darscot said:
First I thought the pig comment was more of a live by the sword die by the sword type of thing. Not a racial slur. I may have been wrong on this as you have pointed out. Second I didnt say I agreed with what he said in any way just that he should be able to say it. I think he had some of his arguments were just as valid as everyone elses.
some of what he said has some merit-- just not the couple of comments that I took him to task for in my first two posts, which
you then decided to take issue with. The fact that you took exception to me taking issue with those
particular comments is what prompted the above reply. Those remarks (of his) were
entirely without merit and cannot be justified in any way, and so I said so. Your seeming defense of those comments is similarly untenable. He can say his piece, I can say mine.
Also, I never said that the "pig" comment was a
racial slur, but merely a dehumanizing, disparaging epithet; I feel that it is actually worse than a comment such as "rag-head", though both are manifestly wrong.
"Live by the sword, die by the sword"? Sure, if my family ever took up arms against some innocents, then perhaps you'd be justified in saying such a thing and painting the entire nation with such broad strokes. But they, like most other Americans, haven't, nor do they necessarily condone everything done "in our name" by our government. News flash: for things to actually
change in this country will require a bit more than voting Dubya out of office and replacing him with some random democrat.
In rereading you rant I find it amazing how the interpretaion of the single pig line completely set you off. Sometimes you need to try and see the complete picture of what someone is trying to say.
Err, yeah-- when someone likens my family and friends to swine who deserve to be murdered, that has a tendency of minimizing whatever else they may say, no matter its validity. Funny how that works, huh? And there's nothing to "interpret" about those lines-- it was a disgusting and intellectually bankrupt sentiment which was given utterance; ErasureAcer is not Shakespeare. I don't need to deconstruct those lines to make sense of them.
So if a person who is a pedophile happens to have some legitimate, sensible views on world affairs, but they preface their remarks with some sick comment about raping kids, I'm not allowed to rake them over the coals for it? Sure I am-- if they didn't wish to be judged, then they should have thought a bit about how such comments were going to be received before they said them, no? And that's not even a
related matter, whereas his views vis-a-vis the culpability of American citizens
is related to the issue at hand; if
that's screwed up, then it will necessarily color his entire
weltanschauung and his arguments in elucidating his stance. It behooves someone to have a coherent, sane worldview so that the more valid aspects of their ideology will not be dismissed out of hand. His comments betray a profound bias and a dim appreciation of the pertinent philosophical distinctions surrounding such issues.
And yeah, if he ever told me to my face that my family and I deserved to die, I'd gladly lay him up in the hospital by way of a righteous beatdown. It's the American way, after all.

(yes, that was a joke)