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U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda plans major assassination; Bin Laden will signal attack

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Count of Concision
ErasureAcer said:
You guys have obviously misunderstood what I meant and are reading WAY too much into what I wrote. I never said you deserve to die because you're an American. What I did say was that I can understand why people want to attack America and the POS Americans as a whole who elect POS American Governments.

I, too, can "understand" why terrorists would be mad at us. But please don't try to say that you "never said that (we) deserve to die because (we're) Americans". A quick look at your original statement says otherwise:

There are no such thing as "innoncent americans" when Americans are represented by piece of shit governments over the years who provoke the world to attack them.

Pigs we get what pigs deserve.

"Pigs get what pigs deserve". The "pigs", of course, are Americans. Not just some Americans-- all Americans, irrespective of political beliefs, race, or religion. These "pigs" get what they "deserve", which, in some not-so-distant future, will be death at the hands of terrorists. So it's actually quite plain to see that you did, in fact, state that we deserve to die because we're Americans. I mean, you can't even wiggle out of the implications of your own words by making a distinction between those who support the administration's actions (past and present) and those who don't, because you admitted that you yourself deserve to die simply because you're living in this country, despite the fact that you vehemently disagree with our current policies. There's no "out" here for you, Erasure. Unless I've forgotten how to read English (an unlikely proposition), you are indicted by your own words, not my personal "interpretation" of them or anything of the sort-- because there is only one interpretation. Period.

As for the rest of your post, well, like I said originally, I'm not excusing anything my government has done in my name, and I realize that a great deal of it has been wrong, and motivated by self-interest as opposed to the altruism and noble motives which are often ascribed to such actions.


Now the poor guy is being compared to Hitler. Man this guy put one heck of a bee in your bonet.

Were talking apples and oranges on the racism to what ever it is you think he did. He ripped the shortcoming he found in his own nation. He basically found things he dosen't agree with from within himself and his own country and voiced them. To me that is a good thing. It takes guts and open eyes. It has nothing to do with Hitler, Racism or throwing shit.

He did not say these people are bad because they wear a specific type of hat.

Many before you have felt they needed to rip me for my spelling. If you could manage to read my tag it basically defines me on the forum. You can come up with more then that and your thesourus.

I didn't "compare him to Hitler"-- are you really this dense? I was making a point about how it is not correct for you to commend people for making unashamedly incorrect, hateful and ill-considered comments just because they knew that they'd get in trouble for it. That's not "bravery" by anybody's definition.

Again, please define why racism is worse than slander and acceptance of murder-- because it's not at all "apples and oranges", as you suppose. If you hold that people should be banned for racist comments (Mustang's "rag-head" remark), what possible tortured logic are you employing when you then turn around and defend Erasure's dehumanizing comments (calling Americans "pigs") and condoning of the murder of innocents.

And about your spelling, yeah, I took a shot at you, but only after you felt it necessary to imply that just because I use some big words, my viewpoint is somehow less credible or well-supported. You were the instigator in that regard, not I. Because, just as others have ragged on you for your spelling, surely you don't think that you're the first person to harp on my writing as a means to discredit the content of what I'm actually saying. I was just returning the favor. Don't like it? Then concentrate on the issues as opposed to the manner in which I present them. And, so that we don't get sidetracked, the issue is this:

I am waiting for you to philosophically defend your implicit "racism is worse than other forms of slander and the acceptance of murder" postulate, which would be the only way for you to possibly justify your entire line of argumentation herein. Best of luck to you with that...


Loki said:
I, too, can "understand" why terrorists would be mad at us. But please don't try to say that you "never said that (we) deserve to die because (we're) Americans". A quick look at your original statement says otherwise:

"Pigs get what pigs deserve". The "pigs", of course, are Americans. Not just some Americans-- all Americans, irrespective of political beliefs, race, or religion. These "pigs" get what they "deserve", which, in some not-so-distant future, will be death at the hands of terrorists. So it's actually quite plain to see that you did, in fact, state that we deserve to die because we're Americans. I mean, you can't even wiggle out of the implications of your own words by making a distinction between those who support the administration's actions (past and present) and those who don't, because you admitted that you yourself deserve to die simply because you're living in this country, despite the fact that you vehemently disagree with our current policies. There's no "out" here for you, Erasure. Unless I've forgotten how to read English (an unlikely proposition), you are indicted by your own words, not my personal "interpretation" of them or anything of the sort-- because there is only one interpretation. Period.

