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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Speaking of FWWM, I finally watched The Missing Pieces; very good watch. I'm a little confused why Cooper says "don't take the ring, Laura." Cause it seems like the owlcave ring is the only thing that kept Bob from possessing her.

Also it's a crying shame how much of David Bowie's scenes got cut out in the final cut of the film. He's great.

Exactly, you could argue burying the body was not right ofhim to do too, but again Bobby was a pretty lost kid.
I don't remember - what evidence is there that the ring protected her?
I don't remember - what evidence is there that the ring protected her?

There's a lot of theory about the ring wedding Laura's 'garmonbozia' to MIKE and TMFAP, and that she put it on so BOB couldn't claim her soul (and was forced to kill her as a result).

"don't make me do this"

At the end of FWWM, BOB/Leland has to go to the Lodge and give MIKE & TMFAP their Garmonbozia and you get to see everyone's favourite dancing dwarf slurping that shit up.


I justed wanted to say Trump says lets make America great again. But the last 5/10 pages both the lovers of this shows and the people probably still loving it but have some criticism made this threat great again. There is some pretty amazing stuff going on with the theories and everything. But David and Mark made with Episode 11 one of there finest creations ever, so that makes this topic eve more warm and cozy :)


I don't remember - what evidence is there that the ring protected her?

Bob's plan was to possess Laura. When she put on the ring, he couldn't do that anymore. So Bob killed her for it.

We still don't know exactly why Bob wanted Laura so badly, but obviously episode 8 of the new season implies she wasn't just a normal girl. Which makes some sense considering half the town seemed to be in love with her. lol

Kinda makes me wonder: did Mr. C make sure Dougie Jones(as in the real Dougie) had an owl cave ring so lodge spirits like Mike couldn't mess with him?
I justed wanted to say Trump says lets make America great again. But the last 5/10 pages both the lovers of this shows and the people probably still loving it but have some criticism made this threat great again. There is some pretty amazing stuff going on with the theories and everything. But David and Mark made with Episode 11 one of there finest creations ever, so that makes this topic eve more warm and cozy :)


Bob's plan was to possess Laura. When she put on the ring, he couldn't do that anymore. So Bob killed her for it.

We still don't know exactly why Bob wanted Laura so badly, but obviously episode 8 of the new season implies she wasn't just a normal girl. Which makes some sense considering half the town seemed to be in love with her. lol

Kinda makes me wonder: did Mr. C make sure Dougie Jones(as in the real Dougie) had an owl cave ring so lodge spirits like Mike couldn't mess with him?

Yeah, at this point the Owl Cave Ring is feeling like a Nadine-style cameo more than anything else. I'm not sure there's enough to go on for Dougie possessing it either, other than the suggestion Bad Coop went to get in from Anne at the hospital (and that was his reason for being their, not to impregnate a comatose Audrey)


Bob's plan was to possess Laura. When she put on the ring, he couldn't do that anymore. So Bob killed her for it.

We still don't know exactly why Bob wanted Laura so badly, but obviously episode 8 of the new season implies she wasn't just a normal girl. Which makes some sense considering half the town seemed to be in love with her. lol

Kinda makes me wonder: did Mr. C make sure Dougie Jones(as in the real Dougie) had an owl cave ring so lodge spirits like Mike couldn't mess with him?

Running theory is that everyone loving her is exactly why BOB wanted her: you can spread more pain and make more garmonbozia controlling a well-loved person than just any 'ol schmo.
Wearing the ring means you're dead. That's how I always took it. Secret History has the Indians telling Lewis never to wear it. Teresa wore it and died. Doug Milford was maybe wearing it when he died. Laura wears it to force Bob to kill her. Dougie was wearing it and got traded.

