Yeah I agree, I've played most AC games and they all felt like you were in those times and places in history even with the mythical stuff in Odyssey, Valhalla and Origins, but Shadows because of all the political and agenda DEi Ubisoft has ham fisted into the game won't feel like Japan in feudal times, so I don't want to buy and play it. no matter what date they finally release it on.And that's the real problem. The game was tarnished from the off.
I just can't get over the fact they wanted George Floyd running around ancient Japan killing Japanese by the droves, it just sounds bonkers, and, it is..
And that's what pisses me off with these people, they want all the diversity crap in gaming but do it in such shit ham fisted ways
Okay, you want more black people in gaming, that's great. Now, think of ALL the possibilities of an actual African AC (And dont say Egypt..) There's a plethora of ideas you could run with, thousands infact, make it natural and it'd be awsome! It would sell by the droves. I think most people would be interested as there's nothing like it
But no, cram the only black bloke in ancient Japan at the time based on flimsy evidence and current political politics hacking away
Fuck right off. Its bullshit for an AC game.
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