UFC 207 Rondo Rousey vs Amanda Nunes |OT| No Love & NO MORE QUESTIONS

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Why do people hate on Rousey? I thought she was well liked; her reddit AMA seemed pretty sincere to me.

She's an ignorant asshole. Part of the blame rests with the media though since they've overrated her forever. Big fish in a small pond doesn't begin to describe how ridiculous it was when women's bantamweight was introduced in the UFC, so the organization is also to blame. It was an entire division created just to market her as a freakshow-level attraction. Division still sucks but at least it's (finally) improving.


The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.

I'm sorry but no. She isn't big enough or strong enough to take a man floyds size down and even if she could he would over power her easily. His arms are 3 times the size of hers.

You act like a boxer can only punch.


The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.

The Beard

I'm sorry but no. She isn't big enough or strong enough to take a man floyds size down and even if she could he would over power her easily. His arms are 3 times the size of hers.

You act like a boxer can only punch.

That guy is a clown. I think I scared him away from the thread yesterday when I asked him to show me proof that Ronda has a belt in BJJ. Haven't seen him since.

I told him that Ronda's Judo training would be useless against a pro boxer because she'd have to walk through his/her punches to get get into a clinch in order to be effective. She'd have to be a world class wrestler (which she's not) to even have the slightest of chances.


The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.

Two Words

If Ronda is so easily shook by the punches these women throw, what the hell do you think is going to happen if she were to fight Floyd? Nunes basically fought her like a boxer and she didn't know what to do. Floyd can move much faster and hit much harder, and somehow the results would be better in Ronda's favor?
Joe Rogan, Brendan Schaub, Eddie Bravo and Joey CoCo Mad Flavour Diaz are doing one later on.

this is going to be a good one.. Joe Rogan argued that it was better for Ronda that she didn't do the press rounds to focus on training for the fight. I wonder how hes going to defend her for choosing not to do the post-fight press conference.


If Ronda is so easily shook by the punches these women throw, what the hell do you think is going to happen if she were to fight Floyd? Nunes basically fought her like a boxer and she didn't know what to do. Floyd can move much faster and hit much harder, and somehow the results would be better in Ronda's favor?
Yup. After the Holm fight I think theoretc ally one could've made the argument she would've stood a chance against Maywether, because her and Holm actually went to the ground and stuff. After this, though? Nah, she'd get her ass beat by Mayweather. All Nunes did was punch and that was easy enough.
I'm sorry but no. She isn't big enough or strong enough to take a man floyds size down and even if she could he would over power her easily. His arms are 3 times the size of hers.

You act like a boxer can only punch.

Dude is acting like there isn't clinching in boxing, Floyd skids those with ease and counters with beautiful jabs AS he's stepping away.


Why do people hate on Rousey? I thought she was well liked; her reddit AMA seemed pretty sincere to me.

At first people liked her for a few reasons, first she was dominate, everyone likes a winner, even better is when it's a winner that you love and back up and everyone agree's with. Some people here loved her because she use to love Pokemon, modded a place elsewhere, and liked gaming. People felt like they could relate.

But there were a lot of things that people hated about her, first was how unsportsman like she was. She never seemed like a good sport to anyone about anything, read her book, no matter who she is against or what she has to do, it's always someone elses fault for all the bad. Never her own, never. She never takes responsibility, she just wants to shit on people. Even basically gestures like touch gloves she won't do. But if someone else does something she makes a huge issue out of it. All the while she shit talks everyone else, you can tell she had an ego. She constantly made horrible choices in men which a lot of people began to question, especially when she started to see the guy that I believe beats his wife, cheated on her for Rousey, whatever. I can't recall the details. That was one more pick in a long line of picks that made people go the hell.

Plus you had her being a sandy hook truther which was probably the only time she got told to knock off on speaking about because most people didn't take kindly to that and it was a story UFC wanted to axed before it caught on in a big way. A lot of what she did and said overall made her come off as a shitty crappy person. Even around the time she lost her mother was saying that she needed a better coach/team, that only really caught on after her first loss.

