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UFC 207 Rondo Rousey vs Amanda Nunes |OT| No Love & NO MORE QUESTIONS

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What? You don't think a white belt can submit someone with absolutely no BJJ training?

I have no BJJ training and I've destroyed white belts. People that are more experienced in BJJ are ruthless though. I've had more trouble against people with wrestling backgrounds than white belt BJJ practitioners.

The Beard

If they had eyes set on Holm/Rousey 2 they wouldn't have moved Holm to a completely different division. Of course they thought Ronda could win, but they also thought Nunes could win im sure. That's how matchmaking works. You try and make the best and most compelling matchups. Like I said, UFC has no history of protecting fighters. They fed Lesnar to a world class Frank Mir in his very first UFC fight. The routinely do this. If they wanted to baby or protect fighters it would have been much more obvious over the years.

Ronda's comeback for the title, regardless of her opponent, was the compelling matchup. Putting Dana's interests aside, I think the new ownerships dream scenario and intentions were for Ronda to win the 135 belt back last night, and if the stars lined up correctly, going up to 145 to rematch Holm. Then possibly retiring after that fight either as a 2 weight world champ, or another loss to Holm.


I actually disagree on the Rousey/Holm thing only because the super casual fans don't care about belts when it comes to these megastars. Look at Diaz/Conor 2, not for a belt, maybe the biggest fight this year.

If they wanted to they could've just had Ronda rematch Holm and most casual fans would've thought it was for a belt.

Holm drew a massive number on Fox the last time she fought. Its part of the reason she's even getting a PPV main event.


Holm drew a massive number on Fox the last time she fought. Its part of the reason she's even getting a PPV main event.

Of course, her social media numbers are amazing too. She's a popular fighter BECAUSE she destroyed Rosuey.

My point is if they wanted to make that fight they totally could have and the casual fans wouldn't have cared if it was for a belt or not.


I don't think he cares so much about if somebody wins and loses because you can book cards and fights around that however I do think he cares how somebody loses.

The UFC essentially lost a transformational figure in fighting with deep impact in pop culture and arguably in the promotion of female sports figures alongside men because she trained with a loser and has Hollywood types trying to make her into the next Dwayne Johnson.

Ronda so much time in the UFC to focus and improve on her striking and plenty of time for her to realize that it's not her strength. Instead her coach and promotional shitheads around her started to think she was Roy Jones Jr. I don't care what anyone says if Ronda could have gotten both Holm or Nunes on the ground she would still be the champion. Her ground game is leagues better than theirs and had she decided to be more like Damien Mia she would still be a phenomenon

If I was Dana thats why I would be pissed off. Its one thing to lose a fighter like Cain to injuries but when you lose people like Jon Jones or Ronda because of outside factors away from the fight? Thats what must sting.

I want to know why Dana didn't do everything in his power to destroy Edmond after Holm. Do everything possible to get Ronda to leave him and go to a different coach.


I want to know why Dana didn't do everything in his power to destroy Edmond after Holm. Do everything possible to get Ronda to leave him and go to a different coach.

Interesting point. Dana has gone after coaches like Greg Jackson just for fighters 'not being exciting'. But he didn't bury Edmond for being the major contributor to his biggest mainstream star crashing and burning? Weird.


Oh please, that's such bs. She's an athlete, all athletes that are out of shape get shamed for that, male or female.

She was shredded for the fight last night. At this point it's just digging and digging for all kinds of stupid fucking reasons to shit on her. Criticize her for her performance, not how her body looks out of camp. Be a grown up.

Interesting point. Dana has gone after coaches like Greg Jackson just for fighters 'not being exciting'. But he didn't bury Edmond for being the major contributor to his biggest mainstream star crashing and burning? Weird.

And not just her, Travis Browne has lost every single time since switching to him.


Just a reminder of what Edmond thinks of himself, he deserves to be torn down:

I think if Dana's upset over anything, it's the fact Ronda definitely isn't gonna fight Holly after this for a rematch which could have potentially broke records or at the very least made a ton of money.


Just a reminder of what Edmond thinks of himself, he deserves to be torn down:


There's also another mural at his gym with him and Jesus I believe. Edmond literally compares himself to Muhammad Ali and Jesus Christ.

