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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Hunky Nostradamus
Pretty crazy start. I mostly liked it though, especially the end of episode 2 with Shelley and James at the club with the cool music.

The lack of Badalamenti makes the scene between the brothers feel... empty.

Yeah, not sure how to feel about that yet.
Those first two were the best tv I've seen all year. I am so not disappointed by this. Which I'm shocked by considering I was expecting it to fall short in some way

The teasing of the old characters and twin peaks is frustrating though haha. Like when they finally showed Ben and Jerry, and Andy and Lucy I got so excited, and then those final amazing minutes at the club

The musical performance sequence transitioning to the credits was beautiful as well

And omg that dead body reveal and the ghostly apparition that appeared out of the box was creepy as fuck

Dat girls legs tho 👀 hopefully those two characters didn't die there, I loved that kid in boardwalk for instance


I think I'd prefer some classic Badalamenti over silence in the more light-hearted scenes, yeah. That Horne brothers scene being silent felt off to me, though I still liked it.

Ah, I figured a shot of him walking would be alright.

Should I remove it?

Don't worry about it. I see you already removed it which is good yeah, but I did like your gif. I think a link with a warning that it's from 3 or 4 would've been absolutely fine!
And fucking evil Cooper is so good. I thought he'd be goofy as shit when they showed him step out the car with that hair but he's so menacing in here

Lynchs uncompromised displays of violence are in full display here too, I can see a lot of people new to him will be offended or outraged by some of this but I'm glad he kept it

And I got some mulholland drive vibes from that scene with the cops and the lady. Man this really does feel like a culmination of all his past work. I'm geeking so hard after this premiere oh man
Slept for four hours, lol.

I still can't believe it. This ist fantastic, this is Lynch at his best. And I still have to see episode 3+4 (will do it this evening with a couple of beers).

It's like....I had a dream about Twin Peaks getting an amazing sequel...then waking up and realize that it wasn't a dream. It's true.

My god.


Random distracting stuff:

- That terribly photoshopped family photo (if it's even photoshopped, that thing looks like a drunken arts and crafts accident). I couldn't take my eyes away from it. Did Lynch stitch it together by himself to keep a casting secret?

- Those darn computer interfaces. It's kind of shocking seeing the schlockiest TV show hacking and fingerprint matching sequences appear in a David Lymch "film" (and I think there was a Mac OS menu bar popping up over one of the fake Vista-ish desktops, which happens so often in TV and film, it might be some kind of crappy UI tradition).

- Product placement everywhere.


I heard lots of people say "what's the box" and I got really confused for a second as people made a big deal about it like it was a huge mystery.

I mean, it's clear what it does, the only questions remaining are who made it, why it was made, and who exactly was in it.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Going to write a lot now that I finished all four episodes and about caught up with the topic, but something I was thinking about:

So I don't think it'c coincidence that Cooper when falling through space in episode 2 goes inside the Glass Box before the... Thing appeared. One of the biggest mysteries which I bet will have to get answered later is what exactly that thing is. It doesn't seem to be from the Black Lodge, and notably the box becomes pure black before it appears. But I almost want to say it managed to slip in because of Cooper being there earlier. Maybe some nightmarish things will begin to come from Cooper's trail? It's a thought, like maybe something is following Coop and appearing from where he tears through?

Episode 3 spoilers:
I'm theorizing it's the "Mother" mentioned at the start of Episode 3. Cooper doesn't know where the spiot is, but there's something banging at the door and a "mother" is mentioned, the thing in the box it's hard to see but it has breasts. I almost think whatever it is would be the "mother" of that realm and for some reason, it REALLY wants to get at Cooper and seems murderous as fuck.

I'm making a bet that thing from inside the box is going to appear at the places Cooper's been, calling it now.


I love Twin Peaks with all my heart. I'm enjoying this new season. But.. [Episode 3/4 Spoilers]
I'm really really over this whole cooper slowly coming back to the real world. It was my fault for thinking he would just hop back in and it would be like the good ole days but I'm just so uninterested in whats happening with him right now.

Overall great premiere. Looking forward to more.
I just spent a week rewatching everything Twin Peaks so I'd remember every little detail they decided to bring back and reference.

I just watched 4 hours of new Twin Peaks episodes.

I have no idea what is happening.

And people thought this was going to be 18 hours of Fire Walk With Me.

