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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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We live in a society that is fundamentally racist.

We also live in a society where many, many people are dumb/crazy as hell and go out of their way to be offended by things.

So I'm sure that the dude experienced legit racism during his life. It's impossible not to if you're black. But considering that this dude just straight up murdered 2 people on live TV and is, thus, demonstrably out of his goddamned mind, I don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt, and I don't think "yeah but were those motherfuckers racist?" is a very appropriate conversation right now.

I'm sure he did too. However, if thats the case, and judging by his Twitter comments, his mental illness caused him to live in a world of accusation, and prejudice towards anyone who refused him, or had differing views, regardless if it was race or not.

However, it needs to be pressed that this person is clearly mentally unstable.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I hate that every lunatic can get a gun and kill everyone at will.


Maybe if you were really interested in helping friends of the victim instead of appointing yourself their moral guardian, you'd be more concerned about how footage of their friends' deaths is being breathlessly passed around by the media like a leaked sex tape.

This isn't what you are doing. At all.
Once he held the gun up in the POV video I had to turn it off.

Same. I'm usually not afraid of watching anything, hell I googled it because I was curious. But when that gun came up I was immediately terrified like I never have been. I was overwhelmed with the feeling I could never repair myself if I watched it.


I know, but that doesn't mean she said it to him.

Maybe she said racist stuff when she was an intern before she got hired as a reporter. Then they hired her, so he was upset about that.

Either way, nothing excuses what he did.

Correct, I was just pointing out the timeline of her being hired and when his issue with her seems to go back to.
Actually, there is reason to think he did make those things up. Most of this is a ton of speculation, as that is how news reports are largely broken now. It's fine to entertain.

I'm inclined to think he did, but regardless - his actions are horrible, regardless of the legitimacy of his claims. That's all.

Last thing I'll say - this piece says quite a bit well.


As I write, a good number of websites and cable news stations are featuring a video of the shooting. They should stop. The man who committed the murders — a “disgruntled employee of the station,” according to the governor’s office — evidently wanted to send a message. Unfortunately, he succeeded. He should not be helped along in his endeavor in pursuit of cheap clicks and more eyeballs. The unfortunate souls who were caught unawares could not help but watch two people die; the rest of us can.
Why anyone would voluntarily want to watch the video is beyond me.

From wiki:

Morbid curiosity

A morbid curiosity exemplifies an aspect of curiosity that can be seen as focused on objects of death, violence, or any other event that may cause harm physically or emotionally.

The idea of morbid curiosity typically is described as having an addictive quality. This addictive aspect of the need to understand or make sense of topics that surround harm, violence or death can be attributed to the idea of one's need to relate unusual and often difficult circumstances to a primary emotion or experience of their own, described as meta-emotions.[24]

Understanding of these difficult circumstances dates back to Aristotle in his Poetics, stating "enjoy contemplating the most precise images of things whose sight is painful to us"

This is the first time I've actually looked up morbid curiosity and the bolded definitely applies to me. Sucks. I wish I could just be "satisfied" with knowing such a horrible thing has happened, but if there's a video there's a large chance I'm gonna watch it.

Wish I didn't see it, it's the only thing that's been on my mind since.


Just stupid. No doubt going to give those anti black lives matter folks some fuel for their tank. Already seen one dude ask "where's #blm now, huh?"



On the one hand, i want to see his Manifesto to see if there is any evidence of his claims of discrimination.

On the other hand, fuck giving this guy what he wants, a platform....

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Terrible, terrible stuff. RIP victims, get fucked in hell coward piece of shit shooter :(
Watching his resume video now... I imagine he didn't take criticism well. It's the little things like vocal inflection, timing, and mannerisms that could be easily improved. He's supposed to report the news, not try to be a personality.
After seeing that breighbart headline I just know Fox News is going to push this as a race killing and rile up their viewer ship. I can already see them making comparisons to Dylan Roof. Of course that's all bullshit unless this guys manifesto says other wise but people's misunderstanding of what a hate crime is and misinformation from Fox News is going to fuel the fire. I really hope I'm wrong but Fox News has been extra disgusting lately.


It's strange how every time something horrible like this happens, there are people that ooze out of the woodwork to sympathize with the perpetrator. It's highly disturbing.


Unconfirmed Member
Most popular (and shit) newspaper in Belgium has an image of the GoPro footage where he's aiming the gun at the journalist on its frontpage.

