So they're breaking the rules in order to push this through?
Smaller government to fit in the doctors office.Surely small government means precisely staying out of things like abortion, right?
that's not what matters. 180,000 people saw them do it amidst a crowd screaming against their favor for 15 goddamn minutes. and many more will see it happen tomorrow.
texas senate, you dun fucked up son.
So they're breaking the rules in order to push this through?
Becca Aaronson ‏@becca_aa 1m
Patrick says they voted #SB5 before midnight, it counts
Actually, the shits in the suits represent way more of the people, as they were elected. #TheMoreYouKnow
Smaller government to fit in the doctors office.
Doesn't count when the republicans gerrymandered the everloving shit out of the state.
If you think the senators represent the people, you are truly ignorant.
We need pictures of the scene on the streets.
Loud minority, inconsequential imho.
State Sen. Wendy Davis was found to have violated three parliamentary rules with less than two hours left in her bid to block passage of a new law that would limit abortions in Texas. But the session ended at midnight with no vote on Senate Bill 5.
Deuell and other GOP sens: SB5 passed 17-12. #txlege
But if taken to the supreme court, wouldn't there be enough to overturn their decision if passed? This is actually pretty disturbing to say the least.
With the VRA thrown out...I expect Texas to redraw the district lines even worse for Dems. 2014 is the next statewide election though
Actually, polling numbers indicate that Texans aren't a fan of it either, although it's more an indication of not liking the special session opened up to jam a few things through by greasy Rick.Loud minority, inconsequential imho.
To be fair - the fillibuster needs to die in the U.S. Senate, unfortunately.No, they make and break their own rules. They have no obligation to follow them, they do it to preserve decorum. There might be an issue if the session lasted longer than 30 days though
You're going to see the same thing at a federal level soon when the fillibuster is killed with a simple majority vote.
If they jam it through, how long will it take to get an injunction upheld? Wouldn't this interrupt services being provided to women?
Here in IL the Democrats to the same damn thing. Gerrymandering is used by both sides.
Indeed....there's no way anyone can look at this and think those lines were drawn with any sense of fairness...
In many ways the confusion over whether the bill passed will be notably worse for the GOP than either definitive option. "Bill passes" and "bill fails" are both nonstories compared to "nobody really sure whether bill is law or not."
The Associated Press ‏@AP 24s
BREAKING: Republicans pass new restrictions expected to close almost every abortion clinic in Texas.
To be fair - the fillibuster needs to die.
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a member.
Indeed....there's no way anyone can look at this and think those lines were drawn with any sense of fairness...
That's the whole point of the bill.
How does that figure? All of Texas didn't turn up to chant. I bet if a toll was taken of the voters in Texas, the majority would be in favor. That's the people they represent. The ones who would vote assholes like them into the job.And they're doing a fine job of representing right now.
Wait, no they ain't.
Indeed....there's no way anyone can look at this and think those lines were drawn with any sense of fairness...
What I mean is in the time between now and the trial to throw out the vote?
2014...hispanics need to turn the fuck out for Texas dems