As for the rest of your post, well, like I said originally, I'm not excusing anything my government has done in my name, and I realize that a great deal of it has been wrong, and motivated by self-interest as opposed to the altruism and noble motives which are often ascribed to such actions.


I didn't "compare him to Hitler"-- are you really this dense? I was making a point about how it is not correct for you to commend people for making unashamedly incorrect, hateful and ill-considered comments just because they knew that they'd get in trouble for it. That's not "bravery" by anybody's definition.

Again, please define why racism is worse than slander and acceptance of murder-- because it's not at all "apples and oranges", as you suppose. If you hold that people should be banned for racist comments (Mustang's "rag-head" remark), what possible tortured logic are you employing when you then turn around and defend Erasure's dehumanizing comments (calling Americans "pigs") and condoning of the murder of innocents.

And about your spelling, yeah, I took a shot at you, but only after you felt it necessary to imply that just because I use some big words, my viewpoint is somehow less credible or well-supported. You were the instigator in that regard, not I. Because, just as others have ragged on you for your spelling, surely you don't think that you're the first person to harp on my writing as a means to discredit the content of what I'm actually saying. I was just returning the favor. Don't like it? Then concentrate on the issues as opposed to the manner in which I present them. And, so that we don't get sidetracked, the issue is this:

I am waiting for you to philosophically defend your implicit "racism is worse than other forms of slander and the acceptance of murder" postulate, which would be the only way for you to possibly justify your entire line of argumentation herein. Best of luck to you with that...

Damnit Loki you must be writing with the speed of light. I have trouble trying to catch up with your posts.


Like I said get up to speed and move on. Your trying to argue nonsense here. Me and you do not agree on what he said. I do not feel what he said was what you feel he said. Can you not see that. I don't know how many times we have to go over this. When you read what he wrote it computed to equal one thing. That thins apparently was very bad worse then racism in your mind. When I read what he wrote it computed to something else. That somethign else was not so bad or worse then racism. Can we not just agree to disagree. For most of the thread your yelling night and I'm yelling day. I realize now it's because you hours behind.


Che said:
Damnit Loki you must be writing with the speed of light. I have trouble trying to catch up with your posts.

Really, I must be in some kind of weird reality shift, cause he feels about a light year behind.


ErasureAcer said:
You guys have obviously misunderstood what I meant and are reading WAY too much into what I wrote. I never said you deserve to die because you're an American. What I did say was that I can understand why people want to attack America and the POS Americans as a whole who elect POS American Governments.

Who are these "terrorists" supposed to be mad at? GW Bush or the country that elects GW Bush or Bill Clinton or George HW Bush or Reagan or Carter or Nixon or Johnson or Kennedy or Eisenhower and so far back. We the American people elect our leaders to represent us...if our leaders piss off enough people it is bound that we're going to be attacked when all these presidents have had a strong militaristic push and have "played god" with lots of nations.

If you die tomorrow, or even if I die tomorrow by the hands of terrorists I really fucking don't care...my rage won't be at the terrorists it will be at the government for failing diplomatically to get along with these people. People don't hate us because we're free. They hate us because we like to play god and fuck up their countries by telling them what they can and can not do whether it be removing opium in Afghanistan or wanting capitalism in Columbia.

And when we die by terrorists what then? Our deaths mean nothing because on the whole tens of thousands of "civilians" have been killed by the American government in the past year. What does it matter that we die by some other government/organization? It doesn't. We get what we deserve, it's karma. We kill others, others kill us. This is what the USA wants right? Another POS president Kerry or Bush again...more wars...more provocation on people in other countries. Well guess what we'll get more wars and more provocation from people in other countries.

You treat people the way you wish to be treated because in the end they will treat you the same way you treat them. In this case with America trying to dictate most of the world...you have people trying to strike back and dictate us through "terror," just like the terror we unleashed on millions of people over the past 58 years.

