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TYRANNY |OT| Sometimes, Evil Wins [Tiers For Fears]


This game any good? How good is it compared to New Vegas, which I consider Obsidian's best?

It's pretty similar to NV's story/factions/reputation if it was a choose your own adventure book with D&D combat set pieces to play through and 20ish hours but replayable like NV.

It's a good game. If you want numbers, NV is probably a 9.5 to me and Tyranny is an 8.5


Maybe I should give NV another shot. I just really hated the engine/combat there, so kind of gave up on it 13 hrs in. Maybe mods will help. I'm really really enjoying Tyranny right now.
I'm enjoying this game much more than Pillars. The writing is better, the setting itself is so much more interesting, and the faction system works great.

JC Sera

I'm enjoying this game much more than Pillars. The writing is better, the setting itself is so much more interesting, and the faction system works great.

the only things pillars has over tyranny is the chanter class
I know sirin is a chanter, but shes watered down compared to PoE chanters
but thats pretty hard to pull off in a classless system

and Aloth. Aloth will always have a special place in my heart


Maybe I should give NV another shot. I just really hated the engine/combat there, so kind of gave up on it 13 hrs in. Maybe mods will help. I'm really really enjoying Tyranny right now.

The most important mod for me in NV was the motorcycle or speed shoes mod. Once you get rid of the walking around and focus on the writing/questing and a little combat it's great. Very well written and choice-driven designed.

Like Alpha Protocol is actually my favorite Obsidian game because I just love, love, love the dialogue and branching and the main character is a psychopath route is the most hilarious MC route ever, but AP is a janky (fun!) mess of gameplay, and NV is much better in that respect.


I am loving this game. It is nice to be treated with respect at the start of an RPG. I feel like an actual leader rather than the game putting me in charge of the party and major faction decisions because of plot contrivances. So far, the reasons my party members have stayed with me have made sense.

The combat system is more enjoyable than the combat in PoE. I'm not a fan of vancian systems and much prefer Tyranny's mostly cooldown system.
Do you mean the [gain major loyalty/fear]. Just gotta do something they reaaaally hate. Dunno if that's required for the bar to move to the breakpoints.


Okay, so certain events it is. Looking a the picture, I can only assume that you choice over some event prompted that that response. I guess there is nothing like that in Act I.


I'm still on Act 1, but I think my decisions may bite me in the ass later on. So much wrath from both the Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus because I think the best things to fullfill Kyros wishes make them both mad at me lol.
I'm still on Act 1, but I think my decisions may bite me in the ass later on. So much wrath from both the Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus because I think the best things to fullfill Kyros wishes make them both mad at me lol.

I hope you're mistaken. Wrath and fear are the currencies I trade in.
I'm still on Act 1, but I think my decisions may bite me in the ass later on. So much wrath from both the Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus because I think the best things to fullfill Kyros wishes make them both mad at me lol.

Shouldn't be a real problem unless you also have low Favor. You need at least a little, assuming you don't want to go anarchist.


oh I had no idea you could display the reputaiton gains, will definitely use that in a second playthrough

It's been rather useful in avoiding some pitfalls. "I'll just ask this question before moving on.. [gain major wrath] ooooor not."


Question about Act III
Basically no matter what you chose before the results is the same? Kill the other Archons or force them to yield to you?


There is a quest to clear Rust Canyon, then when done go back and talk to Teodor (Think that is his name). Quest says he is in Rust Canyon, but I can't find him and he is not back at the camp. The map does not show him. Anyone have this issue or maybe know where he might have wandered off to?

He relocates to the center of the map outside of the tent next to the drawbridge. There's no icon for him on the minimap, though.


I just found my first difficult battle on hard still on act 1,
inside the keep
after goo through some rooms with only two or three guys. What got me by surprise was that they are many and also they are using teleport.

Edit: And beated them on the second try!
Full VO would only detract from the style of writing going on, with either a narrator eating up most of the lines, or incredibly stilted VO that start seconds before you get to the line being spoken. And if it, then, influenced the way it is written, you'd lose out on a lot of the character in the world; it would suddenly make more sense to go for full cinematics and motion capture, with a third-person camera instead of isometric view. (Mass Effect/Witcher style, basically). This is my long way of saying that the current method of light/important VO only (with the rest text-based) is a good way to do it.

Now to switch topics entirely, the itemisation/loot in Tyranny is really impressing me--it's super good. Item drops make sense, but there is still a progression to the loot (and thus a value to selling it) that so many games get terribly wrong. And they're all useful to certain builds. It actually kind of reminds me of the Spiderweb Software games, only with with more variety. I guess PoE was pretty similar, but I felt they shoveled a lot more onto players in a way that killed the game's economy; in this vein, the broken item solution in Tyranny is genius.

I feel bad for almost skipping Tyranny. I'm having a blast playing it.


