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UFOs Discussion |UFOT| Deep down, you knew it was all true.

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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
behind a paywall...

Is it worth it?
You could listen to the show live on radio or go to kfiam60.com and listen at 10pm PT.

The show wasn't that good, although. I like the more nuts and bolts kind of guests and this guy didn't rub off on me well. However, if you're interested, here's the show from last night in its entirety without commercials:



What we need is physical evidence and trust me, it's frustrating. Word of mouth and photographs only go so far and since Roswell, we've had nothing in the way of good, solid physical evidence. I understand why non-believers can be so set on the idea that it doesn't exist.

You need to do more reading on this topic if you haven't come across evidence beyond shaky testimony and photos, and if you believe Roswell was the last time real evidence was documented. Roswell isn't even considered a prime example of a well-detailed UFO case. It's just something that resurfaced and seeped into the mainstream decades after it happened and continues to live on because of weird Americana appeal like the Salem witch trials.

See my posts here in the laughably bad "UFO Hype Dying Down" thread. Excuse my arguing with that ridiculous troll.





I'll have to go back and read through this thread. Interesting stuff.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
You need to do more reading on this topic if you haven't come across evidence beyond shaky testimony and photos, and if you believe Roswell was the last time real evidence was documented. Roswell isn't even considered a prime example of a well-detailed UFO case. It's just something that resurfaced and seeped into the mainstream decades after it happened and continues to live on because of weird Americana appeal like the Salem witch trials.

See my posts here in the laughably bad "UFO Hype Dying Down" thread. Excuse my arguing with that ridiculous troll.





I'll have to go back and read through this thread. Interesting stuff.
Awesome, I'm going to check this out. And UFO "hype" is not dying down, at least not as much as some people would like to believe.

But, before I read this I have to ask: If there is substantial evidence, where is it and why would it not be researched and taken seriously if such was the case? By substantial, I mean actual craft or parts from a craft that are being studied by scientists, extraterrestrial technology that can actually be touched and felt and researched which shows elements not from this world (such as Lazar's claim of the ships being made from Element 115), alien bodies, etc. It seems we get these fishy photographs of this "evidence" but nothing that really screams "hey, this is real!" I'm just maintaining healthy skepticism and not trying to down anything here. I'm gonna go and check out those links now.

Edit: Checked out your links. Some really good counter posts on your part. I like you. Still though, I wish we could have more evidence than simply just "credible witnesses" and be presented with something more akin to actual hard physical evidence.


The short answer: hard evidence, such as flying craft, is highly sensitive, classified and not for the public to see, possess or know of its existence. I've read about several UFO crashes with multiple eyewitnesses nearby on the ground... before the very swift arrival of military and government agents, and said witnesses aggressively being told to go away.


The short answer: hard evidence, such as flying craft, is highly sensitive, classified and not for the public to see, possess or know of its existence. I've read about several UFO crashes with multiple eyewitnesses nearby on the ground... before the very swift arrival of military and government agents, and said witnesses aggressively being told to go away.

I like your gusto. I wouldn't deny that UFOs have crash landed, but I dont like the idea that the government has a monopoly on all the crash landing, like all the crash landings take place in the US. I find it far more likely that ETs wouldn't crash, having far superior aerial technology.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I like your gusto. I wouldn't deny that UFOs have crash landed, but I dont like the idea that the government has a monopoly on all the crash landing, like all the crash landings take place in the US. I find it far more likely that ETs wouldn't crash, having far superior aerial technology.
That was always an issue with me too and it does get brought up by ufologists from time to time. It could probably be anything from the idea of their ships not reacting well to things like pulsed radar to being intentional for one reason or another. Lots of people think the occupants, the Greys, may be nothing more than a kind of biological robot of some kind. It could just be that like all life, they are not perfect and are prone to mistakes. I'll let someone else - like Jabo, who seems to have a good grip on all this - tackle this subject.


behind a paywall...

Is it worth it?

George Noory is such a terrible host. The guy has been hosting for well over ten years, yet he still comes off as a completely uninformed doofus. And what do you know, he just extended his contract for and indefinite period of time. Sigh.


Don't know where else to put this... was going to be my 10000th post, but eh... didn't quite work out.. Figured it would make Meus jealous, but then he changed his avatar. Nothing worked out...