I don't wish for Loki to die. But if it happens I must say he had it coming. The world will only sit around for too long before they attack back. We are the world bully.

Preach on brother, you have now reached MechanizedDeath status with me, you're my hero, bravo.


Count of Concision
Something raical for some reason is far more severe in my mind. You'll be wating a long time if you expect more of an answer then that. There two completely different beasts. Saying a group your a part of deserves what it gets is not the same as racism. I never said you were not allowed to agree or disagree with anything. I simply felt you coutner argument and how dare you was nonsense and fit the blatant "American" stereo-type. I've always felt the whole how dare you bit has a whole I'm better then you flavour. If you not going to bring anything new or in any way try to explain your point with a new perspective can we please just move on.

Very well darscot-- I'll desist. Just please realize that you have no basis for anything you've said herein. Yes, they are different beasts-- it's just that one is worse than the other, but not in the order that you've proposed. And my "how dare you" comment has nothing to do with arrogance, but rather with my belief that nobody has the right to pass life and death judgment on me and mine. You don't know me. You don't know those I'm close with. I don't presume to judge others in such a way, and I will not tolerate it being done to me.

I will state one last time that you were being inconsistent and hypocritical with your comments in this thread, and this has been borne out by my posts. Saying that a racist comment merits banning while concomitantly extolling the virtue of slanderous epithets and allusions to violence is wholly irrational and indefensible. But if you want me to drop it, then fine. I'm done.

No, wait, I'm not:

In darscot's mind, racism >>> murder and dehumanization ("far worse", by his own admission). This is the type of dim, vacant mind I'm dealing with here. If you don't care for that assessment, then don't ever make comments such as you have and not be prepared to back them up in the slightest. I don't take kindly to anyone who would defend in any way what Erasure has said herein, so I won't ask your forgiveness for my intensity in this instance. Some things don't deserve to be defended.

Now I'm finished.


Realizing how far behind you are in conversation. It pains me to realize my own stupidity. You literaly arguing with things I never said. Your arguing with thigns you said. I've never used those words in my live but your saying I believe them and or I feel that way? I would have to look them up to even be 100% on the exact meaning. I can't believe I got sucked into this nonsense. And I get sucked in all the time. This is a new low for me.


Count of Concision
darscot said:
Like I said get up to speed and move on. Your trying to argue nonsense here. Me and you do not agree on what he said. I do not feel what he said was what you feel he said. Can you not see that. I don't know how many times we have to go over this. When you read what he wrote it computed to equal one thing. That thins apparently was very bad worse then racism in your mind. When I read what he wrote it computed to something else. That somethign else was not so bad or worse then racism. Can we not just agree to disagree. For most of the thread your yelling night and I'm yelling day. I realize now it's because you hours behind.

The fact is that, according to the rules of the English language, his statements cannot be construed in any other way than what I've proposed (and what most others besides yourself understood them as). You're simply reading meaning into his statements to make them more palatable to the masses and more amenable to your own worldview. That still doesn't change what he actually said, though.

I know how to read English-- do you? There is no "other way" to "compute" what he said. Keep living in your gibberish dreamland, darscot.

Yes, darscot, I know I'm really waaay out there in my belief that murder, or the acceptance thereof, is worse than racism. Yup-- I'm a regular nutcase. Unfortunately for you, 99% of the thinking world would agree with me.

Now I'm finished.


Count of Concision
darscot said:
Realizing how far behind you are in conversation. It pains me to realize my own stupidity. You literaly arguing with things I never said. Your arguing with thigns you said. I've never used those words in my live but your saying I believe them and or I feel that way? I would have to look them up to even be 100% on the exact meaning. I can't believe I got sucked into this nonsense. And I get sucked in all the time. This is a new low for me.

I wasn't behind in the conversation at all-- you were just saying the same thing 25 different ways in an attempt to obscure the issue, and I refused to give you a free pass on it, as perhaps some other, more charitable person, would have done. Nice try to make it seem like I'm arguing with myself, but anyone who can read (see: ~ darscot) will realize that you've indicted yourself by your own words.

