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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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I was referring to episode 11. Last weeks episode, not this weeks. I sort of forgot that it airs on a Monday here in Australia so I should have clarified, but I was always talking about ep 11.

I even said I thought ep 12 was dull in the very same post, so the bolded above is... well... untrue.
It's all good I see the confusion. Sorry about that.
It was alright. The scene with the French woman and Gordon and Albert had me cracking up (was that berenice marlohe btw from skyfall? God damn she was fine)

But it's easily the least interesting episode of the season for me. First one I can say I didn't care for that much whereas the previous 11 I was enamored with.

Edit: I did really like hearing some more badalamenti music though and I haven't lost faith in this show one bit. Just a misstep of an episode that's about it
I thought this episode was pretty dull, but I think you're really pushing this angle too hard. Many people thought last weeks episode was the best of the whole season... some people went as far as to call it the best in the whole series!

So I don't think your "more people in here voicing concerns shows we're losing faith in Lynch" statement holds much water. The people in here who have lost faith have been complaining pretty much the entire season. It seems like you're just looking for validation.

Nah, I wouldn't try to make a contrived argument like that. It's obvious that as the weeks go by, more and more people are losing faith.

The closer to the end we get, the more some in this thread are starting to suspect Dougie is going to last until the finale, mysteries won't be resolved, Lynch is trying to buy time etc. etc.

Anyways it's not like I've written this show off as shit. This latest episode for all its faults had some great suspense in a few scenes, and a lot of classic music from the show and movie which I for one think has been sorely lacking. It could still be leading to a great stretch of final episodes. It's just frustrating to see how inconsistent it all is.


May have already been posted, but I looked back at episode 7 credits to try to find Audrey's "Billy", but the guy Andy tried to talk to and something apparently ominous happened to is just listed as "farmer" (played by Ted Dowling). I think it still may be him, but the credits aren't a giveaway.


Gong by the number of episodes, next week is the start of act 3. If it's another episode 12 even the biggest Lynch defenders are gong to be pissed.

Generally a good episode has always followed a bad one so far so I'm optimistic.
It's all good I see the confusion. Sorry about that.

No problem! I'm sure someone somewhere out there was particularly enthralled with yesterdays ep... but I think it's almost definitely the worst this season.

I think the discussion around the change from 9 to 18 eps and whether less is more, is an interesting and valid conversation.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Gong by the number of episodes, next week is the start of act 3. If it's another episode 12 even the biggest Lynch defenders are gong to be pissed.

Generally a good episode has always followed a bad one so far so I'm optimistic.
What about people who don't have the issues some are experiencing.

I see some people say things, and that's their opinion and that's fine, but I see people try to say these things like they're absolute goods or bads and I personally don't agree with a number of things said. The thing is there was a lot I liked about 12, it's not my favorite but I still enjoyed it.

I find it interesting to see those enjoying it and not, but I think there's some side-taking going on from both sides trying to justify their feelings. I was guilty of this too but am trying to move away from that just to have my opinion and listen to and discuss with others. But it gets hard sometimes when the thread occassionally devolves into some weird sides war of people who like and dislike the season and it's direction to varying degrees instead of just expressing it as an opinion and rather trying to make the other 'side' something it's not. Both people who've liked and disliked things the season have been doing this.
honestly every single repeat jacoby scene gives me severe anxiety since episode 8, I just keep expecting a woodsmen to pop up, kill him, and then take over his radio show

I'm expecting that too
Nadine is watching too, if you can unleash super Nadine , welpppppp, everyone in twin peaks gonna die


I expect Cooper to come back in the last episode or second to last one at this rate.
What about people who don't have the issues some are experiencing.

I see some people say things, and that's their opinion and that's fine, but I see people try to say these things like they're absolute goods or bads and I personally don't agree with a number of things said. The thing is there was a lot I liked about 12, it's not my favorite but I still enjoyed it.

I find it interesting to see those enjoying it and not, but I think there's some side-taking going on from both sides trying to justify their feelings. I was guilty of this too but am trying to move away from that just to have my opinion and listen to and discuss with others. But it gets hard sometimes when the thread occassionally devolves into some weird sides war of people who like and dislike the season and it's direction to varying degrees instead of just expressing it as an opinion and rather trying to make the other 'side' something it's not. Both people who've liked and disliked things the season have been doing this.

I personally think this goes in line with past works by Lynch. He's always been polarizing. This especially applies to season 3 in the way each episode has been unpredictable (both in what it will consist of and what the style/tone will be).

Lynch's style here is very deliberate, so it's not surprising to me that there are two sides. However I think it's fair to say that a healthy percentage of users here aren't simply sticking to one side, maybe at the most leaning heavily towards one. There's a lot to enjoy, there's a lot to be ambivalent about, and there's a lot to dislike.


