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UFC 207 Rondo Rousey vs Amanda Nunes |OT| No Love & NO MORE QUESTIONS

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Are we allowed to post a video of the fight?

Ronda tried to clinch twice and was shoved away both times like it was nothing.
The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.
Lmao. Even if we say she's multidimensional, what good is "dozens of ways" to beat him when she'd be knocked out cold before she could even utilize any other methodologies?


Just like the 47 year old Randy Couture when he faught a professional boxer?


Nah, just like Rousey last night.


She'd have to be a world class wrestler and at least a purple belt in BJJ to have a chance against an expert MALE boxer like Mayweather, she's neither of those.

Once again, she's an expert in Judo. She'd have to get through Mayweather's punches to even have a chance at being effective. Judo sucks.

Lol, no she wouldn't. A white belt can submit a professional boxer.

Bubba T


Because Ronda fans want to feel like they can still win at something.

Because reasons MMA

It's straight up delusional.

it's such a silly discussion to have. Rousey already showed us that she is no striker, getting completely outclassed and embarrassed in the stand-up portion of her last two fights. But there's actually talk of her standing a chance against Mayweather? C'mon son.

The Beard

Lol, no she wouldn't. A white belt can submit a professional boxer.

Ronda's not even a white belt in BJJ. Lol

Post a link that says she is.

Anyways, even if she was, she'd have to get through Mayweather's punches to be able to apply her awesome BJJ white belt skills. She can't even take a punch from a strong woman, as clearly shown last night.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Let's move from the Mayweather nonsense, onto a new, more philosophical discussion:

Is Dana White....

a) An idiot, feeding Ronda to a striking monster like Nunes, for her first fight back.

b) Smart, as he was pretty sure what would happen, and just wanted to get Ronda out of the way.

c) A pushover, Ronda threatened to retire, if her first fight wasn't for the title, and he caved.

d) Shocked, as we all are, that Ronda somehow came back from her year break, with as bad or worse stand up than what got her bodied by Holm. It was impossible, right?

e) All, none, or a combination.


Please post a gif of Ronda hitting a single leg on someone.


Closest thing I could find.

Let's move from the Mayweather nonsense, onto a new, more philosophical discussion:

Is Dana White....

a) An idiot, feeding Ronda to a striking monster like Nunes, for her first fight back.

b) Smart, as he was pretty sure what would happen, and just wanted to get Ronda out of the way.

c) A pushover, Ronda threatened to retire, if her first fight wasn't for the title, and he caved.

d) Shocked, as we all are, that Ronda somehow came back from her year break, with as bad or worse stand up than what got her bodied by Holm. It was impossible, right?

e) All, none, or a combination.

I'm going to say B) and C), no way can he be that stupid to think Ronda was going to win this espescially after Nunes vs Tate.


no way can he be that stupid to think Ronda was going to win this espescially after Nunes vs Tate.
Yes. He just spent millions on marketing her comeback as a solo show, bending to every demand she has including not doing the very media that drives sales and buzz, just to see them get egg on their face when she falls flat on their face. Even double, they look like morons for not promoting a fighter who will be a household name the very next day.

Jeez. You guys are incredible.
Let's move from the Mayweather nonsense, onto a new, more philosophical discussion:

Is Dana White....

a) An idiot, feeding Ronda to a striking monster like Nunes, for her first fight back.

d) Shocked, as we all are, that Ronda somehow came back from her year break, with as bad or worse stand up than what got her bodied by Holm. It was impossible, right?

Its not A because everyone realized that Rousey was only going to do a couple of more fights anyway. She wanted a title fight even if it was bad matchup and the UFC needs the huge PPV buy to help service their new debt load. I doubt Dana and the matchmakers thought it would be that bad though.


Yes. He just spent millions on marketing her comeback as a solo show, bending to every demand she has including not doing the very media that drives sales and buzz, just to see them get egg on their face when she falls flat on their face. Even double, they look like morons for not promoting a fighter who will be a household name the very next day.

Jeez. You guys are incredible.

I dunno, don't think he can be that stupid.


Let's move from the Mayweather nonsense, onto a new, more philosophical discussion:

Is Dana White....

a) An idiot, feeding Ronda to a striking monster like Nunes, for her first fight back.

b) Smart, as he was pretty sure what would happen, and just wanted to get Ronda out of the way.

c) A pushover, Ronda threatened to retire, if her first fight wasn't for the title, and he caved.

d) Shocked, as we all are, that Ronda somehow came back from her year break, with as bad or worse stand up than what got her bodied by Holm. It was impossible, right?

e) All, none, or a combination.
Dana wanted the belt back on Ronda, reclaiming her status in one fight... For that to happen, she had to go through Nunes. Tough opponent, but most thought Ronda could pull it off.. Nunes is a beast now, but she's been beatable in the past. Not to discredit Nunes, but Ronda has regressed after realizing that she's far from invincible.

