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UK: Couple Remove Son from School Because School Recognises Trans Student

Yeah that bullying policy is dumb. If the kid was disciplined for misgendering the other kid then that is ridiculous.

Unless were not hearing that It was repeated harrassment or something like that.

This gender shite is confusing enough for adults, you can't discipline a child for not getting it.

If I wasa betting man this is how I'd map the reality behind this article.

1. Piece of shit kid with hateful parents bullies trans kid at school.

2. After multiple instances of bullying the kid gets punished.

3. Cunt parents instead of facing the reality their kid is also turning into a cunt begin an "outrage campaign" with extra dog whistles. And instead of allowing their kid to realise the real world doesn't tolerate that shit, they extricate him outta there.

Schools don't do fucking shit about bullying. I went to a church school in the UK the teachers are the fuckin worst they aren't going to do shit unless it's really blatant.


For you.
Yeah that bullying policy is dumb. If the kid was disciplined for misgendering the other kid then that is ridiculous.

Unless were not hearing that It was repeated harrassment or something like that.

This gender shite is confusing enough for adults, you can't discipline a child for not getting it.
This is the second kid they pull out of school because of someone transgender existing. It's pretty obvious at this point that the kids are emulating their bigoted ass parents in school.


And you think a child will understand this? And are parents really the best people to explain this to them?

One minute we are saying kids are growing up too quick and where is the innocence, and next thing we are expecting them to be 100% clued up on the intricacy of gender identity.
Why does understanding what gender is infringe upon innocence?

"Some people are born as a boy but feel like they should be a girl instead; they are allowed to be true to themselves." It's not a difficult concept. In fact it's easiest to learn as a child when you are still forming your understanding of the world.


You cannot go saying someone is bullying another child when they probably don't even know anything about identifying as a boy or a girl.

Tell them what not to do and explain why shouldn't do it. It's called learning how to follow rules.

Anyway, why should we care about the feelings of these kids and how confused they get? The older brother seemed to have also bullied a transgender kid.

If you watch the video it looks like those parents are simply filled with disgust but are old enough to understand. They don't have any excuses.

Perhaps by introducing these concepts at a young age, children will be more accepting growing up.

Transgender people often commit suicide and are not well accepted in society.


Read this article. Child commited suicide after they weren't allowed to change their name on the school register because for some reason they had to be 16 to do so.

Sounds like bullshit, right?

In a statement from the teenager’s school, the headteacher, Sharon Cromie, referred to the teen by his former name in her tribute.

She said: “Louise was a wonderful person in every way and is missed by us all.”

Even in death the headteacher of that school wouldn't respect the kid's wishes.
The real issue here is that we all want to be different, but we all want to be treated equally.

It's a paradox and it's impossible. Society soesn't work like that.
They don't WANT to be "different", they ARE "different"

Society will adjust, or its a worthless society


Trust me when I say Church schools are not where you want to send your kid if you don't want them to be gay or trans.

Out of a year of 30 kids, 17 have come out as gay/bi/trans since. That said it was also a private all boys catholic school so :p.

I dunno, a Church of England school in 2017 is probably going to be pretty liberal towards this kind of thing.

Lego Boss

That's what you posted, if you want to defend what you said then defend it instead of crying about someone calling out your horrible example.


I'm not going to get dragged down here. The groupmind wanted an example. I gave one. I didn't equate anything to anyone in my example, I gave an example from my own life. If you don't like it, then perhaps you shouldn't post here either as you are clearly easily upset and sensitive.

I'm quitting this thread.
And you think a child will understand this? And are parents really the best people to explain this to them?

One minute we are saying kids are growing up too quick and where is the innocence, and next thing we are expecting them to be 100% clued up on the intricacy of gender identity.

It's ridiculous in the fact that a child can be disciplined for "mis-gendering" someone else. That is not bullying and only serves to create further resentment instead of education.

We in the UK suffer greatly with even basic sexual education, this is a whole different issue and one that requires some real proper education.

You cannot go saying someone is bullying another child when they probably don't even know anything about identifying as a boy or a girl.