And thank God they did. This was a rare case where executive meddling led to the greatest sequence in a series. When I think of the defining moment of Twin Peaks, "It is happening again"/the Leland reveal stands miles above everything else.

Except that was never the point of Laura's murder, that mystery held the whole show together and once it was revealed the whole thing fell apart. The whole conceit of the original show was taken away.

Which is why I brought it up, folks demand answers to mysteries but when they did with the original Twin Peaks it lead to it's downfall. It didn't matter who killed Laura Palmer, it was only really supposed to be what introduced the audience to the world and characters. Twin Peaks fans of any fanbase should know better than to just demand answers.

I mean, think of how many initially great series had their legacies tarnished because nobody stepped in and put a stop to them. Imagine if Lost had been given two seasons from start to finish. Imagine if season 4 had been the last season of Dexter.

Dexter was supposed to stop at season 4 but the studio forced it to keep going. So the opposite of you're proposing happened with that show.


What about people who don't have the issues some are experiencing.

I see some people say things, and that's their opinion and that's fine, but I see people try to say these things like they're absolute goods or bads and I personally don't agree with a number of things said. The thing is there was a lot I liked about 12, it's not my favorite but I still enjoyed it.

I find it interesting to see those enjoying it and not, but I think there's some side-taking going on from both sides trying to justify their feelings. I was guilty of this too but am trying to move away from that just to have my opinion and listen to and discuss with others. But it gets hard sometimes when the thread occassionally devolves into some weird sides war of people who like and dislike the season and it's direction to varying degrees instead of just expressing it as an opinion and rather trying to make the other 'side' something it's not. Both people who've liked and disliked things the season have been doing this.

I'm not trying to say people who liked it are wrong to like it, just that I'd guess that if these kinds of episodes and this pace continues more and more people are going to lose patience with Lynch. There's people who will enjoy anything he does no matter what, the true believers, but everyone else? I don't know.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm not trying to say people who liked it are wrong to like it, just that I'd guess that if these kinds of episodes and this pace continues more and more people are going to lose patience with Lynch. There's people who will enjoy anything he does no matter what, the true believers, but everyone else? I don't know.
What I mean is I enjoy what he's doing here, not that I enjoy anything he does and I have my own opinions on a work to work basis, but I enjoy this specifically. It might as a whole be my favorite thing he's ever done. There's a lot being done in the new season I think is unlike anything he's done previously (obviously some calls also to his previous work as well though), but executed in a format I find absolutely entertaining to watch and I find the contents of each episodes stick with me long after I finished watching them as i do other things.


I'm kinda getting tired of the "who killed laura didn't matter" when so many things revolved around her though.

That was a crucial part of the show, it's not some random murder Cooper was investigating while being in this town and surrounded by colorful characters.


What I mean is I enjoy what he's doing here, not that I enjoy anything he does and I have my own opinions on a work to work basis, but I enjoy this specifically. It might as a whole be my favorite thing he's ever done.

I'm more positive than negative on it. It has some of my absolute favorite work he's ever done but Episode 12 was borderline Inland Empire tier for my least favorite.


Not Wario
Still on the rewatch- something else that hit me. Diane may in cohoots with fake Cooper, but I'm pretty certain she was genuinely shocked by the meeting with fake Cooper at the jail, and that that was the first time she suspected that that man, whether she'd seen him before or not, was not Dale Cooper.
And thank God they did. This was a rare case where executive meddling led to the greatest sequence in a series. When I think of the defining moment of Twin Peaks, "It is happening again"/the Leland reveal stands miles above everything else.

That's what makes Season 3's path forward even more uncertain: "The Return" is Lynch unchained, with no executive oversight or ratings to consider. If that had been true of the original series, the resolution to Laura's murder might have been completely botched and it would have been remembered as a failure.

I mean, think of how many initially great series had their legacies tarnished because nobody stepped in and put a stop to them. Imagine if Lost had been given two seasons from start to finish. Imagine if season 4 had been the last season of Dexter.

I think that the sad realization we're going to reach at the end of season 3 is not that it should have been longer or shorter, but that the series finale should have been the epilogue to Laura Palmer's murder (Season 2, Episode 10). It simply didn't need to go further.

Imagine if The Simpsons had ended at season 10 or if they'd only made one Hangover movie?
Part of the reason Seinfeld holds up so well is it ended at just the right time, they cast knocked back a LOT of money to continue it and one could argue that they earned more money doing that than they would have otherwise.


I'm kinda getting tired of the "who killed laura didn't matter" when so many things revolved around her though.