David Lynch doesn't care about what you want.
Ok, so I watched the first episode, and will be jumping into the second soon. Here are a few of my gripes, being a big Lynch fan (not without noticing his flaws in past works):

-Badalamenti is sorely missed. His music easily could have been fit into some of the scenes, like Jerry and Ben, Lucy/Andy/Hawk, etc.

-Some scenes felt disjointed from the episode, like Jacoby for example.

-The editing in part could have been better. I know he does the fade outs even in his movies, but for example the first cut to New York could have easily been done without a fade-out to make the stories feel connected. Also not a big fan of the NEW YORK CITY subtitles. The Buckhorn Police Dept. one for example wasn't necessary as they showed their insignia on the PC desktop.

-Having several locations might be detrimental, as a proper setting has yet to be established. Even Buckhorn which is clearly a small town doesn't have a personality yet. Of course it might take several episodes for this to happen, but with the Twin Peaks pilot you immediately get a sense of it being a small, charming, idyllic town.

Having said that. My overall impressions of the episode were very positive:

-This definitely isn't Twin Peaks, which isn't a bad thing at all. It feels like the tone that his Mulholland Dr. show would have had if the pilot had been picked up by a network.

-The mystery surrounding the box in NY has intrigued me. That weird alien/demonic apparition was genuinely freaky, and was something I didn't expect to happen so soon.

-I'm glad to see a murder plot already and hope it unravels into something twisted.

-The direction/cinematography is on point, and feels like peak, pre-Inland Empire Lynch.

-The sound design is also classic Lynch, with the sound of howling wind, the droning of machinery, etc.

I could say more but there are 3 episodes out there for me to watch, lol. On to episode 2.


First two episodes were incredible. I didn't think we'd see a full length Lynch film again after Inland Empire, but so far it looks like we ended up with one of the most anti-Hollywood filmmakers being given free reign to make 18 hours of cinema for TV.

Really can't get my head around this existing.
- Those darn computer interfaces. It's kind of shocking seeing the schlockiest TV show hacking and fingerprint matching sequences appear in a David Lymch "film" (and I think there was a Mac OS menu bar popping up over one of the fake Vista-ish desktops, which happens so often in TV and film, it might be some kind of crappy UI tradition).

I think they had to be intentional, they were hilarious. Bad Cooper was typing gibberish into text entry boxes and typing when nothing that required typing was happening on the screen.
I just spent a week rewatching everything Twin Peaks so I'd remember every little detail they decided to bring back and reference.

I just watched 4 hours of new Twin Peaks episodes.

I have no idea what is happening.

And people thought this was going to be 18 hours of Fire Walk With Me.

David Lynch doesn't care about what you want.

Breh that episode 2 ending tho 🔥🔥🔥

Gonna wait the week for 3 and 4 to air. Will be tough

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I couldn't wait. Too hyped.

Through 4 episodes you can feel every era of Lynch. This is already one of the strangest live action shows I've ever seen.

I mentioned this on the last page, but that's what's stricken me the strongest about these four episodes. He's literally tapped into every era of himself. There's bits that would seem right at home in Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, Eraserhead, Wild At Heart, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Fire Walk With Me, and Inland Empire. While I know Lynch isn't the only person on this, this so far feels like it's pure him it's almost boggling.

I'm really curious what Mark Frost's involvement in the series is. I almost think he mostly was the one who interjected connections and was keeper of the lore, but he must really understand what Lynch is good at and let him have a lot of freedom because this season is just oozing in Lynch.


Episode 3 spoilers:

Are we thinking the woman with shut eyes was Josie?
Nope. I believe she's credited as
Nae Yuuki - Naido

Episode 3 spoilers:
I'm theorizing it's the "Mother" mentioned at the start of Episode 3. Cooper doesn't know where the spiot is, but there's something banging at the door and a "mother" is mentioned, the thing in the box it's hard to see but it has breasts. I almost think whatever it is would be the "mother" of that realm and for some reason, it REALLY wants to get at Cooper and seems murderous as fuck.
Oh, that does make sense. Iiiinteresting.

Ran rp


  • Lynch channeling his inner Lynch

  • The fittingly wacky effects work
    The box, jail cell, and space sequence are my favorite parts so far, the last one especially. the crude effects and erratic editing paired with Lynch's direction is peerfect.

  • The build up to episode 4
    I love that they held off on badalamenti for so long. the wait was such a tease.

