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U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda plans major assassination; Bin Laden will signal attack

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"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Anyone remember teh presidential curse?

Any president elected in 1840 and every 20 years after has died in office.

Reagan is the only exception. But he nearly did and modern technology saved him.


Count of Concision
ErasureAcer said:
There are no such thing as "innoncent americans" when Americans are represented by piece of shit governments over the years who provoke the world to attack them.

Pigs we get what pigs deserve.

Fuck you, you vacant apologist bitch.

I'm not excusing anything this country's gov't has done, but you mean to tell me that I deserve to die for actions perpetrated by a few? Get the hell out of here.

You should be banned. If someone came in here and said that all Arabs and Muslims were filthy dogs who deserve to be liquidated in the searing heat of a nuclear holocaust, you can bet your ass they'd be banned. Again, fuck you, in case you missed it the first time.

How dare you. Your day of judgment will come, my friend.


Count of Concision
We as Americans are not special. Just because 3,000 "civilians" were killed on 9/11 doesn't make them anymore important than the 3,000 civilians that died in some African country today.

No, it doesn't make them "more important"-- it just makes the situations different. But far be it from me to expect a braindead POS like you to be able to make these finer distinctions. "Durrr, durrr, my name is ErasureAcer; 3000 = 3000. Eureka!"

Anybody who says that me and mine should die for things which we personally had no hand in can eat a dick, as the eloquent Shinobi would say.


Wow. I was all set to come into this thread and unload on ErasureAcer...and I got to page 2 and realized that Loki had said everything I was going to say. Awesome.


Bad Art ™
Democratic citizens know that they must bear the burden of responsibility for their society if they are to benefit from its protection of their rights.

There is a saying in free societies: you get the government you deserve. For democracy to succeed, citizens must be active, not passive, because they know that the success or failure of the government is their responsibility, and no one else's. In turn, government officials understand that all citizens should be treated equally and that bribery has no place in a democratic government.

In a democratic system, people unhappy with their leaders are free to organize and peacefully make the case for change -- or try to vote those leaders out of office at established times for elections.


....Fuel on fire.... ;)


This is just more fear mongering. How many times have we heard a terrorist attack is eminent. I don't think it's a product of design just fall out. People are scared and it breeds more fear. Some dork at the CIA is scared he's going to get canned so every silly thing he see the release. Networks pick it up becuase it makes good news and it gets blown way out of proportion. The US has been hated for 50 years, it seem like the majority of Americans realized this on 911.


ErasureAcer said:
Supporting pos governments since the end of FDR.

We've armed tens of millions of people worldwide to kill others...take a look at history. It is only natural that these people are going to be pissed off because we killed their brother/sister father/mother or daughter/son.

If America wants to get ahead with the world it should stop outspending the world combined in weapons development and start giving its money to the needy.

War is not inevitable(I'm a DK supporter and believer in his ideals) but when you keep aggravating people you're bound to be struck back at. If we, the American people, support this shit and as a whole with majority rule(although we really don't need a majority in this country to get elected...which is another topic)...then yes we all should be held accountable for our government's actions.

It's the only way to make the American people care about what its government does if they lose something in return for all that their government has done to other countries. Even now, with no major force on the planet to rival the American Military we just increased military spending another 40 billion dollars for 2005 up to 440 billion. INSANE. ABSOLUTELY INSANE. We spend this money not to be "prepared" but to actually attack and fuck over other nations. Bomb run here, bomb run there...WE ARE NOT GOD! If we say through our actions that it is okay to pull out a bomb run why is it not right for al-qaeds to pull out a bomb run?

We, as Americans, have elected governments that have made killing okay...in Iraq alone we've killed over 10,000 people who had no arms up against us. So why is it not okay for others to attack our "civilians"?

We created a civlianless world with all the wars we've fought, with all the weapons we've handed out, with all the terrorists we've trained(Latin, South America)...one can only hope that we can fix these wrongs and bring America to a point of leadership but none of the candidates I see in the general election are promoting peace and the end to bombing runs, the end to civilians being killed.

