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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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BBC is losing credibility every day with me now...

BBC cameraman's foot run over by Jeremy Corbyn car

This isn't news but it's clearly written to fling dirt on Corbyn. Who cares if it was Corbyn's car? He wasn't driving! Also, they provide video evidence of the guy standing stupidly close the car - he deserves a few broken toes for being an idiot.

But the least surprising thing about this event is that front and centre in these pictures is Laura Kuesenburg. I swear there was a time when BBC was a genuinely neutral news sources but that time seems to have passed. The fact that they listed this under General Election news just proves it.

Sorry but that is news. It actually happened.
It was a police car though, he wasn't even driving it.

It was still his car though, if things happen you cannot expect the media not to report it, this is the crux of the problem with Corbyn and his cult.

Jeremy Corbyn's Car Runs Over Foot of Cameraman is a perfectly valid headline.


It was still his car though, if things happen you cannot expect the media not to report it, this is the crux of the problem with Corbyn and his cult.

Jeremy Corbyn's Car Runs Over Foot of Cameraman is a perfectly valid headline.

Well I'm not in any cult that I'm aware of.
I can see why the headline is slightly off, but I haven't really got a problem with the story to be honest.
Well I'm not in any cult that I'm aware of.
I can see why the headline is slightly off, but I haven't really got a problem with the story to be honest.

I don't think you're a cultist fwiw, I just think that a big part of the problem is the cultist reaction to headlines like this, and particularly Keunsberg, who to my (reasonable, Labour supporting mind) has done extremely little to warrant the shit she gets.


Chili Con Carnage!
Lots of NHS workers are starting to report a malware attack across the network on Twitter, patients being turned away or getting stuck in hospital because records aren't accessible. Probably not election relevant yet but didn't seem thread worthy either.



Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'm going to go blind from all the eye-rolling I automatically engage in every day I cast my eyes at social media. So many desperate hot takes on Corbyn.

"yes you hate Corbyn and yes he might be terrible but... definitely vote him as Prime Minister because... who cares if Labour dies forever for another 20 years because Tories could forever point to 'remember when Jeremy farted so hard he cried on his first day'. Please vote Corbyn, we don't want you to look at us as echo chamber idiots powerless to stop anything for another 5 years!"


I'm part of no cult, I'm not a huge fan of Corbyn but it leads to inflammatory headlines like this: Met Police launch investigation after officer-driven car carrying Jeremy Corbyn hits BBC cameraman (Telegraph)

To the average voter, they just see Corbyn is involved in a "Met Police investigation".

But it even says "officer-driven car" in the headline? How is that inflammatory?

The Fox News headline probably would've been "Jeremy Corbyn is under investigation after sending BBC cameraman to the hospital."


Lots of NHS workers are starting to report a malware attack across the network on Twitter, patients being turned away or getting stuck in hospital because records aren't accessible. Probably not election relevant yet but didn't seem thread worthy either.
I was in hospital at lunchtime and didnt notice anything, so if true it must be fairly new or isolated to certain hospitals.


I don't think you're a cultist fwiw, I just think that a big part of the problem is the cultist reaction to headlines like this, and particularly Keunsberg, who to my (reasonable, Labour supporting mind) has done extremely little to warrant the shit she gets.

If the headline was simply Car carrying Corbyn hits photographer, I wouldn't have said anything at all. Laura I'm iffy about, not bias so much, it's her desire to be part of and almost create stories, not just report them.


Evil stuff.

And as one chemical is identified and banned another is used. I mean if you're doing drugs at least know what the fuck you are taking.

Legal highs in general were Russian Roulette, the Government made things 10 times worse with an election looming by trying to ban them all including Mephedrone which was quite understood and never killed anyone despite the tabloid stories.

The head of the drug advisory committee resigned saying much worse was coming and here we are. One of my mates was completely fucked up by some shit called Ivory Wave thinking it was the same as Mephedrone and took the same amount.

Had a complete psychotic break, the stories of which were plain scary with seeing people in his house who led him to the chemist to get stuff to overdose on. He's never been the same since, and I talked him out of a suicide attempt a few moths later and flushed his mum's pain medication that he had on him down the toilet.

I mean Mephedrone only gained real popularity because of MDMA scarcity, and IMO is way nastier stuff on its own, real headfuckery, and if people are taking something that's an adjunct thats even less well known then, well, more proof that the War on Drugs is only hurting people.


