Breakfast at Noon
Just need villager and starfox 
It appeared on several Amazon a couple days ago. It isn't available anymore from Amazon, but several 3rd-party sellers have it for reasonable prices (17-18 including shipping, which is ~13£)Still require Amiibo 36 - Greninja for a complete set!
Anyone seen it anyplace please?
Still require Amiibo 36 - Greninja for a complete set!
Anyone seen it anyplace please?
On Friday, I ordered a bunch of amiibo on Nintendo's store, but because they were replenishing their stock gradually, I didn't want to wait until everything I wanted was in stock in case I missed out on any.
As a result, I initially placed an order for four amiibo, and then 5-10 minutes later, I placed a new order for those same four, plus a fifth (I couldn't just simply order the last amiibo on it's own, as postage is only free when you spend over a certain amount in one order). I then immediately cancelled my previous order.
Shortly after, I then did the same thing for a sixth amiibo.
Annoyingly, I later received an e-mail telling me that they were unable to process my cancellation requests, despite me requesting each cancellation within a few minutes of placing the order. It said I could return them after receiving them. I've now received two of the orders (one with six amiibo, and one with five; I'm still waiting on the one with four), so as soon as the final one turns up, I have to return them. This is annoying; I hope they reimburse me somehow for posting both of the boxes back, since I requested each cancellation almost immediately, and wouldn't even have had to do so if they simply restocked everything at once. Their current system is incompatible with the free postage policy, because I'd be stupid to order one at a time, and waiting too long in the hope that more that I want are restocked is risky, as then I risk others selling out.
Exactly the same happened to me. Fucking useless. That was Saturday and still no response to my return request.
Still require Amiibo 36 - Greninja for a complete set!
Anyone seen it anyplace please?
I want to know what's the fucking deal with Splatton and Colored Yoshi amiibo.
The point still stands... I've NEVER seen a SINGLE Yarn Yoshi Amiibo in stores. Not even the bundle.Individual packs with the game and a single colour are also available, if you're interested in the smaller Amiibo bundle and don't want Green.
Pictures of our local Saturn. Plenty of amiibo to choose from. Picked up Ness.
I also contacted them about a month ago regarding them sending me two amiibos with their packaging bent at a 90-degree angle, so that they'd fit into a cardboard box that was clearly too small for them.
It was nearly two weeks before I heard back from them. I'm stunned that their customer service is so godawful.
On Friday, I ordered a bunch of amiibo on Nintendo's store, but because they were replenishing their stock gradually, I didn't want to wait until everything I wanted was in stock in case I missed out on any.
As a result, I initially placed an order for four amiibo, and then 5-10 minutes later, I placed a new order for those same four, plus a fifth (I couldn't just simply order the last amiibo on it's own, as postage is only free when you spend over a certain amount in one order). I then immediately cancelled my previous order.
Shortly after, I then did the same thing for a sixth amiibo.
Annoyingly, I later received an e-mail telling me that they were unable to process my cancellation requests, despite me requesting each cancellation within a few minutes of placing the order. It said I could return them after receiving them. I've now received two of the orders (one with six amiibo, and one with five; I'm still waiting on the one with four), so as soon as the final one turns up, I have to return them. This is annoying; I hope they reimburse me somehow for posting both of the boxes back, since I requested each cancellation almost immediately, and wouldn't even have had to do so if they simply restocked everything at once. Their current system is incompatible with the free postage policy, because I'd be stupid to order one at a time, and waiting too long in the hope that more that I want are restocked is risky, as then I risk others selling out.
I've got around 50 Amiibo at this point.
So far i have kept them all in their boxes, but they take up SO much space.
I will be moving out of my flat for a new place in a few months and im considering opening them all up for ease of transport. Thoughts on that?
Also, what sort of container would be best for actually transporting them?
I was thinking something like one of these Wahammer citadel cases?
I've got around 50 Amiibo at this point.
So far i have kept them all in their boxes, but they take up SO much space.
I will be moving out of my flat for a new place in a few months and im considering opening them all up for ease of transport. Thoughts on that?
Also, what sort of container would be best for actually transporting them?
I was thinking something like one of these Wahammer citadel cases?
What the hell is that. That price is ridiculous
What the hell is that. That price is ridiculous
The fact that they are doing this gives me more fear that argos asking £9.99 WILL be the RRP for these in the UK
what do the tea leaves say about when Nintendo will put up the next wave on the UK store?
I don't know. What do they say?
what do the tea leaves say about when Nintendo will put up the next wave on the UK store?
Damn it. If only they shipped to Norway - the Robinless country.They haven't really gotten through the last wave yet, mind. Only a few sold out, amiibo like Pit, Ness, Pac-Man, and Robin are still up. It's nuts.
Had a small accident today... link fell from his shelf where he was being displayed :'(
But I managed to fix him with some fast drying glue. Still... disappointed with how easily it broke, only fell around 2m onto carpet!
Me neither. I own every amiibo, and I looooove Animal Crossing, but the cards are too much money and effort to bother with. I wouldn't be able to just own a few of them, and collecting the whole lot will consume my life and my wallet. Thanks but no thanks Nintendo.I'm not even going to start with the cards, nintendo has pushed this too far now
On October 2nd, a special folder will come out that contains slots for all 100 Animal Crossing cards from Series 1. Don't know if there will be folders for Series 2 through 4 but wouldn't be surprised
It's been a long time since Nintendo made something I didn't want, but the Animal Crossing cards are finally the thing I really don't want.
I give it two months after launch before you're here trying to find a Tortimer card to finish your collection![]()
Haha. Same. Fuck these cards. But you try and stop me buying all the actual AC amiibo, and I will fight you.haha. I do have a penchant for blind bag purchases (thank you for ruining me, Forbidden Planet) but these are just waaay too expensive for me to impulse buy. The Animal Crossing Amiibo though? Fuck yeah.
Pffff. Only one version of ROB though.Ooh, the GamesCom display has Mewtwo.
Over £2 a card?!Amazon UK have the Animal Crossing packs at over £6 a pack? lolno