No bald cap? Lies!
I have to say VO in this game is weird. I often felt PoE was a bit sporadic with its VO, but Tyranny is downright nonsensical. Segments that feel as though they most definitely should be voiced aren't and others that are often feel kind of whatever.

More VO is never a bad thing in my mind. The actors here are good and VO doesn't prevent good writing. It's down to the dev to simply make a conscious effort to do so. Which Obsidian has already shown to be capable of with NV which was fully voiced.

Obviously though it is a matter of budget on a game like this. Unfortunate they couldn't spring for it, or a less abrupt ending from the sound of things.
Being evil is exhausting. I feel like I have to be on my toes constantly in every conversation to try and get the appropriate amount of Wrath and Favor at any given time. It actually kind of wears on me a bit.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Being evil is exhausting. I feel like I have to be on my toes constantly in every conversation to try and get the appropriate amount of Wrath and Favor at any given time. It actually kind of wears on me a bit.

Stop trying to game the system and ROLE PLAY, you'll have a lot more fun.
I'm only a few hours in, but so far it's better, and I played a ton of PoE. I've been able to play a "War Mage" type character that actually works well. He switches between spear/shield combat and ice mage on the fly, with talents that build synergy between both trees (like changing the standard spear thrust attack into a magic spear thrust that grants a buff to magic damage). It seems well thought out.

All of the options for combat that I liked from PoE are there:
- I can slow combat speed manually, or set it to slow for all encounters.
- Auto-Pause can be customized a bazillion different ways.
- Companion combat AI can be changed or turned off, and works pretty well

It's like an enhanced PoE combat system.

This game is just a reskinned and reprogrammed Pillars.


Just started, cleared out the first area and have the option to move along the map to the next. Couple quick questions before I dive back in tomorrow:

1) How exactly does spellcasting work? I envisioned a hybrid class of like javelin-throwing and debilitating magic, kinda play mid-distance support. But as far as I can tell I can only cast spells if I have the staff equipped? At which point, aren't I better off just committing to magic? I liked javelin-shield conceptually as someone who can mix it up in melee if necessary, but if they close to melee on me I don't want to be dropping shield to cast... Are all the magic schools the same mechanically? Like if I rerolled as a Vigor or whatever the support school was, can I cast support spells without a staff? Ok one last sub-question here, why is the range on my debilitating magic so small; I got an accent(?) to bump it up by a meter or so, but it's still way closer than my ranged attack max.

2) Are any party members straight miss-able? How early can I miss them? I pissed off the Siren of Song in the little Conquest thing. Surely I'll meet her in the story and have a chance to make amends?


Am I correct in assuming that if you approach the
questline with any intent other than rebelling it ends in a bloodbath?
Im starting to feel cheated in certain battles where you get ambushed by some little shit from behind who insta focuses your squishies. Its fine on second attempts when you know its coming and you position an off tank behind them but it still feels a little cheap.

Although because of the i've adopted a standard diamond formation. Main tank infront, Verse and Lantry off centre with Main Character 2 Handed at the rear. Main tank takes all aggro from the front and i focus all burst on the flanks.

Verse is absolutely trash too. Too bad I quite liked her dialogue.
Finally have free time to start playing this, huge fan of PoE (in fact replayed it + the two expansions just a month ago on very hard since I didn't play the expansions yet).

I have one question, are there any game-breaking bugs that break important quests that I should know about? I had this problem upon release with PoE such a Durance not advancing the companion quest.


Verse is absolutely trash too. Too bad I quite liked her dialogue.

What difficulty are you playing on? Because at least on Hard, she's pretty much tied with my character (Archer/Self-Buffer) and she rips things to shreds. I also like having her in the group with Barik...
I don't know how much better or worse Kill-In-Shadows would be. My group almost always has +40% damage at the start of every fight, not counting self buffs. So maybe it's just a scaling thing.

If it's an issue of her getting hit too often, have her cast blur on herself.
Ive specced her as an archer. But her damage output is really low and she doesn't have much use outside of a few abilities. When she was in melee range if she took aggro she was downed quickly.

I try to keep blue active on my two tanks to reduce damage taken, ideally she shouldn't be taking aggro at all.


As I'm going back through the first half of the game:

Is Lethian's Crossing a required path for progressing the game? I want to make sure I recruit
, but want to pick the Burning Library and Stalwart in this playthrough for the 2 out of 3 choices.

Can I recruit them elsewhere, or will skipping Lethian's Crossing cut me off?


The Voices of Nerat is such a cool character,
though I misinterpreted the 'leaving prisoners alive'-bit, so when I saw all those characters I sent him on spikes, my character was like "Oh..."


Ive specced her as an archer. But her damage output is really low and she doesn't have much use outside of a few abilities. When she was in melee range if she took aggro she was downed quickly.