  • E4:
    The theme drop, cera, and morning routine tugged all my strings. i think the "amnesia" is handled well here, since it isn't really amnesia but coop being trapped between spaces and unable to function properly. his reactions and revelations don't feel too forced.


  • The Coop


Parts 1 & 2:
- I wasn't feeling these. It will probably get better on a rewatch, because the special effects took me by surprise way too hard and took me out of the show. I just couldn't believe how much it looked like a hobby project.
The gore scenes were largely pointless and looked more like creepy pasta photo manipulations than film special effects - and I don't think the excuse that it was supposed to look odd flies here because the gore scenes were some of the most conventional "horror" scenes in the show.

- The scenes where they talked backwards were really sloppy, especially the callback dialogue. The dialogue didn't flow like it used to and their pronunciation was messed up (in new, worse ways).
Michael J. Anderson's absense was felt immediately. Such a shame he turned out the way he did. This show needed his backwards speech skills more than his good looks.

- I wish they hadn't recycled dialogue. It's like they tried way too hard to be new audience-friendly with all the clip show elements and blatant explanations - hated the way the Arm spelled everything out. It also used really unimaginative terminology (... I mean, for a tree, he spoke pretty well, but still).

- I feel kinda bad for people who hoped that Frost's involvement would keep Lynch "sane." Hoo boy.

- Oh, and the color grading in the Red And Sort Of Purplish Sometimes Room was trash. It became even more apparent whenever they flashed back to the original show with its beautiful lighting and sets. Lynch, plz.

I knew this was gonna happen. I knew it was gonna be like stupid fucking Fire Walk with Me. Goddamnit. Replace Lynch with the people who did season 2 and start over.


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I will say this, after episode 3 I am convinced some of these special effects are intentional.

Episode 3 Spoilers:
What the fuck at that scene where Doug disappears with the floating jpg images and the similar looking images over the winning slot machines. I actually don't dislike it, but it looks sooooo old school in how they handled it I am utterly convinced at this point the effects are intentional. then all the weird effects that come together for the first part of Season 3, where they all worked together multiple weird effects to create a really weird atmosphere. They're certainly generating an old effect vibe so far, and some of it is legitimately freaky an uncanny.
But I'm convinced Lynch directed them to go this route for the effects and probably helped edit some of it himself.
That's James though, James was always cool.

It's canon to the lore now.

(that fucking like is the biggest FU to most everyone on the series I've ever seen, but I love it.)

I'm going to chalk that up as Shelly being a bad judge of character. As far as I know, Shelly has exclusively dated murderers.


Subete no aware
Episode 3 sort of but not really spoilers
At least they got Miguel Ferrer before his health failed. I was expecting it to be as bad as his final NCIS:LA performances.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So in the first or was it second who was tending bar. I know the actor but was it just a cameo. Or somthing more?

The bar tender at the end of was 100% Jacques Renault's actor, it even credited him in the episode. Not confirmed who he is. there's still a lot of plot threads the show hasn't really explored in its first few episodes it's introduced, but we still do have 14 parts left.

I'm curious if Jacques Renault look alike was for a cameo thing or if he'll play a role later.

Ran rp

I will say this, after episode 3 I am convinced some of these special effects are intentional.

Episode 3 Spoilers:
What the fuck at that scene where Doug disappears with the floating jpg images and the similar looking images over the winning slot machines. I actually don't like it, but it looks sooooo old school in how they handled it I am utterly convinced at this point the effects are intentional. then all the weird effects that come together for the first part of Season 3, where they all worked together multiple weird effects to create a really weird atmosphere. They're certainly generating an old effect vibe so far, and some of it is legitimately freaky an uncanny.
But I'm convinced Lynch directed them to go this route for the effects and probably helped edit some of it himself.

they're intentional and wonderful

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
PSY・S;237646371 said:
they're intentional and wonderful

I typo'd there, I don't dislike it, I like it too though it takes a bit to adjust to it. But I'm convinced after some of the stuff in episode 3 that Lynch must of literally called for them to use special effects in the style of stuff out of the 70-90s or something.

Oh and is Harry Truman dead? Or did I misunderstood it because I was a bit tired?

Episode 4 spoiler:
He's alive, but sick. We probably won't see him due to the actor not being part.


