Sometimes I ponder how Lara Flynn Boyle would look today if she didn't get those cosmetic surgeries.
Isn't that a line from the song Eddie Vedder recorded for the show? Or similar?
Sometimes I ponder how Lara Flynn Boyle would look today if she didn't get those cosmetic surgeries.
No hints about when she will show up butshe basically confirmed that she is Richard's mom.
We get episode 12 on Sunday at a location from the show some of the cast. So I think that's more than cool enough.
Ticketed event only I'm afraid. They book out the whole place.Does that require a fest ticket to get in as well or can I just show up and get a table anyways? (This is at the Fall City Roadhouse right? Assuming they're not shutting the restaurant down for the fest but I guess thats possible)
I mean, we all pretty much predicted Part 12 would be a pretty big deal. With the fact it seems it'll be the part the series has been building up to for a while (October 2nd at 2:53 PM at specific coordinates, a number that's been relevant since Part 2 of the series and appeared multiple times since then and slowly been being built up and important to most of the stories of the show), plus with the title, "Let's Rock!", certainly implying some things to any Peaks fan.
Though hype tweets from people involved does basically affirm it might be the sort of episode of big deal episode like many predicted, though I will mention I don't really know what sort of deal it'll be so we'll see when we see.
I didnt think we were quite there yet myself. But this show is so hard to predict.Is the day in tomorrow's episode supposed to be October 2nd?
According to Deputy Andy, Bowie didn't get a chance to film anything
Maaaaan if Candie turns out to be some Black Lodge fuckery esp a returning character I'm gonna atoadaso so bad.
Episode 12 is going to be 60 minutes of Dougie and Candy "dialogue"
This just got tweeted from a Twin Peaks fan page on Twitter that has been really on the ball with all the pre-episode hype stuff. Don't know the actual source.
I'll be very surprised if someone other than The Arm says "Let's Rock!"
I'm not doing this again. Last time the hype posts/tweets started bubbling in the days leading up to the ep, we got Part 8 and-
I hadn't seen Lara Flynn Boyle in a while.
Oh god no. Why ? How ?
Like it's one thing to get surgery but how bad could the surgeon be ... ?
I'm not doing this again. Last time the hype posts/tweets started bubbling in the days leading up to the ep, we got Part 8 and-
So hyped between that and rick and morty.The show's official Twitter just tweeted some part 12 hype as well. "It's incredible" and again showing a focus on Candie:
I want it so bad. I can't wait to see next episode...
I can't eat this.
You know, forgetting everything else about the series, I cannot believe Lynch has me looking forward to seeing Jim Belushi in something. According to Jim Fucking Belushi.
You know, forgetting everything else about the series, I cannot believe Lynch has me looking forward to seeing Jim Belushi in something. According to Jim Fucking Belushi.
I think it's because the actual scene of here keeps breaking to the brothers yelling and candie-e. the guy stitched them all together.Er...
Why is there a bad morph / frame skip from her neck and below after she says "there were cards everywhere" ?
Why is there a bad morph / frame skip from her neck and below after she says "there were cards everywhere" ?
Called it. Shame but understandableThat's a true, damn shame.
Really nice picture bro. Next time try to stand in the middle with the two women on either side of you and arm around the waist of them. But really jealous so farYeah she is absolutely in it. Gave away a slight spoiler too.
He looks like a cute puppy where you can't say no to.Oh, man.
Thank you!
Maybe it'll be The Most Lamentable Tragedy by Titus Andronicus. I mean:It's called "Let's Rock" so given our luck it'll be 60 minutes of bands playing at the Roadhouse.
It is a rock opera in five acts that follows "Our Hero," a man who is visited by his doppelganger and goes through considerable life experiences and dream sequences, all acting as a metaphor for manic depression.
He looks like a cute puppy where you can't say no to.
The Arm's doppleganger says, "let's rock," and turns Cooper into a rock. Nobody in the Dougieverse seems to notice he's a rock and treats him the same as they have been. The rest of the episode is an extended monologue where Candie talks about the miracles of running water while the Mitchum brothers stare in disbelief.
24 hours about now until Part 12. I'm very intrigued and though I have some theories I'm not 100% sure what I should be expecting.