But yeah, for the most part people really hated her because she came off as a totally shit piece of a human being for the most part. If she acted a bit better a lot of people would have stuck up for her no matter what, but she acted like such a poor person that a lot of people took delight in her getting her ass kicked.


I can't believe the Mayweather vs Rousey debate has popped back up.

I want to believe people are trolling but that guy saying Ronda has multiple ways to beat her is just cringeworthy. Literally taking the most one dimensional MMA fighter ever and claiming that it is in fact Floyd who is one dimensional.


Because she was dominant and then lost badly. People like seeing stars fall. The hate was just as vicious for Conor after he lost to Nate.

This is an over-simplifaction.

The hate to Conor was he was jumping around weight classes thinking he was hot shit. He got served a plate of humble pie and also was exposed to being someone who gets gassed and in a fight against someone who had no real camp to prep against him. Unfortunately for him, it set up the way to beat Conor now, just get him in the deep rounds, someone will do it again soon.


Hail to the KING baby
This is an over-simplifaction.

The hate to Conor was he was jumping around weight classes thinking he was hot shit. He got served a plate of humble pie and also was exposed to being someone who gets gassed and in a fight against someone who had no real camp to prep against him. Unfortunately for him, it set up the way to beat Conor now, just get him in the deep rounds, someone will do it again soon.
But he won it late in the last fight and Diaz's cardio and volume is unparalleled anyway so hard to replicate.

The Beard

But he won it late in the last fight and Diaz's cardio and volume is unparalleled anyway so hard to replicate.

Yeah, and wasn't part of Alvarez's plan to get Conor into the later rounds too? How'd that work out? It's easier said than done, and not many guys have Diaz's amazing cardio + his insane chin.


But he won it late in the last fight and Diaz's cardio and volume is unparalleled anyway so hard to replicate.

It went to a decision and all that I took away from that fight was Conor walking away from the fight mid round to get some air. I wouldn't say he did not win soundly or beat him down.
I want to believe people are trolling but that guy saying Ronda has multiple ways to beat her is just cringeworthy. Literally taking the most one dimensional MMA fighter ever and claiming that it is in fact Floyd who is one dimensional.

I know right. How can anyone say that shit especially after this last fight? Rousey tried to go striking VS striking. She lasted 30 seconds.


Unlimited Capacity
This is an over-simplifaction.

The hate to Conor was he was jumping around weight classes thinking he was hot shit. He got served a plate of humble pie and also was exposed to being someone who gets gassed and in a fight against someone who had no real camp to prep against him. Unfortunately for him, it set up the way to beat Conor now, just get him in the deep rounds, someone will do it again soon.

Did you miss the 2nd fight?

It went to a decision and all that I took away from that fight was Conor walking away from the fight mid round to get some air. I wouldn't say he did not win soundly or beat him down.

Oh, I see now
I realize maybe two people have been trolling about this Ronda v. Floyd bullshit, but it's something a lot of randoms/casuals believe or believed. Last year I had two students (football players who seemed like they discovered mma because of Ronda) who were constantly asking me about her chances against Floyd Mayweather and they were always incredulous when my answer was "0%".


this is going to be a good one.. Joe Rogan argued that it was better for Ronda that she didn't do the press rounds to focus on training for the fight. I wonder how hes going to defend her for choosing not to do the post-fight press conference.

M8, He;s been right on top of that Ronda hype, wasn;t he the one that suggested she is able to beat every guy in a division or some bs like that? Ridiculous...
M8, He;s been right on top of that Ronda hype, wasn;t he the one that suggested she is able to beat every guy in a division or some bs like that? Ridiculous...

Yeah, he's been one of her biggest fans/supporters/etc the whole way, won't admit she's doing anything wrong and supports Edmund too. Surprised anybody trusts Rogan after a lot of stuff he's said in general, let alone about Ronda


Rogan was also the guy who spoke about the one sided treatment of Ronda, that's why she's been ignoring Joe since she started appearing again. He definitely believed in the hype though, I still remember that hilarious podcast before the Holly fight.


