UFC 207 Rondo Rousey vs Amanda Nunes |OT| No Love & NO MORE QUESTIONS

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Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
It's been years, and no one gives a shit if you act like an ass and win. They even like it. Look at how much Mayweather is praised and worshipped here and how no one ever mentions his horrendous domestic abuse record, yet with Ronda she's raked over the coals for one Sandy Hook comment and being in a relationship with someone who takes after Floyd's treatment of women.

Floyd has as horrible track record as a person, and I say that with him being my favorite athlete ever. However, Floyd is praised because he has otherworldly boxing talent. An idiot in a lot of arenas in life. However, in a boxing ring, he's a fucking savant.


Floyd has as horrible track record as a person, and I say that with him being my favorite athlete ever. However, Floyd is praised because he has otherworldly boxing talent. An idiot in a lot of arenas in life. However, in a boxing ring, he's a fucking savant.

I agree completely, I'm just saying Ronda by comparison is unfairly criticized for transgressions not even in the same ballpark as his.

Oh, I see. You're just trolling/making things up.

I'm not making a single fucking thing up. You are in flat out denial if you think Floyd is railed against as hard as Ronda is on these forums.
Nah, just telling the truth. And even if in some bizarro world Floyd's problems were talked about as much as Ronda's, how the hell do you equate him putting multiple women in the hospital with Ronda having a bad attitude and buying into Sandy Hook bs? It's because as soon as she lost, all of a sudden everything about her is the worst thing ever, and since Floyd is undefeated it's "not relevant" to talk about his shit. Throw in a little bit of double standard sexism too.
Who is equating Floyd and Ronda as human beings, besides you? And lying disingenuously about sometging that's demonstrably untrue while you do it, in claiming that nobody criticizes Mayweather. Grade A projection and fantasy here.

The Beard

Judo isn't even effective in mma. Ronda was the only one that was remotely succesful with it and that's because she was beating up amateurs.

Her fight against Nunes showed that she at least has a decent chin. She was absorbing bomb after bomb and she stayed on her feet.

It's easy to see how she was so successful against pillow fists with just her Judo in the past. Her average opponent didn't punch half as hard as Nunes. So Ronda could fearlessly charge them, clinch them, and toss them without having to worry about getting hit.

Precision power striking is going to beat Judo more times than not.


Who is equating Floyd and Ronda as human beings, besides you? And lying disingenuously about sometging that's demonstrably untrue while you do it, in claiming that nobody criticizes Mayweather. Grade A projection and fantasy here.

It's actually pretty simple. Look at any Floyd thread. Look at how many "he's the GOAT Conor/Ronda would get annihilated" posts and how many "he's a piece of shit I'd love to see Conor/Ronda beat him" posts there are. 20:1 ratio if you're lucky, and people who post the latter sometimes get told to shut up.

Meanwhile anything related to Ronda these days is just pure hatred of various degrees. Almost none about "she did a lot for the sport" or anything positive.

Continue being in denial, though. Not surprising in the least.
It's actually pretty simple. Look at any Floyd thread. Look at how many "he's the GOAT Conor/Ronda would get annihilated" posts and how many "he's a piece of shit I'd love to see Conor/Ronda beat him" posts there are. 20:1 ratio if you're lucky, and people who post the latter sometimes get told to shut up.

Meanwhile anything related to Ronda these days is just pure hatred of various degrees. Almost none about "she did a lot for the sport" or anything positive.

Continue being in denial, though. Not surprising in the least.
So we agree you're lying for panache?
OK I get it now, you're angry people didnt want to entertain you going off topic. Great. Go make a thread entitled "Ronda Rousey isn't as bad a human being as Floyd Mayweather" and all of your dreams will come true. Apparently, because whataboutism is a great argument.


Ronda is a terrible human being and sucks at her sport. Mayweather is a terrible human being but arguably the greatest at his sport.


OK I get it now, you're angry people didnt want to entertain you going off topic. Great. Go make a thread entitled "Ronda Rousey isn't as bad a human being as Floyd Mayweather" and all of your dreams will come true. Apparently, because whataboutism is a great argument.

Proving my point with every word you write. Nothing but deflection.

Ronda is a terrible human being and sucks at her sport. Mayweather is a terrible human being but arguably the greatest at his sport.

This too. Both just as terrible!
I'm not making a single fucking thing up. You are in flat out denial if you think Floyd is railed against as hard as Ronda is on these forums.

Now you are moving the goal post. First you said that no one criticizes Mayweather for his dom abuse here. Now you are making a completely different argument and saying I'm "in denial" for responding to your original claim and not this new one.

haha, yep. He really got off on her bandwagon. Nice to hear confirmation that the reason she got away with not doing media is because she is ripped by WME which owns a stake in UFC.

Eddie hasn't talk about conspiracies yet, I am disappointed


Google translate does nothing with this. Anyone decipher the words for me? First part I get.
He was on the Rousey bandwagon until she lost against Holm.

To be fair, most everybody was. Nobody knew how lacking she was with anything that wasn't the hip throw arm bar.

There were a few gifs of her throwing punches shitty, but that was it. The Holm right really exposed her as a one trick pony.
He was on the Rousey bandwagon until she lost against Holm.

To be fair, most everybody was. Nobody knew how lacking she was with anything that wasn't the hip throw arm bar.

There were a few gifs of her throwing punches shitty, but that was it.
The Holm right really exposed her as a one trick pony.
I think there was more than that -- plenty of videos of her shadow boxing and hitting mitts that she looked shitty in. But Rogan thought she was brilliant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsZ3aPjBRCM

The man's a fool and a piece of shit for selling overpriced brain pills to his gormless followers.


I think there was more than that -- plenty of videos of her shadow boxing and hitting mitts that she looked shitty in. But Rogan thought she was brilliant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsZ3aPjBRCM

The man's a fool and a piece of shit for selling overpriced brain pills to his gormless followers.

Oh my god, I completely forgot about this. Now I know why Rogan kept his mouth shut when Schaub and Diaz were dropping truth bombs about Edmond.
It seems to me like striking is back to being the dominant style. I've seen more fights in 2016 that the wrestler/grappler can't secure the TD and end up getting KO'd.
It seems to me like striking is back to being the dominant style. I've seen more fights in 2016 that the wrestler/grappler can't secure the TD and end up getting KO'd.
I wonder how closely this mirrors what happened in the progression of traditional martial arts. Perhaps originally grappling was more prevalent until it became neutralized by similar levels of skill. Eventually it became de-emphasized and largely dropped from the teachings because people assumed it wouldn't work.

When two similarly skilled grapplers fight they often cancel each other out but when two similarly skilled strikers fight they can still fuck each other up.
I wonder how closely this mirrors what happened in the progression of traditional martial arts. Perhaps originally grappling was more prevalent until it became neutralized by similar levels of skill. Eventually it became de-emphasized and largely dropped from the teachings because people assumed it wouldn't work.

When two similarly skilled grapplers fight they often cancel each other out but when two similarly skilled strikers fight they can still fuck each other up.

The ruleset is biased towards strikers. Five minute rounds is not enough for a grappling intensive strategy and stand ups are a thing. Gloves also make it difficult to lock on submissions. The dominant metagame in MMA that will optimize your chances of winning is to engage in a standup battle unless you have a significant advantage in the grappling department (Demian Maia).


I'm still slightly bemused that the next UFC PPV is headlined by Holly Holm. While it is for a new champion of a new woman's division to be crowned it's still puzzling given that she was last seen on a FOX card loosing IIRC.

3 million dollars for getting your face pummeled for a mere 48 seconds?

Where do I sign up for this?

PM Bish for deets.
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