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Twitter being rebranded to “X”, bird logo going away

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Ironic, considering the guy claiming to be all about free speech now requires an account before you can read that speech, and requires payment if you want your speech to be as visible as all the other subscribers.

But to answer your question: https://jordansather.substack.com/p/running-list-of-all-twitter-files
I started this but feel like too much context is missing, which seems to be a running theme with the Twitter Files. I saw Jack Dorsey called for everything to be made public, seemingly for the same reason.

I did wind up reading a court filing from last month made by Twitters legal. They seem to disagree with the claim that the government forced Twitter to censor. Text starts on page page 5. Page 8 to 18 go into specific claims. It’s a relatively short and easy to read

It sounds like it was less the government and more ideologues within the high ranks at Twitter.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Also kinda funny Twitters own legal reps want to call it Twitter for convenience sake:

As an aside, I think X is a better name than Twitter but it’s a bad move to rebrand. Twitter has too much brand recognition and X is too generic in comparison. X would be a cool startup instead. There’s a nice air of mystery with a new unknown.
I started this but feel like too much context is missing, which seems to be a running theme with the Twitter Files. I saw Jack Dorsey called for everything to be made public, seemingly for the same reason.

I did wind up reading a court filing from last month made by Twitters legal. They seem to disagree with the claim that the government forced Twitter to censor. Text starts on page page 5. Page 8 to 18 go into specific claims. It’s a relatively short and easy to read

It sounds like it was less the government and more ideologues within the high ranks at Twitter.
Did the government have soldiers with guns to the head of twitter employees while asking them to remove content? No.

Did the government threaten Twitter with the removal of their legal protections because twitter wasn't censoring enough for them? Yes. Were there even instances of the government asking for legally protected speech to be removed and then following it up with "why isn't this removed yet?" Also yes.

Interestingly enough, Twitter pushed back on the censorship for a while. Whatever their legal team said in court was not what they were admitting to behind the scenes. When people finally understood what was going on, even many people who for years thought that twitter was just being ideological had to admit it was government pressure and the lies that the government told twitter that was the real issue.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Ms should sue, X is kind of thier brand......

Also Musk has done nothing but destroy the brand so far, this just one more dumb step towards its death. Brutal.
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It's an EXTRA awkward name change because the verb form of the old one became part of normal language (I tweeted it) and is now outdated, with no replacement. Imagine training half the world for "google'd it" to be synonymous with "searched it" and then changing your name to "Z" because omg...the power it invokes and I already own the domain dude
He's been talking about this for years about what he envisioned Paypal to eventually be, and has specifically been talking about where he wants to take Twitter since he bought the platform.

Anybody surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.

1. Musk tries to brand Paypal to x and gets ousted from board. This scars his sensitive mind.
2. Still seething years later, Musks asks the public for graphics suggestions for rebranding a sinking Twitter.
3. Musk rebrands Twitter to X, using a logo that is already in use by an artist, who apparently just took the X from an available font pack.
4. Facebook, sorry ”Meta”, already owns X as a trademark in regards to social media.
5. Xvideos gets cancelled on Twitter.
6. In an unbeliavably market-shitty post, one of Musks sycophant bosses says that X will basically take over the world, banking, video and just about everything. How? ”With AI”.

Am I missing anything?
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Musk tries to brand Paypal to x and gets ousted from board. This scars his sensitive mind.
He did lose an internal power struggle and get ousted but X was the original name of the company.

Wikipedia summary:

Throughout the 1990s, Elon Musk envisioned creating a full-service online bank that provided checking and savings accounts, brokerages, and insurance.[4] Musk commented in a 1999 interview with CBS MarketWatch: "I think we're at the third stage now where people are ready to use the Internet as their main financial repository."[3]

In January 1999, Musk formally began planning an online bank while in the process of selling his company Zip2. A month after Zip2 was purchased by Compaq, Musk invested about $12 million into co-founding X.com in March 1999 with Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne, and Ed Ho.[5][6] Fricker worked with Musk when Musk was an intern at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Payne was a friend of Fricker, and Ho was an engineer at Silicon Graphics and executive at Zip2.[7] The company was initially run from a house before moving to an office in Palo Alto, California.[8] Due to conflict on how to run the company, Musk fired Fricker five months after x.com had started, and the other two co-founders, Payne and Ho left consequently. [9][10]

X.com officially launched on December 7, 1999, with former Intuit CEO Bill Harris serving as the inaugural CEO.[11][3] Within two months, X.com attracted over 200,000 signups.[12]