Met the man at a place called Monster Palooza in Burbank some months ago. Took a video, but lost it in a comp crash. (trust no one)


im sure its old news now, but.. figured someone would enjoy..

Mind my scruff.


Fucking amazing man.

How pimp is the pimp?

P.S. Not that it came up, but is he aware of his own meme?

Yeah, like a total fucking fangirl, I told him I loved him before he was a meme. The stills were actually taken mid video, as my gf was just holding the phone, and we were both just standing there. After a minute, I said "great, got it, its a video!" -- he replied "oh, so we're rolling???" Cool guy, his gf was with him. Seems that they just make a killing off these small shows.

weren't a lot of people there for him (it was mainly a special fx makeup expo), but the dude wasn't a douche. Was very non-hysterical. Sported an awesome scarf.


Yeah, like a total fucking fangirl, I told him I loved him before he was a meme. The stills were actually taken mid video, as my gf was just holding the phone, and we were both just standing there. After a minute, I said "great, got it, its a video!" -- he replied "oh, so we're rolling???" Cool guy, his gf was with him. Seems that they just make a killing off these small shows.

weren't a lot of people there for him (it was mainly a special fx makeup expo), but the dude wasn't a douche. Was very non-hysterical. Sported an awesome scarf.

His gf is gorgeous and also sweet. Btw, you're hot ;).


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
George Noory is such a terrible host. The guy has been hosting for well over ten years, yet he still comes off as a completely uninformed doofus. And what do you know, he just extended his contract for and indefinite period of time. Sigh.
Yeah, he's a nice guy but definitely, without a doubt the most dullest host on C2CAM. My personal favorite is George Knapp. Met him a couple times in person.

BTW Com, nice pic and awesome you met him!
Don't know where else to put this... was going to be my 10000th post, but eh... didn't quite work out.. Figured it would make Meus jealous, but then he changed his avatar. Nothing worked out...

Met the man at a place called Monster Palooza in Burbank some months ago. Took a video, but lost it in a comp crash. (trust no one)

im sure its old news now, but.. figured someone would enjoy..

Mind my scruff.

You should have seen my face in reaction to this post. I am drunk with envy right now. I bet you didn't even mention me to him!


Junior Member
Since we now have HD camera's on every smartphone i like to see some videos of HD alien or saucer actions. Seems that since the HD era there are a lot less "believable" videos of ghosts, aliens, yeti, etc. Of course it's likely that life exist outside earth, even intelligent life. But like a scientist said: unless they live very close (think he said this milky way) and if the speed of light is the/there limit of traveling speed it would take them ages to get here and they would live incredibly long lives (think it was ten thousands of years old).


Since we now have HD camera's on every smartphone i like to see some videos of HD alien or saucer actions. Seems that since the HD era there are a lot less "believable" videos of ghosts, aliens, yeti, etc. Of course it's likely that life exist outside earth, even intelligent life. But like a scientist said: unless they live very close (think he said this milky way) and if the speed of light is the/there limit of traveling speed it would take them ages to get here and they would live incredibly long lives (think it was ten thousands of years old).

We don't really have camera's trained on where UFOs are. how would we know where they are going to appear? Most cases of UFOs happen in an instant making it nearly impossible to capture even in this day and age with the camera phones and the itunes. There are still many factors that would make the video kind of shitty, like distance, angle, cameraperson. I also dont make the claim that there aren't any good videos because I dont really watch a lot of them.

As far as the distance thing goes, I am going to go out on a limb and say, if some species traveled the universe in their spacecraft, I would assume they have some technology that I dont understand and that their understanding of the galaxy is much greater than my understanding. I would also assume they live much longer than us because I would assume they are more advanced in medicine than we are.


Junior Member
We don't really have camera's trained on where UFOs are. how would we know where they are going to appear? Most cases of UFOs happen in an instant making it nearly impossible to capture even in this day and age with the camera phones and the itunes. There are still many factors that would make the video kind of shitty, like distance, angle, cameraperson. I also dont make the claim that there aren't any good videos because I dont really watch a lot of them.

As far as the distance thing goes, I am going to go out on a limb and say, if some species traveled the universe in their spacecraft, I would assume they have some technology that I dont understand and that their understanding of the galaxy is much greater than my understanding. I would also assume they live much longer than us because I would assume they are more advanced in medicine than we are.

