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Twitch Plays Pokemon Emerald: Right A Down, Right A Down

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date
Have to love how we got the the town and we go immediately to the PC. Not to mention that everyone in town is tempting us to use the PC, it's an omen of things to come.
Lonely is actually a pretty great nature for in-game Torchic.

Boosts his highest attack stat while still allowing for strong special attacks.
Blaziken is like if Flareon and Pidgeot got a son.

When the wild-eyed girl came into my lab for the first time, I knew exactly which starter she would pick.
On my last research trip to Johto, I found him: the impossible Pokemon. I say "impossible," because none of his kind has ever existed before. He makes no sense. Genetically, he seems to have strands of standard flying-DNA, but there's something else, something malleable. It looks almost like an Eevee's genetic code.
But... I hesitate to tell you the rest. You'd think me mad. And, really, perhaps I am. What else would you call a man--a scientist, no less--who puts such stock in things such as dreams?
I found him, of all places, in my hotel room. In the morning. The morning after a particularly terrifying dream.
I was in a dark cave. There was no light, except a crackling fire in the distance. As I walked closer, I saw that it was not a fire at all, but a Flareon! An exceptionally rare Pokemon from the Kanto region. I was elated! But then...
No, I don't want to tell you this.
No, it's stupid.
Alright. Fine. She spoke to me. She spoke to me, in this wicked, terrible voice. She had an egg, an orange egg, cradled between her paws.
"Trapped," she said, "In an endless dance. My immortal rival, my immortal lover. We love because we hate. We hate because we love. I, the harbinger of darkness. He, the bringer of light. Opposites both repel and complete. This is the child of the greatest love of all. This is the child of the greatest hatred of all. This is the child of the Dome. This is the child of the Helix. He is fated to bless. He is fated to damn. He is the one who brings light. He is the one who brings darkness."
Suddenly, the egg was in my hands.
When I awoke, this creature, this... Torchic, as I have named it, was sitting on my bed. It looked adorable and harmless enough. In his eyes, though, I saw only that burning, wicked creature. He has his mother's eyes.
That girl with the wild-eyes took one look at him, and I think she saw it, too.
Whatever he is, whatever she is... the two of them will do great things together. They will be Hoenn's salvation... or, perhaps, its doom.
Only time will tell.

Credit to MargosLxix over on reddit.


If this is the layout of all pokecenters in Gen 3 then this could be trouble. The PC keeps creeping closer and closer to the nurses' counter every game.
I'm bringing Zexy back.
Them other boys don’t know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slash.

If this is the layout of all pokecenters in Gen 3 then this could be trouble. The PC keeps creeping closer and closer to the nurses' counter every game.

So true, though I've never noticed it until now. I just checked in Pokemon Y and it's literally 2 squares away from Joy on the same counter. It's like they planned on anarchy releasing everything as the generations progressed.


A's looking at dose Pokemon magazines. Very Interested in the adorable ones. The terrible fanart practically draws itself.
So would A be a good example of natural SELECTion?

Edit: I have no idea what all those anime words mean. That's probably for the best


Hopefully we can find a ralts and catch it

Also I just noticed, but why do water starters steamroll through the game? Well not steamroll but easier? Empoleon is probably the exception


I'm bringing Zexy back.
Them other boys don’t know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?
So turn around and I'll pick up the slash.

I don't know whether to be weirded out or in awe that we are all on the same wave length to make fan art like this happen.
Haven't really watched in a while, barely paid any attention to the Crystal run. Glad to see everyone's dreams finally came true and the girl trainer was picked.
Ooh, I was just trying to continue the suggestion that Torchic was the son of Flareon and Pidgeot LOL.

Also this town, it's like it thinks we are not ready yet,
Well the DaVinci code is based on the idea that Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene, so I thought the comparison was appropriate.


Any clue how the updater on the bottom was implemented? I know it's interfacing with the emulator somehow, but is it a publicly available thing or something the streamer whipped up himself? I'll be awfully impressed if it's the latter.


He had great parents, Though his fate is yet to be proven, would he rise to the occasion and ascend to the heavens like bird Jesus? Or would his flames consumed everything he touches like Flareon?

Still prefer treecko since we haven't had a grass starter yet.
What if all those other children were just different personalities? All trying to hold A back.

But when the voices fully took over A aka "Anarchy" gained to much power. The other personalities were cast to the farthest corners of her mind. No longer able to to control A.

Shits gonna go down in this stream. The likes that have never been seen before.

I'm having fun.
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