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UFC 193 OT: Ronda Rousey vs Holly Holm / First PPV headlined by 2 womens Title Fights

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love on your sleeve
There were multiple moments in the fight where ronda realized just how out classed and borderline ridiculous she looked. She would catch herself and posture up to save face, leaving behind a piece of her soul each time. It was like watching a manifestation of her personality. Super aggressive, trying to fabricate a reaction that best suites her desired environment. The longer her opponent dissmissed her attempts, the more frustrated she became with the emptiness of her dillusions. Culminating to a broken vessel with no other substance to be found other than an empty void by which to repeat the process.

This is beautiful.



You know you lost bad when Floyd has to teach you the alphabet.


If Rousey's camp has an ounce of common sense they'll fire Edmond.

Rousey's camp IS Edmond. That's the worst part. He's the key component of her horrible camp.
He has himself painted next to Muhammad Ali in his gym. It's a joke.

He didn't even realize that she was getting destroyed in the first. Great coach/.



Ronda is still a good fighter, in my opinion...

But I'd be lying if I said my opinion of her didn't plummet over the last several months. From poor sportsmanship to domestic violence hypocrisy to Sandy Hook truther nonsense...

And I'd be lying if I said Holly demolishing her so handily wasn't satisfying to watch either.


could never

Ronda is still a good fighter, in my opinion...

But I'd be lying if I said my opinion of her didn't plummet over the last several months. From poor sportsmanship to domestic violence hypocrisy to Sandy Hook truther nonsense...

And I'd be lying if I said Holly demolishing her so handily wasn't satisfying to watch either.

The L must be held.


Even the audience turned on Ronda after round 1. When the camera went to Holly's corner the crowd poped, while they were silent for Ronda's corner.


Ronda is still a good fighter, in my opinion...

But I'd be lying if I said my opinion of her didn't plummet over the last several months. From poor sportsmanship to domestic violence hypocrisy to Sandy Hook truther nonsense...

And I'd be lying if I said Holly demolishing her so handily wasn't satisfying to watch either.

She is a great fighter and hopefully she'll learn from this rather than let it ruin her career.


You know you lost bad when Floyd has to teach you the alphabet.

Ya'll really need to lay off the illiterate jokes. As a Social Worker for at-risk youth, I cross paths with tons of teens/young adults from impoverished and broken family situations - many of whom are reading at a first, second or third grade reading level - and it's an incredibly tragic happening that's far too common in society. It's not funny, at all. Make fun of him for something else, like being a wife beating - child endangering ass hat - but the literate shit is just scummy.
Is he colorblind? There's no way you could see Ronda's mouth and not think she lost the striking battle.

Yes men in your camp is never good.

It's the samething that Dana was doing in his Fox Sports interview. According to him this fight didn't expose Ronda. Everyone is in full defense mode as far as her image goes.
This may be her GSP moment. She'll come back, win, and then continue the winning ways.

Or she'll come back and get wiped out again and it's the GG.


After digesting much of the comments for hours now it seems many are glad Ronda got her ass kicked. I hardly see comments in her favor anywhere. Even ESPN last night which is usually high on her trashed her big time. She tried to sell a likable facade on every entertainment TV show you can imagine but it's clear many were not buying it and saw her for the arrogant bully she is and we all love seeing bullies get their just dues.

And I have to say there has been many other arrogant fighters/athletes but something about Ronda just went past being arrogant which turned many of though they did not want to say it. I think it is because many see her as a villain of the sport but UFC sells her as a savior of the sport and that fucks with peoples senses.


This may be her GSP moment. She'll come back, win, and then continue the winning ways.

Or she'll come back and get wiped out again and it's the GG.

Possible. But there's a huge difference between GSP's skillset and Rousey's. Plus, GSP was caught with a flash/fluke punch and Rousey was handled.

After digesting much of the comments for hours now it seems many are glad Ronda got her ass kicked. I hardly see comments in her favor anywhere. Even ESPN last night which is usually high on her trashed her big time. She tried to sell a likable facade on every entertainment TV show you can imagine but it's clear many were not buying it and saw her for the arrogant bully she is and we all love seeing bullies get their just dues.

And I have to say there has been many other arrogant fighters/athletes but something about Ronda just went past being arrogant which turned many of though they did not want to say it. I think it is because many see her as a villain of the sport but UFC sells her as a savior of the sport and that fucks with peoples senses.

UFC sells faces and heels. Whatever gets your ass in the seats or buying PPVs. UFC doesn't care if Ronda is a villain. Just pay them to see her fight.