In March 2000, X.com merged with Confinity, its fiercest competitor, the new company being called X.com.[13] Musk was its biggest shareholder and was appointed as its CEO. Started in 1998, Confinity's product PayPal enabled users with PalmPilots to send money to each other through its infrared ports.[14][15]Subsequently, PayPal developed to allow users to send money using email and the web.[15]

In September 2000, when Musk was in Australia for a honeymoon trip, the X.com board voted for a change of CEO from Musk to Peter Thiel, the co-founder of Confinity. In June 2001, X.com was renamed PayPal.[16]

On October 3, 2002, eBay purchased PayPal for US$1.5 billion.[17][18]

In July 2015, PayPal was spun off to become an independent, publicly traded company.[19]


He's been talking about this for years about what he envisioned Paypal to eventually be, and has specifically been talking about where he wants to take Twitter since he bought the platform.

Anybody surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.

We aren't surprised his asinine goals haven't changed were surprised he's stupid enough to try and force it onto something with an established brand so ubiquitous its name became a verb.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Why would you take a brand that's worth billions that has tons of name recognition and just rename it? Just to try and make everyone forget all the dumb things that have happened since he took over? It boggles the mind.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Why would you take a brand that's worth billions that has tons of name recognition and just rename it? Just to try and make everyone forget all the dumb things that have happened since he took over? It boggles the mind.
Its what happens when you have an ignorant egotistical manbaby that is being boosted by chuds making him think is just the hottest shit.

I would love to see some commentary from those who defended him at the start of his takeover lol
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Dude bought the brand for 44 bln and now he just ... deletes it from existence

Sure he still got users from Twitter, but man ... what a dumb clown
Why would you take a brand that's worth billions that has tons of name recognition and just rename it? Just to try and make everyone forget all the dumb things that have happened since he took over? It boggles the mind.
The only thing that makes sense is the guy has severe social issues that prevent him from considering the perspective of other people, coupled with an intolerance to having anyone around him who disagrees with him. Pure speculation on my part, but that's my guess.
Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage

Interestingly enough, Twitter pushed back on the censorship for a while. Whatever their legal team said in court was not what they were admitting to behind the scenes. When people finally understood what was going on, even many people who for years thought that twitter was just being ideological had to admit it was government pressure and the lies that the government told twitter that was the real issue.
I posted this reply earlier, but I found an old post of mine that does a better job of making this point, and the video in the post does a good job of criticizing the government's actions in the situation. At the end I also discuss how this sort of power would have been abused in the past.

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage

I posted this reply earlier, but I found an old post of mine that does a better job of making this point, and the video in the post does a good job of criticizing the government's actions in the situation. At the end I also discuss out how this sort of power would have been abused in the past.

I think it's in Twitter/Xs best interest to just info dump the exchanges. We're only seeing what a few journos thought was interesting, which was already filtered by Elon and his team to call out bans/moderation that he disagreed with.

I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of Twitter. It's great when there is severe weather but that's the only real time I check it. Now that you need an account to use most of the site, I've completely stopped using it altogether. I actually agree with a lot of the changes Musk made, but that's just from an outsider looking in. I have no moral issue with the site going from left-leaning to right-leaning--That's well within Musk's purview.

People give way more weight and importance to Twitter than it's worth. It's just another dumb social media website that is used for bad more than it is good. Similar to Facebook.


Its what happens when you have an ignorant egotistical manbaby that is being boosted by chuds making him think is just the hottest shit.
The only thing that makes sense is the guy has severe social issues that prevent him from considering the perspective of other people, coupled with an intolerance to having anyone around him who disagrees with him. Pure speculation on my part, but that's my guess.

I've worked with a guy who made these types of mistakes, right down to the dumb rebrandings and wasting his talent, and this is EXACTLY what he was like. He was also a huge Elon Musk fan and spent more time scrolling on his phone fawning over right-ring idols like Musk and Trump than running his company. He would make massive errors, back himself into a corner, then spend all his time trying to sue and manipulate all his employees/ex-employees over it. I don't love thinking about this time but I can't help remembering when I see the exact same patterns every day in the moves of guys like Musk and Putin. When you have those severe social issues, combine it with egomania and vindictiveness, you have a dangerous combination. For the company, and all the people in it.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It’s hilarious because in Spanish the letter X is read as the soft “sh” sound so I can’t avoid to think “shit” when I see “xeet”.
  • LOL
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So since they don't own the copyright are they gonna call themselves The X Corporation or something instead


Tears in the rain
It's been posted before. It's fake. No idea why people do things like this. There's plenty of stupid here to go around without resorting to play pretend nonsense.
Dammit I thought The Simpsons actually predicted the future again. Oh well, it's still a funny pic lol.
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