It's honestly probably easier for children who probably don't know about pensis vs vagina.
"Jimmy, your friend Sam feels more comfortable with long hair and a dress." Done. That easy.

It's only hard if you're a bigot.

I'm not going to get dragged down here. The groupmind wanted an example. I gave one. I didn't equate anything to anyone in my example, I gave an example from my own life. If you don't like it, then perhaps you shouldn't post here either as you are clearly easily upset and sensitive.

I'm quitting this thread.

And your example was horrible, I and others called you out, and instead of defending it or clarifying it, you run away while bitching about being confronted on your points.

Not my issue you're so easily upset and sensitive about being confronted on your ideas.

Really dude, you're resorting to sensitive snowflake insults in the same post that you run from the thread?

Hivemind and sensitive snowflake!



I'm not going to get dragged down here. The groupmind wanted an example. I gave one. I didn't equate anything to anyone in my example, I gave an example from my own life. If you don't like it, then perhaps you shouldn't post here either as you are clearly easily upset and sensitive.

I'm quitting this thread.
Really dude, you're resorting to sensitive snowflake insults in the same post that you run from the thread?
And your example was horrible, I and others called you out, and instead of defending it or clarifying it, you run away and bitch and cry.

Not my issue you're so sensitive
You could have just politely explain why he was wrong instead of dog piling him.

This passing aggressive "you're wrong!!! Gotcha" Style of discussion does nothing but push people further into ignorance.
To be fair, there's a difference between "your friend is a human being and deserves to be treated with respect" is a far cry from "your friend is best labeled as genderqueer, and you're cishet."

I don't think anyone's disagreeing with the former. Nor should they be. And I have no idea if 6-year-olds can handle the latter. Maybe really precocious ones with examples?
'Some people were born boys but feel like girls. Don't bully them or be mean to them.'

That should do it.

Tbh, when I was a kid my mind was blown by the revelation that girls had no willy.

I could not even imagine how I'd have understood the distinction between gender/sex and gender roles/performance etc.
Its not about understanding the minutiae, its about not bullying, being cruel or insisting on referring to them as the opposite pronoun.

And you think a child will understand this? And are parents really the best people to explain this to them?

One minute we are saying kids are growing up too quick and where is the innocence, and next thing we are expecting them to be 100% clued up on the intricacy of gender identity.
I mean, you can do the 'well, one minute' thing but I've certainly never said that so I'll assume it doesn't apply to me.

Also, its not 100%, its about not being dicks. They don't need to understand 100% of it or the nitty gritty, just understand the concept and be told not to bully.

I'm not going to get dragged down here. The groupmind wanted an example. I gave one. I didn't equate anything to anyone in my example, I gave an example from my own life. If you don't like it, then perhaps you shouldn't post here either as you are clearly easily upset and sensitive.

I'm quitting this thread.


You can't say this place is shutting down debate when your the one who can't coutner a takedown of your own shitty argument. Think about the responses you've gotten, the reasons behind them, and evaluate your position from there. Don't just run off because 'everyone else is easily upset or sensitive', because the only person I see acting like that is you.

I'm not going to get dragged down here. The groupmind wanted an example. I gave one. I didn't equate anything to anyone in my example, I gave an example from my own life. If you don't like it, then perhaps you shouldn't post here either as you are clearly easily upset and sensitive.

I'm quitting this thread.

Life is hard when people disagree with you, huh?

You have absolutely no idea. I don't want to be different. I want to be accepted as me (a woman).

Your whole view on transgender people is based on shaky foundations.

I would rather not be the 'other', thanks.
Sounds like the kid was either a bully or the parents encouraged him to ignore the teachers.

Refusing to acknowledge the correct gender of another kid in your class is not a difficult concept. The only reason a child would repeatedly do it is because their parents tell them to or because they want to bully the other kid.


that just because we question the notion that a six-year-old boy can really become a girl, we are transphobic.

Er. Of fucking course if you question if a trans person can actually be a trans person it is transphobic. Fuck off with that nonsense.

