeks, the b&w looks gorgeous with the digital style they've chosen, a lot prettier imo than the color segments (though the mauve room is certainly up there). That shot when the girl and boy are walking to her house and you can see the trees and landscape illuminated beyond is to die for. More please.


The most boring thing this season could've been was just the a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.
I can also argue that you could have it both ways but it seems that Lynch fans will return to it more than TP fans. I'm just of the mindset that you can do visual surrealism with some character building and plot. Look at Mr. Robot if you think I'm kidding. Esmail is doing what the hell he wants but it doesn't feel as plodding as this at times.


The most boring thing this season could've been was just a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.

I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.


The cherry pie and coffee people can go rewatch the first season for the 10th time if they want.

This shows feels like much more than just Twin Peaks.


I wonder if we'll ever get an explanation of how Ray was able to switch the bullets from the gun in the glove box with blanks and get his own gun. Probably with the help of "Phillip"? Who knows right now...
Anyway - I hope Mr. C isn't really "dead". He's such a good character and all of his scenes are amazing.

Best bet is that the Warden enlisted Ray to take down Evil Coop.


*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

lol. This season is so wild that a scene like this later on isn't out of the realm of possibility.

I hope we get more origins stuff in two weeks, the b&w looks gorgeous with the digital style they've chosen, a lot prettier imo than the color segments (though the mauve room is certainly up there). That shot when the girl and boy are walking to her house and you can see the trees and landscape illuminated beyond is to die for. More please.

I don't. I loved the episode but the plot needs to get moving. It's fine if he wants to put one more in towards the end, but more than that... nah.


*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

LMAO. Don't forget Lucy bringing donuts!

Best bet is that the Warden enlisted Ray to take down Evil Coop.

Yeah, seems very plausible.
*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

I'd..... watch that.


I'm watching The Elephant Man for the first time in probably 10 years and there's a character named Sunny Jim! :O

I don't think it means anything. >_>


*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*
Dunk on me all you want, I would take this. Though I'm enjoying what we're getting at the same time.


*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

Holy shit this is hilarious
The timeline is hard to explain to, if it is Bob... Leland was born in 1945, and saw 'Robertson' out at Pearl Lakes during his childhood summers.

Presuming that his memories are indeed real anyways. I mean, you can make it fit, but it takes a little massaging.

And the Bob 'egg' thing, looked the same as the Bob egg thing they took out of Mr C... so why would it look different in 56? If it was Bob, would it need to incubate again for 11 years now that it came out of Mr C.

Again, at this point I think everything is on the table, so I'm not shooting anything down, I'm just not remotely ready to jump to any conclusions as to what the Woodsman was up to... if he was a pawn in that, or directly behind it... and what that even was.

That could be Sarah Palmer receiving Laura's essence, ready to give birth to her later. We don't know if she grew up in Twin Peaks as far as I recall.

I hope we get much more of the Woodsman. He's scary as all fuck.

Best bet is that the Warden enlisted Ray to take down Evil Coop.

That's what I'm presuming unless we are told otherwise. He wasn't nearly as much of a push over as we presumed.
*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

I can hear it in their voices...


Felium Defensor
Guess someone confirmed that the people that did Enter the Void's visuals also did some of last night's crazy shit as well. Guess I was right on the money about the similarities.
Ohhh man, no wonder this episode resonated so well with me. Loved every second of this visual feast for the eyes.

Yeah I've settled towards it being someone or something else rather than Bob. I mean sure it could be Bob but it seemed like the eggs and his orb thing were distinct, like that was the point of the whole thing. It could be Mike, or it could be something we haven't seen before.
Yea there was enough distinction to lead to believe 2 separate entities. Can't wait to find out more or continue the speculation madness.
*Coop tumbles out of the Black Lodge after 25 years*

Truman: "Coop! Where'd you go?"

Cooper: "Harry I think this story can best be told over a hot cuppa Joe!"

Truman: "Golly!"

Cooper: "But first, I'll need to make a note of my absence to Diane so she can log it as unscheduled time off. Rules are rules Harry!"

*Laura Palmer theme*

This is inaccurate.

It would be the bookhouse boys theme.
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