Chili Con Carnage!
I was in hospital at lunchtime and didnt notice anything, so if true it must be fairly new or isolated to certain hospitals.

Trusts in Essex, London, Manchester, Derbyshire, probably more I can't find, all reporting the issue, chances are that relatively few machines are affected but the NHS response will be to shut down as much as possible to prevent any spread, hearing NHS mail is already down as a precaution.

Here you go, on the BBC now http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-39899646

Lego Boss

I mean Mephedrone only gained real popularity because of MDMA scarcity, and IMO is way nastier stuff on its own, real headfuckery, and if people are taking something that's an adjunct thats even less well known then, well, more proof that the War on Drugs is only hurting people.

I didn't know MDMA was rare? I guess the dying of clubland has an influence on that.

For all of the moral panic, it was a realtively clean drug, and all of these niche drugs have, as you say, just pushed drugs further underground and to the margins where no-one (not even those taking it) have a clue what's what any more.

It's difficult now even for a sensible politician to run on 'let's legalise recreatioanal use' because skunk is some fucked up shit now, even if the war on drugs is just pandering to those who have even less of clue than everyone else (drugs are bad mmmmkaaayyyy)


I didn't know MDMA was rare? I guess the dying of clubland has an influence on that.

For all of the moral panic, it was a realtively clean drug, and all of these niche drugs have, as you say, just pushed drugs further underground and to the margins where no-one (not even those taking it) have a clue what's what any more.

It's difficult now even for a sensible politician to run on 'let's legalise recreatioanal use' because skunk is some fucked up shit now, even if the war on drugs is just pandering to those who have even less of clue than everyone else (drugs are bad mmmmkaaayyyy)

It's not any more*, but there was a definite drought period, and Mephedrone you could just outright buy from the internet.

*AFAIK, don't really roll in those circles as much any more.


For all of the moral panic, it was a realtively clean drug, and all of these niche drugs have, as you say, just pushed drugs further underground and to the margins where no-one (not even those taking it) have a clue what's what any more.

It's difficult now even for a sensible politician to run on 'let's legalise recreatioanal use' because skunk is some fucked up shit now, even if the war on drugs is just pandering to those who have even less of clue than everyone else (drugs are bad mmmmkaaayyyy)

It's interesting. I was in Canada earlier this year, Vancouver specifically.

The city is pretty lax on things like Marijuana, moreso than most places in the UK, I'd say. However, alongside the social crisis they're currently trying to tackle with homelessness and drug use, there is a large supply chain of Cocaine entering the B.C. region that is being cut with Fentanyl (for anyone that doesn't know, fucking terrible stuff)

The government/city know they can't do anything about the drug use (legalising/taxing it etc.) because it's too widespread and the supply is out of their control so all across Vancouver (on buses and bus stops), there's adverts funded by the city that just say "KNOW YOUR DEALER" or "LOCAL COCAINE IS BEING CUT WITH FENTANYL" with some horrendous photos of consequences of the drug.

I just found it very interesting that there was these PSAs for drug users that were just looking out for their safety as the city knows there's not much they can do right now.


BBC is losing credibility every day with me now...

BBC cameraman's foot run over by Jeremy Corbyn car

This isn't GE news but it's clearly written to fling dirt on Corbyn. Who cares if it was Corbyn's car? He wasn't driving! Also, they provide video evidence of the guy standing stupidly close the car - he deserves a few broken toes for being an idiot.

But the least surprising thing about this event is that front and centre in these pictures is Laura Kuesenburg. I swear there was a time when BBC was a genuinely neutral news sources but that time seems to have passed. The fact that they listed this under General Election news just proves it.

Not a cult.


Not a cult.

How about just say what you mean instead of a snarky bold text "gotcha" attempt? Watch the video, the guy stands right next to a moving vehicle and he's supposedly a "seasoned BBC Cameraman". Regardless of what photo he was trying to capture, he was acting recklessly and is lucky he wasn't hurt further (and no that wasn't a threat before you try and bolden that text).
Question for you all; After the US and French elections, both of which look like they were the target of foreign intervention looking to influence the outcome, is anyone expecting the same here?