Yes exactly, the mystery and her life mattered, the *resolution* to the mystery didn't. It was what introduced you to the characters and the world. People wouldn't be mad that Dougie has more air time this season than Cooper if all they cared about was mysteries. No it's cause Cooper was a great character, which is what's at the heart of any good story. Plot only gets you so far, Steven King even infamously said 'plot just gets in the way'.

Cooper's reasons for staying in Twin Peaks don't even make a lick of sense after that case is solved for example.


Yes exactly, the mystery and her life mattered, the *resolution* to the mystery didn't. It was what introduced you to the characters and the world. People wouldn't be mad that Dougie has more air time this season than Cooper if all they cared about was mysteries. No it's cause Cooper was a great character, which is what's at the heart of any good story. Plot only gets you so far, Steven King even infamously said 'plot just gets in the way'.

Cooper's reasons for staying in Twin Peaks don't even make a lick of sense after that case is solved for example.

Yeah, that's what a terrible writer would say.

How about you don't make a shit plot to begin with that serves your characters instead of being "in the way" ?

As for Cooper, people want him as a character, but the number one reason was the resolution of the cliffhanger, certainly not seeing him eating pie for the sake of eating pie.

How he can make sense of it all, solve this case, find Annie, I think those are more on people's mind than getting new memes with Cooper.


I never cared about Laura as a character until FWWM and I think while there's an obvious point to having not revealed her killer, it ended up making her a genuinely incredible character by result.


Android 17 would not appreciate your slander of Steven King, friend.

As for Cooper, people want him as a character, but the number one reason was the resolution of the cliffhanger, certainly not seeing him eating pie for the sake of eating pie.

How he can make sense of it all, solve this case, find Annie, I think those are more on people's mind than getting new memes with Cooper.

No one said anything about memes, folks want Cooper cause THEY LOVE COOPER. You wouldn't give two shits about the mysteries to solve if Cooper himself wasn't such a delight of a character.


How you call Steven King a terrible writer and also sport a DBZ avatar?

I'm kidding, but still.

No one said anything about memes, folks want Cooper cause THEY LOVE COOPER. You wouldn't give two shits about the mysteries to solve if Cooper himself wasn't such a delight of a character.

Everyone who did this show including Lynch knows that people like Cooper and want him back. When Kyle was doing interviews for this all he was talking about was Cooper.

Like, if Cooper never comes back the amount of backlash not just on Lynch but on Kyle will be legendary. The promotion for this thing was totally focused around Cooper.


Everyone who did this show including Lynch knows that people like Cooper and want him back. When Kyle was doing interviews for this all he was talking about was Cooper.

Like, if Cooper never comes back the amount of backlash not just on Lynch but on Kyle will be legendary. The promotion for this thing was totally focused around Cooper.

Well, yeah exactly. No one would be furious about Dougie if they didn't love Cooper. You could have Chet Desmond swoop in an solve every mystery listed earlier and it wouldn't mean shit all to 90% of the fanbase cause Cooper is the character we all love and want. Rightfully so.
Some episodes of the new season have been fantastic. I loved the first two and the legendary 8th one was awesome too. But since then it's gotten so boring. Too many hanging threads, nothing being tied together and no real ramping up of the story to be told. It's just dull which is so frustrating when in the same season it's shown clear indication of being a brilliant series. If you compare it to the first season it just feels so lackluster.

I have no doubt the last 2 episodes will be fantastic, but it's just a shame that we have "shovel through all this sh*t" to get there.

I am desperately hoping I am wrong and it starts smashing it out of the park from next week.


After this episode, Twin Peaks being the undiscarded pieces of Lynch's stream of consciousness make much more sense than it being a carefully-crafted work of genius.


Ok, can we build a summary of current incomplete plot arcs? Just in an impotent attempt at second guessing what next week will be about.

• Ben's humming sound probably josie
• Jerry's woodland misadventure
• Dougie getting over the amnesia
• The double header in Vegas presumably involves Dougie in some way
• Anthony's upcoming attempt on Dougie's life
• Audrey's search for Billy
• Chad 2 Badd
• Richard's whereabouts & apprehension by Truman
• Jackrabbit's Palace
• Steven, Becky & Gersten's situation
• Crazy lady in the car with vomiting passenger making it to wherever they were going this is never coming back
• Sky Ferreira's gross rash this is probably never coming back
• Where in the world is Shadow Self Agent Cooper?
• Ray & Jefferies
• The Woodsmen lodge spirits
• The Buenos Aires box
• Who did the FrogMoth enter in Part 8 doesn't matter
• Where is Big Ed & James twin peaks
• Who or what is Red and where is he taking Shelly
• Diane: friend, foe or doppelganger?

Please feel free to edit and add plot points i've missed

a lot of this is either relatively unimportant or just easy to answer through speculation alone.