Please, this is nonsense. First of all not knowing where they would appear didn't stop people from filming them before, YT is filled to the brim with shitty videos of "encounters". And with auto-focus and adjustments of modern camera's there is no excuse for not at least having a steady stream of UFO videos, even if not as many as before. Take the meteor over Russia for example, multiple videos of very good quality of a totally unexpected event. May i ask how old you are? Because you mentioned itunes as a video capturing device. Your last part is a big maybe. Still doesn't explain why if this part of the galaxy and even earth is so crowded why they don't openly contact us. It's illogical, captain.


Since we now have HD camera's on every smartphone i like to see some videos of HD alien or saucer actions. Seems that since the HD era there are a lot less "believable" videos of ghosts, aliens, yeti, etc. Of course it's likely that life exist outside earth, even intelligent life. But like a scientist said: unless they live very close (think he said this milky way) and if the speed of light is the/there limit of traveling speed it would take them ages to get here and they would live incredibly long lives (think it was ten thousands of years old).

Plenty of people have captured strange phenomenon with digital devices to the best of their abilities. I don't think there's any credibility to your statement that there has been a noticeable drop in incidents. What I've actually seen are more armchair debunkers dismissing any good evidence as "Photoshopped."

I also don't think your implied meaning is necessarily true -- that it's really all mundane stuff because an increase in smartphones should have led to a large increase in recorded sightings of high quality. Smartphone cameras are all-in-one devices with tiny sensors and no optical zoom capabilities. Resolution aside, they're actually worse at capturing distant objects than an average standalone camera, be it a common 1970s Nikon SLR, a videotape camera from the mid-90s, or a digital camcorder from the mid 2000s. Try recording a blimp with your iPhone vs. any decent camcorder with 20x optical zoom. The sad fact that smartphones as a whole have replaced standalone devices means that the potential for capturing clear evidence has not really increased much. You have to rely on people with high-end digital SLR and video equipment - which is probably no larger than the number of people who owned equally suitable image-capturing equipment in past decades. If a UFO appeared by my office, I would've done a much better job collecting evidence with my old Konica-Minolta film SLR or even my 2007 Canon point-and-shoot, than with the Galaxy phone that's in my pocket today.

The Sasquatch/Yeti topic is a different one altogether, but the mass of people who own smartphones are not going into the extremely remote areas, dense forest wilderness and mountain ranges, where large bipedal apes have been spotted and tracked. These devices are also terrible at doing what you're asking for - recording elusive wild animals in dense brush, darkness and harsh weather/terrain. Real animals, exotic and rare ones, have become no easier to record because of smartphones.


Junior Member
Maybe. Maybe not. The fact is it's should at least bring a huge increase in UFO video footage, regardless of the quality. IMO still illogical since almost every incident can be explained. The reason over Area 51 UFO's are spotted was because it's a place where secret military aircraft are being tested. Before the Roswell incident there was hardly any mentioning of objects in the sky. They where there, just like in old paintings and objects some can be interpreted as such, but far, far, far less. And why don't they make contact with us? It still doesn't make sense. To me. Maybe it does to you. Opinions differ, after all. And yeti/Bigfoot is a big joke to me, since that would make even far less sense.


George Noory is such a terrible host. The guy has been hosting for well over ten years, yet he still comes off as a completely uninformed doofus. And what do you know, he just extended his contract for and indefinite period of time. Sigh.

Agreed. And the worst thing is, a guest will be talking away and you can literally hear Noory rattling away on a key board (whether he's google surfing, or looking up his next talking point I don't know). Then the guest pauses and Noory LITERALLY asks him something that he just spoke about. Bloody infuriating, not to mention rude. Then the guest says " Well George, as I just said..."

I rarely listen these days.

The paracast is pretty decent, if you have a way to skip the godawful incessant ads. They have some interesting guests. One I heard recently was a discussion of the Cash/ Landrum case.


Maybe. Maybe not. The fact is it's should at least bring a huge increase in UFO video footage, regardless of the quality. IMO still illogical since almost every incident can be explained. The reason over Area 51 UFO's are spotted was because it's a place where secret military aircraft are being tested. Before the Roswell incident there was hardly any mentioning of objects in the sky. They where there, just like in old paintings and objects some can be interpreted as such, but far, far, far less. And why don't they make contact with us? It still doesn't make sense. To me. Maybe it does to you. Opinions differ, after all. And yeti/Bigfoot is a big joke to me, since that would make even far less sense.