It's good to see that you're finally owning up to your own inadequacies, however.


If it will make you stop I'll stroke youe ego all you like. I have been owned you are the man. Thank you for your mercy. Nothing could be worse then the fact that I even had this converstion. I feel like I spent the last hour masterbating with a cheese grater.


One last thing I just noticed the views on this thread. I'm taking allot of you lurkers down with me for reading this nonsense.


Spectral Glider said:
So when and where exactly did you cast your vote for or against invading Iraq? How many others voted on that issue with you? Where you asked to vote to decide if taxes should be raised or lowered? I really wish I was able to vote against the raising of the turnpike toll here in PA, but damn, guess I missed the day that was held.

I voted on all these things when I voted for my Senetor/Represnative and as well as when I voted for President. Lets not act as if we vote without knowing anything about the people running, then they get into office and act the way they want. You voted for people who inbody the same ideas and who you believe will do as you would if you were in their shoes, hence the term Reprsentative. A inner city black guy isn't more than likely to vote for a candidate who is for southern states rights. It's pretty easy to tell who is going to vote for a tax cut and who isn't. If you don't like taxes you vote for the candidate that's against raising taxes, you don't have to vote on not raising taxes personally.


Count of Concision
darscot said:
If it will make you stop I'll stroke youe ego all you like. I have been owned you are the man. Thank you for your mercy. Nothing could be worse then the fact that I even had this converstion. I feel like I spent the last hour masterbating with a cheese grater.

Yes, keep trying to spin this into some "Loki egotism" thing while completely ignoring your own part in making the statements you did and not backing them up. The only reason I've been so insistent is because, like I said, it gets my dander up when someone basically calls my family and I pigs and says that we deserve to be murdered. Anyone who even remotely defends such statements is going to be in my crosshairs, yeah. Sorry.

If this experience will make you think twice before you enter another topic and make some blithe comment, well then, I've done my job. :D


Loki said:
If this experience will make you think twice before you enter another topic and make some blithe comment, well then, I've done my job. :D

I wouldn't be so overconfident about that. :(


I've stroked your ego now don't go and get a swelled head. You go on about how it isn't ego yet brag about your cross hairs and how I'm going to have to think twice and you've done your job. Dude I know about ego mine is huge. Were arguing online no matter how you slice it that makes us both retards.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che said:
You shouldn't really say that since the attacks against Iran were planned and executed with the infinite help and cooperation of the US goverment... Your naiveness is unstoppable.

Che, this is incoherent (as usual). You said that "making money by killing innocent women men and children, is the most disgusting thing the human race has ever done, and anyone who agrees with it or even tolerates it doesn't deserve to live." Saddam Hussein did this in spades. He made vast sums of money by killing innocent people, which allowed him to stay in power and loot the oil wealth of his country. And you tolerated it. In fact, you disapprove of any means to end it: sanctions, war, etc. The question is this: why is it OK for Saddam to do it, and (assuming for discussion purposes the worst about American intentions) not George Bush? Do you expect less of Saddam because he is an Arab? That is a profoundly racist viewpoint.

1. Did Saddam make money by killing innocent people?
2. Did you tolerate this?
3. Do you "deserve to die"?
I hope you "have time" to post something coherent in reply.


C'mon guys stop it. You're just arguing on details. Now let's make fun of someone really ignorant. Guiless, Mustang care to join the discussion?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
darscot said:
I've stroked your ego now don't go and get a swelled head. You go on about how it isn't ego yet brag about your cross hairs and how I'm going to have to think twice and you've done your job. Dude I know about ego mine is huge. Were arguing online no matter how you slice it that makes us both retards.

Yes, both of you are quite wrong about everything you've said and I can't disagree with that final line either. :D

On a side note...did you know that an extended trailer for Alone in the Dark was released?


Now THAT'S bad. -shiver-


Count of Concision
darscot said:
I've stroked your ego now don't go and get a swelled head. You go on about how it isn't ego yet brag about your cross hairs and how I'm going to have to think twice and you've done your job. Dude I know about ego mine is huge.