We as Americans are not special. Just because 3,000 "civilians" were killed on 9/11 doesn't make them anymore important than the 3,000 civilians that died in some African country today.

Any american who loses someone they love to a "Terrorist" should thank their government first. New Zealand doesn't even have a fucking air force, do you see them getting attacked? Nope because they don't piss people off and don't want to control the world. Nobody dying in New Zealand from terrorists.

To answer your question, Americans are guilty of electing people to represent them who provoke and enrage the world for the past 58 years. There would be no George W. Bush or John Kerry without Joe and Jane America. We are guilty of supporting these horrible horrible candidates. If someone killed me for it...I couldn't blame em. Then again I don't think I'm voting for either. If I die by terrorists, that's what I get for living in this pos country. At least I'll know how the other side truly feels when a bomb comes exploding in my home...even then my death will be just a speck compared to what this country has done to the rest of the world.

The only nations with innoncent civilians are those who aren't actively attacking others...New Zealand for instance. If terrorists struck New Zealand tomorrow, that truely would be a shame.

IAWTP!!! Very well said. No one has a pity party for the Japanese that got flash fried in Nagasake(sp) and Hiroshima (sp) because their government not them personally started a war with the US. Nor do people cry about the innocent Germans who were killed because Hitler started WW2. The people in those countries I mentioned had to pay the price for the wrong their government had brought in their name. Now that the roosters come home to roost here in America, you want to scream, "We're innocent." No you are what your government does, just like in Japan and Germany. If your government instigates wars, screw with other peoples elections, over throw governments elected by that countires people,because the US doesn't like said government, then you and I are just as guilty, if we don't do anything to stop it. People in other countries pissed over by the US aren't going to give a damn about innocent Americans, when the US government doesn't give a damn about the innocent Iraqi, or Chilian who they have directly or indirectly killed because the US pulled some backwater dirty trick to get it's hands on that countries resources or because the US didn't like that countries government.


Woah, woah, hating on GW is one thing. Comparing him to Hitler and the Japanese Emperor is something that's completely ignorant, and delusional.


Loki said:
Fuck you, you vacant apologist bitch.

You should be banned. If someone came in here and said that all Arabs and Muslims were filthy dogs who deserve to be liquidated in the searing heat of a nuclear holocaust, you can bet your ass they'd be banned. Again, fuck you, in case you missed it the first time.



Loki said:
Fuck you, you vacant apologist bitch.

I'm not excusing anything this country's gov't has done, but you mean to tell me that I deserve to die for actions perpetrated by a few? Get the hell out of here.

You should be banned. If someone came in here and said that all Arabs and Muslims were filthy dogs who deserve to be liquidated in the searing heat of a nuclear holocaust, you can bet your ass they'd be banned. Again, fuck you, in case you missed it the first time.

How dare you. Your day of judgment will come, my friend.

This is so typical. ErasureAcer stood up and said his bit. Agree or disagree what he did is right. Maybe more of you should do the same. But instead people cry about it and start with the how dare you crap. Ban him? Why should he be banned, for speaking his mind for doing the right thing. Or simply because you dont like what he says and would like to see him censored. So many of you act like "Americans" as the world views you. He is the one that is acting the way you should.
Quick, somebody build a time machine and go back to about 1775 and help England win the Revolutionary War. That way, all the world's problems would be solved as apparently war and dubious politics never existed until after America's independence.


darscot said:
This is so typical. ErasureAcer stood up and said his bit. Agree or disagree what he did is right. Maybe more of you should do the same. But instead people cry about it and start with the how dare you crap. Ban him? Why should he be banned, for speaking his mind for doing the right thing. Or simply because you dont like what he says and would like to see him censored. So many of you act like "Americans" as the world views you. He is the one that is acting the way you should.

They have as much right as to say "how dare you" as he has to say stupidities.


Sure they can say it, I'm not arguing that. But it makes no sense how dare he what. Speak his mind, say somethign you disagree with, not act like a sheep? What exactly did he dare to do.


