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U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda plans major assassination; Bin Laden will signal attack

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Hitokage said:
Also wrong.

I apologize then. I thought you used to ban liberals in the past and I still had that impression of you. I feel bad when I make stupid accusations so sorry.

Btw mods if we're not free to state our opinion or argue with each other, then what is this forum for?


Setec Astronomer
*sigh* In case some of you didn't notice, Darscot stopped arguing a while ago, even though he kept posting. It had nothing to do with his viewpoint. Besides, it was a 6 hour ban anyway. :p

I apologize then. I thought you used to ban liberals in the past and I still had that impression of you. I feel bad when I make stupid accusations so sorry.
I've banned people who insist on painting everything with a wide brush, such as "all conservatives are evil" or whatnot... but that is not "banning liberals", more like "banning idiots who can't differentiate between ideological groups".


Phoenix said:
Yes, because terrorist know that the guys that replace the people they kill will be more friendly to their cause. Now wheres a rolleyes when you need one.

C'mon man don't you have a sense of humor? Use it!

***note to me: Stop using c'mon all the time.


Hitokage said:
I've banned people who insist on painting everything with a wide brush, such as "all conservatives are evil" or whatnot... but that is not "banning liberals", more like "banning idiots who can't differentiate between ideological groups".

Oh no!(*) Can I, at least, use the "all conservatives are stupid"?(**)

*Just kidding
**Don't ban me but I'm quite sure they are(***)
***Just kidding(****)
****I could go on and on...(*****)
*****I like asterisks


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Btw mods if we're not free to state our opinion or argue with each other, then what is this forum for

Standards of decency. There are plenty of unmoderated forums to flee to -- they're generally called "cesspools." Hurry along now, we won't stop you.


Setec Astronomer
Che: I didn't mean jokingly. :p There was once a guy who seriously kept spouting how everyone who was remotely conservative was a complete idiot... he also liked to reregister...
I'll stand by my stance that Americans deserve to be attacked. Just as the Japs deserved to be attacked in WWII. They started a war with us...we nuked their civilians, right? Isn't that how history went...didn't we win because of that? We start wars with countries all the time that we have been in a never ending war against some "enemy" for the past 60 years...this enemy that we want to supress, not because they've done anything to America but because we want to dominate the globe...just like Japan wanted to back in 1941. The scale might be slightly off but the intentions are the same. Just like the japs deserved to get hit...so do we. If people die...that's what we get. And Bush is just as insane as that Japanese emperor was. Both think some divine power is on their side for starters. MORONS.

I ask you all to take a step back from your "Americanism" and see this country for what it really is. A world dictatorship.

Change can only happen with us the American people...if we aren't strong enough as a whole to change, to change who we vote for, to change the way we think, to cut out the BS pundits on TV who tell us what to believe(which are mostly lies) then this country will burn in flames because we will be in these wars forever.

I can't change people's minds. I can do my part and preach to people on how I see things but in the end it is up to all of you to do your part as well.

Cobb for President.


Hitokage said:
Che: I didn't mean jokingly. :p There was once a guy who seriously kept spouting how everyone who was remotely conservative was a complete idiot... he also liked to reregister...

A guy who got banned again and again and kept making the same mistake? And you say, he called others idiots? Hmmm...


*drowns in jizz*
Oh, and isn't Bin Laden supposed to be irrelevant now, and not a priority according to Bush? Yet he's 'signaling attacks'?


ManDudeChild said:
Well that about wraps it up for your comments on your not wanting Americans to die ... AGAIN.
Not "die". Just "attacked". Like, a swift kick in the shin, a noogie, or radiation sickness.


Count of Concision
Socreges said:
Not "die". Just "attacked". Like, a swift kick in the shin, a noogie, or radiation sickness.

Haha, you said "noogie". :D That got a laugh from me. :p

Yeah, Erasure's been really consistent with his views, eh? ;) I'm done with him, though. I've lost enough brain cells for one thread.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che, I see you're not "too bored" to keep posting in this thread, only "too bored" to defend your absurd statements. You are a complete joke.

19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi ErasureAcer. I don't recall the United States ever attacking Saudi Arabia. A few were Egyptian. Don't think we ever attacked them either. In fact, Egypt receives the second-most foreign aid of any nation from the United States. I'm not seeing this World War II Japan analogy. I don't think comparing total war as practiced by nation-states to religious fanatics who have no immediate goal other than killing as many people as possible is very helpful.


