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UK: Couple Remove Son from School Because School Recognises Trans Student


Neo Member
In my view it was wrong for the kid's parents to act in such a reactionary way. From their responses in the interview it is clear they are transphobic and do seem to understand what it means. So when their child raises something which they don't understand they run away from it, then attack it.

We do live in a different world from when I was a kid though, and trans people of all ages have a lot more visibility.

For those questioning do you realise gender at that young of an age, from my experience yes to a certain extent. I knew I was different and 'weird' compared to the other boys I knew. Not that I understood what it was at that age, but I knew I wanted to dress and act more like a girl than a boy.


I don't see a problem either. But the people stating that six year olds truly understand what it means to be transgender really baffle me. They don't. Period.
Yes, they comprehend a girl who wants to be a boy or vice versa. But, and it's a big one, they don't understand the mental and physical processes that are taking place.

I see where you're coming from. I personally believe, however, that kids can be born the wrong gender and recognize they're different. They may not understand the nuances or consequences yet, but it's totally possible that some simply know, if that makes any sense. It's hard to say one way or another, because how do you substantiate how a child feels?

I do also think it's possible that kids who aren't trans may latch onto the idea simply because it's being pushed by authority figures, and it's seen as "fun", or something to be praised for. That's what I think worries some parents, given how easily influenced kids can be.


Maybe it was just too hot?

"It's an issue with you"...

I feel like pockets of British tv have been on fire this last week. It just feels...good...also the popping eyes on that guy when Scofield said that was quite funny. It felt like a lot of the confusion/hate came from the wife, she just seemed more "passionate" about it, although that's not to excuse the father.

I never get the imposition argument. It's no more effort to call someone by their name than it is to generally pay attention in class, minimum effort required. I know it's not really an argument that stands up to scrutiny though but it always annoys and saddens me that so many so called religious folk in these sorts of scenarios have a total lack of faith or compassion.


You also have the super liberal parents who want their child to be trans or gay so they can demonstrate how cool and liberal they are.


I like the way the dad goes full on concern troll about wearing a dress and using female pronouns being a life changing decision then less than a minute later claims that 98% of people who have cross-gender feelings grow out of it [citation needed].

So which is it? Is it a permanent choice with no backsies "pushed by the media" or just harmless experimentation?

Also fuck him for his "species dysphoria" slippery slope. Now that comparing gay marriage to bestiality is out of fashion I guess this is the new frontier for stupid and offensive logical fallacies.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
It is. Of course this opinion is extremely 'edgy' to some, but do people really think a 6 y/o child is able to fully grasp this type of subject matter?
No. It's not possible.
I am NOT trying to stir the pot either, although I'm sure someone will link some crackpot study that says otherwise.

Once the brain has matured a bit more past the point of Paw Patrol being high-brow entertainment, sure do whatever you wish. I'm all for MATURE ADULTS making decisions on whoever the hell they want to be.

But a 6 y/o? No.

Have you ever taken any psychology classes? Or are you just basing this on something like general knowledge? I minored in Psych myself, and one of the classes I took was specifically on children (as a future parent I thought it would be helpful). One of the classes was spent on gender identity and how children that were as old as that child in the article knew about this already and how it was helpful for children feeling this way to express themselves as they desired. However, of course it is best to consult with a licensed psychologist, counselor or whomever in the best way going forward.

You also have the super liberal parents who want their child to be trans or gay so they can demonstrate how cool and liberal they are.

I don't think this really exists, but please feel free to cite a source regarding this.


Have you ever taken any psychology classes? Or are you just basing this on something like general knowledge? I minored in Psych myself, and one of the classes I took was specifically on children (as a future parent I thought it would be helpful). One of the classes was spent on gender identity and how children that were as old as that child in the article knew about this already and how it was helpful for children feeling this way to express themselves as they desired. However, of course it is best to consult with a licensed psychologist, counselor or whomever in the best way going forward.

I don't think this really exists, but please feel free to cite a source regarding this.

Do you have links to that study? I'd like to read.


You also have the super liberal parents who want their child to be trans or gay so they can demonstrate how cool and liberal they are.