There has been a large increase in UFO imagery. You're comparing the last few years of ample Youtube videos to the collected evidence spanning decades of the 20th century. Second, I know Area 51 is a military base -- no one is using Area 51 as a credible example (I'm not), so let's not go there. I already explained Roswell as an unremarkable UFO case that became mainstream years after the fact for no good reason. UFOs came up before Roswell, especially during WWII by pilots on all sides of the war (Foo Fighters). That there were less incidents has to do with aviation being nonexistent up to a point and then much rarer in the early decades of the 1900s. AND handheld camera equipment being far less common and sophisticated than post-1950s. SLRs and rangefinders were very expensive and uncommon when they arrived in meaningful numbers in the 1930s. Regardless, the people who spotted them still referred to flying, metallic discs and bowls before the very concept of UFOs and aliens ever became a thing.

Still doesn't explain why if this part of the galaxy and even earth is so crowded why they don't openly contact us. It's illogical, captain.

Some say they have contacted a select number of groups and individuals. Others believe they're simply observing or passing through and have no interest in contact. Here's a transcript of a Michio Kaku quote on the topic:

"lets say we have an ant hill in the middle of the forest. And right next to the ant hill they're building a 10 lane super highway. and the question is "would the ants be able to understand what a ten lane super highway is? Would the ants be able to understand the technology, the intentions of beings building the highway next to the ants? Lets say you go down to the ants and you say to the ants "I bring you trinkets. I bring you beads. I bring you knowledge. I bring you nuclear energy. I bring you dna technology. I bring you utopium. take me to your leader." Is that what you say when you bump into ants? No. Most ppl simply, step on a few of them. Now if we are really a type 0 civilization, and beings of a type 3 civilization can soar across hyperspace, they are perhaps millions of years more advanced than us. the distance between us and ants, would be the same comparable distance between a type 3 and a type 0 civilization. In other words, we are so arrogant, we're so conceited, that we say "They MUST visit us." We're so important that they are going to interrupt all their business, just so they can come to us and give us a little bit of super technology."

- Dr. Michio Kaku

As for Sasquatch, I recommend you read Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (http://www.amazon.com/dp/0765312174/?tag=neogaf0e-20) or at least watch the related documentary. Teams of scientists that include highly reputable individuals from a wide array of fields including primatology, have concluded that SOMETHING large, bipedeal and unknown lives deep in certain US national forests and in the remotest parts of the Himalayas. I just begun reading the book and the technical scientific detail is impressive and not at all goofy, contrived or sensationalist. This is a topic I didn't care about until I stumbled upon this book a few days ago.

In this landmark work on a subject too often dismissed as paranormal or disreputable, Jeffrey Meldrum gives us the first book on Sasquatch to be written by a scientist with impeccable academic credentials. He gives an objective look at the facts in a field mined with hoaxes and sensationalism. Meldrum reports on the work of a team of experts from a wide variety of fields who were assembled to examine the evidence for a large, yet undiscovered, North American primate. He reviews the long history of this mystery--which long predates the "Bigfoot" flap of the late fifties--and explains all the scientific pros and cons in a clear and accessible style, amplified by over 150 illustrations. Anyone who has pondered the mysteries of human evolution will be fascinated and eager to join Dr. Meldrum in drawing their own conclusion.


Please, this is nonsense. First of all not knowing where they would appear didn't stop people from filming them before, YT is filled to the brim with shitty videos of "encounters". And with auto-focus and adjustments of modern camera's there is no excuse for not at least having a steady stream of UFO videos, even if not as many as before. Take the meteor over Russia for example, multiple videos of very good quality of a totally unexpected event. May i ask how old you are? Because you mentioned itunes as a video capturing device. Your last part is a big maybe. Still doesn't explain why if this part of the galaxy and even earth is so crowded why they don't openly contact us. It's illogical, captain.