I try to keep blue active on my two tanks to reduce damage taken, ideally she shouldn't be taking aggro at all.

If you play it again, try this with her:

1. Know Your Enemy I
2. Fury's Rush
3. Blade Dancer I
4. Killing Spree I
5. Lethal Opening
6. Killing Spree II
7. Fury's Embrace > whatever

One of the most useful spells in the game for melee: Spectral Blur. Everyone can cast the most basic version on themselves. Starts out 30% Hit and Graze deflection and can get stronger. Lasts for 45s by default. Also, her combo ability that surrounds her in a ring of fire is absolutely devastating.

Also, FML; I missed out on so many ridiculously good spell accents on my first playthrough, due to being locked out of
Twin Rivers Old Walls
, and I was playing as an offensive caster. I just found Sigil of Strength IV pretty early, and I never saw that on my initial playthrough. I also just got the Chaotic Descent Expression. You know, the damn component required to create the "big bada boom" kind of spells? No wonder I thought offensive magic was kind of weak.


Ive specced her as an archer. But her damage output is really low and she doesn't have much use outside of a few abilities. When she was in melee range if she took aggro she was downed quickly.

I try to keep blue active on my two tanks to reduce damage taken, ideally she shouldn't be taking aggro at all.

You'll soon start coming across weapons with higher armor penetration values - I'd prioritize that stat above others, at least early into the game. I got myself a Javelin with 9 (!!) armor pen in act 2 and now I'm destroying entire groups.
I think its just the standard "D&D" progression of an archer. They're never good until late game. Enemies have been casting some piercing shot spell which wrecks my team but im guessing its a later level spell.

J Jizzle

Her fear combo is the only reason I got through Act 1 on POTD. So much damage with my mage main.

Archer seemed ok but not viable for POTD.

Stacking dodge with the lore trainers & talents also helped, along with the blur spell.
Stop trying to game the system and ROLE PLAY, you'll have a lot more fun.

Some of the people in this game are intentionally irrational or sensitive about things you might not ever guess right.

I wouldn't try to min/max the dialogue system without playing through the game at least once or twice.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I am role playing. I'm trying to be a master manipulator with no loyalty to anyone but myself.


I think its just the standard "D&D" progression of an archer. They're never good until late game. Enemies have been casting some piercing shot spell which wrecks my team but im guessing its a later level spell.

They are probably using the rank 2 talent, Penetrating Shot the player character gets. Verse doesn't get that. In fact, her Skirmish tree is pretty much garbage compared to the player character's (Ranged). Her Duelist tree is really good though.

J Jizzle

I ditched Verse as soon as I could get a 3 mage + tank combo though. That has pulled me through POTD all the way to Act 3 so far.
I dunno what's considered to end Act 1, but I got that after I disposed of someone after finishing the Edict you start the game with.

This is what I did

I think that is the start of Act II, might be the very end of Act I. But yeah, I didn't do that. I might load a save to see if that choice alone destroys locks or if you need the reputation bar to be close enough to the lock itself.


I played through as a paragon type character and beat the game. Pretty damn good, hope there's a sequel.

By the end of the game I was very tanky and had like 20+ armor so nothing was really touching me, which was cool.


finished it, 24 hours
love it, more than POE. super cool settings, tons of dialogue, little combat, many choices, right up my alley. I hope there is a sequel as well..

I got the "bad" ending probably,
had to kill both graven ashes and the voices of nerat, no one wanted to pledge themselves to me, except Tunon, which I accepted. apparently you can make them follow you, even bleden marek. but I guess I missed many opportunities. Is there a way to ever meet with Kyros? I wonder about all the events that could fold out differently.


Scarlet chorus are a little too hard to side for. There's not really a conflict between Dishonoured and them in terms of picking a faction unless you just want to be an evil git
Scarlet chorus are a little too hard to side for. There's not really a conflict between Dishonoured and them in terms of picking a faction unless you just want to be an evil git

I mean, they both suck. It is part of why the Conquest choices are so much more interesting than they first appear; it's not a question of, "who do you support," as much as it is, "what helps you or yours the most?"

Really, every choice I've seen so far has been a good lesson in, "what does the decision say about you, the character?" rather than just what they represent. It's delicious and exactly what I've come to expect from Obsidian.


I mean, they both suck. It is part of why the Conquest choices are so much more interesting than they first appear; it's not a question of, "who do you support," as much as it is, "what helps you or yours the most?"

Really, every choice I've seen so far has been a good lesson in, "what does the decision say about you, the character?" rather than just what they represent. It's delicious and exactly what I've come to expect from Obsidian.

They both suck, but Scarlet Chorus is literally like every war atrocity rolled into one army and ruled by a soul-stealing monstrosity while the Dishonoured, while technically Blackshirts don't get as much shit heaped on them and what they do get is less in focus.

I just thought there would be more of a dilemna
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