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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I thought I recognized Adam Ward. I went to Highschool with him, I just realized, although I don't remember ever personally meeting with him. But looking through my Year Books, it couldn't have happened to a greater guy---he was that one dude on the Football Team who everyone loved, and never put himself above anyone else. Damn. :(

This makes me sick. This is the first time I've read about someone I went to High School with dying, and it really puts things into perspective how dangerous life can be even if, like Adam, you live every day to the fullest and never do anything wrong. It's just not fair---this guy just does his job, and gets shot...

wait...tallahassee. Not surprised he dealt with racism here...


Most popular (and shit) newspaper in Belgium has an image of the GoPro footage where he's aiming the gun at the journalist on its frontpage.



I'm going to catch a world of hell for this post, but.. que sera sera.

I do NOT agree with those who are like "get rid of the footage, don't link to it, make it go away.. stop watching it.." etc etc, for one major reason.

If you want to REALLY affect people's thoughts and ideas on things like gun control and violence - then you show them, in graphic detail, exactly the ramifications of what happens when we DON'T have sensible controls on both.

Our view of the world, in many ways, is so sanitized by what's presented by media outlets, etc - when we see the true ravages of war, of mass shootings, of people being idiots it is my hope that, society, as a whole, learns from those things and it will lead to the changes to make them less prevalent, in general.

I know the risk of copycats and I think it SUCKS that the guy filmed himself taking these two innocent lives - but the more footage like that keeps getting swept under the rug, the more likely people are to brush it off as 'oh well just another shooting..' Because people rarely see the actual human impact of these things.

I can tell you this - if there was footage of the Sandy Hook shooting (and yes, as much as it fucking sucks, I mean graphic footage) out there in the open I think the conversations about gun control after it happened might have gone a bit further than another 'omgz they are taking r gunz! false flag! OBAMA IS THE DEVIL!!' - Sometimes people need their eyes opened to 'truly see the light' as it were.

I realize this position is contrarian to most of those who think the footage should go away immediately and never be spoken of again, but that's my take on what is necessary to 'shock the system' of those that truly need the shocking.


Just an update for those in this fast moving thread.

There are two videos:

One taken by the murdered cameraman. That was the original video that reported the incident.

The killer than filmed himself killing his two former colleagues using a GoPro and uploaded them to his personal FB and Twitter. They've been delisted from them from the services, but duplicates exist in the wild.

Be warned.
POV video is fucked but I'm honestly surprised it's the first one I've ever seen shot from that angle. It's disgusting and I hope it doesn't continue to happen.


Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

I don't see a problem with it being news in other countries, as a "look how fucked up the U.S. is; be thankful for our sane laws keeping this from happening every day here" type of way.


I thought I recognized Adam Ward. I went to Highschool with him, I just realized, although I don't remember ever personally meeting with him. But looking through my Year Books, it couldn't have happened to a greater guy---he was that one dude on the Football Team who everyone loved, and never put himself above anyone else. Damn. :(

This makes me sick. This is the first time I've read about someone I went to High School with dying, and it really puts things into perspective how dangerous life can be even if, like Adam, you live every day to the fullest and never do anything wrong. It's just not fair---this guy just does his job, and gets shot...

Sorry to hear that dude.
Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

The Gunman uploaded it for all to see from the first person perspective, so yes.

If this doesn't become a watershed moment of social media, nothing will.

I thought I had chills watching the Columbine footage, but this is so much worse.


Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

Because reporters getting shot on live TV is something unimaginable to the rest of the first world.


Actively hates charity
Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

Probably the first time that a media reporter was shot while being aired live.


This sounds extremly premeditated with a specific agenda, like he knew exactly how the media would react and what kind of debate it would spark.


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Whilst this is tragic, why is a domestic shooting front-page news even on overseas outlets? Is it just the morbid novelty that we got to see it "live"?

I heard it on the radio on my way home from work and I live in Scotland.
This doesn't surprise me--Tallahassee is full of racism.

Somehow, I'm less inclined to listen to the perspective of someone who ultimately attempts to solve his problems with murder.

Yes, racism is rampant through the South. But I don't know this past article means anything after what he did today.
It looked just like a first-person shooter.

It was a video game that was real life. That's what made it so disturbing to me.

Someone is going to turn this into a thing. I'm just waiting for it.

There are a lot of angles people will play up even if there is no substance to them.


Most mental health people focus on something that is reality based to them, it sounds like this is the case here. He was so focused on racism that it led to this. Sad part is, he probably was racially prejudiced at some point in his life,that just fed into his illness.

Mental Health has got to become a focal point in these elections. If you can't take the guns on directly, then take on the mental health issues and find a way to group guns in with it.
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