How do you know haven't openly contacted someone? Youtube is inundated with shit, how would you have any idea what is credible and what is fake? There is just too much to really know what is authentic, with the exception of the shittiest of the shitty CGI "aliens" which I find hilarious. Even when there is an authentic video people seem to be upset that the witness hasn't videotaped from the cockpit of the UFO. In the end, it is really up to you whether you think there is something to the countless videos and eyewitness testimony of UFOs. Though the meteor was pretty awesome, you're likening an inanimate object to what would be considered a highly intelligent being. I wont say that they dont make mistakes, but I will state that if they dont want to be seen then they probably wont be seen, assuming they are highly intelligent beings capable of traversing the universe.

And based off your original statement, are there less videos of UFOs? Is there a statistic on this or is this how you feel? Also, check out this site Here. You can look at all the recently reported UFOs by state. Not saying it's evidence, but it does show how often people report UFO sightings.

I wasn't really saying itunes was a camera, I was channeling my inner Bill Cosby.


Junior Member
I'm not going to respond after this because obviously in a thread like this there are people who, rightfully, would believe in it. I was once very open to this, but there are many reasons i look at it differently now (like many expert opinions, releasing of classified documents etc). It's understandable to be open to it, But just because there is a very small % of the unidentified object that cannot be explained doesn't mean it's a alien craft. To me it just means where not that far yet and not every case can get solved. Bigfoot... well if you live in a country with gigantic forests you might be open to such a thing, but i can't take it very seriously personally. The being barely able to breed, no droppings for science, thermal cameras in helicopters etc. There are probably far more scientist that are open to extraterrestrial visitors then Bigfoot (of Sasquatch for that matter). To me it's bear sightings. It's one of these things it's impossible to disproof (like religion as well), so it's up to the believers to catch a alien or Bigfoot.


I'm not going to respond after this because obviously in a thread like this there are people who, rightfully, would believe in it. I was once very open to this, but there are many reasons i look at it differently now (like many expert opinions, releasing of classified documents etc). It's understandable to be open to it, But just because there is a very small % of the unidentified object that cannot be explained doesn't mean it's a alien craft. To me it just means where not that far yet and not every case can get solved. Bigfoot... well if you live in a country with gigantic forests you might be open to such a thing, but i can't take it very seriously personally. The being barely able to breed, no droppings for science, thermal cameras in helicopters etc. There are probably far more scientist that are open to extraterrestrial visitors then Bigfoot (of Sasquatch for that matter). To me it's bear sightings. It's one of these things it's impossible to disproof (like religion as well), so it's up to the believers to catch a alien or Bigfoot.

You've responded to none of my rebuttals and no one is being rude, so why leave? I don't think anyone who seriously studies UFOs says for certain that there's an alien inside these craft, but rather that it's extraterrestrial, unlike anything on Earth and worth continuing to investigate.

I still recommend you read this book to gain some perspective on the subject of undiscovered great apes, so that you don't have to rely on personal assumptions. This is nothing like proving God exists and not in the realm of "catching an alien." A number of significant animals, including apes, have only been discovered in recent years and new ones are discovered every year. There are possibly hundreds of unknown mammals, on top of thousands of others (reptiles, amphibians, fish). The people of Indoneia have insisted sighting human-like bipedal apes long before homo floresiensis (the "hobbit") skeletons were found - on top of many other similar stories around the world of elusive bipedal apes of various size. If we have a thread on this, I can post more examples.
As recently as 1929, a great ape was added to the list of known species, when the bonobo, or pygmy chimp, was found in the jungles of Zaire, Africa. During the past century, over two hundred additional species of primate have been discovered. In the Neotropics alone, twenty-four new species have been described since 1990, and at least ten more await formal description. Most recently, the prospect of a new ape, perhaps something intermediate to a chimp and a gorilla, has sent primatologists converging on the Congo in search of the so-called Bili (or Bondo) ape—with little more evidence to go on than some oversized footprints, nests, a few strands of hair, and persistent native accounts of a large ape, which they call the “lion killer” due to its enormous size. Primatologist Shelly Williams, of the Jane Goodall Institute, experienced a close encounter with what she took to be four of these peculiar apes. They charged through the brush from less than ten meters away before they apparently realized she was not the quarry they anticipated. She described them as being huge, with a very flat faces, wide muzzles, straight overhanging brows, and grayish hair all over.

The author's* own first-hand accounts in the California wilderness are pretty crazy.

*D. Jeffrey "Jeff" Meldrum (born 1958) is a Full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum is also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy.

Meldrum is an expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates.