So it didn't protect her (Coop tells her not to wear it and wouldn't say that if it was positive). Laura knows what she is doing when she wears it, because she is choosing for it to be over.
I've always been of the mind that Cooper didn't want Laura to take the ring because he *correctly* assumed that it binds you to a Lodge Spirit who gets you to accept it and basically marks you for death. But he only knew that side of it, and didn't know that Laura binding herself to Mike who would let her spirit go free rather than allowing BOB to possess her and/or continue to torment her was the only way for her to finally get away from BOB.
25+ year later and I still don't know what MIKE's whole thing was
I think he's clearly chaotic good at this point. Season 3 is showing him firmly on the side of Coop so far. Could change, but right now it's pretty clear we are meant to see him as a good guy.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I've always been of the mind that Cooper didn't want Laura to take the ring because he *correctly* assumed that it binds you to a Lodge Spirit who gets you to accept it and basically marks you for death. But he only knew that side of it, and didn't know that Laura binding herself to Mike who would let her spirit go free rather than allowing BOB to possess her and torment her was the only way for her to finally get out from under BOB.

I agree with this mindset, I think the owl ring is a 'contract' of sorts. This season has established also that the Ring Finger is the 'spiritual' finger and we know that the ring makes a person's arm go numb and that Mike had cut off his own arm for repentance but it also has its own consciousness.

The Ring on Dougie seemed to have contracted him to his manufactured cause, while MIKE giving Laura the ring was to save her from possession of BOB. So I agree that the Ring is less of an omen of death and more like a contract between a human and a Lodge entity.


Anyone suggestions /theory what Evil Coop will be doing the next couple episodes? Parrot Dougie is fantastic but I love Evil Coop as well.


MIKE just wants to stop BOB, and he's still trying to do that 25 years later. I'm not sure if he's good or bad or neutral, but that seems to be his primary concern.
That's the side I come down on as well but to your earlier point I don't see why it would benefit him to release Laura's spirit.
Anyone suggestions /theory what Evil Coop will be doing the next couple episodes? Parrot Dougie is fantastic but I love Evil Coop as well.

I think Evil Coop is on his way to the coordinates the next time we see him. What else did he have on his agenda besides have Dougie Coop killed?


I think Evil Coop is on his way to the coordinates the next time we see him. What else did he have on his agenda besides have Dougie Coop killed?
Fair enough, forgot about those coordinates. That's the place The Log Lady warned Hawk for right? There's fire there and electricity will stop?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
25+ year later and I still don't know what MIKE's whole thing was

MIKE was once BOB's partner in killing, raping, and causing suffering to people. But he had an epiphany and, "saw the face of God." He then vowed to never do these acts again and cut off his own arm in an act of redemption, claiming his arm is where his evil was stored (and then the arm grew into its own being).

MIKE has since been trying to stop BOB, MIKE's exact motive is unclear but it's highly likely he feels as BOB's old partner it's his duty to stop him and to atone for his sins he can't just turn a blind eye to BOB. In the original series and FWWM it's shown he has some relapses from time to time, IE he saves Laura from being possessed in FWWM but then demands to BOB that he give him half of his garmonbozia, which he viewed as his, certainly implying that he's not wholly good either (and to be honest a lot about MIKE is kind of 'holier than thou', thinking he deserves things and he's in the right despite showing various weakness). In then mew series so far he seems wholly good as he's definitely committed to helping Cooper, but there's a chance he may still be rather selfish, entitled, and have his own reasons for wanting Cooper to succeed.

It's a bit ambiguous if MIKE is as good as he claims he is trying to be after reforming as BOB's partner, or if he wants to be good and doing what he believes is good, but really it's all for his sake, ie to make himself feel better, while still apparently reaping the 'prize' of BOB's doing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Fair enough, forgot about those coordinates. That's the place The Log Lady warned Hawk for right? There's fire there and electricity will stop?

Honestly it looks like a lot is going to diverge at those coordinates, which may happen next episode as I believe next episode is October 2nd in the timeline, and the title, "Let's Rock!", would fit if what seems is going to happen will actually happen. The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department, the FBI Group of Gordon, Albert, Diane, & Tammy, as well as Mr. C and the Cheese Queen, are all headed for those coordinates on October 2nd, 2:53 PM, as that's when something is supposed to happen at that location (what is going to happen is left ambiguous, but it's implied it's when the two worlds intercede with each other or something).