Momma Rousey probably going to save her now. Drive over Edmond like she said she would.

She can't stand by and watch because it will end badly with this guy
After digesting much of the comments for hours now it seems many are glad Ronda got her ass kicked. I hardly see comments in her favor anywhere. Even ESPN last night which is usually high on her trashed her big time. She tried to sell a likable facade on every entertainment TV show you can imagine but it's clear many were not buying it and saw her for the arrogant bully she is and we all love seeing bullies get their just dues.

And I have to say there has been many other arrogant fighters/athletes but something about Ronda just went past being arrogant which turned many of though they did not want to say it. I think it is because many see her as a villain of the sport but UFC sells her as a savior of the sport and that fucks with peoples senses.

I think that's a factor, but also combined with the fact that any Joe Schmoe glancing at the screen for half a minute could see that Ronda was out of her element here and paid for it.


Ya'll really need to lay off the illiterate jokes. As a Social Worker for at-risk youth, I cross paths with tons of teens/young adults from impoverished and broken family situations - many of whom are reading at a first, second or third grade reading level - and it's an incredibly tragic happening that's far too common in society. It's not funny, at all. Make fun of him for something else, like being a wife beating - child endangering ass hat - but the literate shit is just scummy.

Floyd is a multi-millionaire adult. Not an at-risk kid.


love on your sleeve
If I see another comparison of Ronda Rousey to Georges St-Pierre, I'm going to pout on the internet. She's not GSP, she's Royce Gracie at UFC 1. Eventually someone was going to figure out how to defend an armbar and keep the fight standing.


Holm displayed a great deal of sportsmanship there at the end (and throughout, really).

Hopefully this teaches more fighters to not be so flamboyant, not be assholes. Be like Barry Sanders. He ran right over and around defenses for years, while being heralded as the greatest running back ever, and didn't adopt some kind of arrogant persona. When one talks the most shit it makes their inevitable fall worse, and encourages fans to ridicule them like what is happening to Rousey now (and also Tyson, Prince Nassem Hamed, countless others).

Just be cool. Do your sport, get your money, and get out.

The show boating will continue from the other fighters because it brings in the eyeballs and money. Connor McGregor is most likely next.


Again incredibly silly to come out and say this after one fight. Holmes is not some unkillable god simply because she looked great in one fight. Until she can prove to me that this wasn't just a one off than I will remain skeptical. Tons of fighters have one great fight only to never live up to expectations. Ronda looked like shit, and had a terrible gameplan. Holmes took advantage of that. Great for her, but one fight means jack shit to me. Have to be great consistently before I start buying into the hype.
Was this your first Rousey fight? She has the same game plan every fight.

Charge in, get the clinch, throw, armbar. She dropped Correia and McMann while closing the distance, but her plan has always been the same.

A rematch will happen, and the result will be no different unless she joins a real camp to make some big changes.

Watch any of Holm's fights and this is her style. She's like a bullfighter, stick and move. Usually not the most fan favorite style because she's content with winning via points, but Ronda invited the KO with her terrible game plan.
I've already said it a couple times but I'll be shocked and baffled if Edmond Tarverdyan and his cohorts aren't fired by the end of the month, hell I'll give by the end of the year. Ronda should've listened to her mother.

If I see another comparison of Ronda Rousey to Georges St-Pierre, I'm going to pout on the internet. She's not GSP, she's Royce Gracie at UFC 1. Eventually someone was going to figure out how to defend an armbar and keep the fight standing.

This is the proper comparison for sure.


If I see another comparison of Ronda Rousey to Georges St-Pierre, I'm going to pout on the internet. She's not GSP, she's Royce Gracie at UFC 1. Eventually someone was going to figure out how to defend an armbar and keep the fight standing.

I don't follow UFC very much. What I'm gathering from the GSP story is he lost by a single punch that caught him off guard. That IS NOT what happened to Ronda. It was a onsided fight. There was a clear winner.
I won't post it here because it pisses me off so much, but I actually found a tweet saying "Forget Paris, @RondaRousey is the biggest tragedy this weekend"
Pardon my ignorance, but what is the deal with the Michael Jordan photoshopped pics? I don't get it.

I won't post it here because it pisses me off so much, but I actually found a tweet saying "Forget Paris, @RondaRousey is the biggest tragedy this weekend"

What an idiot. It's hard to ignore idiots online when there's so many of them out there. I try to not let it get to me though.
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