What is it with bigots hating being called out for their bigotry?

Just to be clear I'm talking about the parents.


sure damage your childrens education over something as pathetic as your own transphobia looks like they are relegating their family to irrelevancy.
You have the chance, by simply doing nothing, to ensure your child does not grow with these needless prejudices that divide and cause pain. And yet you cannot help yourself, you must let these divides and this pain continue.

Fuck you.
You could have just politely explain why he was wrong instead of dog piling him.

This passing aggressive "you're wrong!!! Gotcha" Style of discussion does nothing but push people further into ignorance.

I didn't dog pile him, I summed up his point to show how ridiculous it is to say that being trans doesn't grant you the same equality and respect as anyone else.

"Being special when it suits me", yea, like trans people are going out of their way to be special and get all the attention.

Talking about physical disabilities and not being able to fly an aircraft has fuck all to do with dealing with people who want to be shitty to other people because they are trans.


You know, sure kids might not fully grasp gender identity at the age of 6, but you can be damn sure to teach them to be fair and respectful to fellow kids, whatever they chose to identify as.

You are saying if is a problem for the kid to understand and respect a transgender kid but it all boils down to respecting the individual.
Man these disabled people now get ramps at the staircase thus impeding the rest of us normals from climbing the staircase in greater number. Such inequality.
when I was younger, parents would say their kids would be too confused by seeing gay people. My mixed race uncle had angry parents saying their children were confused by someone that had a white mother and black father.

None of these concepts are hard to explain to children and children, for the most part, would never even notice if their parents didn't bring it up first.

Stop using your children as an excuse to justify your intolerance.


You know what to do when your child is confused about something? You sit them down and you explain it to them, articulating your point in a way that's appropriate to their age and level of understanding. Radical parenting, I know.
when I was younger, parents would say their kids would be too confused by seeing gay people. My mixed race uncle had angry parents saying their children were confused by someone that had a white mother and black father.

None of these concepts are hard to explain to children and children, for the most part, would never even notice if their parents didn't bring it up first.

Stop using your children as an excuse to justify your intolerance.



Trust me when I say Church schools are not where you want to send your kid if you don't want them to be gay or trans.

Out of a year of 30 kids, 17 have come out as gay/bi/trans since. That said it was also a private all boys catholic school so :p.

I went to an all boys school and I can count on one hand the number of people who came out as gay or bi that I know off. This is based on people in my year and 2 years above. I am personally surprised a child would come out as trans so early.
With kids, I think I'm lifting from sophies choices here.

But the idea of "confused" kids is bullshit. If a kid was sat at the dinner table and his parents started flying around he'd be like "wtf?" And the parents would be like "oh yeah you are able to fly at the age of 20 didn't we tell you?"

The kid would be like "oh cool" and then get along with life. No questions no confusion.


You know what to do when your child is confused about something? You sit them down and you explain it to them, articulating your point in a way that's appropriate to their age and level of understanding. Radical parenting, I know.

It's hard to explain something to a child when your own understanding is below child level.


Oh, this is their second kid with the same issue?

Yeah, the parents are Daily Mail readers fighting a proxy war through their kids.
Wow, I went to that school. Amazing to see it turn up on GAF. It was a good school, teachers were great and it was in good condition. The only downside was that because it was COE my parents had to make sure we went to church each Sunday to be eligible for enrolement. Between them they managed to raise a nice atheist though.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
With kids, I think I'm lifting from sophies choices here.

But the idea of "confused" kids is bullshit. If a kid was sat at the dinner table and his parents started flying around he'd be like "wtf?" And the parents would be like "oh yeah you are able to fly at the age of 20 didn't we tell you?"

The kid would be like "oh cool" and then get along with life. No questions no confusion.

Yeah, even if it's difficult for him to grasp the intricacies, just let the kid know that sometimes boys want might to dress like girls and girls might want to dress like boys. You don't even have to get into the more technical part of the explanation until later. Respect others for what they want to wear, to be and to be called. Done!


Accidentally misgendering someone and deliberately doing so is the difference between making a mistake and bullying. Pretty obvious what was going on.