Hitokage said:
. Sorry, but Loki is right, you're a stupid fuck, and it's not because you're bashing America, it's because you're arbitrarily assigning guilt to people who have had little control over the circumstances you are talking about.

Since when are the shortcomings of a political system an excuse for irresponsible behaviour? It's the duty of every citizen to make sure the country is being run by competent people. Yeah, it's your duty as well Hito, don't shrug it off so easily.

The american people (in particular) are like a big flock of sheep. They are manipulated on their journey by Bush, Kerry, Coca-Cola and fairly recently, Al-Qaida too. As long as nobody thinks and acts for himself, nobody is guilty of anything and they can go on with their comfortable life. Just don't go crying when the flock finally reaches their ultimate destination and it is not what you expected it to be. You had every chance to rebel.

To put this in perspective, I'm from the Netherlands and my government is largely incompetent as well. People die in African countries with odd names and nobody gives a fuck. I'll admit I made no real effort to amend this, I too am a sheep. But at least we don't go around bombing people and make excuses and shift the blame afterwards.


Guileless said:
Che, I see you're not "too bored" to keep posting in this thread, only "too bored" to defend your absurd statements. You are a complete joke.

19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi ErasureAcer. I don't recall the United States ever attacking Saudi Arabia. A few were Egyptian. Don't think we ever attacked them either. In fact, Egypt receives the second-most foreign aid of any nation from the United States. I'm not seeing this World War II Japan analogy. I don't think comparing total war as practiced by nation-states to religious fanatics who have no immediate goal other than killing as many people as possible is very helpful.

A avoid your arguments cause they're soooo weak that I feel stupid replying to you. Really. And btw none of what I said is "absurd statements". They're facts every smart person knows.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che, pease enlighten me with your superior intellect. Surely a person of your many gifts feels some obligation to help those of us who are less fortunate. It won't take you long to answer these simple questions. If you still refuse, the only conclusion anyone can come to is that you are unable to support your arguments under even cursory scrutiny. If that's the case, you should quit posting because you are wasting everyone's time.

1. Did Saddam kill people to make money?
2. Did you tolerate this?
3. If so, do you "deserve to die" as you stated earlier in this thread?


ErasureAcer said:
Just as the Japs deserved to be attacked in WWII.

You know this is long over due but you really need to STFU.

Referring to the Japanese as "Japs" is a racist term and the fact that its the year 2004 and people are STILL doing shit like this makes me SICK. If you would have said shit about some other race you'd be banned by now but for some reason its "okay" to make fun of the Japanese. The double standard is amazing. Hopefully you will be banned or get some sort of punishment because if I made fun of your race and said shit then I'd be banned.


Setec Astronomer
CrunchyB said:
Since when are the shortcomings of a political system an excuse for irresponsible behaviour? It's the duty of every citizen to make sure the country is being run by competent people. Yeah, it's your duty as well Hito, don't shrug it off so easily.

The american people (in particular) are like a big flock of sheep. They are manipulated on their journey by Bush, Kerry, Coca-Cola and fairly recently, Al-Qaida too. As long as nobody thinks and acts for himself, nobody is guilty of anything and they can go on with their comfortable life. Just don't go crying when the flock finally reaches their ultimate destination and it is not what you expected it to be. You had every chance to rebel.

To put this in perspective, I'm from the Netherlands and my government is largely incompetent as well. People die in African countries with odd names and nobody gives a fuck. I'll admit I made no real effort to amend this, I too am a sheep. But at least we don't go around bombing people and make excuses and shift the blame afterwards.
You completely missed my point. While some people may be guilty of being irresponsible, to simply brand all Americans, even those who have worked for change but did not succeed, as irresponsible is complete bullshit.


I dont see how its disparaging...
Something like gook i'll give you..
jap.. no

People are way too uptight. I long for someone to call me white devil or cracka... its funny dammit.


dem said:
I dont see how its disparaging...
Something like gook i'll give you..
jap.. no

Maybe you don't see it as disparaging since your white and not Japanese.

But I'm glad that a white person has decided what is racist and what isn't for everyone else because of course if you didn't then who would.