Same deal with one of the most important Argentinian newspapers, and in the front page too (I didn't click the note and I won't). They used a pic where it seems there's the fire from the gunshot coming from the barrel of the gun. That's absolutely tasteless.

I didn't see any of the videos and I don't want to, but reading about what happened and the comments in this thread describing it made me feel like shit. This is horrible. And to think I was so close to watching the video, because I had clicked one of the links to the killer's Twitter feed that was posted many pages ago, but decided to close it before the site finished loading; a few seconds later everyone in the thread was shocked about the fact he had just uploaded a video of the murder.

I can only hope the families of the victims are able to find some peace of mind. So sorry for all of them :(


Saw the POV video, did the first shots hit her?

It seems he aimed directly at her and nothing happened, she just ran away. R.I.P to both of them, I honestly thought they ran away from it.

You've seen too many movies. It's likely that the shots hit her, but the shock isn't instant all the time. It's not like a wrecking ball that knocks you down.

RIP to the victims.


Junior Member
From wiki:

This is the first time I've actually looked up morbid curiosity and the bolded definitely applies to me. Sucks. I wish I could just be "satisfied" with knowing such a horrible thing has happened, but if there's a video there's a large chance I'm gonna watch it.

Wish I didn't see it, it's the only thing that's been on my mind since.

Realistic question: you might be shot and killed on camera one day; how would you feel knowing people were watching it?


I know, but that doesn't mean she said it to him.

Maybe she said racist stuff when she was an intern before she got hired as a reporter. Then they hired her, so he was upset about that.

Either way, nothing excuses what he did.

Distancing myself from the extreme outcome
Of this tragedy, there are always folks who feel slighted in broadcasting because "x got on air and I didn't and I've been here x amount of time" when they can't see that it's skill based hiring and not always on the length of time you have been there. He could have very well have been looking for any reason to position himself as the person slighted in this particular circumstance that sent him over the edge.


Watching his resume video now... I imagine he didn't take criticism well. It's the little things like vocal inflection, timing, and mannerisms that could be easily improved. He's supposed to report the news, not try to be a personality.

I dunno. If I took anything away from this video is he basically created a highlight reel of how annoying local news can be. Depends on the area, but he delivered all the corniness they were likely looking for.


The poster you are white knighting had this to say on the subject:

I'm not white knighting him, as you put it. I'm defending the idea that there is value in discussing this horrific event outside of just the shooting itself

Wait... it was another reporter that did it? This story is developing so fast I can't keep up.
He was a former on-air personality that was let go/fired from the station some time ago.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Not taking any sides here, but I'm having a hard time believing this. Those quotes he claimed was stated would be on par on what an average day is like at a workplace. No way he just pulled "collared green grill" out of his ass. Come on.

yea lets believe the guy who just murdered in cold blood two people and attempted another and then tried to kill himsef, over the general manager and the EEOC.

Also I've worked with black people amongst white people and have never heard anyone talk to or about black people like that. Lets not act like that's normal.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
What's this POV video I'm hearing about? Did the killer do a freaking head cam video of himself shooting those poor people? :(

The poor relatives and friends of the victims... Not only to get your loved ones taken away by some low-life fuck for no reason, but then to know that there is footage of that that you could watch or stumble upon at every moment.


I made myself watch the video (couldn't find the POV one, and I really don't want to see it). I just... I dunno. I have no words. It's just really fucking horrible.


Neo Member
After seeing that breighbart headline I just know Fox News is going to push this as a race killing and rile up their viewer ship. I can already see them making comparisons to Dylan Roof. Of course that's all bullshit unless this guys manifesto says other wise but people's misunderstanding of what a hate crime is and misinformation from Fox News is going to fuel the fire. I really hope I'm wrong but Fox News has been extra disgusting lately.

One of the female anchors on Fox already asked a police officer she was talking to on the phone if he would classify it add a hate crime


Man there is some thermonuclear levels of victim blaming in here. What the fuck.
Yeah, what the fuck. Thsoe people were murdered while doing a news reporting. "But maybe they were racist." Maybe they were, maybe they were not, we don't know. And even if that would be the case, they were murdered! Murdered! By a sicko who filmed it himself and uploaded it to the net.
I dunno. If I took anything away from this video is he basically created a highlight reel of how annoying local news can be. Depends on the area, but he delivered all the corniness they were likely looking for.

I get ya, it's like he was pandering to the audience imo.
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