This was her mentor in MMA, this was supposed to be her teacher. Wanna know why Ronda believed her own hype and got startched twice in a row? That right there.

Thank you Edmond.


If they had eyes set on Holm/Rousey 2 they wouldn't have moved Holm to a completely different division. Of course they thought Ronda could win, but they also thought Nunes could win im sure. That's how matchmaking works. You try and make the best and most compelling matchups. Like I said, UFC has no history of protecting fighters. They fed Lesnar to a world class Frank Mir in his very first UFC fight. The routinely do this. If they wanted to baby or protect fighters it would have been much more obvious over the years.
No way they weren't eyeing Holm/Rousey 2. Both of them coming off losses... Both still getting title shots so close to each other. They both win and they're instantly back at the top with probably the biggest fight the UFC can make.

We already knew Ronda didn't have many fights left in her, so the UFC was ready to make the dream matchups. They finally even flirted with Cyborg... So with that in mind, had Ronda beat Nunes, where do you go from there? You give her a random title defense, knowing she's close to retiring? Or do you set up the big rematch with the added factor of Ronda going for two belts?
Who is the Cyborg MMA fighter? I mean, what her name so I can look her up.

I've seen her mention a couple times in here and I'm curious.

The Beard

Well, dang, I liked her. Glad she's doing good though.

She looked like ass in her last 2 fights, and most of the Holm fight. Watching those fights was painful, I'm glad she retired. She's smart and well spoken, so she's going to do well as an MMA commentator.


Nah, just like Rousey last night.

Thank you.

Like. We don't need anecdotes that don't involve May or Rhonda when we have two very vivid and recent fights of Rhonda versus strikers she TRIED to get to the ground, only to get her head pounded into cookie dough....

Stop it. Just hold the L. Rhonda would get demolished by Floyd.
Who is the Cyborg MMA fighter? I mean, what her name so I can look her up.

I've seen her mention a couple times in here and I'm curious.


tl;dr keeps calling out Ronda Rousey but won't/can't make the cut to 135lbs (she fights at 145 and is massive). She got popped for steroids a few years ago and recently got popped for a diuretic/masking agent used for steroids.

edit: she also declined a title fight for the new women's 145 division

The Beard

Speaking of Edmond, how the fuck is Travis Browne still getting put on PPV cards? He's lost 4 out of his last 6 fights, he's looked like absolute shit in his recent back2back loses, and he's going to be on UFC 208 in February.

You telling me there aren't any other fighters more deserving to be on a PPV card? This is #1 bullshit.


Speaking of Edmond, how the fuck is Travis Browne still getting put on PPV cards? He's lost 4 out of his last 6 fights, he's looked like absolute shit in his recent back2back loses, and he's going to be on UFC 208 in February.

You telling me there aren't any other fighters more deserving to be on a PPV card? This is #1 bullshit.

I believe he signed a multi fight contract that's ending soon.
lol this is still a discussion? Ronda would be sleeping the moment Floyd punches her.

I just don't understand how not even a day after she proves she can't defend against a boxer we're talking about her beating boxers. it just doesn't make sense. I'm not even talking about which opponent. She had no ability to defend against getting punched.



lol this is still a discussion? Ronda would be sleeping the moment Floyd punches her.

It isn't a discussion. Gaffers just couldn't help themselves from talking yet again about how wonderful it would be for them to see a Trump loving illiterate domestic ambuser fuckwit beat up another woman. Apparently getting trolled by one person is enough of a motivation to go on and on about it for multiple pages, for like the 5th time this year.


It isn't a discussion. Gaffers just couldn't help themselves from talking yet again about how wonderful it would be for them to see a Trump loving illiterate domestic ambuser fuckwit beat up another woman. Apparently getting trolled by one person is enough of a motivation to go on and on about it for multiple pages, for like the 5th time this year.
Are we talking about Floyd or Ronda here?
A great fighter who fucked up her career by doping.

I still like to believe she was on the juice when she beat Carano but whatever.

More like built her career on doping and then got caught. Twice.

I don't know why the UFC keeps trying to give her fights given all her bullshit (namely the roids and how she whines about having to cut weight and then shows up with more muscle than ever). She wouldn't draw shit by herself, the last thing you should want is to put a belt on her.
More like built her career on doping and then got caught. Twice.