It's almost impossible to record anything with a cellphone even with today's tech. Newer phones, like the Lumia 1020, are making great strides in improving the tech but even then trying to record anything at a distance day or night is almost impossible.


I'm not going to respond after this because obviously in a thread like this there are people who, rightfully, would believe in it. I was once very open to this, but there are many reasons i look at it differently now (like many expert opinions, releasing of classified documents etc). It's understandable to be open to it, But just because there is a very small % of the unidentified object that cannot be explained doesn't mean it's a alien craft. To me it just means where not that far yet and not every case can get solved. Bigfoot... well if you live in a country with gigantic forests you might be open to such a thing, but i can't take it very seriously personally. The being barely able to breed, no droppings for science, thermal cameras in helicopters etc. There are probably far more scientist that are open to extraterrestrial visitors then Bigfoot (of Sasquatch for that matter). To me it's bear sightings. It's one of these things it's impossible to disproof (like religion as well), so it's up to the believers to catch a alien or Bigfoot.

I like this post, aside from all the bigfoot stuff which I really have never had an interest in. I don't know how I would feel about this stuff had I not had my own experience. I can accept that there isn't irrefutable evidence, eye witness testimony and shaky video don't hold up, and without it you can prove anything.That's not to say that there haven't been inexplicable occurrences, just that these occurrences don't prove the existence of extraterrestrials. My belief that extraterrestrials are visiting us in UFOs is based off the idea that humans are not capable of what I witnessed and what has been described by many witnesses.


My belief that extraterrestrials are visiting us in UFOs is based off the idea that humans are not capable of what I witnessed and what has been described by many witnesses.

I already saw something that I cannot explain, but I don't attribute it to extraterrestrials.

Confirmation bias is something real, and can be really hard to fight.


I already saw something that I cannot explain, but I don't attribute it to extraterrestrials.

Confirmation bias is something real, and can be really hard to fight.

So what do you think it was? What possibilities can you eliminate? I know we've already been through the "you can't prove it's extraterrestrials thing." In my case it was clear that I wasn't looking at a modern aircraft, Silent ball of light that wasn't more than 50 feet from my 3rd floor apartment window that slowly hovered out of sight that was able to take off within seconds. That leaves many possibilities, I go with extraterrestrials because I think of them as more of a physical being versus an entity, though I can't prove what I saw was even a craft.

I guess what I am asking is, do you just let it be what it is because there are too many possibilities?


I already saw something that I cannot explain, but I don't attribute it to extraterrestrials.

Confirmation bias is something real, and can be really hard to fight.

I find this post funny. Using confirmation bias as your confirmation bias!


Next time you're outside, try to take a photo of a plane with your cellphone and post it here

That's not hard for me, one of JFK's flight patterns is right over my house. I bet the planes aren't much higher than 300 feet passing over head, but umma do it. I will have a pic of a plane from my phone in here in the next few days. We'll see how good it turns out.


That's not hard for me, one of JFK's flight patterns is right over my house. I bet the planes aren't much higher than 300 feet passing over head, but umma do it. I will have a pic of a plane from my phone in here in the next few days. We'll see how good it turns out.

I could be wrong but I don't think he wasn't talking you specifically much less about your incident. It was more of an open comment to those saying that we should all be getting proof because everyone has cellphones on them.

But feel free to take pics and post them here :)


I could be wrong but I don't think he wasn't talking you specifically much less about your incident. It was more of an open comment to those saying that we should all be getting proof because everyone has cellphones on them.

But feel free to take pics and post them here :)

I know he wasn't talking to me, but i've decided to do it for RESEARCH.
missing some numbers there, ain't ya?

I forgot to take out the second zero. Unless you mean something else?

I like this post, aside from all the bigfoot stuff which I really have never had an interest in. I don't know how I would feel about this stuff had I not had my own experience. I can accept that there isn't irrefutable evidence, eye witness testimony and shaky video don't hold up, and without it you can prove anything.That's not to say that there haven't been inexplicable occurrences, just that these occurrences don't prove the existence of extraterrestrials. My belief that extraterrestrials are visiting us in UFOs is based off the idea that humans are not capable of what I witnessed and what has been described by many witnesses.

I agree with this. And I think it's also possible that "they" are sending their hover-rovers over here for observation and study. Like how we sent a rover to mars.