What the fuck is wrong with you, to come in and brazenly make up trans/homophobic bullshit like that?

Edit: ah, banned. Good fucking riddance.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Do you have links to that study? I'd like to read.

I don't really have access to any of the information I was provided at the time, as this was a couple of years ago. And as a law student, my main primary research knowledge usually does not involve psychology. I would think that if you want to know more information about this, I would simply google "gender dysphoria in children." I would also stick to relevant sites, usually ones that have to do with academia instead of news sites.
It is. Of course this opinion is extremely 'edgy' to some, but do people really think a 6 y/o child is able to fully grasp this type of subject matter?
No. It's not possible.
I am NOT trying to stir the pot either, although I'm sure someone will link some crackpot study that says otherwise.

Once the brain has matured a bit more past the point of Paw Patrol being high-brow entertainment, sure do whatever you wish. I'm all for MATURE ADULTS making decisions on whoever the hell they want to be.

But a 6 y/o? No.

If you force them to wait until 18 to receive treatment then transgender people (especially trans women) will face severely negative quality of life repercussions due to undergoing puberty as the wrong gender.

Its a laughable paradox. Transgender kids and adolescents are "too young to really know" to get the appropriate treatment to help them, but by the time they're old enough according to you and many others to make these decisions the treatment is no longer effective as the damage from puberty has been done.

The best thing you can do is just listen to the child and encourage them to explore their identity.


You also have the super liberal parents who want their child to be trans or gay so they can demonstrate how cool and liberal they are.

You also have super ignorant people that like to construct strawmen and misrepresent the truth to demonstrate how cool and homophobic they are .
Have you ever taken any psychology classes? Or are you just basing this on something like general knowledge? I minored in Psych myself, and one of the classes I took was specifically on children (as a future parent I thought it would be helpful). One of the classes was spent on gender identity and how children that were as old as that child in the article knew about this already and how it was helpful for children feeling this way to express themselves as they desired. However, of course it is best to consult with a licensed psychologist, counselor or whomever in the best way going forward.

I don't think this really exists, but please feel free to cite a source regarding this.
If I'm wrong, I'd be more than happy to be corrected.


Did they immigrate from America lol? This sounds exactly like someone from here would do.

Glad the school is being tolerant and supportive of transgender kids though, esspecially a religious one.
Every trans person has said you're wrong.

In general, by the age of three, children are capable of understanding gender and self identifying their own gender. It's not complex, nor is it confusing.
That's not in general, that's in extreme cases. Most can identify boy to girl by 6. Identifying and understanding their own body comes during puberty. If you're going to spew misinformation, please don't bother responding.


That's not in general, that's in extreme cases. Most can identify boy to girl by 6. Identifying and understanding their own body comes during puberty. If you're going to spew misinformation, please don't bother responding.

Mhm, if you're going to spew garbage, how about you stop responding.

Here's a source: The American Academy of Pediatrics

Around two-years-old, children become conscious of the physical differences between boys and girls. Before their third birthday, most children are easily able to label themselves as either a boy or a girl. By age four, most children have a stable sense of their gender identity. During this same time of life, children learn gender role behavior—that is, do­ing "things that boys do" or "things that girls do."

Before the age of three, children can dif­ferentiate toys typically used by boys or girls and begin to play with children of their own gender in activities identified with that gender. For example, a girl may gravitate toward dolls and playing house. By contrast, a boy may play games that are more active and enjoy toy soldiers, blocks, and toy trucks.

By the way, I love how you're telling a trans-rights activist and transwoman who studied these topics for years that they are spreading misinformation. Really loving it...
Yes, there are. People will do some pretty heinous things for attention. Including selling out their kids to the media.

Reciepts please. And yes there are assholes attention whore parents but I doubt there are as many of them as you think there are

How am I carrying out trans- and homophobia? Are you being dense on purpose? Some posters on here really like stirring shit up, it's pretty sad.