To be seen what happens once they all get there, but if it plays out how it's being built up to as, it'll probably be a pretty huge moment in the series.


Honestly it looks like a lot is going to diverge at those coordinates, which may happen next episode as I believe next episode is October 2nd in the timeline, and the title, "Let's Rock!", would fit if what seems is going to happen will actually happen. The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department, the FBI Group of Gordon, Albert, Diane, & Tammy, as well as Mr. C and the Cheese Queen, are all headed for those coordinates on October 2nd, 2:53 PM, as that's when something is supposed to happen at that location (what is going to happen is left ambiguous, but it's implied it's when the two worlds intercede with each other or something).

To be seen what happens once they all get there, but if it plays out how it's being built up to as, it'll probably be a pretty huge moment in the series.
Sounds like a Game of Thrones Red Wedding set up. Let's hope some good people, will survive it.
It's a bit ambiguous if MIKE is as good as he claims he is trying to be after reforming as BOB's partner, or if he wants to be good and doing what he believes is good, but really it's all for his sake, ie to make himself feel better, while still apparently reaping the 'prize' of BOB's doing.
So like another Mike then.

Michael Bluth


I think we all agree to some degree that Mike doesn't so much want to do good so much as he just really wants to fuck over Bob.

Running theory is that everyone loving her is exactly why BOB wanted her: you can spread more pain and make more garmonbozia controlling a well-loved person than just any 'ol schmo.

If the newest episode was an indication, the town of Twin Peaks has slowly been going to complete hell since Laura was killed. I can't remember who said it in the original series, but someone said to Cooper "A girl dies, you show up; and everything gets worse".

Laura is the one. :)


Honestly it looks like a lot is going to diverge at those coordinates, which may happen next episode as I believe next episode is October 2nd in the timeline, and the title, "Let's Rock!", would fit if what seems is going to happen will actually happen. The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department, the FBI Group of Gordon, Albert, Diane, & Tammy, as well as Mr. C and the Cheese Queen, are all headed for those coordinates on October 2nd, 2:53 PM, as that's when something is supposed to happen at that location (what is going to happen is left ambiguous, but it's implied it's when the two worlds intercede with each other or something).

To be seen what happens once they all get there, but if it plays out how it's being built up to as, it'll probably be a pretty huge moment in the series.
I thought DoppelCooper was headed off to find Ray as he still doesn't know the coordinates, though maybe he'll get them through Diane if she's really on his side. And that he ordered Tim Roth and Cheeto Chick to go kill "two people in Las Vegas"


I just remembered that Part 9 was when the Fusco Cops took Dougie Cooper's prints. Seems like it's been enough time for that to come back up next episode.

Chitown B

I just remembered that Part 9 was when the Fusco Cops took Dougie Cooper's prints. Seems like it's been enough time for that to come back up next episode.

it's been maybe one day. if that. it was still "two days" until the date for the Jackrabbit's Palace.

my thoughts:

It hits on Coop's prints, an alert is put out, Cole sees it, hightails it to Dougie, and there is a big scene.

big ander

I can understand Candie might be Annie...But how on earth would the Meechum brothers know Annie?

They wouldn't. It's a bad theory.

I mean uuhhh there are no bad theories. they're lodge agents too. they're Windom Earle's secret brothers. "brothers bradley rodney mitchum" is an anagram for "um, BOB dithers. come later rhys 'nd ry" which means something. the strobe lights outside the plane window can be decoded to mean "The Giant's real name is Terry Mitchum." they're margaret lanterman's long lost sons. they're deep undercover for Phillip Jeffries.


it's been maybe one day. if that. it was still "two days" until the date for the Jackrabbit's Palace.

my thoughts:

It hits on Coop's prints, an alert is put out, Cole sees it, hightails it to Dougie, and there is a big scene.
Yeah, I meant more in the sense of episode wise rather than in-show time wise. Major plotlines normally aren't absent for anything more than 2-3 episodes.
it's been maybe one day. if that. it was still "two days" until the date for the Jackrabbit's Palace.

my thoughts:

It hits on Coop's prints, an alert is put out, Cole sees it, hightails it to Dougie, and there is a big scene.