Quit calling me white.
Im glad youve decided that white isnt a racist term.. but Im offended by it.


dem said:
Quit calling me white.
Im glad youve decided that white isnt a racist term.. but Im offended by it.


"Definition White Of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration, especially one of European origin."

"also White A member of a racial group of people having light skin coloration, especially one of European origin."

So that's disparaging even though the dictionary finds it an acceptable term but when the dictionary DEFINES THE WORD AS DISPARAGING AND ONLY AS DISPARAGING it isn't? Yeah that makes sense.

Looks like your now going to have to attack the makers of the dictionary.


If you can call me white.. I guess i can call you yellow.

My god youre uptight. You sir, are exactly whats wrong with the world today.


"jap" is a racist term. not used as much as it was during WWII...but it's still a racist term. Saying it isn't is like saying the n-word isn't racist.
dem said:
I dont see how its disparaging...
Something like gook i'll give you..
jap.. no

People are way too uptight. I long for someone to call me white devil or cracka... its funny dammit.

Maybe you're just ignorant of how offensive it can be. I had to interview some people who went to internment camps during WWII, and the term "jap" is one that they did not like very much. It was used more often during the WWII time in a similar manner to the "N-word". The term is loaded with negative connotations. It's usage has gone down over the years, but that doesn't diminish the term's negative connotations.

edit: pah desperado beat me to it


Guileless said:
Che, pease enlighten me with your superior intellect. Surely a person of your many gifts feels some obligation to help those of us who are less fortunate. It won't take you long to answer these simple questions. If you still refuse, the only conclusion anyone can come to is that you are unable to support your arguments under even cursory scrutiny. If that's the case, you should quit posting because you are wasting everyone's time.

1. Did Saddam kill people to make money?
2. Did you tolerate this?
3. If so, do you "deserve to die" as you stated earlier in this thread?

I'll answer but stop stalking me, as I told you I feel stupid replying to your childish questions.

1. No you answer me if USA was helping Saddam so that they make money. Saddam killed people with USA's weapons.

2. No you idiot I didn't tolerate that, I've told you like a million times that I hated Saddam like any other dictator. Can you at least understand English? Damn...

3. I don't "deserve to die" cause unlike you I hate war mongers and butchers like the US goverment, Saddam, Bin Laden, Sharon, Pinochet, Suharto, Papadopoulos (Greek dictator installed by US - died in prison) and other installed or not by US dictators.


And to that I say...
Get over it

No ones using it as some sort of racist term anymore. What the fuck else are we going to call them... Japanese? We have to call them Japanese for the rest of time??? We're NEVER going to shorten it up??
dem said:
And to that I say...
Get over it

No ones using it as some sort of racist term anymore. What the fuck else are we going to call them... Japanese? We have to call them Japanese for the rest of time??? We're NEVER going to shorten it up??

What's wrong with calling them Japanese? That's just 3 syllables. You aren't killling your mouth by using the correct term. Anyways, it's very common to use terms like "Americans", "Italians", or "Canadians"... these are just as equally as long. You seriously can't be that lazy.


Much harder than it is to say Japs... :p

And yes I can be that lazy.

Anyway.. all youre doing by restraining from saying Jap is protecting the negatives associated with it. Look what the black population did to nigga.. best word ever now!

americans = yanks
canadians = canucks.. nucks.. whatever.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I had to ask you repeatedly because you avoided the issue repeatedly. I finally shamed you into some kind of answer, inadequate though it is.

No you answer me if USA was helping Saddam so that they make money. Saddam killed people with USA's weapons.

OK, you didn't answer the question but the answer is obvious. Saddam killed people to make money. In spades. A lot of people. Too many to count. Why can't you admit that?
As for your question: As I said before, any support the US gave Saddam was, in retrospect, wrong. US policy became to seek regime change because it disagreed with Saddam's policies so strongly. Saddam killed people with or without US weapons, and he would have continued to do so with or without US weapons. The presence or absence of US weapons had nothing to do with Saddam's policies. Your question is irrelevant.

2. No you idiot I didn't tolerate that, I've told you like a million times that I hated Saddam like any other dictator. Can you at least understand English? Damn...

OK, you didn't "tolerate" it. What did you want to do about it? War? Sanctions? Anything? Saying you didn't "tolerate" something without also agreeing to some means to end what you don't tolerate is completely worthless. It's like saying that I don't tolerate gravity. I can say it, but what does it mean? Absolutely nothing, kind of like your statements.