This has nothing to do with my ego-- I couldn't care less, even if you fought me tooth and nail to the bitter end and never "stroked my ego" (your words, not mine). I simply take exception to the sorts of things which were said herein, and also to anyone who would defend them. But you're free to view this however you wish-- makes no difference to me.

Were arguing online no matter how you slice it that makes us both retards.

Speak for yourself...


Count of Concision
dark10x said:
Yes, both of you are quite wrong about everything you've said and I can't disagree with that final line either. :D

If you're so quick to tell me that I'm wrong about "everything I've said", then why don't you step up to the plate and answer the questions I posed to darscot? It's very easy to sit there and make empty statements, you know. :)


Man, I'm a stuborn fuck, and I'm sure a few people here realise I tend to be a bit of an odd fellow. I tend to pretty much take my own side and stick to it far longer then I should. I feel on several occasion tried to present an easy out for both of us. But dude you got head like rock.


Guileless said:
Che, this is incoherent (as usual). You said that "making money by killing innocent women men and children, is the most disgusting thing the human race has ever done, and anyone who agrees with it or even tolerates it doesn't deserve to live." Saddam Hussein did this in spades. He made vast sums of money by killing innocent people, which allowed him to stay in power and loot the oil wealth of his country. And you tolerated it. In fact, you disapprove of any means to end it: sanctions, war, etc. The question is this: why is it OK for Saddam to do it, and (assuming for discussion purposes the worst about American intentions) not George Bush? Do you expect less of Saddam because he is an Arab? That is a profoundly racist viewpoint.

1. Did Saddam make money by killing innocent people?
2. Did you tolerate this?
3. Do you "deserve to die"?
I hope you "have time" to post something coherent in reply.

Damnit you're fast! Anyway you haven't added something new to the argument. My last answer to you still stands. And btw who *EVER* told you that I agree with what Saddam did. He's a butcher like all the dictators US has installed in the past.


Guileless said:
I finally agree with you Che. Saddam's modus operandi--to steal the oil revenue from his people to build palaces and the army, as he indiscriminately raped and killed them to stay in power--shouldn't have been tolerated. Attacking four different neighboring countires, killing innocent women and children in an effort to expand his borders and get more oil, shouldn't have been tolerated. The French and Russian companies that lent him money and equipment are disgusting. The UN bureacrats who took kickbacks and winked as Saddam continued to steal Oil for Food Money are equally disgusting.

Who would tolerate such aberrant behavior? They deserve to die, right Che? Do you have time to answer this question?



Count of Concision
darscot said:
I feel on several occasion tried to present an easy out for both of us. But dude you got head like rock.

I didn't want an "easy out"-- I wanted clarity. As for my rock-like head, well, I don't necessarily disagree with that assessment. ;) :p

No hard feelings-- you seem to be a decent enough fellow; I hope you take my statements as to why I was so vehement and persistent in this thread at face value. It was nothing personal (beyond what you posted, that is). :)


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I've corrected you before on this Che. The US did not install Saddam, he seized power completely independent of the US government. Any support Saddam ever received from this country was obviously a mistake, even if at the time he seemed to be the lesser of two evils compared to Iran. History proved that was wrong. That's why the government changed policy and sought his ouster. And yet you opposed it. You tolerated the killing of innocent people to make money.

Now, will you answer the questions or refer me to your earlier incoherence again?
ShadowRed said:
I voted on all these things when I voted for my Senetor/Represnative and as well as when I voted for President. Lets not act as if we vote without knowing anything about the people running, then they get into office and act the way they want. You voted for people who inbody the same ideas and who you believe will do as you would if you were in their shoes, hence the term Reprsentative. A inner city black guy isn't more than likely to vote for a candidate who is for southern states rights. It's pretty easy to tell who is going to vote for a tax cut and who isn't. If you don't like taxes you vote for the candidate that's against raising taxes, you don't have to vote on not raising taxes personally.

None of that changes the fact that at the end of the day, the reperesentatives do not turn back to the civilians and ask for their final, majority opinion on a specific matter. Plus, there's no way a voter has any idea of all the specific issues, or how many, that may rise up once a certain admininstration or individual takes office.