You are dismissing the people who have experienced the things you claim are bunk. Kinda shitty my dude
Reciepts please. And yes there are assholes attention whore parents but I doubt there are as many of them as you think there are

You are dismissing the people who have experienced the things you claim are bunk. Kinda shitty my dude
Like I said, if I'm wrong, I'm more than welcome to accept it. I apparently am, so I apologize to people who have experienced it.
Regarding the attention part that he was quoting, I personally have met people who have sold out their kids for either attention or to pursue their dreams they never achieved.


Like I said, if I'm wrong, I'm more than welcome to accept it. I apparently am, so I apologize to people who have experienced it.
Regarding the attention part that he was quoting, I personally have met people who have sold out their kids for either attention or to pursue their dreams they never achieved.

Ever heard of a straw man, bucko?


Like I said, if I'm wrong, I'm more than welcome to accept it. I apparently am, so I apologize to people who have experienced it.
Regarding the attention part that he was quoting, I personally have met people who have sold out their kids for either attention or to pursue their dreams they never achieved.

And were they forcing their kids to be gay or trans?


Don't you need approval from an expert before you can get treatments anyway

Yes. Sometimes the patient need to be seen by more than one expert, depends on the law of the land. I had to be seen by three before starting treatment; a psychiatrist, a gender therapist, and my general practitioner.

For children, they don't start hormones until they are teenagers and are only in puberty blockers, and no surgery before 18. For young kids before 10, most therapists just ask to let them express themselves as they want. That's about it.


People are digging here when I've been more than clear what I'm talking about, so I'll see my way out.
Again, I said selling their kids out to the media, for any reason.

So, let me get this straight. You discount several trans people's experiences because "Those are the extreme outliers" until you have to be shown proof otherwise. But when people say the same thing to you, that your stories are bullshit because those are the extreme extreme outliers to force their kids to be gay or trans of which you didn't provide a single source, you don't back it up but you just run away and say people are treating you unfairly?


People are digging here when I've been more than clear what I'm talking about, so I'll see my way out.
Again, I said selling their kids out to the media, for any reason.

There was a specific example given which you agreed with and you're now comparing it to something entirely different, the posters above claiming strawman are entirely accurate. You've been intentionally ignoring everyone proving your ridiculous statements wrong the entire thread and now you're pulling the "I'm out" card like so many before you have done.

Your tag makes even more sense now than it did before you started posting in this thread. You're an idiot.

edit - Aaaaaaaand he's gone.
People are digging here when I've been more than clear what I'm talking about, so I'll see my way out.

Don't worry, someone helped you out the door.

And LOL at accusing people of "Stirring shit up" when you started it. Next time, have the balls to admit you're wrong then stop posting.



Geezus fuck these people are so ignorant. And they hide their ignorance behind "the science", which doesn't even agree with them. "How far is it going to go, are children going to say they're animals next?!" God these people are so fucking moronic and that they try to dress themselves up as the mature ones who understand any of this is so fucking infuriating.

Not to mention the outright bullshit statistics he's quoting out his ass about "98% of people who think they're trans find out they aren't". It's like every bullshit anti-trans argument wrapped up in one ignorant, stupid and dangerous package.


Geezus fuck these people are so ignorant. And they hide their ignorance behind "the science", which doesn't even agree with them. "How far is it going to go, are children going to say they're animals next?!" God these people are so fucking moronic and that they try to dress themselves up as the mature ones who understand any of this is so fucking infuriating.

Not to mention the outright bullshit statistics he's quoting out his ass about "98% of people who think they're trans find out they aren't". It's like every bullshit anti-trans argument wrapped up in one ignorant, stupid and dangerous package.
I like that both the presenters on BBC and ITV kinda ridiculed all their points. It's like even the average person who isn't boned up on trans rights thinks they're being completely unreasonable. I think this is a good example of how giving ignorant people air time can be a good thing because I don't know how the average person watches that thinks they're being reasonable at all.

Did anyone mention how ridiculous the guy at the end suggesting children could be 'trans-species'? Just fuck off, mate.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
How about trying to educate yourselves, rather than shitting the bed because it's different and confusing to you.

Although the bit about bullying, I find interesting. The way it's worded makes it sound like all they needed to do was call a transgender pupil "he" or "she" for it to be considered bullying - which seems harsh.
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