I don't deserve to die

But you said that anyone who tolerates people that kill others to make money does deserve to die. Saddam killed people to make money. You were opposed to any reasonable means of stopping it. Most people would call that tolerance. In fact, that's the dictionary definition of tolerance: allowing something to happen by not taking affirmative steps to end it.

Your posts are incomparably poorly written and thought out. I realize English is a second language to you, but I don't go on Greek websites and say ridiculous things in Greek. You know why? Because I would sound like an idiot.
dem said:
Much harder than it is to say Japs... :p

And yes I can be that lazy.

Anyway.. all youre doing by restraining from saying Jap is protecting the negatives associated with it. Look what the black population did to nigga.. best word ever now!

americans = yanks
canadians = canucks.. nucks.. whatever.

Uh... it's still not socially acceptable to say "nigga" unless you are black. Of course I find it silly that there is a double standard but, whatever, I still can't say it without getting some kind of backlash. I'm kind of shocked that you call Americans "yanks", Canadians "Canucks", British "Brits"...etc... Is your language always this casual?

The term "Jap" is still very negative. Try listening to some WWII vets who still hate Japanese people or some hicks.



Guileless said:
I had to ask you repeatedly because you avoided the issue repeatedly. I finally shamed you into some kind of answer, inadequate though it is.

OK, you didn't answer the question but the answer is obvious. Saddam killed people to make money. In spades. A lot of people. Too many to count. Why can't you admit that?
As for your question: As I said before, any support the US gave Saddam was, in retrospect, wrong. US policy became to seek regime change because it disagreed with Saddam's policies so strongly. Saddam killed people with or without US weapons, and he would have continued to do so with or without US weapons. The presence or absence of US weapons had nothing to do with Saddam's policies. Your question is irrelevant.

OK, you didn't "tolerate" it. What did you want to do about it? War? Sanctions? Anything? Saying you didn't "tolerate" something without also agreeing to some means to end what you don't tolerate is completely worthless. It's like saying that I don't tolerate gravity. I can say it, but what does it mean? Absolutely nothing, kind of like your statements.

But you said that anyone who tolerates people that kill others to make money does deserve to die. Saddam killed people to make money. You were opposed to any reasonable means of stopping it. Most people would call that tolerance. In fact, that's the dictionary definition of tolerance: allowing something to happen by not taking affirmative steps to end it.

Your stupidity makes me mad. What did you expect to mean when I said the people who tolerate war mongers deserve to die? I suggested be against them, let people know, demontrate anything ANYTHING against them and most of all do not support. In other words the exact opposite of what you're doing. What did you expect me to do with your childish mind, go out with an Uzi and start shooting at Saddam? Stop watching Rambo kid.

PS. And btw that is why I hate arguing with you. You're so damn stupid that instead of discussing about the general idea you hang on every single word like an idiot so that the argument leads to nothing. BYE.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Che said:
Your stupidity makes me mad... You're so damn stupid that instead of discussing about the general idea you hang on every single word like an idiot so that the argument leads to nothing. BYE.

Translation: I cannot refute your points so I will call you stupid and leave. Behold, the debating tactics of a 5 year old.


Online Ho Champ
ErasureAcer said:
I'll stand by my stance that Americans deserve to be attacked. Just as the Japs deserved to be attacked in WWII. They started a war with us...we nuked their civilians, right? Isn't that how history went...didn't we win because of that? We start wars with countries all the time that we have been in a never ending war against some "enemy" for the past 60 years...this enemy that we want to supress, not because they've done anything to America but because we want to dominate the globe...just like Japan wanted to back in 1941. The scale might be slightly off but the intentions are the same. Just like the japs deserved to get hit...so do we. If people die...that's what we get. And Bush is just as insane as that Japanese emperor was. Both think some divine power is on their side for starters. MORONS.

I ask you all to take a step back from your "Americanism" and see this country for what it really is. A world dictatorship.

Change can only happen with us the American people...if we aren't strong enough as a whole to change, to change who we vote for, to change the way we think, to cut out the BS pundits on TV who tell us what to believe(which are mostly lies) then this country will burn in flames because we will be in these wars forever.

I can't change people's minds. I can do my part and preach to people on how I see things but in the end it is up to all of you to do your part as well.