And no, Laura Kuenssberg being a right-wing plant within the establishment media is not a acceptable answer.
I have found this article quite helpful in dealing with my feelings as a European who's lived in the UK for 10 years: [url]https://medium.com/@helenldecruz/fbrightest-and-best-its-time-to-pack-up-and-offer-your-talents-elsewhere-3c00fd8df505

Brightest and best, it is time to cut your losses.
The UK does not value your presence. No matter how much you contribute with your entrepreneurship, your skills, your artistic creativity, your unfailing efforts for the NHS, schools, and higher education, not to mention your net tax contributions, it will never be enough.
We cannot vote, brightest and best, but we can vote with our feet. As an American brightest and best told me (a University of Oxford lecturer), "I'm going back to the States. Trump is just for four years, maybe eight, but Brexit is forever". The UK is having an existential crisis. While it's figuring out what it wants to do, do you want to end up as collateral damage?

There are a couple of Facebook groups of Europeans living in the UK and trying to help each other with getting out of the UK as soon as possible, and I know that's the echo chamber that I chose to get my anecdotal evidence from, but it mirrors my growing resentment towards the UK and the continuous disappointment living here is.

I don't even want to wait and see if the UK commits to letting me keep my rights as an EU citizen. Years of xenophobia and now the uprising of Nostalgia Empire has been too much. I don't trust the UK to be a country that can fare in the 21st century and deal with the realities of globalisation - the UK's efforts in aiding refugees has been laughable, and I really really struggle to see how in the world anyone thinking of themselves as British can think that's something to be proud of.

Unlike the council election, I'm not able to vote in the coming GE, which kind of hit home the realisation that, as a European, there's truly nothing I can do anymore to have an impact on the UK...


Question for you all; After the US and French elections, both of which look like they were the target of foreign intervention looking to influence the outcome, is anyone expecting the same here?

And no, Laura Kuenssberg being a right-wing plant within the establishment media is not a acceptable answer.

Not really as Brexit is a done deal now, the resources required to alter the GE result would be interesting.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I mean Mephedrone only gained real popularity because of MDMA scarcity, and IMO is way nastier stuff on its own, real headfuckery, and if people are taking something that's an adjunct thats even less well known then, well, more proof that the War on Drugs is only hurting people.

The head of the drug advisory committee who resigned was proposing a proper debate and radical shake-up including MDMA. Mephedrone was the gateway to the 'party drug' issue. That's what it was actually designed as, by an Australian I think. Everything got jettisoned because of the looming election and tabloid scare stories.

Don't agree with the headfuckery and nastiness personally, no one I knew got that either. Remember the first time I had it and just got this warm glow go all through me, was awesome. It was a really interesting drug, sort of MDMA crossed with amphetamines. You felt loved up but focussed at the same time. It was just as good for going out as staying in with your mates.

If it got you feeling creative you could also make art, music or even write and you'd focus on it until it was perfection. Saw some very cool stuff created on it.


Cyber attack or damn poor security practises? If it's a cryptolocker type trojan the code must have been executed on mission critical hardware, and the most likely cause of that is user negligence.

A bit of both.

The variant in this attack exploits a vulnerability that was patched by Microsoft in March. This means that there is a failure in process by all the organisations involved to get their systems patched.

Targeted attack for a specific fix + poor security practices = bitcoin for the attacker, and a high profile news story.


Sorry but that is news. It actually happened.
You should know that there's a difference between reporting the news, and giving undue prominence to stories that don't warrant it.

EDIT: For instance:



The first two say in words that Corbyn was the person who ran over the cameraman's foot. That's not 'free press', that's propaganda.



Low income people unfortunately vote less than others, and pledging to increase benefits is a guaranteed loss leader in terms of total votes. You are better off doing that sort of thing when you're in power - no-one is ever getting elected pledging to increase Job Seekers allowance, housing benefit and council tax benefit.
Ah, ok. Well, it's libelous then.

Seems a bit weird that there's a distinction?

If you say something defamatory about someone it's transient. A written publication is more permanent. Different damages and presumably different evidentiary requirements apply to each, I dunno really though I'm not (that kind of) a lawyer.


If you say something defamatory about someone it's transient. A written publication is more permanent. Different damages and presumably different evidentiary requirements apply to each, I dunno really though I'm not (that kind of) a lawyer.

But if the speech has been recorded, would that not then be the same?


I have decision to vote labour reason why the tories are thinking about cutting disabled benefits this is going to deep effort my brother! Anyway knows any local labour groups in Sheffield or Barnsley?
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