So I was pretty angry and annoyed with this at first, and reading the comments here I didn't understand why no one else was commenting on the abysmal visual/camera quality on display here. From the scene with Dr. Jacoby and everything after, I was almost certain I had recorded the Standard Definition version or something, but no,it was Showtime in High Definition. And it was like a nightmare. The scene with Ben, Jerry, and Ashley Judd for instance looked like early 2000s softcore porn. It was like David Lynch was pulling the only kind of "experimental" act that I couldn't take.


Then, to my embarrassment, it turned out that my TV was indeed not displaying it properly, due to some weirdness when switching between resolutions which I guess only just happened and has never happened before. Now I'm rewatching the first two episodes properly and the difference is obvious, even if the cinematography and effects are lacking in parts. Overall, once I get over the unearned issues I had going in the first time, I think I'll enjoy this quite a bit. I expected it to be more like Fire Walk With Me than the original series in a lot of ways, so the divisive nature of what's being presented doesn't bother me at all.
I typo'd there, I don't dislike it, I like it too though it takes a bit to adjust to it. But I'm convinced after some of the stuff in episode 3 that Lynch must of literally called for them to use special effects in the style of stuff out of the 70-90s or something.

Episode 4 spoiler:
He's alive, but sick. We probably won't see him due to the actor not being part.

Oh I haven't watched episode 4 yet so I will read you spoiler in about 12 hours :p


I do think the red room looks noticeably worse now. It was especially noticeable when it cut to the flashbacks, yeah. The red looks off and it's a bit of a bummer.

Nope. I believe she's credited as
Nae Yuuki - Naido

(still episode 3 stuff)

Yeah I figured
Naido was referring to her and I know it's a different actress, but we don't know anything else about her and unless the series expands upon her I feel like it could still work. I don't know what that whole fireplace space place is meant to be, but I figure it's heavily connected to BOB in some way and Josie being there makes a lot of sense considering her fate. And I instantly associated that fireplace with her, Pete saw her in one.

But hey, maybe she is an unrelated character called Naido. Just speculating. I doubt we'll see her again...


I will say this, after episode 3 I am convinced some of these special effects are intentional.

Episode 3 Spoilers:
What the fuck at that scene where Doug disappears with the floating jpg images and the similar looking images over the winning slot machines. I actually don't dislike it, but it looks sooooo old school in how they handled it I am utterly convinced at this point the effects are intentional. then all the weird effects that come together for the first part of Season 3, where they all worked together multiple weird effects to create a really weird atmosphere. They're certainly generating an old effect vibe so far, and some of it is legitimately freaky an uncanny.
But I'm convinced Lynch directed them to go this route for the effects and probably helped edit some of it himself.
I wouldn't describe those effects as "old school," they look more... "home-made." Many of them closely resemble Lynch's animation projects, his paintings and stuff like that one special effect in Rabbits. I'd be surprised if he hasn't made many of those effects by himself.


(still episode 3 stuff)

Yeah I figured
Naido was referring to her and I know it's a different actress, but we don't know anything else about her and unless the series expands upon her I feel like it could still work. I don't know what that whole fireplace space place is meant to be, but I figure it's heavily connected to BOB in some way and Josie being there makes a lot of sense considering her fate. And I instantly associated that fireplace with her, Pete saw her in one.

But hey, maybe she is an unrelated character called Naido. Just speculating. I doubt we'll see her again...

I was so surprised to see


I was so surprised to see

...Especially because I didn't recognize her at first. Strange stuff considering nothing in the original series would imply a supernatural 'fate' like that, but who knows what Doop has been up to... But hey maybe it doesn't imply anything like that.


(still episode 3 stuff)

Yeah I figured
Naido was referring to her and I know it's a different actress, but we don't know anything else about her and unless the series expands upon her I feel like it could still work. I don't know what that whole fireplace space place is meant to be, but I figure it's heavily connected to BOB in some way and Josie being there makes a lot of sense considering her fate. And I instantly associated that fireplace with her, Pete saw her in one.

But hey, maybe she is an unrelated character called Naido. Just speculating. I doubt we'll see her again...
I could get on board with this theory if this show hasn't done so much to expand the Lodge ecology in every direction. With new creatures popping up all the time and
Phoebe Augustine
playing an entirely new character/creature, it just doesn't seem like Lynch is especially interested in making such connections. It's a much bigger world now.

Speaking of new creatures, I hope we'll see the motionless painted man again (does he have a name?). What an MVP.
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