Dougie was also on the local news. And I would find it very hard to believe that clip wouldn't go viral and be seen by someone that lives in Twin Peaks and/or is at the FBI. And considering the Dr Amp show, I think Lynch/Frost have a decent handle on modern internet culture.
There's a lot of theory about the ring wedding Laura's 'garmonbozia' to MIKE and TMFAP, and that she put it on so BOB couldn't claim her soul (and was forced to kill her as a result).

"don't make me do this"

At the end of FWWM, BOB/Leland has to go to the Lodge and give MIKE & TMFAP their Garmonbozia and you get to see everyone's favourite dancing dwarf slurping that shit up.

Bob's plan was to possess Laura. When she put on the ring, he couldn't do that anymore. So Bob killed her for it.

We still don't know exactly why Bob wanted Laura so badly, but obviously episode 8 of the new season implies she wasn't just a normal girl. Which makes some sense considering half the town seemed to be in love with her. lol

Kinda makes me wonder: did Mr. C make sure Dougie Jones(as in the real Dougie) had an owl cave ring so lodge spirits like Mike couldn't mess with him?
Well, my thinking is that we can trust that the ring bound her to MIKE, but there's not enough evidence to assume that the ring saved her. As far as we know, it just made sure that MIKE got the garmonbozia. In fact, all evidence seems to point to the ring being bad - Chet vanishing, Cooper's warning, and the ominous scene in the room above the convenience store.

For all we know, Laura could have resisted BOB without the ring, just as she had for the previous 18(?) years.


Well, my thinking is that we can trust that the ring bound her to MIKE, but there's not enough evidence to assume that the ring saved her. As far as we know, it just made sure that MIKE got the garmonbozia. In fact, all evidence seems to point to the ring being bad - Chet vanishing, Cooper's warning, and the ominous scene in the room above the convenience store.

For all we know, Laura could have resisted BOB without the ring, just as she had for the previous 18(?) years.

BOB was starting to inhabit Laura in the traincar before MIKE tossed her the ring. She sees BOB's face replace her own in the mirror. The ring "saved her" from possession (because she now belonged to MIKE?) and BOB/Leland was left with no other option than to kill her.

For the record, I don't think wearing the ring necessarily means you're marked for immediate death. But by that point, BOB/Leland couldn't let Laura live knowing what she knew.


Speaking of FWWM, I finally watched The Missing Pieces; very good watch. I'm a little confused why Cooper says "don't take the ring, Laura." Cause it seems like the owlcave ring is the only thing that kept Bob from possessing her.

Cooper may not know that the ring keeps Bob from possessing her, and only saw a sequence of events wherein Laura put the ring on and was killed by Bob, and concluded from that that the ring is what leads to Laura's death.


They were so close to calling them soot hobos. That would have been amazing. "I remember now Albert. They looked like hobos covered in soot."


I can understand Candie might be Annie...But how on earth would the Meechum brothers know Annie?

I'm probably off base with the Annie thing, but I'd imagine that in particular is 4th wall/black lodge fuckery.

All the same, the attention drawn to her and the contrast with Dougie felt very deliberate. I stand by that the scene implied she was in the same trance as Dougie.

They wouldn't. It's a bad theory.

I mean uuhhh there are no bad theories. they're lodge agents too. they're Windom Earle's secret brothers. "brothers bradley rodney mitchum" is an anagram for "um, BOB dithers. come later rhys 'nd ry" which means something. the strobe lights outside the plane window can be decoded to mean "The Giant's real name is Terry Mitchum." they're margaret lanterman's long lost sons. they're deep undercover for Phillip Jeffries.

No fun allowed dot jpeg


Speaking of lodge people and their ambiguous intentions. Hawk says the fire symbol represents a fire "like modern day electricity" Truman asks if this is good. "Depends on the intention" I'm guessing he is talking about the lodge people. Seems like the intention is mostly evil right now.
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