Also, the country was more or less split on Bush/Gore, and therefore throwing a blanket of "Because Bush is President you all voted for the killing of innocents and thus you or your family members deserve to die" is cop out bullshit.


Guileless said:
I've corrected you before on this Che. The US did not install Saddam, he seized power completely independent of the US government. Any support Saddam ever received from this country was obviously a mistake, even if at the time he seemed to be the lesser of two evils compared to Iran. History proved that was wrong. That's why the government changed policy and sought his ouster. And yet you opposed it. You tolerated the killing of innocent people to make money.

Now, will you answer the questions or refer me to your earlier incoherence again?

You're boring me. The answers are in my last posts directed to you. And the US policy changed when Saddam changed his oil policy. Well what a coincidense! Plz take into account that I'm not going to reply to your posts if they're as repetitive as your last ones.


Ripclawe said:

you have to register but the plan is simultaneously killing world leaders with british leaders being the prime target. Gordon Brown pic was found on one of the disks.

Wow! Al Qaeda is trying to make a world a better place! I mean if they eliminate all these rotten politicians they'll make us all a favor. Terrorists my ass. These guys love the world. Now if they could make some time in their schedule to bomb a couple of hundrend corporations...


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che said:
Plz take into account that I'm not going to reply to your posts if they're as repetitive as your last ones.

No, you're not going to respond to my questions because you can't, since you are unable to post anything besides incoherent pablum. Last time you didn't "have time", this time I'm "boring you." Whatever. If you ever want to try to actually justify or explain your absurd statements, I'm here.


*wanders into thread late*

Hot damn! Never seen Loki snap before, even with Nrxic. ErasureAcer sure got slapped around.

I always enjoy reading Loki lay the smack-down on the idiots at first, but it always gets old. It's always the same. Darscot continues to insult Loki, despite never addressing any of the points Loki brings up.

Hey Darscot, here's a little hint you seem to not have picked up on: When you can't refute any of the arguments the other guy has brought up, and simply resort to baseless insults, condescension and evasion, you aren't winning the argument :p
Loki said:
I, too, can "understand" why terrorists would be mad at us. But
which, in some not-so-distant future, will be death at the hands of terrorists. So it's actually quite plain to see that you did, in fact, state that we deserve to die because we're Americans.

When did I ever say "die"? That is your word not mine. I said we get what we deserve. Apparently you think it is death.

I did say if you or I died tomorrow by terrorists, I'd blame the American government for their horrible policies that provoke these people to attack America and Americans. I also said I wouldn't cry over any American deaths because we've dealt our share to the world already as we've been in an everlasting war for the past 5 plus decades. We as citizens support this war through who we elect, our tax dollars and help keeping the American economy afloat. We are guilty of supporting this country(and all that it stands for) even if we don't agree with everything the government does.

We get what we deserve. Rather you want to see us as pigs or heroes is up to you. As others have pointed out, our foreign policy over the years has been barbaric and pig-like...if it looks like a pig, and smells like a pig...it must be a pig. So yeah, pigs we get what pigs deserve.

You seem to think that because I think America is evil that I'm a bad person or something. If anything I would like to see this country change and be the real leader it proclaims to be. But with Kerry or Bush to be president, I don't think that's going to happen. Always 2008, right?

If we're all still alive that is.


Setec Astronomer
We as citizens support this war through who we elect, our tax dollars and help keeping the American economy afloat. We are guilty of supporting this country(and all that it stands for) even if we don't agree with everything the government does.
Nevermind that elected officials do such things after being voted in, nevermind that paying taxes is not voluntary, and nevermind that maybe people who live here should actually make a living. The only case you could make is for those who vote for a specific President's reelection.

After all your backpedaling, you come up with this bullshit. Sorry, but Loki is right, you're a stupid fuck, and it's not because you're bashing America, it's because you're arbitrarily assigning guilt to people who have had little control over the circumstances you are talking about.


Count of Concision
Minotauro said:
Why was Darscot banned?

Had nothing to do with me, I hope. Despite our intoxicating palaver, I didn't think he said anything ban-worthy. I know I certainly didn't ask to have him banned or anything. Perhaps something happened in another thread...