I forgot to take out the second zero. Unless you mean something else?

hehe yeah, the extra 0 threw me off.

So I was thinking about space the other day.

And I figure, there really has to be a really short list for why aliens would not contact us...thinking from my own perspective, it makes very little sense in most instances to contact humans. It's just too much trouble. It would cause trouble for us, and for them. And if they had any kind of morality or ethics they would have a problem with throwing our entire planet into chaos. They wouldn't want to be responsible for that shit. Unless...they weren't particularly advanced, or they were particularly desperate.

Basically if they're like us, then we should be very afraid, because they could be up to anything. We haven't evolved to that particular level where we wouldn't need anything, or could create whatever we needed from the vast resources of space. We'd be very much like an organism. And while you don't necessarily blame the virus for infecting and killing you(you might), we still tend to try to avoid them.

now...super advanced and benevolent aliens WOULD contact us if humanity met some certain criteria...I don't think I need to list them all here, but we know we aren't even close to being peaceful or even non self-destructive. There's no way I would want our current civilization to spread as it is. We would have to be contained, not uplifted.

But. This also makes me wonder about contactees, which as a whole I tend to consider with grains of salt. Particularly the craziness of the 50s and 60s and the Space Brothers type stuff which I used to immediately discount. It does make sense, in a way, to contact singular persons, and even to obscure the credibility of their claims...
hehe yeah, the extra 0 threw me off.

So I was thinking about space the other day.

And I figure, there really has to be a really short list for why aliens would not contact us...thinking from my own perspective, it makes very little sense in most instances to contact humans. It's just too much trouble. It would cause trouble for us, and for them. And if they had any kind of morality or ethics they would have a problem with throwing our entire planet into chaos. They wouldn't want to be responsible for that shit. Unless...they weren't particularly advanced, or they were particularly desperate.

Basically if they're like us, then we should be very afraid, because they could be up to anything. We haven't evolved to that particular level where we wouldn't need anything, or could create whatever we needed from the vast resources of space. We'd be very much like an organism. And while you don't necessarily blame the virus for infecting and killing you(you might), we still tend to try to avoid them.

now...super advanced and benevolent aliens WOULD contact us if humanity met some certain criteria...I don't think I need to list them all here, but we know we aren't even close to being peaceful or even non self-destructive. There's no way I would want our current civilization to spread as it is. We would have to be contained, not uplifted.

But. This also makes me wonder about contactees, which as a whole I tend to consider with grains of salt. Particularly the craziness of the 50s and 60s and the Space Brothers type stuff which I used to immediately discount. It does make sense, in a way, to contact singular persons, and even to obscure the credibility of their claims...

What if one of them knew what was going to happen to us in the far future and decided it was going to violate the "Prime Directive" by giving a female and male human knowledge, with the intent on having us stop the future event? And maybe the alien who did that was banished from the "heavenly" collective.

A secret that is kept secret even if it is revealed.

By the way, I made a few quick edits to the story up above about what hit the moon back in May. I'm sure you guys noticed it, but I actually originally mentioned it in March (not May). If you go back and look at the screen cap I posted, you will see what I mean.


What if one of them knew what was going to happen to us in the far future and decided it was going to violate the "Prime Directive" by giving a female and male human knowledge, with the intent on having us stop the future event? And maybe the alien who did that was banished from the "heavenly" collective.

That's a popular allegory that has been used in sci-fi and even religious cults, actually. Not so much the 'future event' angle, but the whole adam and eve + 'satan was actually an ancient astronaut' thing.

And actually I meant in a less organized and more practical way of "well, we'll take what we can get, since we're here" kind of approach. Destabilizing human civilization by flying over Times Square would make things pretty tough all over, since these idiot humans are a collective powder keg. So concealed anthropological studies are in, but introducing them to the universe outside of their solar system is *out*, because with even a tiny bit of information, this entire planet might become a threat to themselves or others, just because a more advanced race wasn't "careful" enough? I mean, even humans would hate themselves for that situation (some of us anyway, others would give no fucks).


Maybe they are looking at us the same way we look at fish in a fish tank. We control everything in a fish tank, but we for the most part, allow them to swim.


I think the idea of some kind of prime directive is as valid as having Farengis or Klingons just stomping us real quick if there is something to gain.

In the infinite vastness of space, nearly any scenario is possible!
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