The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.
Are you trolling? If not, what world do you live in?

Let's start with strength, she just does not have the strength to compete.

If you think one punch from nunes destroyed her when game. I think one punch from Floyd would KO her.

Anyway a fight would only benefit her, this would be a negative against him whether he wins or loses, that would never happen.


Then why is no one talking shit about GSP... oh yea, because he didnt act like an ass.

It's been years, and no one gives a shit if you act like an ass and win. They even like it. Look at how much Mayweather is praised and worshipped here and how no one ever mentions his horrendous domestic abuse record, yet with Ronda she's raked over the coals for one Sandy Hook comment and being in a relationship with someone who takes after Floyd's treatment of women.
The point is the opposite. Floyd has one way to beat the complete shit out of her. Ronda has dozens of ways to beat Floyd. Floyd is extremely one dimensional. If he doesn't get a hit on her or does but it doesn't KO her, he's finished. He'd be on his ass and either KO'd (via ground and pound) or submitted.

If it were a sanctioned fight with prep time you can bet a boxer will condition the legs and practice take down defence.

For example, There is a lot of YouTube videos where boxers have been pitted against Muay Thai fighters and have not lost

I realize maybe two people have been trolling about this Ronda v. Floyd bullshit, but it's something a lot of randoms/casuals believe or believed. Last year I had two students (football players who seemed like they discovered mma because of Ronda) who were constantly asking me about her chances against Floyd Mayweather and they were always incredulous when my answer was "0%".

To layman observers martial arts is like a game of rock-paper-scissors where one martial art automatically beats the "lesser"
It's been years, and no one gives a shit if you act like an ass and win. They even like it. Look at how much Mayweather is praised and worshipped here and how no one ever mentions his horrendous domestic abuse record, yet with Ronda she's raked over the coals for one Sandy Hook comment and being in a relationship with someone who takes after Floyd's treatment of women.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people here have criticized Mayweather for his bullshit.
It's been years, and no one gives a shit if you act like an ass and win. They even like it. Look at how much Mayweather is praised and worshipped here and how no one ever mentions his horrendous domestic abuse record, yet with Ronda she's raked over the coals for one Sandy Hook comment and being in a relationship with someone who takes after Floyd's treatment of women.
No one mentions Floyd being a horrible person here? You've got to be a joke poster with this.
People saying Ronda could beat Floyd Mayweather in a fight are as delusional as the people who think Serena Williams can defeat a man in the top 50 or the US women national soccer team being able to match well against a male NT.

Top 50? Dude try top 50'000


love on your sleeve
I realize maybe two people have been trolling about this Ronda v. Floyd bullshit, but it's something a lot of randoms/casuals believe or believed. Last year I had two students (football players who seemed like they discovered mma because of Ronda) who were constantly asking me about her chances against Floyd Mayweather and they were always incredulous when my answer was "0%".

Some people think Judo is some magical shit that allows you to automatically overpower larger opponents. "But..but..Judo!" is the normal response I got when I had this argument with a few friends.
Some people think Judo is some magical shit that allows you to automatically overpower larger opponents. "But..but..Judo!" is the normal response I got when I had this argument with a few friends.

Judo isn't even effective in mma. Ronda was the only one that was remotely succesful with it and that's because she was beating up amateurs.


No one mentions Floyd being a horrible person here? You've got to be a joke poster with this.

Nah, just telling the truth. And even if in some bizarro world Floyd's problems were talked about as much as Ronda's, how the hell do you equate him putting multiple women in the hospital with Ronda having a bad attitude and buying into Sandy Hook bs? It's because as soon as she lost, all of a sudden everything about her is the worst thing ever, and since Floyd is undefeated it's "not relevant" to talk about his shit. Throw in a little bit of double standard sexism too.


No, you aren't. There have been multiple references to it in this thread.

Yes, I am. You're in denial. Multiple references in this thread doesn't mean shit, threads about him in the past have people being told to shut up if they bring it up because it's "not relevant".
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