Cobb for President.

Are you insane? Yes the united states did engage in imperialism just like every other world power at the time but are you kidding me??? Yeah we were in the Phillipines, yeah we had many fledgling intrests like puerto rico but World Dictatorship? where did you get that? Because we have armed forces deployed everywhere? Thats more because our allies in the UN cant do shit because they lost their pull in WWII. Why did we have to go to Gaza in the 40's after the war? Because france and england couldnt stop the fighting. Why did we go to Vietnam? Because France thought it was a great idea to have a colony in the 20th century and guess what they couldnt back up their talk. What they did have was an ally that happened to be one of the last men standing from the WW2 fall out. Its like we HAVE to be everywhere , after WWII the UN was formed to police the world and so that every nation played a part. Turns out we are the broadsword of the UN, we get the shit done. When war was going on in EUROPE, in yugoslavia what did our UN allies do? Did they even care, surrounded by italy, france, germany, greece, and other so called UN allies what did they do to stop that shit that was going on in their own back yard? They called us. Who makes up the majority of forces holding the demilitarized zone in Korea? The defense of south korea was a UN action why are we the only ones left? World Dictatorship is Operation Orient, Manchuria during the 30's and 40's, Communist China, The Eastern Bloc. Yes there has been an enemy for the past 60 years and its called complacency and it nearly caused this nation to be deystroyed. Isolating ourselves from the world almost insured one thing, that there would be no one left to aid us in our time of need because everyone else would be gone. Im not saying the US is some squeaky clean nation with untaintable leadership, but you need to grow up the shit we been doing is whats been going on since men were forming nations we just learned from some of the best.

If communist, VIETNAM would not have ended AMERICAN capitalism. Vietnam is not America. duh. We lost the war and look, is America communist today? No.

Removing publically elected Presidents in Central America and South America is not "policing the world for the UN's failures." It's deliberately "playing god" over a sovereign group of people. Emperical at the least.

Training tens of thousands of people to kill in Latin America isn't productive....especially when they're kooks like Noriega and Pinochet.

Arming Saddam Hussein and then complaining that he has weapons is just moronic.

We blew up the japs because they were empirical. All I'm trying to say is that if history is a guideline to further actions then we will be attacked more and more and more until we become peaceful with our actions. If it was right for the US to attack Japan it is right for arab people, central american people, and south american people to attack the US.

If people want to complain that "oh we're being attacked"...too bad you get what you deserve...just like the japanese got what they deserve.

Karma people. Karma. What goes around comes around. Don't bitch when it happens to you.


ErasureAcer said:
We blew up the japs because they were empirical.
Evidence? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

If it was right for the US to attack Japan it is right for arab people, central american people, and south american people to attack the US.

If people want to complain that "oh we're being attacked"...too bad you get what you deserve...just like the japanese got what they deserve.
Ummm...have you ever heard about Pearl Harbor? Even though Japan had performed acts of aggression throughout the Pacific, we did not respond until we were attacked without warning. That blows a gigantic hole in your argument that "imperialism" is the reason we ended up fighting Japan in World War II.

I don't know what your issue is, but the fact that you are AGGRESSIVELY dumb as fuck is really starting to bother me. There are plenty of things about American foreign policy which are a cause for concern, and we aren't going to get any safer if we don't start understanding how our image in the world influences the desire of people to bring harm to us. But you CLEARLY have no grasp whatsoever about historical events, present context, or subtleties of any kind. Feel free to go off in a corner and inhale your own naivete until you pass out, but please shut the fuck up about wishing harm to people who have NOTHING TO DO with American foreign policy.

And, oh yeah, Erasure sucks nyah nyah.


Count of Concision
-jinx- said:
Evidence? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Hah, that was the first thing that popped into my head when I read that, and I was about to post it until I scrolled down and saw your post. Guess we're even now on the preempted posts. ;) :p

EDIT: Erasure, I'm still awaiting an answer to this question I posed to you, because I'm honestly curious:

...allow me to ask you how, precisely, Americans are supposed to "take back" their government and their nation and lead it back down the path of righteousness and virtue? Do you think it's simply a matter of electing different candidates (independent candidates, even)? News flash: it's not that easy. I await your answer.

Whenever you get the chance...