I think the ultimate plan was for Ronda to win this fight, and if Holly could win at 145, do the rematch for Ronda to go for both belts. Big money fight.



Closest thing I could find.

I'm going to say B) and C), no way can he be that stupid to think Ronda was going to win this espescially after Nunes vs Tate.

A lot of people thought she was going to win. Like me, they thought she was taking this ridiculously seriously and studied Nunes extensively, was going to use what she's good at, etc.

I was wrong, Dana was wrong. We fucked up. Glad I didn't place any bets.

The Beard

Let's move from the Mayweather nonsense, onto a new, more philosophical discussion:

Is Dana White....

a) An idiot, feeding Ronda to a striking monster like Nunes, for her first fight back.

b) Smart, as he was pretty sure what would happen, and just wanted to get Ronda out of the way.

c) A pushover, Ronda threatened to retire, if her first fight wasn't for the title, and he caved.

d) Shocked, as we all are, that Ronda somehow came back from her year break, with as bad or worse stand up than what got her bodied by Holm. It was impossible, right?

e) All, none, or a combination.

a) I think Dana really underestimated Nunes' power and precision and d) how the fuck hasn't Ronda improved her stand up, at all? She ate so many punches in so little time. Where was the defense? How do you go into a fight with a known striker like Nunes and not have any ability to evade punches? Where were the counter punches?
Damn, bad lose for Rhonda.

I feel like this is completely on her coaching staff, though. Any good trainer, even the arm-chair kind, would have told Rhonda not to stand up with Amanda. The way she initiated the fight seemed like she either wanted to prove something, or was convinced that she COULD go blow-for-blow with Nunes.

It would have been great to see her utilize her style in the fight, win or lose. I hope she switches coaches and returns.


She didn't even seem to have the reflex of self preservation. I'm sure she'll be fine, shes got money. But I do feel totally embarrassed for her, mainly because its the internet age. I mean losing a match is one thing, having your beating go viral before the broadcast is over is another. But man, I feel like she did equally as good as I would have in that ring. You figure she would have bobbed and protected her face a few times... but.. lord she just took 27 hits to the face, fully. How the fuck are you a professional fighter, or a human being being hit in the face -- and, well, that.

I imagine shes going to get heckled everywhere she goes, and even fucking Justin Beiber is knocking cuties off of your grill. I imagine even a homelss bum is going to make fun of her. I mean, that aspect really sucks. But it wouldn't have been as bad, if she wasn't billed as the Terminator and all this other shit. She bought into it... and christ did that backfire.
Damn, bad lose for Rhonda.

I feel like this is completely on her coaching staff, though. Any good trainer, even the arm-chair kind, would have told Rhonda not to stand up with Amanda. The way she initiated the fight seemed like she either wanted to prove something, or was convinced that she COULD go blow-for-blow with Nunes.

It would have been great to see her utilize her style in the fight, win or lose. I hope she switches coaches and returns.

I think a lot of it has to do with her camp as well. I doubt she comes back but I'm hoping she does under a new training camp.


A boxing match and a fight are two different things. I'd still put money on Rousey in a fight with Floyd.

Oh you've gotta be shittin' me. She couldn't get in Holm's kitchen. She couldn't get in Nunez's kitchen. How exactly do you think she'd get inside Mayweather's zone to take him down? It should be noted that I hate the man for his abuse allegations, but...like the best defender in the world? There's no argument here; I can't believe this argument is still going on.
I knew Ronda fans would take the loss hard, but falling back on the "She would beat Floyd" thing again? Come on.

a) I think Dana really underestimated Nunes' power and precision and d) how the fuck hasn't Ronda improved her stand up, at all? She ate so many punches in so little time. Where was the defense? How do you go into a fight with a known striker like Nunes and not have any ability to evade punches? Where were the counter punches?

I honestly think that after that first shot landed, Ronda went back in time and she was back to her mental state after she lost to Holm. Just mentally broken. Not much coaching or skill can do about that one.
I think people exaggerate how much Dana cares about the wins and losses. Say what you want about the UFC but they have never really been known to protect fighters (hello Bellator and MVP) and make the matchups that will make the most money. Ronda's comeback fight against the champ Nunes ia what would have made the most money, so it's the matchup they made. On top of that Dana has a potential new star on his hands in Nunes.


Casual fan here. Correct me if I'm wrong. The way I see it, Ronda was never really that good. She was the best among so-so fighters. It seems completion grew in the women's division and Ronda's been exposed for the average fighter she's always been.


lol @ the idea that Ronda would beat Floyd at any sort of fight.

Let this sink in for a second, she is a 135 lb. woman. Think of your bench press max as a man, think of Floyd's...she weighs at MOST like half his bench press max.