I suppose the silver lining is that this is a newsworthy story in 2017, rather than behaviour so typical that it doesn't warrant highlighting. "Awful parents pulling their kid out of school because there's a trans girl in his class? What a scoop!" rather than the "Six year old boy CLAIMS to be a girl! Parents don't consider that it could just be a phase!?" articles of yesteryear.


And you think a child will understand this? And are parents really the best people to explain this to them?

One minute we are saying kids are growing up too quick and where is the innocence, and next thing we are expecting them to be 100% clued up on the intricacy of gender identity.

Speak for yourself on this part. IMO "innocence" is an artificial construct designed for the enjoyment of adults rather than a real thing. Children are simply ignorant and lacking life experience, they're incomplete humans, but believing them to be that doesn't give adults the warm and fuzzies like the concept of innocence does.

Moreover, a lot of the time when adults complain about the innocence of childhood being ruined, or, as in this case, "children should be allowed to be children", it seems to actually be code for "I don't want my children exposed to this thing that I don't like/have a prejudice against". By being incomplete humans children innately lack the prejudices that their parents have, and are uniquely positioned to be taught acceptance and tolerance. Issues like transgenderism aren't so complicated when they're approached from a position of not having to fight against pre-existing prejudice.

In cases like this it would seem that parents don't always want that as it conflicts with their own ingrained beliefs, and so object under the pretence that teaching acceptance is somehow ruining their child's "innocence". It's a load of crap; what they're really scared of is that their child might end up with a world view that flies in the face of their own.
If they are truly disciplining a kid that young for accidentally misgendering a kid then I can see their point a little. However, it's a life lesson everyone should learn.
Yeah, even if it's difficult for him to grasp the intricacies, just let the kid know that sometimes boys want might to dress like girls and girls might want to dress like boys. You don't even have to get into the more technical part of the explanation until later. Respect others for what they want to wear, to be and to be called. Done!

Man kids don't grasp intricacies, they're kids, kids are stupid.

We can sell kids on an idea that a jolly fat man with a white beard and red pyjamas is going to break into their home every year and layout Christmas presents underneath a tree.

And they will literally believe that shit.

But somehow selling our kids that sometimes brother may become a sister and that's ok. Is some massive stretch of the imagination and hella confusing? Get outtah town.


Saying that children wouldn't understand trans people if you explained it to them is a fucking ridiculous argument, especially because some of these very kids they're offended by attend the same school, and are at the same age levels and identify as a trans person. I mean, how can you say that children would not understand when there are already children that so fucking obviously understand it because it's what they already identify as already?

Again, it's a fucking dumb as shit argument. It is the parents bigotry and actions and general shitty parenting that negatively impact the child's understanding, it is not the fact that the child can not understand the concept of trans people.
Man kids don't grasp intricacies, they're kids, kids are stupid.

We can sell kids on an idea that a jolly fat man with a white beard and red pyjamas is going to break into their home every year and layout Christmas presents underneath a tree.

And they will literally believe that shit.

But somehow selling our kids that sometimes brother may become a sister and that's ok. Is some massive stretch of the imagination and hella confusing? Get outtah town.

Yep. The kids ain't the problem and they don't come into the world closed minded.


Can't even believe they are getting an article written about them. Nobody asked for their hatred to be displayed to the world.

Mr Git

I'm really not that sure it is that confusing for children. My friend's kid is trans and my other friends' kids all just said ok and carried on. It's easy peasy when the parents aren't twats.


If they are truly disciplining a kid that young for accidentally misgendering a kid then I can see their point a little. However, it's a life lesson everyone should learn.

The kid is 6 and teachers are (generally speaking) caring and professional, not prison guards - "disciplined" most likely meant sitting down and talking to the kid in private.


I'm really not that sure it is that confusing for children. My friend's kid is trans and my other friends' kids all just said ok and carried on. It's easy peasy when the parents aren't twats.

I don't think it is either. Confusion only really seems likely to arise when what is being taught by parents is dramatically different to what is being taught at school.
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