I don't know why the UFC keeps trying to give her fights given all her bullshit (namely the roids and how she whines about having to cut weight and then shows up with more muscle than ever). She wouldn't draw shit by herself, the last thing you should want is to put a belt on her.

She got caught a few years ago. The whole diuretic thing that just popped up is going to get dropped as it was one of the UFC doctors that prescribed it for her.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I think if Dana's upset over anything, it's the fact Ronda definitely isn't gonna fight Holly after this for a rematch which could have potentially broke records or at the very least made a ton of money.

To do it now, Dana would have to pull some WWE "hell in a cell, ladder match, the loser gets fired" move.

But would anyone care?
She got caught a few years ago. The whole diuretic thing that just popped up is going to get dropped as it was one of the UFC doctors that prescribed it for her.

She's living off of the benefits of steroid use, to this day. You don't just lose the gains suddenly.
To do it now, Dana would have to pull some WWE "hell in a cell, ladder match, the loser gets fired" move.

But would anyone care?

She's living off of the benefits of steroid use, to this day. You don't just lose the gains suddenly.

All speculation. She's been tested 11 times in the past year. You can't be taking roids and not get popped if you're being tested that frequently. Diuretic or not she would've been popped for roids much earlier if she's been on them.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I didn't say she is still taking. I said she is still living off the benefits of the period she was using. The shit steroids does to your body doesn't go away once you've stopped using.

Rogan had a great segment on his podcast about that, I wish I could find it.

edit: I found it here
I didn't say she is still taking. I said she is still living off the benefits of the period she was using. The shit steroids does to your body doesn't go away once you've stopped using.

Rogan had a great segment on his podcast about that, I wish I could find it.

edit: I found it here

To say she's still living off the benefits of steroids you might as well add 70% of the UFC roster. At some point in time most of them were/are on it.
To say she's still living off the benefits of steroids you might as well add 70% of the UFC roster. At some point in time most of them were/are on it.

She's not competing against 70% of the UFC roster, she's competing against women who were only signed relatively recently and who she throws around like they're children.

It's hilarious people still try to defend this shit.

qcf x2

She didn't even seem to have the reflex of self preservation. I'm sure she'll be fine, shes got money. But I do feel totally embarrassed for her, mainly because its the internet age. I mean losing a match is one thing, having your beating go viral before the broadcast is over is another. But man, I feel like she did equally as good as I would have in that ring. You figure she would have bobbed and protected her face a few times... but.. lord she just took 27 hits to the face, fully. How the fuck are you a professional fighter, or a human being being hit in the face -- and, well, that.

I imagine shes going to get heckled everywhere she goes, and even fucking Justin Beiber is knocking cuties off of your grill. I imagine even a homelss bum is going to make fun of her. I mean, that aspect really sucks. But it wouldn't have been as bad, if she wasn't billed as the Terminator and all this other shit. She bought into it... and christ did that backfire.

I pretty much feel this way. I said from the time the fight was announced that it was a nightmare matchup for Ronda, especially for a first fight back. Nunes punches like a guy, her strikes are brutal. Ronda was done after the first punch landed, much like her previous fight. It seemed to me like she didn't really want to be there at any point (including the lead up to the fight). She should just move on to WWE while her brand can still earn her big money.

As for the social media stuff, that's part of it. That's how it goes, and if you're in the spotlight like that it comes with the territory these days. Doesn't mean it's easy to deal with but at least it won't be a surprise.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Ronda doesn't need or deserve a "tune up" fight, any more. She needs to start over from ground zero.

Taking two quick Ls takes her completely out of contention. She should have to beat (numbers out of my ass) two or three contenders between ranks 5 and 10 before she even gets a shot at the #1 contender.

But she's so weak minded, she'll sulk off and retire. Throw her whole career in the trash bin, if she quits. Like fuck, everyone loses in the UFC, because you're always fighting the best, with no ducking. She was a fraud all along. No champion metal in her bones.

The other big issue, is that OG Dana has to pay her THREE MILLION DOLLARS, regardless of who she fights. He probably ain't paying that for a fight in the prelims.
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