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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Distancing myself from the extreme outcome
Of this tragedy, there are always folks who feel slighted in broadcasting because "x got on air and I didn't and I've been here x amount of time" when they can't see that it's skill based hiring and not always on the length of time you have been there. He could have very well have been looking for any reason to position himself as the person slighted in this particular circumstance that sent him over the edge.

So basically 'the young pretty white girl got my job, that's racist so i'm gonna kill her'

This story is really going to appeal to so many different (and opposing) groups in terms of furthering their agendas. In the end people will completely forget the victim...

I think I need to go do something else before I get madly depressed.
If you watch the POV video he is purposely targeting Alison Parker. He brings up the gun and whispers bitch before firing shots straight at her. It seems to me that he must have a motive and was specifically targeting her.

He doesn't try and hit each person with a shot or anything like that. This was a man who had a grudge against her for some reason.
Yeah, what the fuck. Thsoe people were murdered while doing a news reporting. "But maybe they were racist." Maybe they were, maybe they were not, we don't know. And even if that would be the case, they were murdered! Murdered! By a sicko who filmed it himself and uploaded it to the net.

The part that sickens me is now this is a thing. Now all the wannabes will want to upload videos.


It's irrelevant what the two may or may not have done, besides his accusations couldn't be corroborated and he was generally known as an angry man. The only person to blame is the disgusting individual who did the act.

I feel for the families and loved ones, not only of the two who died but the ones who are related to the killer. It must be horrific.
Realistic question: you might be shot and killed on camera one day; how would you feel knowing people were watching it?

Well obviously I wouldn't want people to watch it because seeing such things are horrifying and it stays with you for life. But I also understand that morbid curiosity is very powerful. It's a very tricky thing to talk and think rationally about and I didn't even understand it fully myself until I read that wiki quote.
The two were engaged too apparently

I don't know why this keeps getting regurgitated, but no, they were not. The reporter was engaged to another reporter at the same station. The camera man was engaged to a producer at the station (she was in the control room watching the shooting happen live). Today was the producer's last day with the station. She and her fiance (the camera man) were moving to another city and another station. Her day went from bittersweet happiness to the total opposite. The reporter's fiance tweeted they had just recently moved in together and their relationship had not gone public yet. Sad way to have to announce that.
If you watch the POV video he is purposely targeting Alison Parker. He brings up the gun and whispers bitch before firing shots straight at her. It seems to me that he must have a motive and was specifically targeting her.

He doesn't try and hit each person with a shot or anything like that. This was a man who had a grudge against her for some reason.

Some of his tweets seem to indicate that she replaced him.
Same. I'm usually not afraid of watching anything, hell I googled it because I was curious. But when that gun came up I was immediately terrified like I never have been. I was overwhelmed with the feeling I could never repair myself if I watched it.

Exactly this for me. I have watched some shit on Liveleak through the years, and I definitely regret some of it, but I always remain curious. The second I saw the gun come up with him point blank I stopped the video. It really made me upset in a way fucked up videos tend not to and I stopped it before a shot was even fired. So awful and terrifying.


The poor relatives and friends of the victims... Not only to get your loved ones taken away by some low-life fuck for no reason, but then to know that there is footage of that that you could watch or stumble upon at every moment.

Seeing it put like this struck a chord with me. That video could go on to become an important document in the history of gun control. It's just so brutal and shocking -- broadcast live, of all things... and yet you kind of forget that there are friends and family that are going to have to endure that.



Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
That Breitbart article is insane.


And there's going to be more where that came from and its going to get ugly. Typically the only scenario where some will talk about race. The victims will take a backseat to their agenda for all they care.
If you watch the POV video he is purposely targeting Alison Parker. He brings up the gun and whispers bitch before firing shots straight at her. It seems to me that he must have a motive and was specifically targeting her.

He doesn't try and hit each person with a shot or anything like that. This was a man who had a grudge against her for some reason.

You only get the first 3 shots on camera and they are all aimed at her. At least two hit her. However the camera goes blank (my guess is he decided to put the phone in his pocket) and the firing continues for another 10 seconds or so. I'm not sure how many shots were aimed at which person during that time period.
Some of his tweets seem to indicate that she replaced him.

Ok so he's pissed that he was replaced and decides that the best thing to do is kill her and one other? This world man.

You only get the first 3 shots on camera and they are all aimed at her. At least two hit her. However the camera goes blank (my guess is he decided to put the phone in his pocket) and the firing continues for another 10 seconds or so. I'm not sure how many shots were aimed at which person during that time period.

I'm going to make an assumption here in that he must know he hit her and then decided to fire at the other two people as they tried to run away (when the screen goes black) but he is definitely out to kill Alison.
Such a terrible thing to happen to those, my best wishes to the loved ones and families.

Spreading the video around is only giving the killer more attention and encouraging copycats to do the same.


Jesús, fucking terrifing, this should have ended a long time ago. Shame that the conversation to be had will be twisted away from the solution: Gun ban.


So basically 'the young pretty white girl got my job, that's racist so i'm gonna kill her'

With what we know right now, his motive could be anything. I wouldn't throw that around because race doesn't have anything to do with it. I was just making a point that I can easily see how an indignant person with delusions that he/she is "owed" something in one of these positions could very well spin whatever story they want to justify their actions.

When I was offered my position on air, I had multiple people who had been there longer than Myself (basically, I just strolled in and was offered a job based on my skill/professional references) hold a grudge against me. I'm incredibly nice and helpful and outgoing, but in their world I slighted them.


Unconfirmed Member
Man.. I just watched the video. That was scary. I feel so bad for the victims and their families. What totally senseless murders. Crazy fucking world we live in.


In what way do you guys mean copycats?

Filming the murder with a GoPro? Or going after reporters on live TV?
This type of shit has only been hypothetically conceived of in TV/Movies till now.

Now we have it happening for real. (The filming part.)


In what way do you guys mean copycats?

Filming the murder with a GoPro? Or going after reporters on live TV?
Both are possible. Being on live tv where people nobody can keep the footage from being shown and uploading to the net where it goes viral and won't ever vanish. Some attenton crawing psychos probably love the idea and just never had the idea.
What, exactly, was the last so-called "copycat trend"?
In Germany it was running amok in schools. It stopped when media wised up and didn't give the perpetrators themselves attention.


Jesús, fucking terrifing, this should have ended a long time ago. Shame that the conversation to be had will be twisted away from the solution: Gun ban.

guns are not ever going to be banned in the US. it's never going to happen. so more constructive and realistic ideas need to be thought up instead.


If you watch the POV video he is purposely targeting Alison Parker. He brings up the gun and whispers bitch before firing shots straight at her. It seems to me that he must have a motive and was specifically targeting her.

He doesn't try and hit each person with a shot or anything like that. This was a man who had a grudge against her for some reason.

He claimed the cameraman reported him to HR in the past.
I still can't get over the fact that we witnessed the events unfold the way we did. That someone can murder two people and a short time later upload the PoV footage to social media for the world to see. Crazy times.
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