*drowns in jizz*
Its called fucking waking up. Its scary Bush even has a chance to get reelected, and that that many americans support him and the administration. What are they supporting?Something is definitely wrong with that.


Count of Concision
Slurpy said:
Its called fucking waking up. Its scary Bush even has a chance to get reelected, and that that many americans support him and the administration. What are they supporting?Something is definitely wrong with that.

Was that directed at me? If so, do you really think that true change is going to come simply by way of Bush's ouster? I staunchly disagree. And by that I mean not just "an end to the war in Iraq", but real change. That's not going to happen no matter whom you'd care to empower imo. Which candidate will end our absolutely useless and lopsided support of Israel? Which candidate will take a stand against corporate malfeasance, against the deleterious effect that the "profit motive" has had on all spheres of life, against the propagation of spurious values via our entertainment media, against the ubiquitous assault on the family, against the shallow and reckless mentality which results from lax educational standards and the devaluation of civics, against the infiltration of our political process by moneyed interests both overt and surreptitious, against the usurpation of our power and prestige as voters by PAC's, against massive military spending which benefits only the military-industrial complex and those who would choose to wield our martial power for their own aggrandizement, against the coarsening of our society's "etiquette", against the abdication of personal responsibility to the courts and their liasons, against our rampant materialism and consumerism, against our covert meddling in other nations' affairs in order to serve our own ends, against unchecked corporate greed and profiteering which heeds no strictures, be they borders or laws. Who will teach our society the value of humility and integrity and justice again, or bring about the conditions where such virtues can be realized in civil life?

Who will even remotely speak to all of that? Because, unlike what you may believe, this nation's problems are interrelated; the situation in Iraq is but one manifestation of a systemic, endemic infection which has been allowed to go unchallenged for several decades now and has grown more acute as a result. You do yourself a disservice by suggesting that it's merely a matter of changing our figurehead. In short, who will restore a modicum of respectability to this once great nation by espousing a return to virtue-- diligence, brotherhood, humility, moderation, and empathy-- in the face of the myriad countervailing forces working against such a radical shift? The short answer is that nobody will, and that's the saddest part of the whole situation. It can be done, but the cost would be great-- no greater than the price we're currently paying for the failures of the past few decades, mind you, but still pretty large. And difficult. A society which loathes true challenges, instead preferring to create frequent "wars" (see: war on terror, war on drugs, war on illiteracy) which can then be fought with mere platitudes, half-measures and counterproductive strategies, will certainly be reticent to embark on such a massive societal upheaval as described above; this is not to say that those aforementioned "wars" shouldn't be fought, necessarily, just that if we took care of the big picture, there likely would be little need to fight them in the first place-- or at least less of a need. With the proper education and message, I feel that such a course of action can be made palatable to the masses, if not the elite (since they would no longer be the "elite" if such a society ever came to pass)-- and therein lies the problem.

Instead of true reform, or at least true representation on behalf of our best interests, we are offered but illusory power and choice-- a traveshamockery (;)) of what was intended by our forebears. Ridding our society of its present excesses will, I feel, be the great struggle of my generation-- assuming that my generation ever awakes from their self-induced slumber and actually tries to spur change in their nation. And that's a big assumption. :p

I will leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin-- no, not the "liberty and temporary safety" one, but one which I feel is both more profound and more relevant to our present circumstance on the whole:

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

I ask you-- who are our masters? Not only the people who may spring to mind, but also the values and ideals, and the institutions which disseminate them to our all-too-eager minds. Therein lies the truest answer to our current problems in my opinion. A dissolute and reprobate people cannot adequately lead their own lives, much less guide the course of nations.

Sorry for the rambling... :)


darscot, he endorsed the indiscriminate murder of anyone who happened to be in the United States by medieval religious fanatics. In what world is that not outlandish or offensive?

Guileless, I don't see why you honour the terrorists by calling and considering them "religious". You've done this repeatedly, honouring them and complimenting them in this manner, it's disgusting.

NAMC: It's good to see that you are willing to be educated on this issue. But I'm not the one able to do it. Unless you paid me a lot of money. :) I suggest reading a book, I can PM you a list of good books if you want.

Loki: I understand your reaction, but I think you went overboard. I don't know if you've read my response, but personally I think that when you react emotionally, it's far less effective. I tried to speak rationally about it, and I think I got my point through (did I EA?).
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