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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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He is not dead. Police reporting he is in very critical condition

saw the video unfortunately, it looks like he pulled out the gun then took it back then pulled it out as if he had 2nd thoughts the first time and then went with the 2nd time. He wanted to shoot the video because he is sadistic. You dont shoot a video like this if you are sick in the head. I closed the video when he fired the first shot. went out for a 20 minute drive and now im back. sick.
It is guaranteed that it will happen in the future. It feels like we've entered a strange and terrifying new world after what happened today.

It's been coming for a long time. I sort of figured this might not happen until things like Google Glass are more commonplace so that people are wearing cameras without being obvious about it, but yeah, livestreamed murder is definitely going to happen, and it's going to be awful.


Junior Member
Mental illness.

Minorities deal with racism all the time. People get fired all the time.

The vast majority don't just snap and kill two people like this.

It might be mental illness, it might not. I wouldn't say he snapped either since it was obviously premeditated (manifesto).


How disturbing is the video? Is it quite graphic?

It's not graphic, but it's extremely disturbing. Please don't watch it, if nothing more than out of respect for the victims. I only saw it because I was watching the guy's twitter at the time, and it live updated. I didn't realize what I was watching at first. I wish I had never seen it.
Just saw the video and I feel sick. In the military, I've seen plenty of videos of people getting killed, but seeing it in this kind of situation and context leaves me speechless. I'm legit queasy now.


i saw the video, dude waited for the camera man to point the camera on the reporter before he started shooting at her

Like I said before, I think the narrative would have changed if one of the former colleagues acknowledged him. It seemed he was waiting for some sort of reaction from someone, then just got tired of being ignored.
Mental illness.

Minorities deal with racism all the time. People get fired all the time.

The vast majority don't just snap and kill two people like this.

But it could be race related, white people that commit racially motivated killings aren't all mentally ill, are they?


Yup they're saying he's still alive. He still has a pulse.

Hope they save the fucker only to fill him with so much lead it isn't funny. Takes a real piece of shit to kill innocent people. Even if you take his history with the station in that woman and her camera man did nothing to him.


He should face his punishment in trial if he survives, but we still need to ask what drove him to this to prevent this from happening again.

why would you think that this guy, of all the people who have murdered someone, would have the key to solving gun crimes

Jared Loughner and James Holmes were apprehended alive, what did we learn from them other than they're fucking crazy?

I hope he lives so he can spend life in prison, but we're not going to learn anything from him.


Junior Member
Your idea of "snapping" is wrong.

It is graphic. It's not gory.

We are just talking about two different types of "snapping" I guess. You must be using in terms of "going crazy" where as I am using it to mean a rash decision with no forethought.


Neo Member
What a horrible fucking tragedy. Poor people just doing their jobs and some maniac just snuffs them out. I've been a gun owner for the last 20+ years, but it's blatantly obvious that things have got to change. It goes without saying that it should be far more difficult to legally buy a gun, but what can we do about the millions and millions of guns already out there?
That link states that as of 2012 there were over 300 million guns owned by citizens in the U.S. 300 million guns and approximately 100 million legal gun owners. I keep seeing people come in and post things like "ban guns" and "repeal the second amendment" but how exactly do you do that without all hell breaking loose. Do you guys think the police and military should go door to door collecting legally owned firearms from citizens that haven't committed any crimes? I'm not trying to be a smart ass with that question. I'm legitimately curious and open to any ideas on how we can go about disarming a nation that is so inundated with guns and gun culture.
These shootings are just going to get worse and more frequent. Something has got to be done about it, but how do we go about doing it from a logistical standpoint? It gets tiring seeing the same comments in every shooting thread. People keep saying there needs to be a discussion on gun control, but that's all they say. The discussion never gets started. How about instead of saying "ban guns" or "typical day in America" we actually talk about realistic ways to accomplish the disarming of America. I really would just love to read some well thought out ideas from people on how to fix this mess. Sorry to derail. This story is utterly tragic and heartbreaking, and I hate that people on gaf think that just because someone might be a gun owner that we all think this kind of shit is acceptable as long as we get to keep our precious guns. It's not acceptable. It's horrible and it's got to be fixed.
I've been quiet and just reading. Some people don't care. I don't even want to move out of this bed now but I have to go to work and deal with it.

I thought I recognized Adam Ward. I went to Highschool with him, I just realized, although I don't remember ever personally meeting with him. But looking through my Year Books, it couldn't have happened to a greater guy---he was that one dude on the Football Team who everyone loved, and never put himself above anyone else. Damn. :(

This makes me sick. This is the first time I've read about someone I went to High School with dying, and it really puts things into perspective how dangerous life can be even if, like Adam, you live every day to the fullest and never do anything wrong. It's just not fair---this guy just does his job, and gets shot...

My condolences.

Both of you should get off of GAF and take a break from the Internet. I dont think the constant stream of posts and questions and information is going to help.


This is all fucked up. Heard about it when the story broke, but I've just got home and caught up.


The sad thing is, none of this is exceptional apart from the fact that it was being broadcast live, and the piece of shit filmed it and shared it.

What a time to be a alive, hey? (No pun intended)


aka Mannny
It might be mental illness, it might not. I wouldn't say he snapped either since it was obviously premeditated (manifesto).
You believe Coworkers at your last job conspired to fire you, and you believe it's on the grounds of them being racist. you then write a 23 page essay and plot to kill them then actually carry it out and you think this guy is alright in the head?


Yup they're saying he's still alive. He still has a pulse.

Hope they save the fucker only to fill him with so much lead it isn't funny. Takes a real piece of shit to kill innocent people. Even if you take his history with the station in that woman and her camera man did nothing to him.

Jesus christ.


Well, if he survives, he will be brought to justice.

Yah? Maybe. In what way, though?

I saw the videos posted live, and I've never felt brutality personalized in such a shocking or traumatic way. It was very upsetting, but not in a desensitizing way. It's hard to explain I guess.

Definitely affected the way I feel about gun control. I've always understood and agreed with the rational arguments, but this is different. This is something more guttural and instinctual. I guess I was just generalizing from my own case.

To expand on my initial "fuck off" (I was deeply angry and upset because I'd just seen that disturbing video, and then you apparently decided it would be appropriate to mock people for being upset about it): yes, for some people - like yourself, evidently - seeing these videos helps them to be able to empathize with the problem of gun violence on a more instinctive level. But there is a point where it can create a form of second-hand trauma that is entirely unnecessary. Furthermore, it is also grossly disrespectful to the victims themselves, and their families, for their murders to be aired as a form of shock value.


Wow, Sounds like a plot of a movie Fucking unbelievable.


Fuck that shit!

Condolences to the families to of the two.


So, holy shit, he was apparently live streaming from his phone while he assaulted them. That is fucking messed up.
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