Part 12 was so far the lowpoint of the entire season for me; Lynch trolling us all with that Audrey/Husband scene


Neo Member
Anyone else think the new cool kids drug supplied by Red that is killing teens and making Jerry trip is actually made with... Garmonbozia !


Well, yeah exactly. No one would be furious about Dougie if they didn't love Cooper. You could have Chet Desmond swoop in an solve every mystery listed earlier and it wouldn't mean shit all to 90% of the fanbase cause Cooper is the character we all love and want. Rightfully so.

I would like that. :( Why you got to hurt me like this Levito? There's dozens of us Chetters out there!!


Jelly Belly
I uhm... kinda... liked episode 12?
Didnt feel the Audrey scene to be dragged too. The little guy was too trippy to watch at to be bored. I liked the scene tbh.


I liked episode 12.
Well... it's Twin Peaks The Return, I'm not expecting anything else from this series.
I'm expecting episodes like this until the end.

Anyway, why is everyone saying "LAURA"?
I must have missed something great


The date part was a bit unnecessary but the show is full of weird and random stuff. Whats so bad abt it you think?
I mean it was interesting in an artful way with Albert standing there slack jawed but it just felt like it was there solely to make us feel uncomfortable.

The French Lady had me rolling. You guys are trippin' 😤

Would have been better if I could have found the humor in it
The French woman giggling and taking her time to leave as Cole smiles awkwardly and Albert stands there stone faced was very funny. I don’t know how people can dislike it.

The only bad thing in the episode was the Dr Amp rerun. Plus it’s imposisble to care about the strangers at the bar. I think the Audrey and Charlie scene is pretty hilarious in its way too.
I probably would have enjoyed the French woman scene more if I could believe that Lynch did it primarily for humor and not because he's an old pervert self-admittedly obsessed with the female form. Kind of like Tammy.


Wasn't the French lady scene an equivalent of the Fire Walk With Me scene with the dancing lady?

Wasn't it all a hidden message for Albert?
Wasn't the French lady scene an equivalent of the Fire Walk With Me scene with the dancing lady?

Wasn't it all a hidden message for Albert?
Given Cole’s smooth talking with her before Albert came in, doesn’t seem like it’s anythjng more than what it was presented as.
a lot of this is either relatively unimportant or just easy to answer through speculation alone.

Why are peeps being so narky about collating the current plot threads?

Yes, some of them will be irrelevant, some of them will be tied up. Some of the apparently inconsequential stuff could turn out to be very important. Until we get to the end, we don't know what is or isn't of significance.

Given Cole's smooth talking with her before Albert came in, doesn't seem like it's anythjng more than what it was presented as.

I got the impression it was ultimately about nothing, but was supposed to trigger nostalgia for the Lil scene in FWWM. If Tammy were there, then I could picture a scene with Albert breaking down the coded message, but she wasn't and there was no point in speaking to Albert in code.


I think it's just showing us slices of life in Twin Peaks to underline how 'the light is fading' like Margaret said. My expectations for the ending, currently, is that the town is being poisoned both spiritually by what happened with Mr C and literally with the Chinese drugs Red is running through town. I think Coop being healed will restore things spiritually and I think Bobby is going to take care of Red and cut the head off of that snake too, removing the literal poison coming in via Canada. Espescually given that when we first catch up with Bobby he is clearly working to that end, even before being put at odds with Red with him and Shelly being a thing.

So those scenes serve to remind us that Twin Peaks is sick. That's my current thoughts anyway.

Yeah, I think there's a reason for those scenes and I think what you said is the reason.
But I just wish those scenes would've been written to better and more interesting.

There are countless of examples of single scenes with unknown people talking about unknown things that grab the interest of the viewer immediately and makes the viewer interested about the characters and makes the viewer want to listen really carefully what they say.

I wish the scene in last episode would've been like that. Instead, while I get the idea, it was very boring to listen to and left sour taste. A scene like that should not be the last scene of the episode. That's just a combo of bad writing and poor editing choices.

I mean, no.

Literally half of those can be answered with a single episode. It's obvious many plot lines are converging. And some stuff just shouldn't be answered directly ("what are the woodsmen" would be way too on the nose)

Now that Blue Rose has been explained I would not be surprised if some episode gave an explanation to the Woodsmen.

It could actually very well be that the "normal" stuff ends up being less explained than the lodge stuff.


Wasn't the French lady scene an equivalent of the Fire Walk With Me scene with the dancing lady?

Wasn't it all a hidden message for Albert?

Jesus, thanks for reminding me about how terrible the opening to FWWM was. Going from that to the brilliance that followed once Coop showed up was the most jarring shift ever.
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