So she takes him down, and? He would grab her wrists and softly move her aside, so he could get up and continue toying with her.



The Beard

I think people exaggerate how much Dana cares about the wins and losses. Say what you want about the UFC but they have never really been known to protect fighters (hello Bellator and MVP) and make the matchups that will make the most money. Ronda's comeback fight against the champ Nunes ia what would have made the most money, so it's the matchup they made. On top of that Dana has a potential new star on his hands in Nunes.

I think you're right, but not in this case. I think he thought Ronda had a good chance of winning last night. Ronda's comeback was big, yes, but a Rousey vs. Holm 2 would've been even bigger if she won last night. Even if that never materialized, having Ronda and Conor as champs in 2017 was Dana's wettest dream.

But, imagine a scenario where Rousey wins last night and Holm wins the 145lb title in Feb. Holy Fucking Shit that would've been a massive PPV if Ronda went to 145 for the rematch, and a shot at having both belts. 😳


So now we have people in here admiring Floyd's body and attempting to fat shame Ronda.

Give it a fucking rest. It's pathetic.
I don't understand why Ronda was the favorite to win after Holm completely exposed her and she stuck with Edmond who I can only assume either has some sort of dirt on her that keeps him employed or he has access to brain slugs.
I think you're right, but not in this case. I think he thought Ronda had a good chance of winning last night. Ronda's comeback was big, yes, but a Rousey vs. Holm 2 would've been even bigger if she won last night. Even if that never materialized, having Ronda and Conor as champs in 2017 was Dana's wettest dream.

But, imagine a scenario where Rousey wins last night and Holm wins the 145lb title in Feb. Holy Fucking Shit that would've been a massive PPV if Ronda went to 145 for the rematch, and a shot at having both belts. 😳

If they had eyes set on Holm/Rousey 2 they wouldn't have moved Holm to a completely different division. Of course they thought Ronda could win, but they also thought Nunes could win im sure. That's how matchmaking works. You try and make the best and most compelling matchups. Like I said, UFC has no history of protecting fighters. They fed Lesnar to a world class Frank Mir in his very first UFC fight. The routinely do this. If they wanted to baby or protect fighters it would have been much more obvious over the years.


I don't understand why Ronda was the favorite to win after Holm completely exposed her and she stuck with Edmond who I can only assume either has some sort of dirt on her that keeps him employed or he has access to brain slugs.

I was shocked when this fight was announced, it didn't make any sense.


I think people exaggerate how much Dana cares about the wins and losses. Say what you want about the UFC but they have never really been known to protect fighters (hello Bellator and MVP) and make the matchups that will make the most money. Ronda's comeback fight against the champ Nunes ia what would have made the most money, so it's the matchup they made. On top of that Dana has a potential new star on his hands in Nunes.

I don't think he cares so much about if somebody wins and loses because you can book cards and fights around that however I do think he cares how somebody loses.

The UFC essentially lost a transformational figure in fighting with deep impact in pop culture and arguably in the promotion of female sports figures alongside men because she trained with a loser and has Hollywood types trying to make her into the next Dwayne Johnson.

Ronda so much time in the UFC to focus and improve on her striking and plenty of time for her to realize that it's not her strength. Instead her coach and promotional shitheads around her started to think she was Roy Jones Jr. I don't care what anyone says if Ronda could have gotten both Holm or Nunes on the ground she would still be the champion. Her ground game is leagues better than theirs and had she decided to be more like Damien Mia she would still be a phenomenon

If I was Dana thats why I would be pissed off. Its one thing to lose a fighter like Cain to injuries but when you lose people like Jon Jones or Ronda because of outside factors away from the fight? Thats what must sting.


I think you're right, but not in this case. I think he thought Ronda had a good chance of winning last night. Ronda's comeback was big, yes, but a Rousey vs. Holm 2 would've been even bigger if she won last night. Even if that never materialized, having Ronda and Conor as champs in 2017 was Dana's wettest dream.

But, imagine a scenario where Rousey wins last night and Holm wins the 145lb title in Feb. Holy Fucking Shit that would've been a massive PPV if Ronda went to 145 for the rematch, and a shot at having both belts. ��

I actually disagree on the Rousey/Holm thing only because the super casual fans don't care about belts when it comes to these megastars. Look at Diaz/Conor 2, not for a belt, maybe the biggest fight this year.

If they wanted to they could've just had Ronda rematch Holm and most casual fans would've thought it was for a belt.
Let this sink in for a second, she is a 135 lb. woman. Think of your bench press max as a man, think of Floyd's...she weighs at MOST like half his bench press max.

So she takes him down, and? He would grab her wrists and softly move her aside, so he could get up and continue toying with her.

I cannot begin to unpack how ignorant this is.
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