Say stupid things and grossly generalize? Insulting many people for something they are not necessarily?
6.8 said:
Say stupid things and grossly generalize? Insulting many people for something they are not necessarily?

I've learned not to be insulted by blanket statements that don't pertain to me - maybe you should, too?

It's a tough life, get a helmet. [/hicks]


Mustang said:
I live with no fear. I am not afraid of a bunch of rag headed fucks.

You shouldn't be either.

Now that deserves a ban. Not only is it stupid but it has racial tones that are just not necasary.


darscot said:
Being stupid is not a crime or a banable offense. This forum would be vacant if it was.

If stupidity wasn't a bannable offense, then no one would be banned. Look, I was just saying that there is nothing wrong to put him back in his place, something you were against, seemingly to me. I don't care if he's banned or not, it goes beyond my own responsibilities, and the admins will do as they see fit.


Unconfirmed Member
Saint Cornelius said:
It's a tough life, get a helmet. [/hicks]

That was Leary, not Hicks.

Leary wasn't fit to lick Hicks boots :p


Excuse me.

I meant it in relation to Al Qaida and their cronies.

I have some muslim friends and many are good people.

I apologize for that remark.

Mustang, you're a douchebag

Name calling?


Mustang said:
And why would that crack you up?

Everybody accused of insulting any ethnic/religious group always fires back with I have many [enter group] friends.

I actually anticipated you saying that... and then saw your post lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Saint Cornelius said:
Leary stole his entire act from him
and many people agree .

Fixed ;)

I don't remember Bill ever using the "Get a helmet" line, but it seems we're both on the same page here (In the reviews in the above link, Hicks gets props more than Leary, even though it's a No Cure for Cancer review site :p)
Mustang said:
And why would that crack you up?

It's the standard bail-out and it was coming a mile off.

I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that if shit like that appears out of your fingertips or your mouth that easily, you probably have some issues you need to sort out my man.


Sorry, but I have a problem twisting that into anyone elses fault but the Iraqis.
Dude, you can't blame the people living in a tyranny for what their tyrant does. They don't exactly have any say. You *can* however blame the people living in a democracy because (at least according to the PR) the people living in a democracy have the final say in what their government does.

I am *not* saying that the 3000 that died in 9/11 deserved it (Erasue is the only one saying that, and come on, he's a Kucinich supporter). What I *am* saying is that blaming the Iraqi people for the actions of Saddam Hussien is ludicrous in the extreme.

The only thing that I can blame the American populace for is not giving a damn about the rest of the world even though the world has become a very very very small place. It's a big problem.


racist asshole.

I guess I am a racist because I think one small group of people (Al Qaida) are scum of the earth.

Good lord. I just apologized for going off the handle in an inappropriate way but I guess you won't be able to let it go.


Hang out with Steve.
Don't forget -- the US is a Republic, not a pure Democracy.

We elect representatives to make laws for us and vote on their passage.

The president nominates judges, who are confirmed or rejected by Congress -- absolutely no direct input of the people.

When we vote in Presidential elections, the popular vote is used to determine which candidate's electors vote for each state, and then the electors cast their votes (usually for the candidate they represent, but they don't absolutely HAVE to).

And so on.

There is very little in United States government that is decided directly by the civilian population at large -- other than electing those aforementioned representatives.


SteveMeister said:
When we vote in Presidential elections, the popular vote is used to determine which candidate's electors vote for each state, and then the electors cast their votes (usually for the candidate they represent, but they don't absolutely HAVE to).

I don't know much about US politics, so I'm a bit curious. Who are those electors you speak of? Members of the party?
Mustang said:
I guess I am a racist because I think one small group of people (Al Qaida) are scum of the earth.

Good lord. I just apologized for going off the handle in an inappropriate way but I guess you won't be able to let it go.

"Al Qaida" isn't comprised of a single ethnic group. Have you forgotten John Walker Lindh? David Hicks? Jack Thomas?
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