That's a whole lotta sophistry and equivocation right there. You didn't say that we deserve to die? The topic was terrorism, you were speaking of terrorists, and you then proceeded to say that there "are no innocent Americans", and that "all Americans are pigs who will get what they deserve". Now, I ask you, what is it that terrorists desire to do to us, Erasure? Simply break a few bones? Pull a few nose hairs out? Make nice-nice with us? No, they desire to kill us; you were clearly condoning such a mindset and intent on their part with your words, as evidenced by the fact that I was not the only person who took exception to your words. That either means that I and several other very intelligent people were wrong, or that you were wrong (either in your sentiment or merely in how you phrased it, giving you the benefit of the doubt). And I know that I wasn't mistaken in my analysis of your words-- indeed, there is only one conclusion which can be drawn from them. Your present evasiveness borders on the absurd. It got a good chuckle out of me, though. :)

You seem to think that because I think America is evil that I'm a bad person or something.

No, I don't think you're a bad person for that, but rather because you'd excuse the murder of innocents (yes, there are innocent Americans) due to some contorted logic which you can't defend. I think that America is pretty screwed up as well, though I hesitate to use the term "evil"-- so I agree with you in that regard. It's your other, more extreme, statements which irk me. They don't logically follow from your more sensible premises.

And, to indulge you a bit more than you've warranted, allow me to ask you how, precisely, Americans are supposed to "take back" their government and their nation and lead it back down the path of righteousness and virtue? Do you think it's simply a matter of electing different candidates (independent candidates, even)? News flash: it's not that easy. I await your answer.

Boogie: Glad I could provide you with some amusement for the evening. ;)


Count of Concision
Hitokage said:
Nevermind that elected officials do such things after being voted in, nevermind that paying taxes is not voluntary, and nevermind that maybe people who live here should actually make a living. The only case you could make is for those who vote for a specific President's reelection.

After all your backpedaling, you come up with this bullshit. Sorry, but Loki is right, you're a stupid fuck, and it's not because you're bashing America, it's because you're arbitrarily assigning guilt to people who have had little control over the circumstances you are talking about.

Exactly. Thanks for stating it better (or at least more succinctly ;)) than I ever could. :p


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wow! I've been coming to this board for over 5 years and never have I seen someone get so thoroougly dominated and used as darscot was by Loki.

Nice job Loki. Your mastering of the english language is truly impressive.
*sniff sniff* I smell Hitokage. Only he can ban people because their opinion is different from his. No other mod does that.
Btw I also smell my ban. Guess why.
Can we please have some kind of basis as to why people are banned, instead of people whose opinions run contrary to the "cool GA crowd"?

I mean,mods, okay, I respect you for doing your jobs... but I don't understand why there can't be healthy (if not necessarily intelligent) debate around these parts.
fortified_concept said:
*sniff sniff* I smell Hitokage. Only he can ban people because their opinion is different from his. No other mod does that.
Btw I also smell my ban. Guess why.

Fuck off dude, I've NEVER seen Hito ban someone because of opposing views. I've seen Dragona ban people because of... well, okay, whatever... I've seen Mike Works ban people b/c their opinions differ from his (hell, I've even been victim of dude editing my posts for whatever reason). I've seen Bishop ban people b/c they don't believe in the one true and living wrestling god - but that's merely a joke.

Are you people - okay, are you mods - so afraid of opposing views that you have to ban people for expressing them? Either make the playing field fair or ban everyone whose opinions differ from yours.


*drowns in jizz*
So how the fuck can they not know who it is, if they know everything to the 'screwdriver' level. And whats the point of publicizing it if they don't know who?

So fucked up.


Che said:
Wow! Al Qaeda is trying to make a world a better place! I mean if they eliminate all these rotten politicians they'll make us all a favor. Terrorists my ass. These guys love the world. Now if they could make some time in their schedule to bomb a couple of hundrend corporations...

Yes, because terrorist know that the guys that replace the people they kill will be more friendly to their cause. Now wheres a rolleyes when you need one.
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